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What are the different types of Parkinsonism? What causes pain and burning sensation in penis during urination and ejaculation? What causes scanty menstrual bleeding with mild breast pain? What causes itching and soreness in genital area? What causes vaginal infection while on Cipro? What does my ANA test report indicate? What does my CT scan report indicate? Suggest ways to rule out neuropathic pain Suggest treatment for bumps in genital area Suggest treatment for ankle pain post an accident Suggest treatment for sudden sharp abdominal pain What causes severe leg weakness and fatigue post PFO repair procedure? What causes a small non-painful pimple like bump on vagina near labia? What causes diarrhea and weight loss in an elderly person post colorectal surgery? Suggest treatment for constant cough when diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease Suggest treatment for complete anterior cruciate ligament rupture Suggest treatment for jaundice in an infant What causes difficulty in breathing in a hypertensive person? Suggest treatment for diarrhea while on Dexilant What causes sticky and clear mucus in throat post intake of Montelukast? Suggest treatment for sleep apnea with leg cramps and fatigue What causes vaginal bleeding and spotting while on Mirena IUD? What causes severe pain in ribs when diagnosed with costochondritis? Suggest treatment for persistent rashes on legs What causes sudden altered alertness after waking up? Suggest medication for blisters on lips caused by strep throat Suggest treatment for occasional headache with mild fever Suggest treatment for redness and itching on skin all over the body Suggest treatment for persistent chest pain What are the health hazards of accidental inhalation of smoke? What causes persistent burning sensation in leg despite taking Ibuprofen and Rantac? Suggest treatment for depression after prolonged use of medicines for acne Suggest treatment for perianal abscess due to fistula What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes abdominal pain and cramps in an elderly person? What causes stutter, nervousness and hyperactiveness in a child? What causes lack of orgasm in a diabetic after taking Viagra? What causes persistent vertigo in an elderly person with asthma and hypertension? Are dry peeling lips, white dots and nodule on lips signs of candida? Suggest treatment for persistent constipation and anal bleeding What causes breathing difficulty after suffering a stroke? Suggest treatment for severe pain in buttocks Suggest treatment for bumps on scalp What causes sudden loss of appetite and nausea? Suggest treatment for white patch on penile head What causes oral thrush and sore throat after oral sex? Suggest treatment for severe cough, soreness in ribs and wheezing Suggest treatment for spider bite Is painful, burning and swollen ulcer like sore on vulva a sign of herpes? What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest remedies for post nasal drip and chest infection Suggest remedies for irregular menstruation Suggest ways to regulate ovulation cycle after child birth What causes pulsating electric sensation radiating from neck to arm? What does my lab test report indicate? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes brown vaginal spotting after intercourse while on Microgestin? What are the side effects of Tolvon? Suggest treatment for canker sores in mouth Suggest treatment for frequent vomiting and abdominal pain Suggest treatment for over-active bladder in an elderly person What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest alternate over the counter medication for Paxil? Suggest treatment for chronic fatigue and shortness of breath in a diabetic What causes frequent urge to urinate and blood in urine? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and vomiting after discontinuing Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Suggest treatment for tingling sensation and numbness in leg What causes persistent and severe abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for phimosis Suggest remedies for diarrhea while treating intestinal infection Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in abdomen with fever and vomiting Suggest treatment for insomnia in an elderly person while on Clonazepam Suggest treatment for acid reflux, headache and heartburn Suggest treatment for persistent dizziness and mild headache How to stop bed-wetting in a child? Suggest treatment for abdominal cramps and vaginal pain Suggest treatment for soreness in buttocks when diagnosed with celiac disease Suggest treatment for frequent urination in a child What does my ovulation predictor kit result indicate? How to rule out Parkinson's disease? Suggest treatment for ligament tear after an accident Suggest treatment for persistent chest pain Suggest treatment for red itchy rashes around mouth Suggest treatment for severe cough, cold and pain in head Suggest treatment for swelling in tongue, breathlessness and panic attacks Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain caused by UTI Does Benedryl interact with Ambien and Trazodone? What does the liver function test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe chlamydial urethritis What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes? What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes? What causes mucus in urine? Suggest treatment for iron and vitamin B 12 deficiency Suggest treatment for numbness and pain in thumb Suggest treatment for sore throat, nausea and headache Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and extremely sensitive penis Suggest treatment for urinary incontinence in an elderly person Suggest treatment for difficulty in swallowing after smoking Marijuana Suggest treatment for sore throat during pregnancy Suggest remedies for irregular heartbeats and enlarged heart What causes frequent urination in an infant? What causes penile bleeding after intercourse? Suggest treatment for urinary infection caused by Staphylococcus What causes severe chills and swelling in right knee while on Ceftriaxone? Suggest dosage for Pefloxacin Suggest dosage for oral polio vaccine Suggest remedies for heavy vaginal bleeding after a medical abortion Suggest treatment for itching and soreness in nipple Suggest ways to lower troponin level in blood of 12 ng/L What causes fluctuating troponin levels, swollen legs and dizziness? What causes red dots on penis after intercourse? What causes strange body odor after drinking water? Suggest treatment for withdrawal symptoms of Prednisone What causes repeated leg cramps at night followed by a huge bruise? What causes radiating pain from nape to crown of head and mild nausea? Can HIV be transmitted through contact with blood outside human body? Are delayed menstruation and headache symptoms of pregnancy? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptives? What does my lumbar MRI scan report indicate? Can non-penetrative sexual activity cause pregnancy? Suggest treatment for groin hematoma What causes recurrent UTI, back pain and pelvic pain when diagnosed with osteophytes? What causes rapid weight gain and lethargy? What causes productive cough followed by pain in stomach and ribs? Are white itchy bumps on arms and itching on scalp signs of psoriasis? What causes sudden onset of hypersomnia while on DMD for MS? Are intermittent stinging pain during urination and light odourless cloudy discharge normal? Can a blood test indicate whether I have gallstones or stones in ducts? Suggest remedies for swelling and damaged skin on left knee post injury Does Eliquis interact with other herbal supplements? What causes severe chest pain on left side while breathing and anxiety? Does intake of Curam and Voltaren help in curing acute tonsillitis? Are persistent chest pain, hypertension and stress sings of a heart attack? Are fluctuating lengths in menstrual cycle normal? Suggest treatment for severe pain in pelvic area post injury Are irregular heartbeats, stress and anxiety normal? What causes swollen glands on left side of neck? Is running risky when diagnosed with pancreatic pseudocysts? What are the repercussions of accidentally drinking Clorox? Suggest the ideal dosage for Normoz Is there any test to determine thalassemia disease? Suggest treatment for controlling behaviour and low self esteem while on depression medication Are sore throat, diarrhea and small bumps on penis signs of HIV? What causes persistent low grade fever, cough and headache? Does physical and vestibular therapy help in curing cervicogenic vertigo and dizziness? Is a tiny bluish spot on the scrotum a symptom of angiokeratoma? What causes recurrent loss of nails post recovery from hand foot mouth disease? Suggest alternative medicine for ear infection apart from Augmentin What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? Does Sinemet or Mirapex have lesser side effects? What causes itching and burning sensation in vagina post intake of Amoxicillin? Can persistent hives and MS cause lupus? Does intake of Lemtrada lead to bone lesions? Are fatigue, chest pain and severe anxiety signs of heart problem? Does Ocuvite interact with Warfarin? Does constipation lead to reduced fetal movement? What causes swelling and warm sensation on ankle post a fracture? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest ways to grow taller Suggest treatment for itching on lips in a child Suggest remedies for labial fusion What causes swelling in lips, tongue and salty taste in mouth? What causes blue discoloration of nails? What causes rashes on head of penis and painful erections? What is the ideal dosage of Doxylamine? Does adipose stem cell therapy help in preventing side effects of chemotherapy? What causes radiating electrical sensations from the spine towards the limbs? Does Hydrocodone interact with Amitiza? What is the life expectancy of a patient diagnosed with acute aortic syndrome? What is the life expectancy of children suffering from cerebellum atrophy? Can Tylenol and Xanax be taken together? What causes severe pain in lower left abdomen post recovery from flu? What causes pain in upper stomach in between the ribs while eating? What causes severe pain in right buttock and iliac crest post injury? What causes severe depression post recovery from stroke? What causes weakness and soreness in muscles, fatigue and shortness of breath? Is Dubagest 200 mg tablet safe for a 31 week pregnant woman? Suggest ways to reduce cholesterol levels What causes painful stiffness on lower left side of head, neck and shoulder? Suggest medication to induce early menstrual bleeding Are chest pain, bloating and burping while exercising signs of a heart problem? What does my HSG test report indicate? What causes persistent pain below the right breast bone wrapping around the back? What causes persistent weakness and loss of libido post recovery from typhoid? What causes dryness and darkness in skin while using Depiwhite and Triwhite cream? What causes fatigue, balance issues and confusion along with memory problems? Is intermittent swelling, itching and frequent superficial pain around incision site normal? Suggest treatment for side effects of Atenolol Are ALT levels of 73 and AST levels of 29 abnormal? Suggest an alternative medication in place of Azithromycin for sinus infection Suggest treatment for IBD Is terrible bruising and soreness on left side of ribs post injury serious? Suggest treatment for recurrent hemorrhoids Suggest remedies for leg cramps every night What are the withdrawal symptoms of Suboxone? Suggest treatment for recurring kidney stone What causes hissing sensation in ears? What does euthyroid mean clinically? What causes stomach pain with bloating, constipation and intermittent diarrhea?
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