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Suggest treatment for cough and reddish stool in child Is it safe to drink distilled water? Suggest treatment for deep and congested cough What does dark spots on MRI report indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy rash on back, stomach and pelvic area Suggest remedy for protruding veins on the scrotum Suggest treatment for irregular shaped cyst on ovary Is it advisable to do balloon test in the rectal area? What causes sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen? Suggest treatment for excessive coughing and infection Suggest treatment for back pain around shoulders after gall bladder removal Suggest treatment for infestation of entamoeba gingivalis? Suggest treatment for back, lumbar and pelvic pain Suggest remedy for inflammation on chest after recovering from cold Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What does the following test report suggest? What causes malassezia folliculitis? Suggest treatment for tingling and burning sensation on the fingers What causes irregular menstruation? What does circular welt like rashes on back, hips and thighs indicate? What causes high BP in elderly? What causes achilles tendonitis? How to remove pregnancy during 9th week by medicine? What causes green motions in infants? What causes erectile dysfunction in a patient with diabetes? What does the blood test report indicate? Suggest remedy for high BP and pain while using blood pressure cuff Suggest treatment for fever and inactivity in a child Does frequent urination indicate UTI? Is it normal to give epidural during total knee replacement surgery? Suggest ayurvedic treatment for tubual blockage Suggest remedy for nausea, diarrhea and dry heaves after eating turkey What does a bursting sensation on head after awakening from sleep suggest? Suggest remedy for pain on tail bone What are the chances of HIV infection after protected sex? What care the chances of pregnancy from pre seminal fluid? Suggest treatment for rash on the thigh and pinched nerve Suggest treatment for infection on the mouth sore Suggest medication to increase ejaculation time What causes schizophrenia? Suggest treatment fr high fever and pain on thighs Suggest treatment for excessive headaches and vomiting Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism and TSH level of 19.4 How long does sperm live outside the body? For how long can the sperm can live in condom? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain with diarrhoea What does sharp shooting pain on both legs and testicles indicate? What are the symptoms of colon cancer? Suggest treatment for glossitis Suggest treatment for lump on side of forehead Suggest remedy for persistent loose stool Suggest treatment for dysmenorrhea? What causes cardiac arrhythmia? Suggest treatment for muscle spasm in lower back What causes night leg cramps? What does tingling fingers after a broken arm indicate? Does chocolate cyst interfere with normal conception? Suggest treatment for itchy lump on the vagina What are the side effects of Lexapro? What does tenderness in anal area while sitting down indicate? What are the symptoms of spinal osteoarthritis? What does extreme fatigue and numbness in feet indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach inflammation and pain Is Norco advisable before a colonoscopy? Suggest remedy for low handing testicles Suggest treatment for dementia Suggest treatment for IBS What causes hemangioma? Can Levonorgestrel be used by a lactating mother? Suggest treatment for heartburn What are the symptoms of migraine? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome What are the side effects of anabolic steroid? What causes dark tongue like black? What causes Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for UTI and burning urination What causes Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy? What does fertility monitor showing three bars indicate? What causes panic attacks in a person with bipolar disorder type 1? What does this semen analysis report indicate? What is the best powder to mix with breast milk? What causes exhaustion and speech disorder post head injury? What causes persistent coughing and feeling of something stuck in throat? Is smoking one cigar a week a cause for concern? What causes redness on cheeks of a 5 year old after sun exposure? Suggest remedy for ear infection during teething in a toddler What does the liver function report indicate? Does eyelids protect eyes from high exposure light? What causes feeling of hotness post birth control withdrawal? What causes soft tissue lump on vagina between urethral and vaginal opening? Suggest treatment for severe joints pain and arthritis Suggest treatment for pain and burning sensation on penis and testicles Suggest treatment for pain in the fingers What does chest pain when trying for bowel movements indicate? What causes non-allergic rhinitis? What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? Suggest remedy for depression when on Nuvigil Suggest treatment for hard lump on the palm of hand Suggest treatment for infected skin abscess on the legs What does numbness on both foot indicate? What causes post inflammatory hyperpigmentation? What causes persistent cough along with cold sweats? When is the first day of period considered? Suggest treatment for dizziness and clogged ears What causes anankastic personality disorder? What are the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux? What causes prostate cancer? Does Metformin contain Sulfa drugs? Do several hard nodules in the genital area indicate HPV infection? Suggest treatment for recurrent squamous cell skin cancer Suggest treatment for blisters on the bottom of the foot What are the symptoms of myasthenia gravis? Suggest treatment for stiffness after an ankle injury Suggest treatment for high blood pressure What causes abdominal pain, severe bloating and vomiting? Does calcium supplements cause muscle cramps? What causes blood in stools? How effective is Lexapro and Keppra in treating OCD symptoms? Is it safe to have red wine while having Lescol and Nortriptyline? What causes knee swelling? Suggest treatment for hemorrhagic spot on legs Does smoking cause erectile dysfunction? What causes cream colored lesion around eyeball? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder with panic attacks What does burning sensation in the vaginal area indicate? Suggest treatment for fever after taking ayurvedic medicine Is it normal to experience fever and yellow urine after taking ayurvedic medicine? Suggest treatment for cellulite deposit on butt and legs What causes gall bladder pain after having non fat fruit yogurt? What are the side effects of Tylenol and Motrin? Is it safe to take Aspirin along with Amlodipine and Nurofen? Suggest treatment for pain in the spine What causes yellow urine with bad odor? What causes microadenoma in anterior pituitary? What causes a small hard bump on forehead after an injury? Suggest treatment for mild sensori-neural hearing Loss in ears Suggest treatment for itchy rash on head, neck and shoulders Can an impulsive fall cause loss of vision? Suggest treatment for tonsil stones and pain Suggest treatment for chills and cold in room temperature What causes horrible abdominal pain after having Bupropion HCL? What does low Neutropenia levels suggest? Is BP reading of 108/70 and pulse rate of 54 normal? What does gurgling sensation and distended hernia indicate? What causes itching sensation under chin area post carotid endarterectomy? What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer? What causes recurring anxiety anxiety along with severe depression? Suggest treatment for discomfort in the neck muscles Suggest treatment for muscular dystrophy What causes coughing and burning sensation in lower extremities after having Apo-sulfatrim? What causes burning sensation in lower extremities? Is penicillin an effective treatment for listeria infection? Is strep throat contagious? What causes dizziness while walking or standing? Suggest treatment for eczema on penis Is it safe to have blood purifier while having Thyronorm everyday? What causes penile bleeding during ejaculation? Suggest treatment for recurring severe cough Suggest treatment for shingles infection What causes low grade fever and burning feet with negative HIV tests post unprotected oral sex? What causes sudden gain of weight inspite of being on Zyprexa? What causes pain in ear radiating to jaw and tongue? Suggest treatment for recurring tinea corporis infection What causes prolonged pain at the hernia repair site? What causes low sperm motility? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Can i have Baidyanath vita-x gold post CABG surgery? What causes nausea and pressure in esophagus after having Voriconazole? What causes vaginal bleeding after having I pill? What causes phimosis at old age? What causes redness and irritation on lips? Suggest treatment for leg pain and elbow swelling Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction What causes pain in ribcage right above liver along with pain in back on right side? What causes feeling of something crawling upon me along with itchy skin? What does this haematology report in a person with Kartagener's syndrome indicate? Suggest treatment for bad odor from feet What causes a fibrous swelling in the breast in infants? What causes pain between shoulder blade and ribs after doing exercises? What causes difficulty swallowing when i eat food too fast? What causes pain and tingling sensation in right arm? Can stress cause increase in BP readings? Does Prilosec affect bone health? Suggest treatment for pain under right rib cage What causes movable lump on right jaw line? What causes bright red band of lines all over stomach? What causes redness on one side of tonsil? What causes elevated microalbumin levels in urine? Suggest treatment for Crohn's disease in a person with colon cancer What is the purpose of Naturogest tablet? Can antidepressants help in losing weight? Can smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol make acne worse? What causes sore throat and difficulty swallowing after having oral sex? What causes headache and strange sensations in right breast? What causes pimples on face inspite of being on Encorate chrono? What causes fluctuations in heart rate when i lay down at night? Suggest treatment for eye infection along with sore throat and chest congestion What does this transvaginal ultrasound report during 7 weeks of pregnancy indicate? What are the symptoms of kidney stones? What does the presence of blood during bowel movement indicate?
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