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Suggest treatment to cure pain due to lumbar canal stenosis What causes vomiting,diarrhhea and shivering after gall bladder surgery? Suggest treatment to cure eye infection What causes short periods? What causes difficulty in swallowing food? Is there a safe weight lost pill? What causes pink discoloration on centre of the tongue? Is 2000 IU enough to trigger ovulation? Suggest treatment for acid reflux when suffering from low hemoglobin level What causes high ESR levels and low Lymphocytes? What causes headaches,dizziness and vomiting? Does unprotected sex lead to pregnancy? What causes mucus in stool with wheezing and breathing difficulty? Suggest treatment for extreme fatigue Suggest treatment to cure schizo affective disorder Suggest treatment to cure hypertension Can Humog injection be taken instead of Menotas? Is 50 mg of Vyvanse a high dose for ADHD treatment? Suggest treatment for weight loss What do red spots all over the body indicate? What causes burning with urination? What causes dull ear pain and throat pain? Can Asprin be taken with antibiotics? Is Toporal XR intake after its expiry good? Is abrubpt stopping of Plavix intake safe? Suggest treatment to cure overall body itch Sugegst treatment to cure torn left pec muscle Suggest treatment for flu symptoms after taking stelazine What causes muscle cramping in my lower extremities daily? What causes inflammation and fluid collection in the knee joint? What causes abdominal pains, diarrhea and pain in lower intestine? Suggest treatment to cure skin pigmentation and tanning Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What do tiny red spot on penis foreskin indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach infection Suggest treatment for Non Hodgin Lymphoma What causes tiny bumps on stoma when suffering from crohns disease? Suggest treatment for itchy small boils on the scalp Can pregabalin effectively control anxiety symptoms? What does a painful lymph node without swelling mean? What does this lymphocyte count indicate? How to give ORS solution to babies? How to reduce dandruff? What causes severe productive cough? What does my lab report indicate? What does this liver test indicate? What causes depression and anxiety inspite of having vivelle patch? Suggest treatment for sore ear inspite of a stuck particle in ear What causes fluctuated tumor markers after testicular cancer surgery? What does mild to severe cortical atrophy mean? What causes non retractable foreskin of penis? What causes lower back pain during periods and pain in lower right side? What causes burning inside the penis? What does a swollen lump near the buttocks indicate? What causes change in the intensity of the period? Is pregnancy possible after unprotected sex when on Rigevidon pill? What causes lower back pain during periods and pain in lower right side? What causes chronic cough with high heart rate? What causes pain in neck and at base of skull? Suggest treatment for eating uncooked beef sausage during pregnancy Suggest treatment for severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms How long does a patient stay in an induced coma? What causes fluid bowels, bowel cramps and gas? How long liver enzymes remain elevated after alcohol intake? What causes loose stools? What causes pain and gagging with nasal obstruction inspite of having cyst in brain? What causes leg cramps? What causes UTI symptoms after intercourse? Is duramine safe to take for weight loss during pregnancy? What causes reflux in children? How to identify if baby has produced meconium in the womb? What causes migraine headache,sore neck and nausea? What causes stabbing pain in anal and vaginal area? Is ALT level of 83 a matter of concern? Suggest centamol drops alternative for fever in infants What causes repeated vomiting and viral cough in infants? Can seven days prednisolone dosage of 40 mg effect mantoux test? What does this colonoscopy indicate? Is it normal to be able to feel lymph nodes in the neck? What causes patch of large dry skin on scalp? What causes hang over after taking ativan? What causes itching, rashes and swelling of both legs? Suggest diet to control BP Is taking Evatone safe when trying to conceive? Suggest treatment to cure recurring trichomoniasis Does taking Bupropion and Citalaprom together cause anxiety? Suggest treatment to prevent CHF exacerbations What causes continous bleeding after taking MT pill? What causes light periods after insertion of birth control implant? Suggest treatment for black eye after an injury How to increase sensitivity of regular dermatological checkup of moles? What causes fever and diarrhea after appendix operation? What causes round red bruises inspite of having psoriatic arthritis? What causes pain in lower abdominal pain? What causes sudden weakness of legs? Can tablets containing Pseudoephedrine fail a urine test? Suggest treatment for nodule on pituitary gland How long should I be off Xarelto in order to have prostate surgery? Suggest treatment for acute pancreatitis Can anti depression and anxiety medicines cause low libido? Is macrobid safe to use for pseudomonas aeruginosa UTI infection? What causes twitching in my right eye, chills and sweating palms? What causes back pain and constipation? What causes black particles in semen? What causes heavy bleeding and abdominal swelling when suffering from fibroids? Can frequent masturbation lead to depression? Suggest treatment for anxiety What are symptoms of whooping cough? What causes light spotting, nausea and vomiting after depo shot? Suggest NSAIDs dosage for acute rheumatoid arthritis pain What does a swollen gland under the arm indicate? Can i get HIV inspite of having an unprotected sex? Is Fetzima a good alternative to Celexa? What causes swelling on belly button after umbilical hernia repair? What is the cause and treatment for anal fissure? What causes muscle pain in left hand and bleeding bowels? How to prevent gout attacks? Suggest treatment for overstretched anus Suggest treatment for cyst in right arm What causes stomach gas after an angioplasty? Is USG follicular study more painful? What causes pain and soreness in the area of contusion? What causes headache, muscle weakness and tingling in left arm? Suggest treatment to cure dryness of lips What causes itching of lips, mouth and anus? Will the nail grow back after an injury? Can throat infection cause high fever? What causes swelling from knee to toe? Does Xarelto cause low energy? What is the onset of the anti-secretory effect of omeprazole? Should I get pertussis vaccination before a baby is born? What causes vitamin D deficiency and body pain? Are fibroadenoma of breast harmful? Is Neurobion safe to take for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy? Suggest treatment to cure numbness on leg What does high ESR after Neuroblastoma tumor treatment indicate? What causes diarrhea? What is neutrophilia? What does straightening of the spine of MRI scan indicate? What does my MRI finding indicate? What causes body chills and shivering? What causes weakness in forearms and wrist? What causes high WBC count? What does a mass on adrenal gland indiacte? Suggest treatment to cure lymphoma Is probiotic or is yogurt better to restore good bacteria? What causes stomach pain under ribs and swelling of breast area? What causes light bleeding after periods? How to determine whether I am dehydarted? What is the cause and treatment for constipation? What causes forgetfulness? What causes puss discharge from BCG vaccination site? How to help speech development in a child? What causes recurring cold? What causes awful vaginal smell? What causes lower abdominal pain during pregnancy? What are perphenazine long usage side effects? Suggest treatment for unusual behaviour of a child How to confirm pregnancy? Is parasoft cream safe to use for dry skin? What harm does combination of Xanax and wine cause? Suggest treatment to cure reactive hypoglycemia Suggest treatment for brown lesion on leg Do the trauma in the L frontal part cause meningioma? How to know if a stroke was hemorrhgic or thobomic? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels Suggest treatment to cure migraine What causes difficult swallowing ? What causes sudden falls in old age? What causes throbbing cervix accompanied by chills? Is medifast suggestible for weight loss? What causes swelling of glands with stiffness in face and neck? What causes increased anger after putting off thorazine? Is flying advisable after a hairlline fracture in tibia? Can tryptomer for depression cause high heart rate? Should I continue with antiretroviral drugs and get a repeat HIV test? Suggest an alternative to Nephrocaps capsule What causes pins and needles sensation in head? What causes stomach pain and loose stools? What cause heart palpitations and little weakness? What causes deep breathing induced cough and pain? Is ashwangandha safe to take with thyronorm? What causes back pain mid back and stomach cramps after eating? What causes bump on abdomen? Is Prednisone and Valacyclovir effective for Bells palsy treatment? Suggest treatment for disturbed attention and concentration What causes cold, cough and chest congestion? What does a small ard lump on lower shin indicate? What causes delayed periods inspite of having unprotected sex? Is physiotherapy good for treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia? Suggest treatment for locked knee and pain What causes pressure on discomfort anus? Suggest treatment for anger management Is HIV test results at 6th and 9 week after exposure conclusive? Suggest intercourse positions during ovulation to have boy child What are the symptoms of bacterial meningitis? What causes lump on lower tibia? Does a traumatic emotional event affect the onset of menopause? What is vertebral hemangioma?
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