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What does a GGT level of 103 indicate? What does the ultrasound report after medical termination of pregnancy suggest? Can Ramipril, Aspirin, Omeprazole and Atorvastatin cause loss of sensation in foot? What causes redness and soreness in between buttocks? What causes rashes on face and neck with swelling? Suggest treatment for infected ingrown hair in pubic area What does white vaginal discharge after periods indicate? What are the side effects of Eltroxin? Suggest treatment for sinus infection What does breathlessness when on Amiodarone indicate? What causes herniated disk in the lower back? What does white lines on the tonsils indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent polyps What causes white lines on tonsils? Suggest remedy for pain due to stent blockage How long after exposure should a cervical culture for chlamydia and gonorrhea be done? Suggest treatment for urticaria and hives Do symptoms of bacterial vaginosis get worse while taking antibiotics for it? What causes throbbing ear pain and blocked nose? Is emergency contraceptive pills advisable when on birth control pills? Suggest ways to wean off Advair What causes black colored stool, lack of appetite and weakness? Suggest treatment for fever and multiple fractures in knee Suggest remedy for sharp pain between eyes and ears Which medication interferes with Synthroid? What does delayed periods, hot flashes, weight gain and night sweats indicate? Will the pregnancy test show positive when on HCG shots for weight loss? Can Piriton syrup be taken while taking Aceclofenac? Will ALT and AST levels decrease after quitting drinking? Suggest treatment for depression and PTSD How is Cytotec taken for termination of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for anxiety and negative thoughts in a person What causes discomfort in anal area when sexually aroused? What causes pain just below ribs post injury? How much protein does an elderly female require? What causes severe back pain in a person with high BP? What causes rash on chest, abdomen and back area? What causes dryness of eyes post Minoxidil usage? What causes heart palpitations when i lay down? What causes intermenstrual bleeding? What causes vomiting inspite of being on water fasting? What causes headaches and neck pain along with sweet smell to urine? How to manage acrophobia? Suggest tests to confirm whether the small lump in aerola is cancerous or not What causes elevated beta and gamma globulins What causes pain in groin area with normal X-ray and CT scan post injury? Suggest home remedies for migraine What are the chances of oral herpes transmission through shared drink bottles? What does this lipid profile test and LFT indicate? Suggest treatment for headache, chills and body pains What causes sudden bouts of headaches along with discomfort back and neck muscles? Is it normal to have vaginal bleeding after having contraceptive pill? What causes change in the colour of urine? What causes high fever while suffering from jaundice? Does helicopters have stabilization equipment to stabilize a patient? What causes delayed period with negative UPT? What causes heaviness and difficulty in movement while moving the wrist? Suggest treatment for sore throat and cough What causes numbness in feet and discomfort in left arm? Suggest tests to confirm whether a scar tissue is caught between the nerve Can calcium and vitamin D3 react with certain prescription drugs? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Amisulpiride? Suggest treatment for motion sickness What causes high body temperature post hysterectomy? What causes cold sweats along with tiredness and dizziness? Suggest remedy for chronic constipation when on Oxycontin Is Lyrica the right medicine for pain in hands and feet? What causes large purple spot on leg? Suggest remedy for diarrhea, chest pain and racing pulse after eating stale nuts What causes pain in testicle relieved with masturbation? Does Lovenox have an effect on the INR value? What causes small bumps on right thumb? Suggest treatment for lump in the perineum area What causes blood in urine in infants? What are the chances of HIV transmission through oral sex? Are high fever, oral thrush and frequent urination indicative of HIV? What causes muscle contraction in upper trapezius after neck surgery? What causes drooling out of right corner of mouth? Suggest treatment for hiatal hernia Suggest medications for urinary incontinence What causes intermittent chest pain and discomfort in right shoulder? What causes elevated SGPT levels? What is the dosage of Sotalol in adult patients with normal renal function? What causes soreness in right side of abdominal area? What causes swelling over temporal region? What are toluene exposure symptoms? Suggest treatment for anxiety Can you use Doxycycline if allergic to Penicillin? Does Peritol cause weight gain? What is the difference between Xanax XR and regular Xanax? Does Lorazepam make u gain weight? What causes cold sensation all over body with normal thyroid levels? How long does Lortab stay in the blood stream? What causes swollen testicles? What causes bleeding testicles? What does this MRI report indicate? Is it necessary to have yellow fever vaccine while travelling in Tanzania? Suggest treatment for gall bladder stones What causes acoustic neuroma? What causes implantation bleeding? What causes nerve compression post cervical spine surgery? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, heart palpitations and chest pain When to take medication to postpone menstruation? Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? What causes sharp pain in the chest while breathing? What causes white particle discharge along with urine? What are the consequences of taking 1900mg of Zoloft and 450mg of Mirtazapine? What causes persistent irritation in throat after treating a cold? What causes pain and discomfort during urination? Suggest ways to remove fibroids Is it safe to take Mifeprex during pregnancy? Is it safe to use Mifprex without doctor consultation? What causes low lymphocyte counts while suffering from breast cancer? Suggest ways to mask Methamphetamine in system in a urinalysis test Suggest treatment for weakness in muscles Suggest treatment for neuropathic pain What is exophytic liver metastases? What causes severe pain in throat along with dry cough? Suggest treatment for small vessel disease Suggest treatment for shut eyes due to swelling from a sinus infection Will Humira or Orencia help better to treat rheumatoid arthritis? Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis What causes upper left back, shoulder and left arm pain? What causes yellowish bumps in on forskin of penis? What causes low haemoglobin after angioplasty? Suggest treatment for rashes on buttocks What causes high fasting blood sugar levels in the morning? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? What does my CT scan report indicate? What does my lipid profile report indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic esophageal reflux What does my liver test report indicate? What does the lipid profile result indicate? What are the side effects of Oramorph? Can Mirena IUD cause constipation? For how long should isolation be maintained when suffering from whooping cough? Is nausea and lack of appetite normal after stopping Prilosec? What causes dulled hearing and clogged ears? What should be done when having vitamin D deficiency? Suggest treatment for iron deficiency amemia What causes chronic pain in the upper neck, back of the head and behind the eyes? What does fatigue and a resting heart rate of 44-53 indicate? What does brown spotting after periods suggest? Suggest treatment for penis injury due to heavy masturbation Suggest remedy for pain on the lower ribs Suggest remedy for itching in the urethra and pain during urination What causes blackouts? Suggest remedy for drowsiness and inability to sleep What are the side effects of taking two Meftal-Spas tablets? What causes nonischemic cardiomyopathy? Suggest treatment for swollen mass below tongue Will the application of Metronidazole vaginal gel cause vaginal bleeding? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Promazine? What does the spine MRI result indicate? What causes HIV? What causes persistent mucus in stool? What does frequent urination when on Mucinex Dm indicate? Suggest treatment for inflammation of the end of the penis Is a negative Clearview HIV 1/HIV 2 antibody test result conclusive at 6 months? Suggest treatment for back pain after chiropractic sessions for a herniated disk What causes epigastric pain? What causes seizures? Suggest treatment for glaucoma What causes pressure in throat several years after removing double-nodular goiter? Suggest treatment for postural orthostatic tachycardia What causes a cyst in the lower part of ribs? Can HIV be contracted through protected sexual intercourse? Suggest treatment for cerebral palsy Are weight loss, rage, shaky hands and paranoid behaviour signs of cocaine abuse? What causes constipation, extreme fatigue, dry hair and extremely dry skin? What does redness and bleeding from the penile foreskin indicate? What causes visible pulse at base of neck? Suggest treatment for symptoms of dysmenorrhoea What causes lower abdominal pain? What does a whooshing sensation while standing up or bending down indicate? Can cocaine be transmitted through sexual intercourse? What causes abdominal pain in an adult male? What does facial drooping and imbalance indicate? What are the symptoms of melanoma? Suggest remedy for lower back pain after spinal fusion What are the signs and symptoms of breast lumps? Can HIV be contracted through contact of semen on open wound? What causes constant headache along with dizziness? Suggest treatment for viral infection of the respiratory tract What causes lower left abdominal pain, dizziness and blurred vision? Suggest treatment for infectious diarrhea What causes itchy bumps in anal region? What causes sore throat after an oral sex? What causes allergic rash after a lot of sex? What causes severe headaches, increase in eye power and imbalanced gait? What are the repercussions of accidental early ingestion of Augmentin? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What causes mucus defecation and constant urge to defecate while treating IBS? What causes mucus defecation and constant urge to defecate while treating IBS? Suggest dosage for Klonopin What does my thyroid profile test report indicate? Suggest treatment to completely cure sinusitis Suggest ways to manage Zolfresh withdrawal symptoms
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