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What causes trichomonas? what causes rashes on the posterior side of my right thigh? What causes discomfort sensation in ears along with ear bleeding? Suggest treatment for continuous excessive tiredness and drowsiness Can ovarian cysts cause irregular menstruation? What causes reddish rash over an old scar? What causes lack of ejaculation for long duration? What causes pain in neck radiating to head? Suggest treatment for swelling and redness on ear post piercing What causes spotting along with sore breasts after having period? What causes pain in groin area? Are two small marks on inner thighs indicative of herpes? What causes general tiredness and burning sensation? Suggest remedy for bleeding haemorrhoid and penile discharge Is Bupropion effective in adult ADD and ADHD? What is borderline personality disorder? What causes a tingling and itchy sensation on arms and legs? What causes sharp shooting pain in the middle of my penis? What are the symptoms of chlamydia infection? What causes bleeding during 5th week of pregnancy? What causes raised black spots on base of penis? What does my thyroid test report indicate? What causes CBC test result indicate? Does bubbles in urine mean kidney disease? Suggest treatment for grade two acne vulgaris Suggest treatment for subcutaneous Lump on palmar side of hand Suggest treatment for thorn injury on palm How important is intake of thyroid hormone replacement after removing thyroid? Is AKT2 intake followed by AKT4 the right treatment procedure for TB? Can asbestos cause metastatic cholangiocarcinoma? What causes bump on the outside of eye socket? Can a creatinine level of 1.09 be considered normal? What does my thyroid report indicate? Are pills more effective than chemotherapy? What causes arm pain every night long after treating broken humerus bone? Do bubbles in urine indicate urinary infection? What causes chest pain while treating respiratory infection? Suggest treatment for itchy infestation of demodex What does my blood test report indicate? What causes skin irritation after using a hair removal cream on my chest? What causes stinging pain in vagina before urination and blood in urine? Suggest treatment for chest congestion, cold in a diabetic Suggest treatment for chronic cough and allergy Does taking Warfarin interact with a number of traditional medications and herbs? What causes random sharp and aching pains all over abdomen? What causes rapidly fluctuating blood pressure? Suggest treatment for chest congestion What causes pain in the right side arm after removal of cancerous lung? What causes pain from ribs to hips and burning sensation on skin? Does increased heart rate and sweating indicate heart attack? What causes spotting during 5 weeks of pregnancy with history of miscarriages? What causes frequent urination and cloudy urine? Suggest remedy for diarrhea, nausea and vomiting when on Linzess What causes pain on left side along with difficulty walking and swollen knee? Suggest treatment for chest infection and bronchitis What causes yellow and red bumps in tongue? What causes pain in lower abdomen in first trimester of pregnancy? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking unwanted 72? What causes rectal bleeding after falling from stairs? What causes pain in sternum, below rib cage and back? What causes constant coughing and spitting in condition like bronchitis? What does right lower back pain inspite of being on treatment for UTI indicate? What does this thyroid ultrasound indicate? What causes pper respiratory mucus secrection and a cough after taking Enalpril? Suggest antibiotics with less side effects for stye What does this urine test result inspite of being on treatment for UTI inidcate? How long does stye take to cure inspite of being on Polysporin? Is it advisable to stop Plavix after a year of suffering from heart attack? What causes irritation and dryness in throat? What does fasting blood sugar level of 115 indicate? What is hydrocephalus? What is skit ventricle syndrome? What causes bubbles in urine? What causes rash along with vomiting and fever in children? What causes lump between nose and eye medial? What causes increase in thyroid antibodies in my thyroid test report? What causes redness and swelling in left ear lobe along with tenderness? Suggest remedy for swollen eyes when on Polysporin Stye eye drops Is touching an area contaminated by cat saliva a serious cause for concern? What is the difference in BP reading taken while lying down and sitting? What does this lumbar MRI report indicate? Does cereal consumption increase the chance of kidney stone? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol levels What are the chances for STD after oral sexual activity? What causes elevated neutrophil count? What causes blood in stools? Is a negative 4th generation HIV combo test conclusive? What causes retraction of foreskin over glans penis during intercourse? What causes high ESR levels? What causes pressure in testicle during ejaculation while masturbating? What causes swollen elbow and dry cough after having unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for difficulty in urination and blood in urine What do these ECG and CT angiography test reports indicate? What causes weird sensations in throat while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis? Is it safe to have Ovacare forte during periods? Does Evion, Lycopene and Omega 3 Capsules increase the sperm count? Suggest treatment for autoimmune disease along with fatty liver What causes vomiting of mucus along with chest pain? Suggest ways to introduce child to solid foods How long should Sazo, Osicare Plus and Crocin be taken by a diabetic patient? What causes frequent urination and lower back pain? Suggest treatment for stomach ulcers What causes pain in back at one particular spot? Suggest treatment for strep, pseudomonas aeruginosa and growth of anaerobes What causes empty gestational sac and bleeding at 4.4 weeks pregnancy? Is a lump on back of ear after injury a cause of concern? What causes unexplained bruise in children? Suggest treatment for umbelliical hernia What do these blood and urine test results indicate? Does Botox injection help to treat writers cramp? Suggest treatment for tightness and pain in calf and thigh muscles Suggest remedy for ear aches and presence of fluid What causes blurred vision and dizziness? What causes abnormal period with history of pituitary tumor removal? Can Vyanase cause vaginal yeast infections in women? Suggest dosage of Zentel for stomach worms Suggest treatment for cholangiocarcinoma Suggest treatment for sore throat, hoarse voice and sneezing What causes dilation of pelvicalyceal system in kidneys? Suggest medications for persistent cough and cold What causes reddish purple colored rash on feet spreading to legs? Suggest treatment for recurrent folliculitis on legs and bumps on waistline Do kneading and massaging affect the color of moles on back? Is stomach pain normal after taking Ovaa Shield tablet? What is meant by "nephyomegaly of the right kidney"? What causes dizziness and cold sensation all over body? Is Trazodone HCL prescribed for overflow incontinence? Is 4th generation duo test done after seven months conclusive? What causes boils all over buttocks? Suggest treatment for suicidal ideation What causes swelling and redness on cheeks post Melalite forte withdrawal? Suggest treatment for acute nerve pain in legs What does the presence of leukocyte esterase in urine test indicate? What does red and swollen breasts and areola indicate? What causes sensing of heartbeats in ear? Suggest treatment for dry cough and itching in throat What causes HSV and Mono virus infections in a person with plural effusions? Suggest treatment for high fever Suggest special shoes to avoid falling What causes missed periods despite having negative UPT? Suggest treatment for injury to elbow Suggest remedy for irritation on the side of the eye Suggest treatment for symptoms of folliculitis on tailbone and perineum What causes weird feeling in head while suffering from anxiety? What causes itching sensation and redness on skin? Will intercourse on 14th day of cycle help in conceiving? Suggest treatment for cold and pulsatile tinnitus What causes secretion of thick phlegm in throat at night? Suggest treatment for reddish bumps on hands, wrist and penis What causes itchy bumps on scalp, neck, jaws, arms and groin area? What does light-headedness and increased sodium level in urine test indicate? What causes inflammation around tip of penis along with intermittent pain? What causes discomfort in left upper quadrant of abdomen during pregnancy? What are the symptoms of heart attack? Suggest treatment for constipation and severe stomach pain What causes mild generalized disc bulge and uncovering of the disc? Suggest treatment for swollen vocal cords Suggest treatment for inappropriate and easily triggered anxiety What causes pain on the buttocks? Suggest treatment for hypertension and over-active thyroid Suggest treatment for bronchitis, fatigue and night sweats Suggest treatment for intermittent menstrual disturbances Suggest treatment for painful urination What causes rapid heart beat and pain in my right side of neck to the shoulder? Suggest remedy for recurrent and persistent hiccups Does low hemoglobin levels cause autism in child? Suggest treatment for recurrent insect bites like bumps on skin What causes severe headaches, eye pain and neck stiffness after taking Levofloxacin? What causes positive pregnancy result after taking abortion tablets? Does having stent in body for a kidney stone cause any side effect? What causes loose stools and abdominal pain after taking Lisinopril? What causes dry nose and sore lips when on Synthyroid? How long does hydrocodone stay in body? Suggest remedy for weakness and tiredness after having pacemaker Suggest treatment for vitiligo around eyes and penis Suggest ideal dosage for Adderall Suggest remedy for chest tightness and flu symptoms Is it harmful to take laxatives when having bowel blockage ? What causes swollen soft spot in back of the head after an injury in infants? What does light bleeding after unprotected intercourse indicate? What causes prickly burning sensation on tongue and altered sense of taste? Does Celexa, Gabapentin and Wellbutrin cause agitation while asleep? Suggest treatment for pain at hips What causes stomach pain, low body temperature and lack of appetite? Suggest treatment for allergic rhinitis What causes slight constant pain in legs and lower back pain? Suggest dosage of Mifigest and Cytolag to abort pregnancy How long does chlamydia infection take to show symptoms in humans? What causes fever, diarrhea and vomiting in child? Suggest treatment for intermittent recurrence of fever What does the following LFT test result indicate? Is it normal to have pain in stomach and bleeding after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for fifth disease in child Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Suggest treatment for fatigue when recovering from stomach infection Does increase in DHT level cause alopecia? How long does Biotin stay in the body system? What causes discoloration of rashes while treating tinea cruris and tinea corporis? What are the effects of overdose of Olanex ? What causes numbness in mouth all day after local anesthesia administration?
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