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Suggest treatment for severe back pain How to avoid diabetes and hypertension? Can obesity lead to health problems? Can HIV be transmitted after protected sex? Is laser removal of hair growing on neck and chin,safe? What precautions should be taken before going for a semen analysis? What causes numbness in fingers,feet and neck cracking? Suggest treatment for benign proliferative disorder What causes bruising on arms after taking Coumadin? What causes blurry vision and dizziness after taking botox injections? Suggest treatment for trigeminal neuralgia What is considerd a long term constipation? How serious is busted blood vessel in eye? Can Calexa help withdrawl effects while weaning off Xaxan? What causes burning sensation while passing urine? What causes burning sensation while passing urine after treatment of trichomoniasis? What causes itchy rash on shoulders? Suggest treatment for IBS Can one get pregnanct while breastfeeding? Can a male grow in height and width after the age of 19? Does pituitary gland problem cause high blood pressure? What causes tingling sensations in muscles,calves,feet and hands? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking Postinor? Is asbestos connected to COPD or renal failure? Suggest treatment for small cell lungs cancer with brain metastases Suggest treatment for IBS and fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for acne on face What causes decrease in hemoglobin levels at night after pneumonia treatment? Suggest treatment for chronic pain from back,hip,neck and femur injuries What causes lack of clarity while thinking and difficulty taking simple decisions? What causes acute otitis media? Suggest treatment for extremely oily skin How long does benign paroxysmal positional vertigo take to get cured? What causes pain on touching and injured area after a head injury? Can i remove bandages post appendix removal inspite of having dissolvable stitches? How to quit drinking alcohol? What causes diarrhea and headache followed by non-blanching rash on body? Suggest treatment for recurrent folliculitus What causes arterial obstruction in the groin area? What causes disturbed sleep when suffering from pcod? Is lyrica medicine suggestible for back pain and insomnia? What does hair follicle test check for? What does CT scan showing nodules on lungs indicate? Is influenza contagious? Suggest treatment for cat bite What causes thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura? Suggest treatment for cat bite What causes enlarged mass below the waist? What causes air embolism? What causes lack of speech development in a child? What does "urine mucus rare and high" in urine test indicate? Can benazepril usage for high BP cause shortness of breath? What causes slurred speech and disorientation after taking Nortripyline and Valium? What does Cysty placenta mean? What does a lump on breast indicate? Is tetanus shot recommended inspite of having red blister on arm? Suggest treatment for knee arthritis, stiff neck, and constipation What causes recurrent OCD symptoms after withdrawing risperidone? Suggest treatment for tiredness and stress due to raised blood pressure What does "scattered subcortical nodular foci measuring 3mm" mean in an MRI? Suggest treatment for high fever after taking mucinex for chest congestion What causes hip joint pain? What does increased TLC indicate? What causes pain in leg? What causes burning while urinating and pain near rectum? Suggest treatment for high BP How is mifepristone/misoprostol used to terminate pregnancy? What causes swollen belly button and lump beneath the skin? What causes normal ejaculation during masturbation but not during sex? Suggest the type of lenses to be preferred for cataract surgery What causes a dent in lower back? What causes absence of periods? Is surgery the only way to treat umbilical hernia? What causes a dent on lower back? Can Brovana and Budesonide be combined and breathed with a nebulizer? What causes numbness and tingling in chest and ear when suffering from fibromyalgia? What causes clogged ear and lump near the temple? Suggest treatment for scabies inspite of having asthma How does the sperm reach where the egg is? What does this MRI findings for knee pain indicate? What causes severe allergic reaction when on insulin injections? What does this MRI findings for knee pain indicate? What causes palpitations and feeling of fullness in upper quadrant? What causes missing periods inspite of having contraceptive pills? What are the side effects of Prevacid? How to stop Gabapentin intake? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes flat deer ticks stuck together coming out on top of a swollen bump? What does high BPD and low OFD/HC during pregnancy indicate? Can regular masturbation lead to excessive hair of penis? What does a painful hard lump on toe joint indiacte? What is biodec used for inspite of having high BP? What causes pheochromocytomas? Suggest treatment for fainting spells and pain in right calf What causes painful lump in groin and swelling in scrotum? What are medical marijuana benefits? What are the tests to identify a pheochromocytoma? Can homeopathy cure psoriasis? What causes swollen and lumpy penis? Suggest treatment for chest congestion and cough Suggest treatment for gall bladder stone inspite of having diabetes Is pregnancy possible after non penetrative sex? What causes blood in urine when suffering from diverticulitis? What causes boils near the episiotomy site? What does ultra sound of thyroid showing piece of tissue indicate? Suggest treatment for high fever in children What causes red spot between scrotum and groin after protected sex? What causes swelling around upper feet and ankles? Suggest treatment for renal cortical cyst causing pain What causes delayed periods after a cervical biopsy? What causes weakness and difficulty in walking? What is the cause and treatment for urinary tract infection? Suggest treatment for swollen lymphnode What causes diarrhea after using IV antibiotics? What causes cramps near the waist line? Suggest treatment for allergic skin reaction to the use of hair color What causes swellling from scrotum to anus? What causes e breathlessness and wheezing while taking Bentyl and Carafate? What causes worm infestation of clitoris? What causes dizziness, nausea and headache? What does attachment of fallopian tubes to the underlying ovary indicate? What causes sensitivity to certain foods post gall bladder removal? What does "moderate to severe narrowing of the medial articular cartilage" indicate? Suggest treatment for bruised and swollen forehead What causes chest pain that comes and goes? Is fecal transplant suggestible for C.difficile infection? What does a rash near the groin area indicate? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What are the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia? What causes pain in the right upper quadrant along with vomiting? What causes lump in groin area during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for external hemorrhoid Suggest treatment for swollen and tender right elbow Suggest treatment for strained muscles of buttock Suggest treatment for pain in pelvic region after pushing heavy objects Suggest treatment for lump under my skin in vagina Is taking Uloric safe and effective for treatment of gout? What does the bilirubin level in my LFT report indicate? Is thick hymen more prone to infections? Can taking Misoprostol before Mifepristone cause complications in abrotion? Sugegst treatment for depression and ptsd Suggest treatment for diarrhea inspite of travelling a lot What causes burning sensation on back of head? Suggest treatment for knee pain and weak left leg after an accident Suggest treatment for pain and pressure of index finger What tests are done to detect HIV? How lond does intestinal TB take to get cured? Suggest treatment for pancreatic cancer What causes seizures when on Celexa? What causes recurrent pitryasis rosea? Suggest treatment for psoriasis at the top of genitals What causes chest pain? What causes muscular pain and weakness across upper chest area? What causes schizophrenia? Does combination of Diazepam,Oxycodone and Larazepam cause any side effects? Is heart attack possible after an angiogram? Suggest treatment for fungal infection in toe nails What is the cause and treatment for pityriasis rosea? Why do I faint while standig up? What causes pain along hip joint on standing? What causes spotting and delayed periods after taking an I pill? What does black particles in stool? Is elevated liver enzyme a serious condition? Suggest treatment for acidity Suggest treatment for severe acid reflux What causes blood in urine? What causes weight gain and breathlessness after gallbladder removal? Suggest treatment for parkinson's disease Suggest treatment for cold and appetite loss in a child What causes pain in back,neck,abdomen with cramps in calf at night? How to get over side effects of Prolia injection? Suggest treatment for disturbed sleep Can Hem-Clear be taken with Atenolo,Flomax,Klonopin and Olanzapine? What do flesh colored bumps on the labia indicate? What does A-typical cells present in panceras indicate? What does rise in WBC count indicate? What causes pain in the back of elbow radiating down the forearm? What causes pain radiating down the arm after a neck injury indicate? What causes absence of periods with increased appetite and nausea? What does a red and itchy skin rash on leg indicate? Suggest treatment for severe depression and anxiety due to physical pain Suggest treatment for lacunar infarcts What cause body tremor,heart palpitations and now tingling in hands and feet? What casues constipation with abdominal cramps? What does a white rash across the nose indicate? What causes stomach sickenss when on Pacerone,Furosemide,Carvedilol and Gabapentin? Suggest treatment for severe hypertension What is penile smooth muscle cell lifespan? What causes sores and swelling on lips after getting a lip implant? What are the side effects of an Epidural injection? What causes enlarged testicle? Can folate deficiency cause pompholyx/dyshyrosis? Is taking I pill effective after a week post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for nephrotic syndrome What causes numbness in joints,ligaments and tendons? Is an MRI advisable when having a pace maker? What causes diarrhea,acidity and burping? What causes elevated CEA levels in patients with alcoholic liver disease? Is flying safe with a fractured leg? What causes high white blood cell count and low red blood cell count?
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