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What does 'tipped' colon mean? What is the cause and treatment for psychogenic erection dysfunction? What does "palpable abnormality corresponds to a nonspecific hypoechoic "mean? Is taking mukthavatika and medhavakita the right method for my hypertension? What causes sudden runny nose after Novacaine shots in mouth? Could a botched injection cause synovitis? What causes granulation tissue on the vaginal cuff? Does a uterus fibroid cause complications in conception? Should i stop my yoga and light exercise classes for trying to get pregnant? Is there anything such as transient rbbb? What does early diastolic notching means? Suggest treatment for infertility Why is HCG,Lupigest,Duphaston,Reform,Folion and Thyroxine prescribed during pregncny? What can you tell me about Left Branch Bundle Block? Suggest treatment for throat infection inspite of having previously an ear infection What does itchy rash on chest,stomach,neck and legs indicate? What is the treatment for stones in kidney? Could movement feeling issues when I turn my head be due to Labyrinthipltis? What is the treatment for soft spot caused by an injury? Is Ketoconazole safe and as effetive as Nizrole? Suggest treatment for increased cheesy odorless vaginal discharge and itching What is the cause and treatment for psychogenic erection dysfunction? What causes excessive growth of body hair? What causes itching,welts and swellings in ankles after hot bath? Suggest alternative brands of Atacand for high blood pressure What causes delayed periods? Why is nothing visible on ultrasound during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What causes sudden swollen itchy feet and ankles covered in welts? What causes Enlarged lymph node in left groin area and terrible pain down right leg ? What causes severe neck pain inspite of suffering from Pulmonary Artery Hypertension? Suggest medicines for cold, fever and pain while swallowing How to avoid unwanted pregnancy after having unprotected sex? What does "SGOT-83,SGPT 147 and GGTP-110" indciate? What does "however the mucosa" in a colonoscopy mean? What is the treatment for frequent motions caused after having rasoli operation and removed uterus? Is it mandatory to have stitches when pressure comes on the part of delivery point? What causes absence of periods after a medical abortion? What causes false positive Methamphetimines in a drug test? What causes white discharge from penis daily? What causes dry mouth? How to avoid Cocaine withdrawl symptoms? Can i take Citalopram after having cocaine? What causes mouth ulcers? Suggest treatment for cyst on neck and polpys in throat Is taking I pill after 6 hours of unprotected sex effective? I have severe pain between belly button and sternum Should i be concerned about slight elevation of platelets and liver enzymes? Can I take Becosule Z for mouth ulcers? What would be the unusual long length of time for constipation? What causes nasal blockade along with headache? What causes high viscosity and does that affect motility? Suggest treatment for sever cold and blocked nose Could loose endo clips in abdominal cavity be the cause for chronic pain? What are the causes for erectile dysfunction? Treatment for gastritis Suggest treatment for itching and rashes under the breast Is viral pneumonia contagious?? Suggest treatment for stomach irritation due to a stomach bug Why is susten SR prescribed for irregular period? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in the groin region Should i be concerned about blood blisters on upper arm, sides of thigh and buttock? What causes body chills and sweats when on Prednisone for eczema? Sugegst treatment for leg pain caused by an injury Can lovenix usage be the cause for loose stools? Is sever back pain associated with NHL? Is it normal to have metallic or mucosy taste in my mouth after doing rigorous work outs? What is the posibility of contracting HIV by using electric trimmer that caused a scar on my neck? What causes sudden pass out inspite of having a history of heart valve murmur? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes recurrent hernia inspite of having Abdominal Hernia Procedure? Is PHGH supplement safe to take? What does parasite on scalp,back,arms,legs,feet,face and toenails? What causes missing period and pregnancy symptoms inspite of negative pregnancy test? What causes hoarseness of voice? Is fibroid removal safe and can it lead to infertility? Suggest treatment for leshion after shaving? Suggest treatment for constipation How to get rid of basal cell carcinoma on face? My ears are bleeding after using crystal meth Suggest treatment for dry mouth and loss in taste sense after taking Ciplactin and Decdan What causes less sweating? What are the signs of depression ? What does these Uterus study results indicate after using Progynova and siphene? Suggest treatment for continous fever, running nose, body ache and occassional headache Suggest an alternative of Atacand-16 to control BP Suggest treatment for tonsilitis Should I continue taking Geoflox inspite of these urine culture reports? What is the structural and functional consequences of osteoporosis? What causes glandular fever? How does Alendronate and Fosamax work? What is the cause and treatment for persistent headaches? What does increased ALT and AST levels indicate? What does a lump in the back throat indicate? Does negative RNA and antibodie test confirm negative HIV? Suggest treatment for hallucinations What does lower abdominal pain along with fever indicate? Suggest treatment for reccurence of depression and anxiety Suggest treatment for thmb pain due to lumps on bilateral forearm Will discontinuation of Prometrium result in a spontaneous abortion? What causes pain in the middle of the stomach? Will food coming out of nose cause problem in future? Is contrast dye 'Loversol' used in cardiac CT scan,safe? Is contrast dye 'Loversol' used in cardiac CT scan,safe? Suggest treatment to increase Vitamin D level What causes high level of uric acid and fatty liver? What causes swelling behind left ear and down the neck? How to avoid stroke in future? Suggest treatment for cold and loss of taste sense What causes severe abdominal pain when suffering from hernia and ascites? Suggest treatment for lack of sexual desire Does two positive pregnancy tests confirm pregnancy for sure? Can Imodium be taken for diarrhea? What causes disorientation and dizziness when suffering from temporal lobe seizures? Is there a way to lower your C02 level? What does blood in urine indicate? What is wisdom tooth? What causes difficulty conceiving? How serious is 25 percent triple blockage in a corony artery deisese? How to calculate BMI? What does trauma accompanied by headaches and vomiting indicate? Is Siphene a good alternative of Clomide tablet for infertility treatment? What is the cause and treatment for tricuspid regurgitation? Suggest antidepressant that doesnt cause impotence What does a bump inside the throat indicate? What causes involuntary contractions of eyelids? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation What causes burning sensation through the entire body with pulse of 103? Can 4 grams of Niacin taken at bedtime cause sore eyes? Is it safe to use Lyrica for experiencing pain due to spinal cord injury? What causes nausea, drowsiness,vomiting and no appetite inspite of taking Dupastone during pregnancy? Suggest medication for sore throat, back pain and sensitive to medicines What causes tingling around the mouth and tremor on chin? Suggest medicines for back pain Suggest treatment for red bumps on legs,hands and back caused by waxing What causes missing periods inspite of no intercourse? Can mountain biking cause Peyronie's disease? What are the treatment procedures for Parkinson disease and aspiration pneumonia with pulmonary edema in old aged person? Sugegst treatment for congenital cervical spinal stenosis What causes left sided headaches? What is the treatment for head pressure weakness inspite of getting treated at the best neurology centres? Is vertigo heretical? What is the cause and treatment for muscle spasms? Can endo clips stuck in the abdominal cavity cause pain? What causes an enlarged spleen inspite of no mono or malaria? Can Xanax intake during pregnancy lead to complication in fetus? What are the causes for Vertigo inspite of having a carbon monoxide leak? What are the causes for Herpes infection inspite of no sexual contact? Can NSAID be taken daily to prevent shoulder inflammation due to arthritis? What should be minimum daily intake of calcium and Vit-B12? Could a free floating migrated endo clip be the cause for Stabbing pain near spleen and nerve pain? Suggest treatment for fungal infection on foot What causes leftsided headaches with eye pain and tooth pain? How should Dronis be taken? Can regularly drinking alcohol affect DVLA medical testing? Should i discontinue taking Lamictal inspite of having hives? Suggest treatment for skin burn on feet What should be the TSH level during pregnancy? Should i be concerned about sudden black out inspite of normal tests? Should i be concerned about black spot on my scrotum? Can food poisoning lead to irritable bowel syndrome? How is rheumatoid arthritis detected? What causes diarrhea even after stopping Novamox? What are Pathophysiological processess that occurs in osteoporosis in the aging person? How does smoking contribute to the development of osteoporosis? What causes dehydration,constipation,body ache and cysts in breast? Could slightly inflamed sticky scrotum be due to yeast infection? What causes acute pain over the hip bone? I have invisible painful and itching lump near my anus Are mosquito repellents safe for infants? What is the cause and treatment for erectile dysfunction? What are the chances of getting pregnant with these follicular study results? Is using Otomize ear spray safe during pregnancy? Can stress headache and blurred vision be symptoms of migraine? What do swollen glands in neck and under the arm indicate? What causes darkness below my fingernails? What causes heart flutter to on and off? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in knees I had 5 failed IUI procedures inspite of having endometrium thickness issue Can delayed menstruation be symptom of pregnancy? Can Sciatica cause swelling or inflammation in the knee? What causes high protein in urine? What does a red and itchy ring around the anus indicate? What causes spotting during pregnancy? Should i be concerned about lactic acidosis? What causes leg cramps at night? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection and vaginal infection What does these blood tests indicate? What does a thin black line on a toddlers cheek indicate? Suggest remedies for hard up area around the stitches Does Gabapentin intake cause lethargy,fatigue and excessive sleep? Am i pregnant inspite of having bleeding after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for foot injury in a baby What is the treatment for strep in the bloodstream? I have a fleshy growth on my thigh with no pain and itchiness How should Mifepristone tablet be taken? Should i be concerned about sudden bleeding after 2 years caused by implantation? Can bleeding nose be a cause of rat bite or anti rabies vaccine? Can blood testing procedures lead to HIV? Suggesr treatment for abdominal pain after appendix removal
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