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Suggest treatment for severe fatigue,muscle pain and swollen lymphnode Is excessive bowel movement in a one year old child normal? What causes menstruation during mid-cycle? What causes gall bladder polyps? Suggest remedy for accidental inhalation of isopropyl alcohol vapor Is reversal of cervical lordosis at C5-C6 level normal? Suggest treatment for bruise on stomach Suggest treatment for dizziness, nausea followed by unsteady gait What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest remedy for swelling and pain on the wisdom tooth What causes pus and bacteria in urine? What does black stool when on Pradaxa indicate? What causes whitening of the vaginal vault? Suggest treatment for swelling and inflammation while treating large bowel obstruction What does my PSA test report indicate? What causes severe muscle cramps after blood donation? Is reaction to Penicillin the same as Flucloxacillin? Will oral sex with someone with UTI cause cold sore on penis? What causes temporal arteritis in elderly? Suggest treatment for pain in arms, tremors and twitching What causes vaginal bleeding a week after taking I-pill? Is it safe to take Azathioprine and Prednisone when undergoing BCG treatment? Suggest treatment for sharp pain on top of foot Is it safe to take Calcimax and Livogen together? Suggest treatment for chronic constipation Suggest treatment for herpes sores What does my blood test report indicate? What causes depression during pregnancy? What are the risks of STD after protected intercourse? What causes arrhythmia? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes icy cold hands? What causes vertigo, dizziness, heaviness in head and migraine attacks? Suggest treatment for chronic epigastric pain What causes stiffness and swelling in ankles? What do my lab test reports indicate? Do gall bladder problems cause belching? Suggest treatment for prostate cancer What causes feeling of something stuck in throat? What causes tremors in fingers after taking Lithium Carbonate? What causes odd pigmentation on face? What causes night sweats and burning sensation around the neck? Suggest treatment for chest pain and septal infraction Suggest treatment for excessive sweating What does slight itching near vagina during pregnancy indicate? What does the semen analysis report indicate? What does the HIV test result indicate? Can hormones trigger ocular migraines? Suggest treatment for blood in urine What causes persistent pain under foot? Suggest treatment for pain in lower abdomen Does Nitrofurantoin interact with Doxycycline? Suggest treatment for nausea, bloating, distended abdomen and fatigue What does the following chest X ray report indicate? Suggest treatment for sore throat and coughing up of yellow mucus Suggest treatment for enlarged thyroid causing pressure on windpipe Suggest treatment for stomach pain and nausea Suggest treatment for hard, immovable lump below sternum Suggest treatment for itchy and spreading rash on the body What causes low neutrophil count? What does persistent dizziness indicate? Is it safe to masturbate when on antibiotics for epididymis? What does numbness on hands and arms after using workout supplements suggest? What causes sebaceous gland infection? Suggest treatment for TB in child Does Omeprazole interact with Citalopram and Buspirone? Suggest treatment for tuberculosis Suggest treatment for extreme skin sensitivity Suggest treatment for rash on feet and ankles How long does dissolvable stitches take to dissolve after injury? Are there any complication in pregnancy when having same blood group? What causes nerve compression pain after ankle repair surgery? How old is too old for dental implants? Suggest treatment for GERD and excessive burping Suggest treatment for muscle spasm Suggest treatment for papillary thyroid cancer Suggest treatment for streptococcus pneumoniae on nose Suggest treatment for rashes on face and fungal infection What does absence of bleeding after taking misoprostol mean? What are the signs of hearing loss? What are the functions of Bestova 50? Is Metronidazole good for boils? What are the side effects of Amphetamine? What causes symptoms of itching around anus and blood spots on tissue? What does a lump on throat when suffering from GERD indicate? What causes carcinoma in the caecum area? Suggest treatment for vascular dementia What are the side effects of Pepto-Bismol? What causes fluctuation in BP while sitting and lying down? Suggest treatment for distended stomach and urinary incontinence Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on the body What causes elevated triglyceride level? Suggest treatment for cyst on liver, kidney and stomach What causes intermitant explosive disorder? What do cold feet, high heart rate and low body temperature indicate? Suggest treatment for painful thighs Suggest treatment for deep vein thrombosis Suggest treatment for scrotal fixation in the management of low undescended testes Can we give Orofer xt syrup 5 ml to baby? What causes bleeding from penis? What are the side effects of Methocarbamol? Suggest remedy for nausea, stomach flu, pain under the breast bone How long does the withdrawal symptom remain after abruptly stopping Tramadol? Suggest treatment for dry cough, fever and congestion in the sinuses What are the side effects of Flotral? What does noisy breath and pain while swallowing saliva indicate? Is it possible to restart lactation? Suggest treatment for pressure in chest area and coughing spells Suggest treatment for cystic acne What causes re-occurrence of breast tumours? What causes crashing fatigue and hair loss during menopause? Does gum infection cause rapid heart rate? Is it safe to take Amitriptyline for neuropathic pain? Suggest treatment for upper respiratory tract infection What causes vaginal dryness and discomfort on intercourse during menopause? What causes diverticular disease in elderly? What causes nocturnal emission in young adults? Suggest treatment for dry itchy skin in pubic area What are the symptoms of ascites? What causes recurrence of lesions in head of pancreas? Suggest right medications for hair loss It is possible to get pregnant while taking Krimson 35? What causes numbness in the legs and feet? What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? What causes elevated ast and alt levels in blood? Suggest treatment for urinary retention Is it safe to combine Buspirone and alcohol? Can pre-ejaculate cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for neuropathic pain in feet What are the symptoms of shingles? What does the echo report indicate? Is it safe to take 5mg Folic acid for a woman trying to conceive? What causes fever and recurring cough in children? What are the side effects of Altris? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes pustular acne before menses? What causes gagging and throat tightness? What are the side effects of Warfarin? Suggest remedy for dry mouth during pregnancy Suggest treatment for persistent cough, sore throat and swollen glands What do the following ultrasound reports suggest? Suggest remedy for rash on calf after insect bite Suggest remedy for bitter taste in mouth Suggest remedy for pain in side after colonoscopy What do dizziness and shaking when suffering from spinal stenosis indicate? Suggest treatment for sudden onset of dizziness Suggest ideal dosage of Metoprolol, lipitor, Omeprazole and Montelukast Is a fasting blood sugar level of 85 normal? What causes difficulty in initiating sleep? Suggest treatment for rash on lower legs How do Amphetamine stimulants work to reduce ADHD symptoms? What do itching and blood shot eyes with high BP indicate? What causes a dry skin and its very easy to bleed in ears? Suggest treatment for downward displacement of tongue in an infant What causes pain in left shoulder, hip and buttocks? Suggest treatment for itchy fungal infection on penis What do red colored urine with severe and radiating abdominal pain indicate? Does brownish stain at burnt site on thigh indicate infection? What does an increase in platelet count when on Hydrea suggest? What causes mid cycle spotting? What causes antibiotic resistant infection? What are the symptoms of acid reflux disease? Suggest treatment for post nasal drip and mucus discharge How effective is Fertisure M tablets in increasing sperm count? What do fluctuations in BP when on Perindopril indicate? Is Medroxyprogesterone advisable when on Clomiphene citrate? What do dizziness, light-headedness and constant need to sleep indicate? What does persistent stomach pain on stopping of Prisolac indicate? Is Dextroamphetamine same as Dex.CR capsule? Suggest treatment for osteoarthritis of hip joint Suggest treatment for diarrhoea along with nausea Suggest remedy for high liver and cholesterol levels What are the side effects of narcotic drugs? What causes a small, painful lump near hip? Suggest treatment for pimple on the tip of penis What does persistent white bumps on the corner of mouth indicate? How effective is Mintop in treatment of hair fall? Suggest treatment for painful mouth ulcer What causes low white blood cell count in children? What are the symptoms of chlamydia infection? What causes sarcoidosis of gallbladder? What are the side effects of Metronidazole? Suggest treatment for bone marrow cancer What causes swollen upper lip? Suggest treatment for rashes under eyes What causes anal pain? What are the symptoms of migraine? What causes fever and lower back pain during pregnancy? What are the side effects of Colicaid? Does Percocet show up same as Norco on a urine screen? Suggest treatment for scabies infection Suggest treatment for insect bite rashes Suggest treatment for aphthous ulcers of the tongue Suggest treatment for viral infection of the digestive tract What are the symptoms of Vit B12 deficiency? How long does Norco show up in a blood test? Suggest treatment for sore throat,cough,chills and fever Suggest treatment for dark discolouration of the eyelids What causes muscle weakness and numbness while suffering from viral fever? Suggest treatment for loose motion and vomiting
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