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What causes burning sensation while urinating and ejaculating? What causes palpitations and fatigue? Does overuse of painkillers during pregnancy cause behavioural changes in baby? What causes vomiting and diarrhea? What causes chronic low body temp with sweating? What causes pain in testicles? Suggest treatment for vomiting , diarrhea and no appetite What causes severe joint and muscle pains? What causes Vibrations within the stomach? Is overdose of Lisinopril,dangerous? What causes smell from armpits? What causes senstivity and sharp pain in tooth? What causes lower back pain? What precautions should be taken during chicken pox infection? What causes pain in abdomen and late periods? Suggest treatment for ear pain What could cause variations in oxygen saturation level while monitoring a tumor like growth in the lung? What causes false positive for THC in drug test? What causes callus? Does adrenal gland have impact on mind? What causes blood in urine? What causes swollen testicle? Suggest treatment for pain in hamstring and back Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is Protein and Creatine supplement safe for body building? What causes spotting after taking I pill? Is it safe to go for smaller size breast implant? What causes penile pain after masturbation? What causes throbbing pain in the back of neck? Suggest treatment for pustules on face Does Azithromycin cure chlamydia infection? Suggest treatment for hepatomegaly with liver When do HIV infection symptoms start manifesting? What is Myrbetriq for? What causes puffy eyes with floaters when suffering from cancer? What causes cramps when i eat or drink? What causes painful spot on sole of foot? What causes intraventricular conduction delay? Is Perfenidone suggestible for Pulmonary Fibrosis? Suggest treatment for sun burn rashes on face Will Citrucel interfere with the absorption of other drugs? Suggest treatment for skin peeling from thumbs Suggest treatment for high fever What causes depression after taking Choriomon injection? Suggest treatment for migraine headache Suggest treatment to achieve fair skin How is chicken pox transmitted? Does hysterectomies cause kidney cancer? What causes feeling something hard in breast? What causes spotting after taking Yaz? What causes chest pain inspite of normal tests? Can Paxil,Trazodone and Imitrex be taken together? Does hysterectomy increase the risk of getting kidney cancer? Can I concieve when suffering from POCOS? What causes pain in right testicle? What causes low sodium level,hypoglycemia,SVT and hig BP? What causes burning in vagina and frequent urination? Can Augmentin,Vyvanse,Effexor XR and Lisinopril be taken together? Suggest treatment for frequent urination What causes jaw pain opening mouth? Suggest treatment for flu symptoms Suggest treatment for insomnia What causes pain in penis after unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for sleep apnea, hypothyroidism and depression Suggest treatment for abnormal periods Suggest treatment for rash on genitals Can i take testosterone for body building? Suggest treatment for vitiligo What causes high BP inspite of having kidney infection? What causes bloating and abdominal distention? What causes diarrhea and vomiting? Suggest treatment for lump on upper leg How to improve bone strength? What causes continuous heavy bleeding after delivery? Is tylenol safe to give for fever? Can opiate withdrawl cause increase in white blood cell count? What causes purple bump on tongue? What causes upper back pain? Is mild stomach pain with less menstrual clot symptom of pregnancy? Can a cut on scalp after shaving head cause any harm? Suggest treatment for mood disoder and child hood ADHD What causes swollen tonsil? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder What causes Vitiligo? Suggest treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and hypertension Suggest treatment for tumor invading kidney What causes chronic pain on upper back and nausea? Is it normal to have different T scores in different bones? What causes Herpes orolabialis? Suggest treatment for ankle swelling What causes feeling heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy? What is Adderall dosage inspite of taking Vyvanse? Can i get pregnant in this old age? Suggest non surgical treatment for kidney stone removal What causes haematoma on thighs after an injury? What does a skin tag near the anus indicate? What is the cause and treatment for vascular parkinsonism? What causes pressure at vaginal opening, discharge and cloudy urine? Suggest treatment for respiratory infection in my chid Suggest medicines for bug bite What causes bony lump in the middle of forehead? Suggest treatment for painful toe Suggest treatment for swallowed chicken bone How accurate is CVS in detecting down syndrome in the fetus? What causes bleeding after taking I pill? What causes fluttering sensation on right side of the neck? Suggest treatment for nail scratch What does these ultrasound report of femur indicate? When does ovulation occur after taking Sypheine? Suggest treatment for wheezing cough What causes cold, chest pain and cough? Suggest treatment for weight loss Suggest treatment for back pain Is Climara a good alternative to Vivelle patchs? What causes tingling in upper body when suffering from low magnesium? Suggest treatment for suboxone dependence Suggest treatment for osteoarthritis What causes urinary retension when on Zoloft? What causes freckles on face? What causes premature ejaculation? Suggest treatment for anger and aggressive nature What causes shoulder pain? Suggest tests to confirm HIV What causes lump sensation in throat? How to lose weight? What is steroid effect on receptors? Why are all stents not put at the same time? What causes popping sounds in the knee joints and shoudler? Can we remove melanin from hair cells? Can i use indomethacin after H pylori infection treatment? Suggest treatment for PCOS What causes UTI during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for irregular periods? How do I purchase marinol? What causes late periods? What causes fever after measles vaccination? Suggest treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Is it necessary to have spinal leak repaired? What causes itching all over body? What causes insomnia,night sweats and dizziness after tapering off Restoril? Can Phosaphytidylserine,Abilify,Trihexyphenidyl and klonopin be taken together? Suggest medicine for fever in Bone Marrow Transplanted person What causes pitting edema of left foot and ankle when on Amlodipine? Suggest treatment for vertigo What causes painful erection with blood in ejaculation? What does these kidney and liver function tests indicate? What causes sever abdomnal and back pain after medical abortion? What does high bilirubin level indicate? What causes poking feeling in foot and painful foot? Suggest treatmenet for soft tissue injury What causes rashes on body? What does tongue protrusion in a child indicate? What does tongue protrusion in children indicate? What causes vomting and loose motions? What does my HSG report suggest? What causes sleeplessness? What causes calf pain? Suggest treatment for GERD Suggest treatment for dry and patchy skin problem Suggest treatment for Nephritic Syndrome How Lantus for diabetes is used? What causes Mild mitral valve regurgitation? What does a skin tag in the vagina indicate? What causes vestibular papilomatosis? What causes itching all over body? What causes distended gallbladder, fatty liver and moderate hiatal hernia? Shoul iron supplements be continued post delivery? Does Pantoprazole and Crestor cause high SGOT level? What causes accumulated phlegm and dry cough with throat irritation? Suggest treatment for Lichen Schlerosis What causes itching on nipples? Suggest treatment for recurrent migraine Is Cytomel advisable for thyroid problem? What causes burning pain in leg? What causes pain under my left arm after a lumpectomy? Will people with active tuberculosis fail during medical screening? What causes blister sores on vulva area? Suggest diet for kidney stones Suggest treatment for anal fissure What does high WBC count indicate? Can GERD cause pain in upper back,shoulders,chest and underarms? How to reduce hair fall? What causes delayed periods after taking I-pill? What causes swollen ear and hurting jaw? What causes excessive stomach gas? Suggest treatment for muscle spasms on legs What does my pelvis CT report indicate? Can unprotected sex cause pregnancy? Is erection pump safe to use? What causes swollen mass between my trachea and SCM? What causes cold feet? Is it safe to take Iron,Nasal spray,Loratadine and Propepnol together? Does my cancer radiation treatment have effect on my daughter? Can chemotherapy make a person radio active? What causes lighter menstrual bleeding? Suggest treatment for pimple break outs on legs Can Flouride gel cause cancer? What are symptoms of Bi-Polar disorder? What causes weight loss during first trimester of pregnancy? What causes hair fall?
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