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Is masturbation safe during pregnancy ? How long can i take alcohol after an abortion ? Due to dust and sun rays find my skin rough and dark. What cream should i use for it ? How can I cure a soft skin in depth of 4-5 mm patches under thigh ? What is the reason for not having periods for over 2 years ? 16 years old male suffering from severe chest pain Bleeding after taking of MTP Severe pain around the eye and vomiting after VP shunt replacement How to maintain original healthy skin color with a regular periods ? Getting a confused result of pregnancy test, Can any online doctor tell me about my current situation ? When should I take ambrodil syrup, before or after meals ? Why am I experiencing pain in my ankle when I carry something with my right hand ? Why is my testicle becoming dark and paining ? Are there any side effects of using Revital ? How to treat and heal a bump on the head for an infant ? I have been having a pain around my groin. If it s a serious issue and if I should go see a doctor How to rectify the sound in my knee whenever I sit or stand ? I have pea sized hard lump in my breast. What problem i am facing ? Vaginal health Does a bleed due to rusty nail cause any problem ? feeling sick to my stomach Hard lump on chest plate Can you conceive during periods ? What causes your spine to bend at nap of neck ? Is feeling hot in the throat and mouth heat related or just a summer bug ? How can I bring down my protien level and I have staph infection in my shoulder which was replaced ? What is glutamyltransferase ? What happens in high GGT level ? What is the solution for left abdomen pain ? My hand become yellow when i get up in the morning. Is there something to worry about ? Suffering from asthma and feel weak and dizzy when i stand Painless lump on upper gum. What could this be ? Is there any chance of getting pregnant without doing intercourse ? How can I bring back the sense which is lost in a patch of skin above my knee ? I have numbness and tingling in my legs and feet can I take atenolol ? I am not able to conceive for the past 1 year. Does it mean I have fertility problems ? Abnormal bleeding after period What should I do to have a clear nose ? Can any online doctor please suggest about hypo-echoic lump on back in a 16 year old female How can i take the treatment for ovarian cyst ? How to quit chewing tobacco ? What is the reason for my weight loss , increase in the size of stomach and acne all over my back ? What does funnel anus mean ? I m having rashes on my face.please suggest me a medicine having no side effects Uncomfortable pressure around the scrotum and anus during sex. Will i have prostate problem ? Pain in nipples I have a short height. Is there any medication to increase my height ? Dizzy, faint, shaking in knees, racing heart, what these symptoms suggest ? What steps to be taken after Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ? Pain in or around the navel Why do i get a single white eyelash in a same place ? I get red splotches all over my arms and chest when i go outside in the sun Problem occurred by using eye drop What is the solution for excessive hair loss ? Cramping and burning pain in the soles of my feet at night. Why is my 8 months baby vomiting after drinking cold milk ? Does a surgery for grade 2 vericocele effects sexual life of a man ? 23 years old female gets stomach pain every time after having food sore mouth treatment. Will the intake of sotret for acne by my husband during conception prove harmful to the baby? Odor smell from vagina I have one of my fallopian tube blocked and another is congested How to diagnose hot flashes during menopause ? How important is nitrict oxide for a man libido ? Is it normal for a 9 month old baby to have iron deficiency ? What is the recommended diet for a diabetic patient with kidney disease ? What treatment should one take for obstructive azoospermia ? Elevated liver enzyme with itching on the liver of a 62 years old female What are the side effects of smoking sheesha ? How to lighten my skin color ? Can I ask a online doctor about my sonography report ? Can Ayurveda help to increase sperm ? Can I take nexium and gaviscon to treat GERD ? What other treatment is available for gastric problems ? Based on the symptoms, can an online doctor tell me if I am suffering from tuberculosis ? Is it harmful to masturbate regularly ? What does reducing TSH levels mean ? Does high ESR affect periods ? I mastrubates 3 to 4 times in week. Will it effect in my married life ? How often can one masturbate ? What should be done for this cyst which is big and painful ? How to increase breast size ? Why am I having severe headache,breathlessness and high heart beat rate ? What treatment should be given to an infant with congenital cynotic heart disease ? Small hard lump in neck muscle above adams apple. Is it cancer ? Shall I take botox injection for pain under palm ? Which exercises can parson having shoulder stiffness take up ? Which is the best tab without side effect, Microgynon or Micronor for irregular periods ? Are there any chances of pregnancy based on my blood test report ? Getting itching in my penis area after trimming the hair Will oxyelite help in controlling the eating habits that can lead to losing weight ? Right leg bottom swelling, what is the cause ? I have knots in arms and legs. What is it ? What treatment options are available to cure hepatitis ? I had my liver function test taken on 08.04.2011, as per the doctors advice i took licerin capsule for one month. though the test report are negative on hepatitis .Why hasn't hepatitis cured still after two months ? How can I increase the hair density on the front portion ? Having pain in testicle from 4 years also did sonography but result is normal. What could be the reason for pain ? Pain in spinal cord tail. Can i take megamox antibiotic tablet and codliver capsul dialy for synovitis together ? I get severe cold frequently and i have low BP. Is it necessary to bleed while having first intercourse ? Which the best medicine to increase my height ? What does right renal hydronephrosis and hydroureter mean ? All reports are normal but i cant breath normally. What is causing this ? Strange 'moving' feeling in stomach Pulled a hair out of anus. I have also read about worms that look like hairs What type of eye infection do I have ? How can I treat it ? Can I get any cancer or any disease ? How much bath salt does it take to overdose on a whole eight balls container ? Can i do normal exercise if i have posterior low lying placenta during pregnancy ? Hazzy look from left eye, What is the cause ? What is autoimmune disorder ? Can fruits and vegetables help in improving immunity ? My 62 years old mother has a lump after she fell back on her head. Can I apply any rub - on medicine on the lump and how ? What is autoimmune disorder ? What diet can I use to build my immunity ? Can you suggest me which is the best type of copper t available ? I am gaining weigh rapidly . Can autoimmune disorder be a reason of this ? Dr.ayurveda advanced herbal body growth formula, will it work ? Infection in vagina after copper t insertion How to reduce the swelling of my face in Bell's palsy ? What are the chances to conceive if had unprotected sex on the first day of periods and took an contraceptive pill ? Can dog bites cause defects in a male foetus ? How can I know if I am pregnant ? Is this a disease if sticky liquid comes out of penis when i get excited ? Are there chances of pregnancy if one gets periods late from the due date ? Is this tonsillitis ? Why is there no sperm released after masturbation ? Which doctor should we consult to cure vein dilation and will it be harmful for the foetus ? How to go about to get the right kind of treatment to cure vein dilation as I am one month pregnant ? Does a missed period after unprotected sex indicate pregnancy ? Is it possible to come out of 30 days in coma ? My right arm is always aching and pain in the chest also. What is the remedy for it ? Is there any remedy for vein problem on right arm and chest pain ? Why my fractured hand still paining after six months ? What should we do to prevent the harms from masturbation? What are the causes and treatment for frequent urination ? After how much time should plan for next pregnancy post abortion ? Suffering from severe knee joint pain with swelling but my thyroid report is negative .Can i know the what these symptoms suggest ? What diet should be taken for a typhoid patient ? Presence of more than 30 pus cells in urine. Is it dangerous ? What is the suggested treatment for TB ? I have a cyst between the skin and the vagina which is very painful Why do I have a painful bump on my body ? Can dieting affect periods ? What does degenerative change in the lower uncovertebral joints ? Is it dangerous to take unwanted 72 which was brought 3 months back ? What type of diet and exercise should be maintained to reduce tummy ? What causes back neck pain with headache ? Is there any chance of pregnancy by having intercourse on first day of periods ? How to cure knee and thigh pain ? What treatment options are available when both kidneys fail ? Am i pregnant as my period is getting delayed ? Is viagra good for a youngster ? To whom should i consult for rheumatoid arthritis with asthma problem ? Are there chances of pregnancy in a woman on birth control pills and irregular periods ? Low grade fever for one month even though all the reports are normal How to cure tmj and clicking jaws ? What is the reason for delayed ejaculation ? Why have I developed rashes on my upper lip ? Is No spalgin tablet useful in healing duodenal ulcer and what are the side affects ? Is there any medicine to increase my weight ? Blood chemistry report says Serum Bilirubin due to this weight is under 50, 26 years old What causes frequent abortions and how can they be prevented ? Suffering from severe constipation with loss of appetite. Also have right abdominal pain from last 2 years How to reduce weight in one and a half month ? How can I increase my height ? I am 26 years old What could be the cause of delayed periods if there was no intercourse ? Can drinking red bull result into difficulty in conceiving ? I have low lying placenta. Will it cause any problem during labor ? Why is Zoladex injection given and what are its side effects ? Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of graying hair Is it normal to have light bleeding during menstruation cycles ? What could be the causes and how can normal flow be restored ? Can my girlfriend be pregnant because she came in touch with my semen ? Why are my nails of legs and hands not growing properly ? I have irregular cycle and my skin is becoming dark day by day For how long my hair would continue to shedd as a result of minoxidil. What is the reason for hard stool ? My genitals have developed some greyish colour 7 it is itching a lot. What diet and exercise regime should a person in early twenties follow to reduce weight ? Which cream can I use for my facial skin problem ? What is the usage of benforce m tablet ? Is Orthofill bands good for fill the gap between teeth? Widal reading S Typhi H 1:320. What does it mean? Bump on back with pus which looks like a black head Advice me a tablet for control of white hair in chin and moustache Is it necessary to check my cholesterol after taking certain medications for 6 months ? Why do I have pain below the knee and a burning foot ? What is red lump on the tip of my penis ? Will masturbating and smoking cause any problem after marriage ? Does chirata have any side effects? I am suffering from piles, can i take metrogyl 400 ? Want a diet plan to lose wight especially from the stomach portion Do irregular periods cause difficulty in getting pregnant ? What does my ultra-sonogram report for ankle swelling indicate ? What treatment should I undertake to reduce ankle swelling ? What can be the EDD for dcda twins ? What are the chances of twins being a boy and a girl ? How can i get rid of premature whitening of hair on beard ? What should be the first aid for detached retina which is getting worse ? Are there any chances of pregnancy based on the semen report ? I have painful white bumps alll in my mouth and tongue. These are burning and swollen and do drugs Is it necessary to take 200mg misoprostol tablet even after abortion and heavy bleeding ? Is Laser Eye Treatment safe ? Can one take ibuprofen for headache ? Does utrogeston have any effect in 2nd trimester of pregnancy ? With 48.0 millions sperm count can we plan a pregnancy ? How to get rid of cluster headache ? What is the procedure to donate a kidney ? What could be the reason for spot on glans for the past 3 years ? Ratio-clarithromycin makes me anxious and i am not able to sleep What measures should I take to control my habit of masturbation ? How can one get pregnant ? I have given formula milk to my 14 mth baby.Is it ok ? Hoe can one control the habit of masturbation ? Can benzoyl peroxide heel chancres ? Is it the side effect of taking regestrone tablet that I have light bleeding ? Having a painful and hard lump located at the bottom right side of uterus and its size is increased Did i get a miscarriage with heavy bleeding ? I got pain while rotating my left eye after that eye looks different. What could have happened ? I am having brownish discharge & my urine pregnancy test shows negative. Should I be concerned ? Can a person having problems with the spine get paralyzed due to excessive workout ? Why do I have a light coloured discharge even after pregnancy test shows negative results ? Should I be concerned about tumor being sore ? Is there any home remedy for sciatica pain ? How can I control white hairs growth ? Unable to open the mouth completely Can high gliadin IGG be the reason for terrible stomach aches ? I accidentally cut the testicle skin while I was shaving. Is there something to worry about this ? What could be the reason of having a lump in my wrist which doesn't hurt ? What could be the cause of stomach fullness and pain ? Post Cortisone shot symptom Why do I get nose block in cool breeze and difficulty in breathing after waking up from sleep ? How can I find out my pregnancy term ? The head of my penis is irritated and it urns while urinating, Is there a home remedy ? Having high blood pressure and facing extreme weakness, breathless, vomiting and sweating. What could be the cause ? Is it OK to have Sulfamethoxazole for Recurrent Bladder Infection during pregnancy ? What is causing sharp stomach pain in my daughter ? what is the treatment of Hepatitis B for born asthmatic ? Sharp back pain and hard time breathing when i wake up ? Can anxiety be a reason to have palpitations ? Does Mirena work even if I smoke ? Swelling butt after an injury Why am I feeling that urine drops after passing ? What can be the reason for white blood cells in infant stool ? What is the reason for my heart to beat fast after having a good meal ? Why does my heart beats fast after having heavy meals ? I am 28 years old female, i have white bump inside vagina lip and it has a knot inside it Is pregnancy possible after taking qlaira birth control pills ? Why do I have early pregnancy symptoms after being tested negative in the home poregnancy test ? Is it safe to have sex while having HPV virus ? I feel tired and dizzy after 5 days of my withdrawal bleed. Can this be due to pregnancy ? How can i enlarge my penis size ? How do I increase my breast size ? I have unbearable itchiness along with some swelling on my hands Liver cancer which spreads to gall bladder and lymph nodes Is it abnormal to have knees which are not round and seem to be in two different parts when bent ? What diet will help me get rid of gall bladder stone ? Had unprotected sex and took i-pill. Is there any chances of getting pregnant ? Will a birth control pill after unprotected sex ensure no pregnancy ? My right side hydrocele is not small after operation. Suffering form high triglycerides How asthenospermia can be treated ? What should I do for weird headache and anxiety ? Why should I urinate frequently ? My penis hurts while walking. What to do ? Having gas and constipation problem after typhoid fever I get heart palpitations after having meal My mom had a stent surgery recently and does not respond whenever the sedation is turned off Is homoeopathic treatment help to rid from chicken pox spot I have suffering from a very severe anxiety problem Does sleeping help alleviate the pain after wisdom tooth extraction ? What is Undescended testis in children ? What could be the cause fishy odor from my 2 year old son's penis ? My baby is refusing to have formula milk Is having one testicle in scrotum and seminal vesicle condition of Undescended testis ? What does the abdominal ultrasound with normal seminal vesicle in a child with one testis indicate ? Vagina skin on the outside is all wrinkly and flacky Swollen after an injury by cricket ball on ankle area Bloated stomach for 3 weeks, had IBS problem Cell Regeneration Therapy works for knee problems ? Will too many abortions cause any health issue ? Shrinking of body in coma Which is the best treatment for hennoch s purpura ? Will having abortion many times affect my health ? What treatment should i take for itching in soles and toes ? What treatment should I undergo for my lower back pain ? How can i cure from TB ? How to increase the capabilities of brain ? How can i make my semen thick ? What is the ideal LH level to get pregnant ? Will thickening of endometrium in pregnancy affect the baby ? What can a lump mean after a full face & eyes lift surgery ? I feel a sharp pain in my lungs. What could this be ? PCOS and other issues with trouble concieving What do I do with the bump on my chin and why has it appeared ? How to diagnose rib cage pain naturally ? Should the penis go deep into the vagina for a girl to lose her virginity ? To what extent will my liver be damaged due to HBV ? What could be the reason for fast heart rate and night sweats ? How soon can a pregnancy be detected through a urine pregnancy test ? What are these symptoms of loss of appetite and pain near the liver ? Can I take Macafem to regularize my periods ? Is Portal Hepatopathy curable ? What is the reason for head ache , numbness in head and entire body and weakness in hands, legs ? Suffering form scalp pain and vertigo 10 year old baby diagnosed with Pneumonia. What should I do ? What is this bone felt lump by my tragus and forehead ? What could be the problem of swollen armpit and red marks on breast ? Is it true that tritriglycomet and tricobal are the strongest medicines for diabetes ? What is the proper medication and diet to increase testicular size ? 10 year old boy having pain and tenderness in penis. Is it due to pull or strain ? I have severe abdominal pain and irregular bowels since the time I underwent Tubectomy What could be the reason for lymph nodes ? Had tb in uterus and i'm on AKT-4. Is it possible to conceive naturally and how long it will take to conceive ? While having sex why glans does not come out of my penis ? How can I check if I am a virgin ? Can my son get infected if he has unprotected sex with a woman who has several partners ? Chapped labia minor after an intercourse How can my cholesterol level be controlled ? Motion tight for 11months old baby Why did I miss my period even after my urine pregnancy test shows negative results ? What is the treatment for TMJ syndrome ? What is the normal head circumference of a 33 week old fetus ? HIV tridot test I am 16 years old,addicted to smoking. I have pain in arms and rising heartbeat,do i need to worry ? My 2 months old baby having sever cold and sleepy Is there any medicine which can help me in sagging breasts ? Is there any cream to remove hair around penis ? What treatment i should take for regular motion of 5 to 6 a day for the past 5years ? What are the possible treatment for liver cancer with hepatitis b ? Can red bull affect pregnancy ? I have acne all over my chest, face, back and arms. I cannot remove my facial hair because my acne Having frequent urination, had UTI. My blood sugar level is normal How is minoxin 5% plus to treat hair loss ? What diet plan should be followed for typhoid ? What causes vertigo and numbness and how can it be treated ? How to reduce weight while having PCOD ? I took 3 pregnancy tests and they were all positive but very faint line. What does it indicate ? Why do i feel heart pulse in my abdomen ? What treatment should one take for having difficulty in walking due to injuring his c4, c7, T1, T2 ? Having scalp and back head ache from 1 year, i am only 21 Why do I have pain in my legs ? I have Lumbar osteoarthritis,and have undergone a surgery for disc prolapse 2 years ago. What is the treatment for dry skin around the eyelid,wrinkly and baggy eyelid ? What should be the ideal size of penis and how much should be the sperm count ? Can I take homeopathy medicine to increase my breast size ? Should I re do my HPT if I get a faint line on the first test ? Does cancer responds to mantoux skin test ? Which tonic is best and safe to gain weight as iam planning to conceive ? HOW LONG BUDECORT CAN BE TAKEN CONTINIOUSLY ? Is the notion that its good to abort first chance true and why ? Is Hbs positive a matter of concern in pregnancy ? Is there any female doctor in Bangalore who deals with women sexual problems ? Why is my vagina itching and burning and it is swollen also ? Will fibroids affect my pregnancy ? What could be the reason for shoulder pain and palpitations ? What is the side effects of forecox150 ? What should I do to reduce my weight ? What can be done for infection on the penis ? What is the normal weight of baby while in uterus ? How much it will take to show the symptoms of STDs after sex ? Side effect of Feliz S 10 mg Can I conceive as I am having diabetic and hypertension with three missed abortions ? Can an online doctor suggest me a treatment for liver serosis ? What are these symptoms of headache, left side body pain and nervousness ? Why am I having swelling on my body after consuming hot lemon water with honey ? Will a hair removing cream on public hairs have adverse effects on skin ? I have heart palpitations from long time. But my reports are normal Which are the best hair removal creams ? What are the precautions i should take to become pregnant after miscarriage ? MRI showed a shadow what does this mean ? The smell of polyurethane paints induces wheezing even after I quit painting. Is this something to worry ? What medicine should I take for piles since reckewege 13 is not giving relief ? Is there any solution for Sinusitis other than surgery ? 21 years male have body tremors. Is this serious ? Which are the nutritious / high protien foods recommended for a 9 1/2 year old ? What pill should I take for abortion ? What could be cause for difficulty in smelling ? Will masturbating effect my growth ? I am 19 years old What medicine should I take to regularise my period ? Why do I bleed after sex every time ? What is the reasons of severe headache & eye pain after VP shunt replacing ? How can this hairy mole on my face be removed ? How is pine height in increasing of height ? How can hairy moles on the face be removed ? Can i conceive as i dont have any dominant follicle ? I am suffering from headache due to daily head bath Suffering from head ache due to daily head bath Is hair removing cream safe in removing hairs from inguinal region? Can the height of a 19 year old girl be increased ? Can laser therapy help to remove skin hairs permanently ? What is the best treatment to cure panic attacks and anxiety ? Why did the tetanus injected spot turn blue ? Which hormones cause panic attacks and what could be the best possible treatment ? What treatment or medicines should I take to increase my height ? What are the precautions for not getting pregnant and do they have any side effect ? How does Polycystic ovary syndrome affect menstrual cycles and fertility ? What is the next step after laparotomy operation when you get your periods ? What is the reason for pain near penis shaft, and burning sensation in scortum ? My abdomen scan shows multiple comet tail appearance in the gall bladder. Does it mean stones in gall bladder ? What is FNAC test as I am sinusitis patient ? How are dust allergies treated ? Which specialist needs to be consulted for treatment ? Why does my wife feel that she might have dust allergy and so is always cleaning the house ? Single viable fetus of 38 weeks with borderline hydroamnios. Is it normal ? How can I loose excessive fat ? I have some symptoms but my pregnancy tests are negative. How long should I wait ? I am 28 years old and have PCOS Lump on my left labia minora and it is very painful High amniotic fluid level in pregnancy, will it affect the baby ? What are these sores in my vagina with a sort of discharge ? Suffering from stool congestion problem and loose motion. Am I suffering from any disease ? Can foracort inhaler 200. can it cause hands shivering ? How can I get rid of black spots and long hairs around them ? 7 wks from ultrasound shows only gestational sac .Is this normal ? Can any doctor tell me why i have persistent black skin on my neck even after treatment ? Pain in testicles and burning in urethra. All tests are normal Is it necessary to take precautions for puppy scratch or bite ? What can cause heart pain and how to get relief from that ? What is the reason for not able to speak properly and voice going down ? Till what age can a persons height grow ? Can any online doctor tell me about my pregnancy chances based on my follicular report ? What could be the reason for reduced vaginal secretions ? Having situs inversus will it affect my fertility ? Will oral sex and ejaculation delay me to be a father ? Lump on lower back after suffering from severe constipation How to get rid of dark spots caused from chican pox ? Does masturbation decrease growth in height ? What is the best diet to grow tall ? My amylase blood test report shows its at 136 , i have no appetite and lost 30 pounds in 2 months.what should be done ? How can i prevent blood discharge at night ? What is the cause of delay in periods in a person with negative pregnancy test ? Can i ask any orthopaedic doctor for joint pain ? Why one gets a problem of enlarged kidney and what is the remedy ? What is the reason for having hair fall in spite of having thyroid under control ? What does quickened pulse indicate during pregnancy ? Is cytotec tablets good for abortion? What are these cramps in my lower stomach during pregnancy ? What could be the reason for spotting for two days before the actual due date of periods ? What is the treatment for lower stomach cramps during 29 weeks of pregnancy ? How can i increase my height during the age of 21 years ? How will low semen volume affect pregnancy chances and fetal health ? How can I help my wife who has turned paranoid ? Is it because of taking nordipine and norvasc for high BP that I am experiencing palpitations ? What treatment should I take for leg pain ? Getting a bigger butt after the use of fish oil What is the reason for night fall and how to cure it ? Will my BP be in control by taking Rancad 500 tablet ? Can pain near vagina and late period be the symptom of pregnancy ? Is the pain in bending / straightening arm due to my use of crutches after bilateral bunionectomy in toes ? What medicines should one take for rash on the biceps and the lower back ? 1 month 5 days baby having rash on anal area. Is coconut oil helpful in this ? What is implantation bleeding ? Why do I feel dizzy when I am passing stools ? How can I treat this condition ? What are these symptoms of orange yellow diarrhea, pain in the middle abdomen ? Can a small lump which moved from my chest to the shoulder that hurts to the touch be due to cancer ? Does oxyelite have any side effects on oral surgery ? What is the home remedy for sinus infection ? What treatment can be done for swollen ankle and back of my leg due to shin injury ? Is Metformin causing me abdominal pain ? I am feeling sick and dizzy after protected sex. Am i pregnant ? What are the side effects of tetracycline administration at an early age ? Is rash over the body a reason of swimming in public swimming pools ? Can hymenoplasty tighten my vagina ? Why do bronchitis and pneumonia is reccuring ? I have three swollen and painful nodes around my groin area. Can online doctor help me? What should be done for low BP, weight loss and tiredness all day ? Can I be pregnant as my period was due last week and had PMS symptoms and now I have become sensitive to cold and get flush in the face ? I am diabetic type 1, hypothyroid and under a lot of stress What medicine should a smoker take for STML without increasing his triglyceride level ? How can I reduce weight maintaining normal triglyceride levels ? Why an I unable to smile ? Connection between jaw pain and constant anxiety attacks Knee pain after small linear tear of the Patella tendon, Tendonitis, and minor Chondromalacia Which doctor in Delhi can I consult for the treatment of borderline personality disorder ? Sunburn problems with yellow wrinkled clear liquid under skin What natural remedy is there to take this ulcer out from the mouth ? Which is the best whitening cream for burn marks? What could be the cause of swollen testis along with fever in an aged person ? What could be the cause of swollen testicle and fever in an aged person ? What are the chances that Herpes test was wrong? Is devivry the correct medicine for fibroids and does it delay periods ? Having pain during urination, had Cystitis How can we control irregular heart beats in RHD patient ? Can i get a immediate appointment for an lung cancer operation ? what is the procedures for the operation ? There is a slight growth of the wrist bone and sometime causes pain Which cream should I use to remove hair from penis ? Can heart rate of 100/min be controlled in a patient suffering from rheumatic heart disease ? My mother suffers from Rheumatic heart disease and has irregular heart rate. How to control the heart rate ? What is causing abdominal pain and IBS ? Why am I having abdominal pain even after a month after Laparoscopic Appendectomy ? What treatment should I take to get relief from abdominal pain which is more while walking and standing ? What is the cause for my severe one sided abdominal pain that moves to my thighs ? How can this scar in my daughters face be removed permanently ? Can type -1 diabetes be controlled ? Why am I experiencing lower right sided abdominal and back pain post laproscopic appendectomy ? What treatment can we give for my uncle who is an alcoholic and has Hb of 2.8 ? I have a lump under the skin on the secret part of my body like the size of a pea. what is it ? What are the side effects of electral powder during pregnancy ? What should be the better opinion for my good health ? Normal blood pressure for 88 year old man Some times chest and throat tightening suddenly What are the side-effects of using nuva ring ? Will suction method abortion affect my future pregnancy ? When should northisterone tablet taken for extremely heavy periods and breakthrough bleeding ? I have being doing oral sex for last 4 years and my stomach is little fat .Can i get pregnant ? Are these the symptoms of vertigo ? Why are my nipples tender while on loette pill ? Based on the symptoms,can an online doctor tell me what disease am i suffering from ? Why are the bottoms of my feet orange ? I want to know the dosage of femilon and is it only to prevent pregnancy ? My penis is big and there is a bulge when I wear swim suit. Can an online doctor help me ? Should i go for operation for my fibroid measuring 7cm x 5cm x 7 cm ? Is there any possibility of getting pregnant with Tubal Ligation and delayed periods ? Belching with sinus pressure and having dizziness Does masturbation affect growth in height ? 3 years old baby got nose bleeding & fainting I have inflamed and sore toes. I also have a knot on the ball of my foot. My periods are delayed an I feel nauseous all the time. Am I pregnant ? What measures can I adopt to avoid anxiety before meeting strangers in social gatherings ? Is there any treatment to solve slip disc permanently on my left leg ? How to cure toe infection without removing the nail plate ? Will taking boiled egg at empty stomach cause gastric problem ? Will i get pregnant if i missed a single pill of diane 35 ? Even after taking Prednisalone Injection why is my sister not getting relief from SLE disease ? Why does my father-in-law have breathing problem ? What diet or supplements should I take to gain weight ? About avil and avomine tablets What is the remedy of peeling and reddish lower lip ? Can anisometropia develop into amblyopia as I was unable to use specs ? In what way can i increase my intercourse period and what is the best method to avoid unwanted pregnancy ? How soon can you get pregnant after an abortion ? Can i use combiderm cream on scalp ? What could be the cause of trembling palms along with swelling in the hands and occasional rapid heart beat with sweating ? What is the reason for having nausea for the last 3 months ? Why am I getting recurring nausea which stops after gagging ? Is fetal renal pelvis dilation a risk factor during child-birth ? What is the reason for stomachache and feeling to pass motions after food post the fitting of copper coil ? I have parotid lymph node swelling,treated for vaginal candidiasis with providone iodine. Do i need to worry about swelling ? Can copper coil cause stomach pain and the need to pass motion after eating ? Can cetrizine hydrochloride taken to treat skin irritation affect the fetus ? Why do I get a stomach ache and feel the urge to go to toilet after eating since I have been inserted with a copper coil ? Are there any chances of pregnancy since i have missed a period ? Is it safe to use HGh for body building ? What does the X-ray with lung fields showing vascular prominence indicate ? What do white pimples inside the upper eyelid indicate and what treatment should be taken for the same ? Can I use HGh for body building ? Does alcohol intake in males affect the women conceiving process ? Why am I not able to ejaculate normally ? How can the size of breasts and buttocks be increased naturally ? Repeated loose motion for 6 days. Is it normal ? No bleeding after 24 hours of taking methotrexate and misoprostol When are the safe days to have sex ? SIDE OR AFTER EFFECTS OF ZERODOL-P AND ZINETAC-150mg Why do I get sharp pains and burning sensation on my fractured fibula ? Is it safe to take positrim for weight loss and what precautions should be taken when following the course ? Repeated Vertigo with Visual problem Suffering from back pain and also with pricking pain in breast Did depo provera cause irregular and heavy bleeding ? Is it normal to have white thick discharge during pregnancy ? Should i take utrogestan in pregnancy ? Got bit by their puppy. Is it good to avoid dairy products now ? Is the medication OK for my 2.5 years old child for Nephrotic Syndrome ? Creatinine level is 1.5, Hb level is 12.8, Esnophills-10 Is a bulky uterus the reason for my sudden weight increase ? What are the precautions to be taken after uterus removal surgery? What is the use of having Folic acid and progestrone during pregnancy ? How to improve stamina for long time sex ? How can I maintain the Hb level while suffering from adenomyosis ? Do periods get delayed by 2 months after taking i pill ? Suggest me some medicine for severe hair loss problem Short breath with blocked nose Is cancer the only reason for swelling on my jaw ? How can I increase my height at 25 years ? Is there any solution or treatment for cure of intrauterine adhesion other than adhesiolysis and having our own baby ? Please sugest me about Niftran 100 mg for UTI Side effects of Duralost 30 mg Want some good doctors name for social anxiety disorder ? Why am i getting white mucus in stools ? Can any online doctor help me with the CT scan of the brain ? how to get rid of acne ? Why has my brother not come in full sense after removal of clots ? Will I have any health problem if I have 2 active sex partners ? Can I have a baby at 37 years ? Can i go for lasik surgery based on my eye power and how long it will be effective ? Weird outgrowths on labia minora, is it cancer ? I feel pain during sex. Is there any medicine which will relax my vaginal wall ? Will soya milk improve skin colour of the baby ? Is it correct to wash the area beneath the foreskin which is loose in a child ? Can I be pregnant even after taking unwanted 72 within 3 hours of sex ? Can I clean under my son's foreskin ? Purpose of dupbaston tablet & I want to get pregnant, what should I do ? Suffering from numbness and feel like head rotating with neck and back pain Is passing of brown clots normal after an implanon insertion ? My periods were delayed and started with a jelly brown discharge. I'm worried as I want to get pregnant My periods are irregular and I am gaining weight. What is the treatment ? Is there are any contraindications taking the HCG drops and being positive for Leiden Factor V ? Should I continue montek LC for cough? The left side of my head is bigger than right side. Do i need to worry ? No ovulation and pregnancy even after treatment What precautions can I take in 2nd pregnancy post d and c due to no appreciation of heart beat ? Can having irregular periods and moles on vagina lead to sexually transmitted diseases ? Does oil massage, yoga and multivitamin tablets help in treating hair loss ? How to conceive after first abortion ? If someone do sex with HIV positive, then what is the window period for HIV testing ? Should i terminate in the 16th week of pregnancy if my fetus has cystic hygroma ? Is there a chance of getting pregnant even though i am on the depo shot ? What causes temporary paralysis and pain in the elbows and wrists ? How can this condition be treated medically ? Does rubella virus in husband's sperm affect the unborn baby ? What precautions should I take to avoid hair fall ? Can screaming hurt my eardrum ? What type of food should be taken while conceiving ? How long after stopping oralcon pill will I be able to conceive ? My hemoglobin level is 8.2. Can this cause any cancer ? Do I need another elbow surgery ? Can the pain in my elbow joint be alleviated through painkillers for the time being ? 6 weeks 1 day pregnant with choriodecidual haemorrhage, is the baby normal ? What are the chances of pregnancy since i had protected sex and have not got periods yet ? I have a small lump below my ear next to my jaw. What it could be? Does my MRI report point to any serious brain injury ? What treatment should be taken for a child who has not totally recovered from brain fever ? What causes bleeding after D&C and how is it controlled ? Dr Tea - slimming tea Can i give apple to my 7 months old baby in cold ? If i take warfarin can i take oxyelite pro ? I would like to know about the remedy which is available to stop the growth of new lipomas ? Are white dots and mall bumps on my corona curable ? Are severe menstrual cramps sign of oncoming period ? What are these symptoms of nausea, dizziness and fluctuation in BP ? What are lung tumors and how can they be removed ? Why do ladies at age 23yrs still wet bed ? Does lack of physical movement cause back pain ? Is there any need of taking contraceptive pills if I have irregular periods and had safe sex ? Can overweight be a reason of not getting period ? What medicine should be taken for high BP ? Should I have taken a vaccine for puppy scratch that happened 17 years back ? How can i do to get rid of Chalazion ? What could be the swelling on my face ? Why am I not having breast tenderness before periods as I used to have before ? Are liquid discharge from nipple and body ache clear signs of pregnancy ? I am 20 years old and i get shoulder pain after my meal. Do i need to worry ? Light headed and severe neck pain after an injury What do grey spots on the hand indicate ? I am bleeding after taking a mtp kit Got hit on a cement pillar and now having a bumps and black eyes Do men get breast cancer ? Do men get breast cancer ? What should be the time gap between HIV tests ? I am having left side abdominal pain with light bleeding periods. Why is this happening ? Is it normal for a 14 year old to have peeling skin on the hand ? What could be the reason of feeling dizzy ? I had a miscarriage and i am on antidepressants Do breast enhancement medications have got side effects ? Why does mosquito bites itch ? Can kids have cysts on their arms ? Having uncontrolled flow of urine. Can this be due prostate cancer ? What could cause swelling in one foot/ankle ? What can cause delayed periods, sore nipples and bloated feeling ? Will my baby have any traces of THC as I was a smoker before ? why does my son cough every time he eats? I am 43 years old and i have swelling above my leg crease area How can I confirm if pain in the left side of neck is just a strained muscle or is related to heart ? Can a kidney transplant patient take birth control pills ? What is the natural, home remedies or herbal can I use to cure my varicocele ? Why do I feel a sharp pain in my chest while playing sports and running ? Is it bad to smoke after tonsillectomy ? Why do I get headache everyday along with memory loss,fatigue and stuttering ? What causes hip pain during periods ? Is it recommended to use chloroform to treat cysts ? Does late periods and minor abdominal cramps indicate pregnancy ? I always feel sleepy,lazy,tired through the day. I masterbate twice a day Why do I get cuts in vagina that burns and itches ? What is this piece of flesh while bleeding ? hello? I have a pain in my groin area and i am a breast feeding mother Can a male have a reaction to menstrual blood ? There is a piece of skin kind of hanging after tongue piercings There is a large red spot on my neck after a corrective surgery. Can this be corrected ? Can my broken toe be mended ? Does late periods and minor abdominal cramps indicate pregnancy ? Blood sugar level safe for tooth extraction. Can leptaden be taken if not pregnant ? What causes pain in ankle ? High Eosinophil Count. How to proceed ? What is the red mucus discharge before periods ? Does sandoz medicine regestrone 5 mg help in abortion? What is the treatment for tiredness and headache ? Can I undergo a spinal fusion surgery at the age of 75 ? What is the reason for my skin turning black all over the body with itching ? Why is the heart beat rate high in a ptient who is diabetic and has high blood pressure ? I m 29 yrs old suffering from eyes burning, heat, dizziness nausea. What could be the reason ? Which pill should I take to get menses ? Can pain killers prevent pregnancy? Why has my entire back turned black which is itching Could i be pregnant while taking Noriday pills ? I have bumps on my mons pubis of my vagina, should i be worried ? What is the recommended exercise for a soccer player ? Why didn't my foreskin retract after having sex ? How I recover weight lost due smoking of marijuana ? How to prevent pimples ? What exercises can a teenager take up for reducing weight ? Getting white discharge during periods I feel like urinate when i take NyQuil/Alcohol. It is like a burning at the urethral How to improve sperm mobility ? how to know whether the mole on the back(spine) is cancerous or not ? What treatment should I take for the skin problem on my head and hair loss that arises during summer ? Dry painful foreskin and sometimes it is itchy Suggest some good gyni near kanakpura road to remove the copper T What causes reddish sore on head oozing liquid? What will happen if i consume excess anxinil 0.5mg ? What will happen if i take excess of anixilin 0.5mg ? Why did I get white creamy discharge after having unprotected sex ? I have my placenta on the anterior side in the 7 th week of pregnancy. Is everything alright ? Can I swim with a broken ligament and meniscus of one leg ? Is it safe to have sex as my placenta is on the anterior side covering the canal ? Does having intercourse cause problem to placenta on the anterior side covering canal ? I get semen in my urine with burning sensation What causes pus cells in the urine and rib pains ? Red spots on eyes and inside eyelids with pain What medication can I take for dry lips where the skin peels off ? Is it possible for an individual to cut frenulum breve (penile) at home by himself? What is the steroid tablets name to improve my weight in short time which is available in India ? substitute name for revital energy medicine Is it normal for period blood to smell like metal and how does one treat heavy menstruation ? How long can Duphoston delay periods ? Which is the best time for sex if we need pregnancy ? Does overactive bladder affect the motility percentage ? I have a really itchy anus which is generally worse What kind of vitamins to be taken during hepatitis A ? and is it curable ? Suffering from fever, abdominal pain, headaches What is the correct dosage of eltroxin 50mg to control thyroid in infants ? Is laser surgery fast and effective for treating internal piles ? Is provera capsule useful in getting regular periods and what are the side effects ? Does provera help in regularizing periods and what dosage must be taken ? What causes high fever and palpitations in children ? How can these be controlled and prevented ? I am not getting period for 4 months and i am not pregnant Are there any hospitals in India which do heart surgeries free of cost ? Which medicine is good for a pregnant woman who has a cellulitis on the left thigh ? When can pregnancy test kits detect a pregnancy ? My 2-1/2 year old daughter has racing heart beat with fever. What could be the problem ? What are these symptoms of shock feeling, numbness on my head and numbness in my body ? How can I safely lose 20 kgs in 3 months ? Is my leucocyte count normal ? How long should i take miprogen during pregnancy ? How can I increase my weight in short time ? Why am i getting missed periods with negative hpt ? What is the reason of positive VDRL ? Does drinking beverage containing Ganoderma make Nexplanon implant ineffective implanted 2 months ago ? What can be the reason for flaky spots of blood in my urine ? Suffering from recurrent mouth ulcers Does excessive masturbation cause erection problems ? What cause of always feel sleepy at the age of 20 years ? How to lose weight and get a smart belly ? Taking isotroin 20mg, omnacortil 20mg, etan-g/exel-g,nilac gel, and few other creams for acne problem What is Colitis and what type of diet or medication is used to treat it ? Is there any medicine for Inverted papilloma ? May I have chance to get pregnant this month ? Suffering from back pain, numbness and shivering What does subacute fractures and or bone marrow contusions mean ? How can i get an immediate recovery from Bell's palsy ? Bulky Uterus with large fibroid. Can i be pregnant with this ? Does one get mucus discharge and foul smell from the vagina after stopping Depo ? What should be the normal endometrium thickness be ? Could I be pregnant even after a negative pregnancy test ? What is this sound heard inside my stomach at 12 weeks of pregnancy ? Frequent sneezing and cold due to dust allergy. Is there ant permanent solution ? Itchy bumps on upper arms. Is tit safe to use sudocrem ? How can i get rid of an oval sized black birthmark ? How to treat an under active thyroid ? Is it possible to stop drinking alcohol without his knowledge ? Can any online doctor explain me about my ECG report ? Are there any chances of having rabies after bitten by dog 12 years ago ? I am having growth in butt and bleeding when i pass stool Ear clicking and pain beneath my ears What should be the dosage and the time interval for calpol suspension ? I have mouth itchy and is not open due to having Gutka Why am I not getting sleep inspite of taking Serta 50 tablet ? Had a small amout of white liquid on the tip of penis at the age of 13 years old I have black motion after taking of iron deficiency tablet. Frequent urination with dry palms. How this problem can be treated ? Why i am not getting labor pain naturally? What test should I take for HIV and how many days it required for this test from infection ? Sharp pain in the center of stomach What is the perfect time to consume lemon water with honey for weight loss ? What is the normal weight of a 8 month old baby girl ? What are the chances of pregnancy if I have sex on 11th day of my cycle ? Side effects of duphaston Which homeopathic treatment is advisable for treatment of acne ? Can a dns surgery be postponed due to low bp ? What is the homeopathic remedy for pimples ? Is it safe to have combiflam during periods ? What causes slow growth in right leg ? Chances of pregnancy if you had the intercourse on the 11th day of cycle ? How can I normalise two legs as right leg is smaller than left leg ? I got injured my eye with a hose pipe,and now i am having slight discomfort after applying tobramycin. Should i go to the ER ? What causes softness and weakness in testicles ? Why does the vagina pain during urination in spite of not having sex ? How long someone can survive after a vascular surgery ? Will my facial hair grow slowly if I have thyroid problem ? Does thyroid cause slow growth of the facial hair ? I have 165 RBC in blood, is this diabetes ? How can i detect the pregnancy at the earliest ? Is 11th day of cycle safe to have sex ? 14 years old girl suffering from cerebral palsy I am having indigestion and cramp for 3-4 days. Should i worry about that ? Will the puss that squirt from my friends bump into my eyes form a bump in my eyes ? There is no bleeding for me after the intake of first tablet mifepristone. What could be the reason for lump under the elbow, it is hard and red ? Which hospital is good for treatment of Urticaria for my wife ? Is there any homeopathic pain killers for neck pain ? 21 years old girl weight 54 irregular periods How can eczema be treated ? How can one reduce cradle cap in newborns ? Neck pain with giddiness and weak feeling Headache and blurred vision for a 15 years old boy What could be the reason of excess bowel movement ? Does mucus and light spotting along with delayed periods mean pregnancy ? Who are the best urologists in Bangalore ? I haven't got my periods since a year in spite of taking Duphaston tablets I have delayed periods since 2 months but tests are negative. How can I confirm if I am pregnant or not ? What does bleeding during pregnancy indicate ? How to make your fibroid size in normal without any surgery ? What treatment can be given for gastric, high BP and calcium deficiency ? How can one get cured of gastric and high BP since long ? How can I determine pregnancy without going to the clinic ? What causes vaginal bleeding after menstruation has stopped ? What does it mean by delay periods ? Which treatment is advisable for rheumatic arthritis ? What can be the reason for swollen and bleeding inner vagina lip ? How can I reduce the pain resulting due to clavicle fracture years ago and live like a normal person ? My son has sore in his head and gets green pus from it. What could be the reason ? How to treat antecubital space rash ? What can be done for this bump on the gingiva that is painful ? How much one can have hyper lipidemic drugs ? Can pregnancy be avoided by taking Nordette pills ? I am having bleeding and spotting after 6 weeks of DNC. Is this the first period ? Is primolt-N safe for inducing periods in case of delay ? Why am i getting painful periods ? What is the success rate of preventing pregnancy using Nordette as with ECP ? Is it possible for me to conceive during rest of the month other than my fertile days ? my blood pressure is 165 over 119 pulse was 142. Is it normal? Is nutrolin b help to cure from loose motion and tiredness ? Bad Breath, yellow tongue and Irregular Stool Is having 5% rapid motile sperms normal ? Stomach pains with diarrhea. Had gallbladder removed which was 80 % full of stone Is there a substitute for revital ? What is the success rate of to prevent pregnancy when using Nordette as ECP ? What care should I take when my USG report says viability is not confirmed ? What are the steps followed after intercourse to conceive ? My diabetes is not under control after the treatment also Which specialist doctor should be consulted for the treatment of lipoma ? I noticed a lump under my eye lid size of a pimple for which I started tearing Is there any substitute pill for regular birth control pills ? Knee Popping after ACL repaired. Could it be a meniscus tear ? I have been using mdpv orally several times a day for about 8 months. How can I stop? Enlarged left testicle with burning sensation during urination What is the correct fertility period after periods ? What medicine should I take for high fever with headache ? How do know I that the infection has subsided if my child is undergoing treatment for UTI ? 7 year old is complaining of a sharp pain just above the hip Can you conceive without insertion ? How can i make my 8 months old baby fatty ? Can any online doctor help me with my semen analysis report ? Is there any home remedy for abortion ? Yellowish discharge with onion smell and rashes on vagina Is ascorbic acid used in abortion ? Looking at my semen report will I be able to father a child ? Is my healthy seminal report normal and am i taking the right treatment for this ? Worried about achy legs, i drink less water Can I impregnate a woman if I have a past history of TB ? Can I father a child if 60% of the sperms are non motile ? What is the success rate of to prevent pregnancy when using Nordette as ECP? I have developed fissure Is it normal to have sugar levels of 113 or 116 ? Will taking marvelon 21 tablet delay my periods ? My grandson is 8 years old with early stage of puberty and inverted nipples. What could be done ? I suffer from pelvic pain whenever I try to urinate and pass bowels I have motion sickness towards afternoon What steps to be taken to cure migraine ? Painful swelling, blotchiness in lower legs when running Can pollen be a cause of yellowish green discharge from eyes and nose for a 2 years old baby ? What is the success rate of using Nordette as ECP ? What is the success rate of Nordette as emergenvy contraceptive ? I have BP of 230/130. What are my chances of becoming disabled ? 2 years old having yellow discharge from eyes and green discharge from nose. Is this pollen allergy ? What is the odorless discharge from my penis ? Itching,chronic gastritis, tickles inside head, vision blurred,concentration loss I am not able to conceive even after stop taking Depo. Why is it ? What could be the cause of red blotches on the skin ? Which test should i undergo to know whether i am hiv infected or not ? Is there any food to boost the immune system ? Can u get syphilis if the person does not show any sores ? Is modus tablet helpful to conceive with PCOD ? Can potato juice prevent the spreading of cancer cell ? I can`t move my left leg due to neurological problem, what can improve my condition ? I get numb ear after a long car journey. How can i get improvement in neurological disorders other than physiotherapy ? Difficulty in speaking due to large tonsils and adenoids How long does it take epididymitis to cause infertility ? What can I do for hair loss ? What could the itchy white spot between the breast be ? What medicine can i take for my weak penis ? Is it possible to have liver transplant and what would be the cost ? What treatment should I take to bring mobility in my legs as I am a neuro patient ? I am having delayed periods after c- section. Why is it ? 56 yrs old man is suffering from vasculitis. What treatment or precautions should be taken for this ? What medicines and food should I take to strengthen my weak penis ? Having sore throat and penis aching with white spots on my penis. What could be the reason for this ? Am i taking the right treatment for TB ? Suggest me the treatment for low sperm count and motility. My colon gets very noisy whenever i eat anything What treatment i should take for weak penis ? Does siphene-m and carnisure 500mg tablet help in overcoming fertility ? What is the natural color of sperms ? Which all fruits and veggies can I eat as my baby is 4 weeks old now ? How long does cocaine stay in the system ? Itchy, puffy, red under eye. Did something bite me in the middle of the night ? What is the treatment for a 9 year old child suffering from inguinal hernia ? Could Mtone and dabur ashokarishta cause strange pressure on cervical and knee area ? What is the right treatment for inguinal hernia ? How are cysts in the ovaries treated ? What is the proper diet plan to loss weight ? Is there a best time to have intercourse to have a baby ? What is the relation between excessive bleeding and ovary health ? I get sperm in urine, what is the treatment ? Could breast discoloration happen due to cancer ? Should I go for a HIV pcr test ? Can primoult-n be taken to delay the periods ? Why am I having body and abdominal pain after taking primolut N tablets ? How can I overcome the side-effects of neo mercazole ? Had urine test of 4 years old kid. Is there any problem with the result ? Can injury with no bleeding cause any harm to sphincters ? Urine Test of Child What is the cause of recurring swelling in the feet and what is the cure ? Why is my urine smelling with yellow discharge in it ? Is there any medicine to increase the size of penis ? What can be the reason for cloudy foul smelling urine ? Does having dark spots around the penis indicate STD ? What will happen if i have intercourse after 20th day of my mensustral period ? Can you conceive after having intercourse on 20th day of period ? Can i discontinue montek lc on 3rd day of the course ? Can anal sex loosen sphincter muscles in the anus ? What is the best multivitamin to prevent onset of varicose and spider veins ? Right arm cramping with nausea, should i be worried ? Severe pain in the left side of my head Can ceftriaxone help to cure tuberculosis ? How does a lump form ? What are the chances of survival in developing throat cancer ? White liquid coming out from vagina Why didn't I get withdrawal bleeding after taking Nordette ? Brown discharge before and after periods. Is it normal ? Can you get withdrawal bleeding during the period ? What vitamins and in what quantity should be taken for Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis ? 29 year old female have high prolactin level, frequent urine infection and trying to conceive Is it not possible for me to undergo an angioplasty if my sugar and BP is high ? How can Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis be treated permanently ? I am suppose to have my period may 30 could i be pregnant cause am 7 days late . Am i pregnant? What cause of not having withdrawal bleeding after taking the Nordette as ECP ? Does withdrawal bleeding occurs during periods while on nordette ? What are the side effects of abortion and how can they be prevented ? What are the side-effects of taking i-pill and how can intermenstrual bleeding be treated ? Now am 7days late could i be pregnant? Will nordette as ECP cause delay in menstrual cycle ? White smelly discharge coming from my vagina with a negative HPG Why you can't have any food while on ciprofloxacin IV drip ? What treatment should i take for ankle joint pain at calcaneus bone ? Does masturbation decrease longer time of continuing sex ? what is the success rate of Combines Oral Contraceptive to prevent pregnancy ? Can improper food timings lead to weakness and back pain ? How can I get rid of dry skin on thumbs quickly ? what are the dos and donts for vertigo? Does masturbation affect sexual health ? weakness,chest tightening,pressure on throat, back pain when sat down or bending How can I prevent my self from diabetes ? Does masturbation decrease the sex power ? I have some skin rashes with white head, how can i make it smooth ? Is there any option other than lens for my eye condition ? I have red spots on my skin,using nicotinamide gel but not satisfied with the treatment I have weakness,shivering and back pain. What is causing this ? Lower labial frenulum hurts, What to do? What can i apply for my rough thumb with dry skin ? How can black spots after pimples be removed ? Is emotional disorder a sign of sure pregnancy ? Which good doctor in Delhi can I consult for my lab test showing protein in urine ? Is it possible to get rid of overgrown labia without a surgery ? Is there any effect to my baby by eating pan masala as I am 8 months pregnant ? Is it possible to get pregnant only by rubbing penis on external genitalia also I have missed my period ? What is the body vibrating feeling I have ? I have mucus in my stool with makes me weak and also losses my weight upto 10 kg in 6 years. How to get rid of this ? I am having cough for the last two weeks. Can it be only for allergy ? Can antibiotics affect on birth control pill ? How much EECP Stroke therapy cost ? What are the chances for me to conceive as I had unprotected sex on the 9th day of my periods ? Is there any solution for tape worms problems ? What is small penis syndrome and how do I enhance my penis length and width ? Are there any possibility of getting pregnant even after taking contraceptive pills ? What do big patches on the hands and nails indicate ? Can my wife take Cefixime as she is suffering from acute cold and cough ? Will Nordette taken after 65 hours after unprotected sex help in preventing pregnancy ? How to avoid getting pregnant after having unprotected sex 1 week ago ? Which is the best eye hospital in India to get laser treatment ? Tonsil problems What are the chances of pregnancy if takes Nordette within 65 hours of unprotected sex ? What causes irregular periods and polycystic ovaries ? What can be done for these pimples all over the body of my daughter ? Can Lipomyelomeningocele , lower part of spine swollen with fat of a 2 1/2 year be cured with ayurveda treatment ? Red itchy skin eruptions on my arms and chest. Is it allergy ? Is daily masturbating bad for health ? What are the chances that my partner will get pregnant if I have varicocele and she took 8 Nordette tablets ? How to get relief from sore throat ? What medicine sis there to cure bronchitis ?
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