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Is it normal to have swollen bicep while taking dialysis treatment? Suggest treatment for ulnar neuropathy Can I discontinue wellbrutrin and celexa while taking effxor? What does an inflamed lump at the top of the neck area indicate? Why am I feeling awful while taking vicodin? Why am I having anxiety and lightheadedness after withdrawing from venlafaxine? What does presence of fetal pole but no cardiac activity indicate in an ultrasound? What could be the cause for painless foreskin ulcer? What is cause and treatment for hemorrhoid? Is there any blood work to determine fibromyalgia and what causes pins and needles in my feet? What causes strange altered sensation on one side of my body? Suggest treatment for throat infection What causes red blood upon ejaculation? What causes painful earache and bleeding in my ears when suffering from adenoids? What does low levels of neutrophils mean? Can I use salicylic acid cream for acne on labia? Can Micardis cause irritating cough? Is it safe to take Meoprolol Tartrate with low blood pressure? What can be done for Dysphagia caused due to humped spine? Does drinking affect my enzyme levels? Suggest treatment for footdrop in both legs What doe sharp pains on one side of head and swelling behind the ears indicate? What are the precautions to be taken for increasing diaper rash? What causes salty taste in mouth and black furry tongue? What is the treatment for blurred vision in right eye? What cause skipped heartbeats followed by thumping? Can lump in throat and wheezing be signs of pneumonia? Suggest treatment for Writer's cramp What is the cause and treatment for Alopecia aerata? What are the chances of getting STD after having unprotected oral sex? What is the treatment for skin problem while taking Levothyroxin? Does high fever during first or second trimester of pregnancy lead to complications in fetus? What causes muscle soreness in lateral left thigh below incision sight post melanoma? Is there any surgical procedure for scar tissue after a klebsiella infection? What does lump in breast indicate? What could be the cause for grey color vomiting? What causes hot flush face and appetite loss after taking oral dose of Vitamin K? What could be the cause for yellow discharge after taking monistat? What causes feeling of dripping from my penis? What are the side effects of taking Nyquil? Why am I feeling tired most of the time when suffering from digestion and constipation problem? What causes pain above his right eyebrow and down the right side of his nose? What could be the cause for orange color in the roof of my mouth? What causes dry itchy patches on my stomach? Can High cortisol lead to hyponatremia and mild hyperkalemia? What does burning pain in leg indicate? How to take right decision in life? How can acyesis be treated? What is the cure for burned tongue syndrome post neck surgery? What causes itching in penis? What causes foot drop in children? What causes weird feeling after a groin hernia repair? How dangerous is a cat bite injury? Can 3 to 6 weeks pregnancy be terminated with primolut or pills? Why am I finding hard to take deep breath when suffering from anxiety? What causes swollen veins in arms after heavy alcohol consumption? Is delay in periods caused due to ipill? Can I take doxycycline for Ureaplasma when suffering from chest pain and esophagitis? Can I apply eumosome for dark areas on lips? Is there ant relation between cat bite and anxiety? What causes dizziness after taking injectable insulin for type2 diabetes? How long does liver enzyme count take to return to normal after drinking alochohol? How serious is a cat bite? What could be the cause for high readings in liver panel test? What is the treatment for accidental cut in labia? What causes soreness in my right arm? What causes thick mucus from my gum line? Is it safe to take topiramate for migraines? Suggest dosage of Topiramate for treatment of migraine What causes popping sensation in my right knee and what is the treatment for bruising near the knee cap? What causes strong pain on one side of the head? Suggest treatment for management of sciatica Is there any difference between Prednisone and Methylped? What could be the cause for frequent fever and sore throat in children?? What causes significant changes in vital parameters of blood and urine tests during pregnancy? What is the permanent cure for diarrhea? What causes large swollen lymph nodes on neck? What are the precautions to be taken for tuberculosis of uterus during an intercourse? What causes left sided chest pain? Does Cenestin cause reduced sex drive? Is lumps on my leg caused due to vaginal sling? How to remove black spots from nose? What is the cause and treatment for small itchy lumps outside outer labia? What causes freckle like pigmentation on my ankles and calves? Is Derealization a symptom of neurological disease? What causes sharp pain and sorness in knees? Does Loratadine cause an increase in Blood Pressure? Suggest treatment for sebaceous cyst on the scalp Suggest treatment for hip pain after a fall when suffering from Lewy body What is the treatment for post concussion syndrome ? What causes brown discharge with fibres during perimenopause? Suggest treatment for spondyloarthrosis and disc protrusion What causes ear wax ? What causes breast soreness during pregnancy? What causes isolated diastolic hypertension ? Can swollen lymph nodes in armpit and mass in liver be signs of cancer? What causes sand paper like rash on neck and chest? Is it normal to have itching all over my body with high sugar count? Are Diazepam pills light blue,round,scored on one side and blank on the other? What causes peripheral neuropathy? Does Revlimid cause skin rashes? What is the treatment for fever blisters? What cream can I apply for rashes and redness all over my face caused due to facial waxing? Can adenomyosis cause dark discharge between periods? Is high blood pressure caused due to fluctuation in sugar levels? What causes constant dehydration and lower back pain? What causes acid secretion in my stomach and how reliable is ELFA vidas method for HIV? Does venlafaxine and lamotrigine cause dizziness,headache and increase in BP? Can I take hyaluronic acid for dark circles when suffering from pregnancy induced hypertension? What causes Hepatitis B and can it relapse? Is it necessary to readjust the dosage of Imuran with weight changes? What does burning sensation on buttocks,perenial area, and pins and needles in leg indicate? Suggest best medicine for treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome What kind of doctor should I consult for eye problems when suffering from diabetes? What causes heart palpitations accompanied by feeling faint when on Niacin? How to cure severe pain after knee amputaion? What causes dry ear with difficulty in hearing? What are the underlying causes for Right bundle branch block in an ECG report? What is the relation between ferratin levels and treatment for hereditary hemochromatosis? What causes painful nipples? Suggest treatment for gastric problem with stomach pain Suggest treatment for panic attacks What could be the cause for elevated sugar levels when suffering from allergy attacks? What causes anxiety? Suggest treatment for skin rash due to allergic skin reaction Is there a risk in takeing Fluoxetine and Amytriptyline together? What causes left sided lower back pain? Does magnesium and Epson salt cause insomnia and lethargy? What causes pain in the middle of the left buttocks while sitting? Can tiredness, pain in left arm and fullness in throat be signs of heart attack? What causes abscess tooth after having protected sex and is it a sign of syphilis? Is it normal to have large bumps on my gums after a tooth extraction? What does "absence of fetal cardiac activity" mean in an ultrasound? What causes minty taste in mouth after a root canal treatment? What causes whooshing sound in ears? Is sore throat with swollen tonsils a sign of STD? Does high blood pressure causing head spinning and buzzing sensation? What causes restlessness? What does 3cm axillary lymph node indicate in an ultrasound report? What are the findings from the ultrasound report? What could be the reason for increase in Prostate-specific antigen levels? What does a lump between anus and testicles indicate? What is the most effective treatment for prostate cancer? What causes enlarged vein on left of forehead when down with flu? Does boiling purified water cause any deficiency? Can venous ablation procedure repeated for recurring wound? What causes enlarged median cubital vein and smaller vein joining it in the right arm? What does "Scant detached fragments and superficial wisps of benign endometrial lining epthelium" mean? Does cyclobenzaprine cause erectile dysfunction? What causes persistent symptoms of lymes disease? What does the tumor size of 4.6 cm indicate when suffering from liver cancer? What could be the cause for semen discharge during bowel movements? What causes constant headaches with dizziness and lightheadedness? What can I do for de-addiction from smoking? Is it safe to go for a dental procedure when taking xanax? Is ginger effective in shrinking the fibroids in uterus? Is it safe to take Suboxone for pain for along period? What is the best medication for pain caused due to blockage in right subclavin artery? What is the quick healing remedy for bruise on my cheek bone? Suggest treatment for persistent heavy bleeding Is it necessary to got for angiogram with stent placement for blockage in artery? What causes neausea,dry heaves and migraine when on medication for depression? What causes throat pain and pain in left ear when suffering from fever? What does a small soft bump on upper outer lip,suggest? What causes change in hair growth pattern? What are the vital signs to be reassessed for fluid volume excess when suffering from congestive heart failure? How to conceive when suffering from PCOS? How serious is a head injury with small epidural hematoma? Suggest the tips to overcome running out of thoughts while talking What causes esophagitis and chest pain after taking doxycycline? Is chronic anxiety caused due to cat bite? FWhat causes extreme sensitivity and sunburn like sensation on thighs? Is pregnancy possible despite taking postpone 72 within 24 hours after sex? Is it normal to have tender ligament in my armpit? What could be the cause for red spot on my lip? Suggest medication and treatment for painful knee Suggest OTC medication for UTI What could be the cause for cramps in stomach and sore breast? What causes severe stomach cramps? Will high TSH levels affect fetal development during pregnancy? What causes reccuring allergic eye reactions? What causes soreness in chest and firm nodule tender to palpation? Is derealization a symptom of a neurological disease? What causes bitter taste in mouth when on mecication for a Bi Polar condition? Can adenomyosis cause abnormal discharge between periods? What causes wheezing along with breathlessness? What causes leg pain when suffering for kidney disease? What is the remedy for sinus infection apart from antibiotics? What causes unconsciousness while coughing? What causes bitter taste in mouth? How long do liver enzymes take to return back to normalcy? What causes redness and swelling in frenulum underneath my tongue? Wahat causes severe back pain after a concussion? What is the treatment for clusters of small bumps on my child's foot? What does reddish brown urine and frequent urge to urinate indicate? What causes faiting and pale skin? What causes prolonged cold and wet cough? Is it safe to take xanax and leexapro for chronic anxiety? Suggest safest way of withdrawing from methadone and starting suboxone What causes spotting with lower abdominal pain?
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