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Suggest remedies for lump in penile shaft while treating rhumatoid arthritis Suggest treatment for severe heartburn and acid reflux Suggest treatment for severe nausea, fever and rashes on hands and feet Suggest treatment for persistent migraine with cough and cold What causes severe fatigue while recovering from bronchitis? What do my BP readings indicate? Suggest treatment for difficulty in sleeping while recovering from bronchitis Suggest treatment for persistent cold and cough Suggest treatment for urinary retention in an elderly person Suggest treatment for persistent breathlessness caused by stress and anxiety What are the side effects of Kazano? Suggest remedies to control hyper activity in a child What are the side effects of Sinemet in an elderly person? Can sutures be removed within 2 weeks after a medial malleolar screw implant? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Suggest treatment for swelling in ankles while on Amlodipine Suggest treatment for severe anxiety Suggest treatment for pain while swallowing and persistent cough How long does Prednisone stay in the body? Suggest treatment for severe pain in arm Suggest treatment for itchy rashes and bumps on neck and head Suggest treatment for persistent cough and sore throat Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence after recovering from breast cancer Suggest treatment for cold, headache and facial swelling Suggest remedies for difficulty in breathing while treating COPD Suggest treatment for brain fog post Cymbalta withdrawal What causes pain in ribs and indigestion? Suggest treatment for PCOS Suggest treatment for swelling in shoulder after an accident What does the MRI scan report indicate? What causes white powdery matter in urine? Suggest treatment for severe vomiting in child Suggest treatment for severe back pain Suggest treatment for persistent chapped lips Is laser varicose vein surgery same as heat ablation? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? What causes vaginal discharge during 6 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for abdominal spasms Is heart rate of 55 bpm a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for infertility Suggest treatment for frequent urination Suggest treatment for rashes on thighs How effective is Unwanted 72 in preventing pregnancy? Can Metformin help control diabetes? Suggest treatment for psychosis, body tremors and paranoia Suggest treatment for severe pain post a spinal surgery Is STI tests done 1 year after the exposure conclusive? What are the chances of conception while diagnosed with hyperthyroidism? What causes changes in skin texture in an elderly person with diabetics and hypertension? Suggest treatment for skin pigmentation What causes lack of vaginal bleeding after taking Misoprostol? Suggest treatment for persistent acid reflux Suggest treatment for neck stiffness Does Capecitabine cause body shivering? Suggest treatment for amblyopia in a teenager Suggest treatment for skin tags on vulva in an elderly person What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for fatigue, heart palpitations and hot flashes in an elderly person What causes numbness in hand while waking up from sleep? Suggest treatment for persistent headache Suggest treatment for persistent psoriasis What causes shortness of breath, heart palpitations and constant weight loss? Suggest treatment for non-healing rug burn Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair Suggest treatment for shingles while on Acyclovir Can one eat meat and alcohol while treating chickenpox? What causes redness in face in a Cocaine addict? Suggest treatment for itching on legs and hands Suggest treatment for leg and back pain Suggest treatment for persistent GERD Suggest treatment for refractive esotropia with high hyperopia in a child Suggest treatment for pain in forearm caused by tendonitis What are the after effects of Parazone? Is blood in urine a cause for concern? What does my lab test report indicate? What are the side effects of Meftal Spas? What causes false positive for HSV 2 in an IgG test while on Doxycycline? Suggest dosage for Albuterol What causes reddish discolouration in toe while on Lipitor? Suggest treatment for running nose, cough and sneezing in a child What causes persistent sialorrhea? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating during 3 months of pregnancy Suggest treatment for severe back pain Suggest treatment for redness and itching in the groin area What causes numbness and tingling sensation in hand? Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux and diarrhea Suggest treatment for severe fever in a child What causes itching throughout body after getting an accidental electric shock? Does continuous drinking of aerated drinks cause kidney infection? Suggest treatment for severe restless leg syndrome Suggest treatment for frequent urination and premature ejaculation What do my CT scan reports indicate? Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux and constipation Suggest treatment for sharp pain in chest Suggest treatment for liver parasite Suggest treatment for bromodosis in a child Suggest treatment for varicose veins Suggest treatment for purple discolouration on penile head caused by balanitis Suggest treatment for diaper rashes caused by contact dermatitis in a child Does Prednisone interact with BP medicines? Suggest treatment for persistent sinus infection while on Amoxicillin Suggest home remedies for diarrhea Suggest treatment for cough,sore throat and fever in a child What causes itchy vagina and burning sensation during urination? Do recurrent cold, sinus infection and dry skin after oral sex suggest HIV? What does high HDL level suggest? Suggest treatment for premature ventricular contractions Suggest treatment for dysuria and severe pain in back Can light vaginal bleeding be considered as implantation bleeding? Suggest treatment for constipation and pressure in lower abdomen What causes pain and bleeding after taking I-pill? Can Cortisone injection cause swelling in breast? What causes electrical shock like sensation in body? What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on shoulder and upper arms while on Metoprolol Suggest remedy for high blood pressure and insomnia Suggest treatment for soft tissue infection and pimples on penis Suggest remedy for knee numbness after bursectomy What causes knee numbness post bursectomy? What do hard and round stool indicate? How to rule out influenza? Can Duromine be taken along with Fluvoxamine? Suggest treatment for small bump on the side of the toe What needs to be done after accidental overdose of Lisinopril hctz? What does high platelet count in a CBC report indicate? Suggest treatment for recurrent acid reflux after taking Razo D Are Susten and Duphaston advisable during pregnancy? Does presence of ant near urine suggest diabetes? Suggest treatment for severe constipation after child birth What does the following Widal test result indicate? What do AST level of 41 and ALT level of 56 indicate? What causes pressure feeling in eyes and heaviness in forehead? Suggest treatment for soreness on nose and abdominal pain Suggest ways to get rid of pimples and its marks What do vertigo, ear pain and fluttering sound in ears indicate? Suggest treatment for severe pain after dermoid cyst removal Suggest remedy for severe gastric issues Suggest remedy for cramps on side of uterus Suggest treatment for persistent runny nose Suggest treatment for nasal congestion, ear pain and headache What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest treatment for sinus infection and diarrhea What do my lab test reports indicate? Is abdominal cramps after an intrauterine insemination a sign of implantation? Does tobacco show up in drug screen test 116 days after quitting smoking? Suggest dosage for Conjugated Linoleic Acid Is persistent auditory hallucinations of someone singing a sign of schizophrenia? Suggest treatment for pain above the elbow Suggest treatment for lump near the ear Suggest treatment for lump on jaw bone Suggest treatment for red spots on the skin Suggest treatment for fluctuating blood pressure and fatigue What causes colorless stools? Suggest treatment for pain and ringing in ears Does sodium bicarbonate alter pH levels in blood? Suggest treatment for pain in ribs and breastbone Suggest treatment for acne like bumps on legs and buttocks What causes burning sensation during urination? Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux in an elderly person Suggest treatment for persistent colitis Suggest remedy for reddish color on the fingernails How to use Cytotec vaginally? Suggest treatment for recurrent fever and positive mantoux test result What does the following blood test report indicate? What does discharge from breasts indicate? Suggest dosage for Cefuroxime in an elderly person What causes tremors in hands and muscles in legs? Suggest dosage for Rabipur vaccine Suggest treatment for persistent soreness in chest, heartburn and acid reflux Suggest treatment for persistent phantosmia What does my abdominal ultrasound scan report indicate? Is surgery advisable for broken knee cap? What causes severe fatigue while treating laryngitis and bronchitis? Suggest treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain caused by ovarian cyst Does LivLean Formula help reduce weight? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe cough, cold and breathlessness Is LivLean Formula#1 effective in losing weight? Does Lortab cause muscle tightness, neck and back pain? Does taking vitamins regularly cause constipation? What causes headache, fatigue and nausea while on birth control pill? Suggest treatment for skin lesions caused by insect bites Can HIV be contracted through an open wound? Suggest treatment for severe fever caused by strep throat What does my BP reading indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea post hernia repair surgery Suggest treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding Suggest treatment for severe sore throat and ear pain Suggest treatment for leg pain post a Clindamycin shot Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in leg Suggest remedies for swollen lymph nodes in neck Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating and pain in a person with hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in leg Suggest medication for urinary tract infection Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux while on Prevacid Suggest medication for sleeplessness Suggest treatment for persistent headache Suggest treatment for bump on the palate Suggest treatment for persistent somatic delusion and psychotic disorder
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