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Suggest treatment for chronic diastolic heart failure in a person with high BP What causes nausea and vomiting post angiography procedure? Will vicodin, zantac or trazodone have an effect on the HIV result? Suggest treatment for fractured cranial vault in an elderly person post an accident Suggest treatment for joints pain and red spots on body Suggest remedies for lack of appetite, lower back pain and constipation What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? What are the effects of severe psoriasis? Suggest treatment for pressure in the abdomen while having IBS and GERD Suggest remedies for difficulty in conception What are the chances of pregnancy while on contraceptive pills? What causes lump in the throat below the Adam's apple? What are the repercussions of overdose of Cymbalta, Xanax and Advil? What do the following blood test results indicate? Suggest treatment for side effects of Lamictal What do these nose and throat culture reports indicate? Suggest treatment for ventricular dysphonia What causes headache before orgasm? What causes severe back pain in an elderly person? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling on the ankles Suggest treatment for irregular menstruation Suggest remedies for persistent itchiness after insect bite Suggest treatment for hair fall Does regular use of hormonal contraceptive pills result in breakthrough bleeding? How can an open bleeding wound after injury be taken care of? Suggest medication for hypertension while on Zolfresh Suggest treatment for painful urination Suggest ways to reduce eosinophil count in blood while on Banocide Forte and zentel Suggest diet plan for a person with chronic kidney disease Suggest treatment for restless leg syndrome Suggest ways to increase foetus weight when amniotic fluid is less Can hydrogen peroxide be used to prevent infection? What does presence of white matter in an MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for painful bumps in genitals and stomach pain Suggest treatment for persistent temporal lobe seizures Suggest treatment for enterobacter infection on the penis Suggest treatment for an injury on the foot post an accident Suggest treatment for severe hair loss when diagnosed with scarring alopecia Suggest treatment for persistent cough in a child Suggest treatment for swollen legs Suggest treatment for vertigo and pain in shoulders Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and frequent bowel movement when diagnosed with diverticulosis What causes altered sense of smell and lightheadedness? What causes increased weight gain with abdominal pain? Suggest medication for a blood clot in the leg Suggest treatment for lymph node swelling in the armpit Suggest treatment for nausea and headaches What causes snoring post a deviated septum repair? Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for facial paralysis post tooth extraction What causes fear and mild headache after injury? What does this abdominal ultrasound report indicate? What does my lab test report indicate? Does GERD cause chest and jaw pain? Is blood pressure value of 135/101 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for a UTI Suggest treatment for dry eyes Suggest remedies for swelling in the tongue post a sinus infection treatment Suggest treatment for lupus nephritis Suggest treatment for abdominal pain with diarrhea in a child Is Actifed advisable to treat cold during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for bleeding from an ear in an elderly person Does Ativan interact with Oxycodone and Cymbalta? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain and diarrhea while on Lansoprazole Suggest treatment for symptoms of anal fissure Suggest treatment for pain in the toe Is Tripride 2 advisable while having high blood sugar levels? Suggest treatment for symptoms of knee arthritis Suggest treatment for severe anxiety, depression and shortness of breath Suggest treatment for chest pain while having GERD Can Xanax be taken after colonoscopy? What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal spasms in a person on a pacemaker Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder Suggest treatment for itching in the anal area What causes anembryonic pregnancy? Suggest treatment for blackheads on the nose Is wisdom tooth removal necessary? Suggest ideal food supplements to increase breast-milk supply? What causes proteinuria? Is HIV test conclusive 85 days post exposure? Is penile length of 3 cm during erection a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for burning micturition while having diabetes Suggest treatment for high fever in a child What causes burning sensation near the vaginal region and frequent urination? What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest ways to remove gallbladder stones Does the use of ECT cause memory issues? What does this LFT report indicate? What does my urinalysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for a lump in the neck Suggest treatment for skin pigmentation around the nose and the mouth What do these following lab reports indicate? What causes sudden weight loss post child birth? What causes persistent tinnitus? Suggest treatment for a brownish scab on the buttock Is excessive sleeping normal in an infant? What does my SPEP lab test report indicate? Suggest remedies for restlessness and sleeping issues Is there interaction between Mebendazole and Praziquantel? Suggest treatment for symptoms of hypothyroidism What causes constant fatigue and difficulty in breathing? Suggest treatment for severe iron deficiency anemia Is pregnancy possible when diagnosed with PCOD and anteverted uterus? Can Ovral-G be taken before IVF? Suggest medication for upper respiratory infection. Suggest treatment for persistent dry cough in a child Suggest remedies for accidental ingestion of eucalyptus oil What causes pain at the dorsum of the foot? Suggest treatment for severe itching under the ear lobe and the jaw What causes frequent viral infections? What does the following biopsy report indicate? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in the armpit What causes persistent mucus in stool? Suggest treatment for genital herpes infection Suggest treatment for a rash on the head of the penis Suggest treatment for uneasiness and pain in stomach Can Valtrex be taken for herpes infection? What do fluctuations in the pulse rate indicate? Suggest rehabilitation therapies for brain stroke Is alcohol advisable while on Ofloxacin and Ornidazole? How effective is Entresto in managing blood pressure levels? What causes redness and irritation around the eyes? Suggest treatment for neck pain and headaches What causes sharp pain in the chest during physical activity? Is hard spot on vein post IV cannulation normal? Is there any non-invasive testing for vascular disease? Suggest treatment for impacted wisdom tooth How accurate result can an open MRI scan produce? Is Calcimax suspension advisable for a toddler? Suggest ways to reduce the dosage of Esomeprazole Is Centrum advisable for heavy smokers? What do the following blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for severe headaches and pain in muscles What causes vomiting and weakness while on Cabercet? What causes an increased heart rate after a coronary artery bypass grafting? Is Minoxidil advisable for severe hair loss? Suggest treatment for yeast infection Suggest treatment for gastritis Suggest treatment for muscle cramps and pain in the foot Can iron deficiency cause clay colored stool? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in the underarm What does this echocardiogram test report indicate? Is HIV antibody test conclusive 3 months post exposure? Suggest treatment for boils and swelling on the thighs Suggest treatment for severe back pain Does insertion of catheter into the stomach help in treating fluid buildup in the liver? What causes seed-like particles in stool? Suggest treatment for abnormal vaginal bleeding What causes vomiting and acid reflux post hepatitis C treatment? Suggest treatment for sore throat while having an HIV infection Suggest treatment for tight foreskin What do the following test reports indicate? Does testosterone replacement therapy affect fertility? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, throat pain and sneezing while having flu Suggest treatment for small lump on penis How to minimize chlorine exposure while swimming? What causes loss of appetite, insomnia, shivering and diarrhea after eating? Suggest treatment for painful nasal trauma after injury Suggest treatment for chronic lower back, neck and foot pain Suggest treatment for persistent pain in right side of chest What causes burning pain in foot after exercising? What do dizziness, hot flashes and chills along with tingling lips suggest? Is it safe to take Ativan while on Oxycodone and Cymbalta? Suggest treatment for a bump on the palm of hand after injury What causes pressure sensation on the breast? Suggest treatment for symptoms of GERD What does the following test report suggest? Suggest treatment for swollen joints with pain and stiffness Suggest treatment for frozen shoulder and pain in knees What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for irritation and swelling in the genital area Suggest treatment for severe cough with hoarseness Suggest treatment for acne on the forehead What do these following FBS and PPBS values indicate? What causes brownish wax-like nasal discharge? What causes floaters in the field of vision? Is homeopathic medication effective for dust allergy and asthma? Is discontinuing of Ecosprin advisable? Is blood pressure value of 105/82 a cause for concern? Are vaginal bleeding and dryness signs of cancer? Suggest treatment for symptoms of buried penis Suggest medication while suffering from HS purpura and joints pain What causes genital irritation and red spots on the glans penis after sex? Is Naproxen advisable for pain in hips? What causes tingling sensation in the body while on Truvada? Does Sertraline interact with Hydrochlorothiazide? What causes painful swallowing and feeling of a lump in the throat? Suggest treatment for vertigo, occipital headache and arm pain Is HbA1c value of 5.6 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for a dark brown wart on the body Suggest treatment for side effects of Xarelto What are the repercussion of accidental ingestion of Metformin by a teenager? Suggest treatment for burning sensation during urination Suggest treatment for severe leg cramps Suggest treatment for leg cramps and sinus issues Suggest treatment for fungal dermatitis What causes dizziness and faint immediately after getting Hyalgan injection? Suggest treatment for chronic pain under the shoulder blade
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