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What causes abdominal pain post abdominal hysterectomy? What causes pulsatile tinnitus? Can Lisinopril be taken after alcohol consumption? What causes pain in the arm upon waking up? Is TSH level of 6.31 a cause for concern? Suggest dosage for vitamin D3 supplement for an infant What does this lab report indicate? Suggest dosage for Tramadol while having tooth pain What causes dizziness, nausea, headaches and fatigue while on Liothyronine, Levothyroxine and Iodine? Suggest treatment for recurring gallstones Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the shin after injury Suggest treatment for cough and cold after an angioplasty Suggest treatment for persistent pain in the shoulder What causes decreased urinary output? What are the repercussion of taking Luprofact injection during ovulation? How to remove foreign object stuck in the eye? What causes fever, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing? What causes red spots on the extremities while on Aspirin post knee replacement? What causes sore throat, cough and hoarseness in the voice? What causes dry, flaky and itchy scalp? Can Trenaxa MF stop menstrual bleeding? How long does Dexamethasone take to show effect while suffering from stye infection? Suggest remedies for tooth ache What causes penile vein thrombosis after masturbation? What causes constant body aches? What causes pain in the sole of the foot? Suggest treatment for food poisoning, body aches, vomiting, cold, chills and diarrhea Can Methotrexate be used to treat an ectopic pregnancy? What causes white spots at the back of the throat? What causes a red bump on the tongue? Suggest treatment for cut on the finger Does Methylphenidate interact with Glipizide, Lantus, Buspirone, Trazodone, Lorazepam and Remeron? Does Clindamycin interact with Tretinoin and Sulfamethoxazole? What causes episodes of involuntary movements in the arms and legs? Can Nexium be taken for acid reflux? Does Cymbalta interact with Trintellix, Tramadol and Triazolam? What causes lack of appetite and excessive intestinal gas? What causes a lump on the cheek after a fall? Does Spironolactone interact with Pristiq? What causes constant warm feeling around the rectum? What causes nausea and early satiety when diagnosed with prostatitis? Can Metoprolol Succinate cause erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment for vitiligo spots on the forehead What causes sudden onset of double vision and dizziness? What causes groin pain, unexplained weight loss, irritability, night sweats and mood swings? What causes dark spots on the head of the penis? What causes delayed menstruation, lower abdominal pain and intermittent nausea? How much daily exercise is recommended for weight loss while having heart disease? What causes pain in the neck radiating to the hand? What causes chronic pain in the abdomen while having GERD? How long does Fentanyl transdermal patch take to show effect? Is masturbation after embryo transfer harmful? What causes persistent vaginal spotting? Suggest treatment for redness on the lips Can testosterone supplements be taken while on Keppra XR and Lamictal? What causes a red bump on the penis? What causes high fever, headache, body aches and neck pain? What causes recurrent hemorrhages after a tonsillectomy in a child? What causes chills, mild shivering and difficulty in breathing in a child? Suggest treatment for severe gastritis post coronary angioplasty What causes colicky pain in the lower abdomen in a child? What causes headache, nausea and dizziness after head injury? Suggest treatment for headache post injury How to check if hymen is intact? What causes drooling while sleeping? What causes severe leg pain post injury despite a normal x-ray report? What causes weight loss while travelling in Europe? Does Wellbutrin have any effect on testosterone levels? How can dry skin between thighs be treated? What causes nose bleeding after cleaning my sinuses? How can dry skin between thighs be treated? Suggest treatment for persistent sore throat What do these HbA1C level, lipid profile and urine report indicate? Does Azithromycin help in treating folliculitis? Suggest treatment for an allergic reaction to silver metal What causes throat issues during winter? Suggest treatment for scalp psoriasis Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of double dosage of Cephalexin What does this semen analysis report indicate? What does this urine test report during pregnancy indicate? What causes vomiting at night? What causes a painful bump at the site of injury on the head? What causes swelling in the legs? What causes pain in the legs and tingling sensation in the hand? What causes vomiting and diarrhea post a C-section surgery? Does Isotretinoin stunt growth in a child? How long does Valium stay in the body? What causes anxiety and panic attacks when diagnosed with Parkinson's disease? Suggest treatment for chronic nasal infection while having deviated nasal septum What does this chest CT scan report indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking a contraceptive pill? What is the window period for a HIV test? Is negative ELISA HIV test 7 days after sexual encounter conclusive? Can HIV be contracted through protected sex? Suggest alternative medication in place of Benadryl while suffering from benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms Does Brisdelle interact with Lexapro, Ativan and Tramadol? What causes pain and weakness in the left arm? What causes a lump on the scalp? What are the repercussions of accidental double dosage of Amoxicillan? What does this blood report indicate? What causes vomiting after using Fentanyl patches? What causes missed period despite a negative UPT? Suggest remedies for pain under the breast post injury What causes nausea and hot flashes post alcohol withdrawal? Suggest medication for constant pain in the hand What causes pain and bloating in the abdomen? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of a small plastic piece? What does this thyroid test report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for kidney stones What does this thyroid test report indicate? Suggest treatment for behavioral problems while having dementia Suggest treatment for hives on the body What does this ECG report indicate? What causes recurrent pain in the knee? What causes circular indentations on the wrists? What causes weakness in the legs while on blood thinners? What causes sore throat, coughing up of grey phlegm and fever? What does this contrast CT scan of the chest and neck indicate? What causes a painful red welt on the leg? What causes shoulder pain radiating down the arm? Suggest treatment for pain in the shoulder while having scoliosis Suggest treatment for right sided pain in children What causes extreme fatigue, fast heart beat and chest discomfort? Can Allopurinol be taken for acute gout? What causes a rash under the breast? What causes sore throat, nasal congestion and severe cough? What causes unequal size of testis? Suggest treatment for constipation and shortness of breath What causes severe irritation in the eye? What causes tiredness, headache and weakness? What is the lethal dose of alcohol? Can Sudafed be taken along with a blood thinner? What causes tremors and itching throughout the body? What causes dull pain in the right testicle? What does this urine culture report indicate? What do these HIV test reports indicate? What causes white coating on the tongue and loss of appetite? What causes acute pain and tightness in the chest? Does alcohol intake lead to erection problems? What causes white vaginal discharge after cervical cerclage? What causes inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse? What does this blood report indicate? Can intramuscular injection be taken orally? Suggest treatment for severe constipation What causes bad vaginal odor? Are freckles under the eyes indicative of any vitamin deficiency? Is exercising safe a month or so after gall bladder surgery? Suggest treatment for coughing up of green colored mucus in children Suggest treatment for chronic pain causing sleeplessness Does OPC90 interact with Lisinopril? What causes headache followed by pain in the jaws and shoulders? What causes lower jaw quivering? Is pregnancy possible despite taking an I-pill? What causes burning sensation in the thigh? Is fasting blood sugar level of 300 a cause for concern? What causes upper abdominal pain along with heart burn and acid reflux? What causes pain in the penis during an erection? What do these lab reports for hypogonadism indicate? What causes retrograde ejaculation? Suggest treatment for vitiligo on the forehead What causes swelling on the left side of the tongue? What causes small red spots with scaly skin around the neck and on the face? What causes poor weight gain in an infant? How can a small bump on the inner thigh be treated? What causes a painful bruise on the abdomen after injury? Suggest treatment for scaly skin patches on the scalp What causes a lump on the testicle? Does MTP kit contain sulfa? Does Botox injection help in treating trigeminal neuralgia? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Can juniper berry tea be taken when diagnosed with kidney disease? Can Prednisone be taken while having melanoma? Can Xanax cause memory loss? Can Penicillin be taken for a cut on the penis? What causes tightness in the chest after a small meal? What causes vaginal bleeding when diagnosed with fibroids? What causes the urge to urinate and gassy stomach? Suggest treatment for breathing difficulty in an asthma patient What causes abdominal pain along with green stool? Suggest safe skin whitening pills to improve complexion What does this anamoly scan report indicate? Can green tea be taken when diagnosed with low GFR levels? What do increased fetal movements during last trimester indicate? Suggest treatment for ocular melanoma What causes severe soreness in the breast? How to determine the paternity of the fetus? What does this blood report indicate? What causes excessive sleepiness in an infant? What causes persistent chest discomfort and heart palpitations? What causes cold, jaw pain, low grade fever and throat pain? What causes elevated PSA levels? What causes tiredness and fatigue? How can a cyst below the tonsil be treated? Suggest an effective alternative for Clorazepate What causes a painful bump on the forehead? What causes weakness and tingling sensation in the legs? Can amino supplements be taken along with Depakote and Lamictal? Suggest treatment for jaundice in a newborn baby Suggest treatment for symptoms of gastritis
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