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What causes swelling and redness on hand after mosquito bite? What causes salty taste in mouth while on Levaquin? Is Bupropion good for anxiety? What does my ECG test report indicate? What causes light brown vaginal discharge? What causes diarrhea, pain, nausea, tiredness and lack of appetite? Suggest treatment for intermittent constipation and GAD What causes clogged feeling in ear after injury? What are the symptoms of stable angina? What causes pain in left pelvic area, stabbing vaginal pain and pressure? What causes sudden twinge in chest with no numbness or paralysis? Can Meprate be taken to treat PCOS? Can Alprim be taken for recurrent urinary tract infection? What causes increase in fetal head circumference during 35 weeks pregnancy? What causes easy bruising on body? What causes severe leg cramps while on Lasix and Potassium Chloride? What causes brown vaginal spotting before menstruation? Suggest treatment for debilitating pain radiating from abdomen to thigh What causes vasovagal syncope? Suggest treatment for frequent painful urination Suggest treatment and diet plan for a diabetic What causes worsening severe chest pain? Suggest alternate medicine for Pregabalin in treating neuropathic pain in cancer patients Suggest pain relief medication that can be taken along with Pregabalin What causes intermittent blood in sputum while coughing? Suggest treatment for chest pain What causes tachycardia with leg swelling and dyspnoea? What causes burning sensation during urination? What are symptoms of diaper rash ? What causes sudden pain at the back of the head? What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes bumps on elbows and itchy rashes on forearms? What causes dry eyes after working on the computer for long hours? Suggest treatment for feeling of food stuck in throat after swallowing a pill What causes chronic diarrhea with elevated alkaline phosphatase level? Can low BP lead to heart failure? Suggest treatment for dry, flaky and itchy scalp Does Propylthiouracil cause hair loss? What causes hair loss while treating hyperthyroidism? What do these following blood and MRI scan reports indicate? What causes constant rumbling wooshing noise in ear? Are tinnitus and dizziness withdrawal symptoms of anti-depressants? What do these following lab reports indicate? When can a child use regular toothpaste? Is pregnancy possible through intercourse soon after menstruation? Suggest treatment for herpes zoster Suggest treatment for panic disorder What causes abnormal vaginal bleeding after ablation? What effects do Actemra and Methotrexate have on VIN III? Can HIV or infectious hepatitis be contracted through an open wound? Suggest best intraocular lenses for cataract surgery What causes urgent urination in elderly? What are normal TSH levels? What causes muscle spasms in lower back upon physical activity? Will navel piercing close up if an accessory isn't worn? Are OCD and anxiety suggestive of schizophrenia? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on vagina What causes profuse sweating followed by chills? Suggest treatment for keloid at the site of injury Suggest treatment for pustules on hands, itching on arms, legs and stomach Is desensitization of the bladder possible after abdominal compressions for urination? Suggest remedy for difficulty in penetration during intercourse What are the after effects of missing regular medication for bone tuberculosis? Can HPV be contracted through protected oral sex? What causes intermittent blood in semen? What are the side effects of Melatonin? Suggest ways to control unwanted sexual thoughts Suggest ways to give up masturbation What causes severe cough with fever in a child? Can Diazepam be taken along with Exforge and Concor? What causes severe pain in left kidney area with vomiting? Suggest treatment for CTE symptoms Can a broken hymen be repaired? When can an infant start complementary feeds? What are the symptoms of Lyme disease? What do my blood and urine test reports indicate? What causes persistent headache, fatigue, vertigo and nausea? What causes sudden sharp pain in neck? What does my abdominal scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for non-length dependent small fiber neuropathy Suggest treatment for bumps around penis What causes auditory hallucinations in elderly? What is the longevity of spermatozoa in the post-ejaculatory urine of fertile men? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Can Vimovo, Borenar and Nasonex be taken along with Cipralex? Can STI or STD cause persistent pain in stomach? Suggest remedy for excessive hair loss Suggest treatment for sudden loss of arm strength Suggest treatment for anal pain Is pregnancy possible through intercourse a day after menstruation? What are the microscopic particles swimming in semen called? Is Melatonin a helpful sleep aid? Suggest treatment for septic arthritis and gout Is hair loss common during breastfeeding? What causes severe burning sensation in groin area post physical activity? What causes pain in upper leg radiating to lower back? Suggest ways to remove penile melanosis Suggest treatment for hair loss and to improve hair growth What causes excessive moisture around the anus? What is the ideal weight when BMI is 19? Can a dental partial cause a violation on an ignition interlock breathalyzer? Can denture cleaners cause bad breath? Suggest ways to reduce body fat What causes weight loss, body pain, swollen limbs with bumps post flea bite? Suggest home remedies to cure scabies Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sex? Suggest treatment for persistent abdominal cramps Suggest treatment for burning sensation during urination, itching, redness and swelling of vagina What causes boils throughout body? What causes taste and smell disorders post sinus infection? Suggest treatment for hyperpigmentation on face and neck Suggest treatment for stomach pain and vomiting What causes cyst on breast that appears suddenly? What causes left arm swelling and ankle scar while suffering from stroke? Suggest treatment for fatigue, nausea and headache in an elderly person What does my uterine biopsy test report indicate? What causes sudden shooting pain in the leg? Suggest treatment for painful sore edema on right foot and ankle What causes chest pain while sneezing or coughing? Suggest treatment for acid reflux, diarrhea, high BP, fluid retention, lower What are the side effects of Effexor? Can Ambien be taken for sleeplessness and headache after drinking alcohol? How to cure a motorcycle burn? Suggest treatment for tinnitus What causes sudden increase in BP? Suggest treatment for multiple disc prolapse and herniated discs Suggest treatment for persistent back pain and foot spasms Suggest treatment for fungal toenail infection Can Diclofenac Solaraze be taken for actinic keratoses? Suggest treatment for neck and shoulder pain What causes extreme left-sided pain under shoulder blade? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and back pain when diagnosed with pancreatitis What causes dizziness, stomach pain and nausea? Can high MCHC count lead to itching of the skin? Will vitamin and mineral supplement intake affect the kidneys? Is immobility and lack of verbal communication a symptom of major depressive disorder? Can depression lead to a state of stupor? What causes visible veins near eye after using EpiCeram for allergy on face? Suggest treatment for left-sided kidney pain when diagnosed with bronchitis and kidney infection Does Votrient interact with Levaquin? What are the symptoms of gastritis? Suggest treatment for redness and swelling in leg What causes dizziness while bending backwards? Suggest treatment for eustachian tube swelling while treating an ear infection Suggest treatment for persistent pain in perineal region What causes right-sided sharp pain under rib cage and chills? Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction What causes heel pain while walking or standing? What causes intermittent dizziness, nausea and dull headaches? Is PSA level of 4.6 a cause for concern? What are the symptoms of ALS? Suggest treatment for clotting in some of the arteries What causes fluctuating BP levels, vasovagal episodes, chills and weakness? What does this widal test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe dry and chapped lips Suggest treatment for severe abdominal bloating Suggest treatment for a spot on calf due to a possible insect bite Can Losartan be taken in place of Cilacar? Suggest alternative over-the-counter medication for BioTE DIM What causes stomach cramps and diarrhea after eating? How to overcome anxiety and insecurity in initiating conversations for courtship? Suggest treatment for lump in collarbone What causes persistent dry itchy cough at night and early morning? What causes azoospermia? Suggest treatment for lump in neck Suggest treatment for testicular pain What causes swollen lips after masturbation? Suggest treatment for facial hyperpigmentation Can Ritodrine Hydrochloride be taken during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for weight loss in a patient with degenerative disc disease Suggest treatment for muscle spasms in calves and biceps Suggest treatment for postprandial hyperglycemia Does drug resistant e-coli bladder infection cause intermittent diarrhea and constipation? Suggest treatment for ulnar nerve entrapment in arms and wrist What are the differences between SDZ-Quetiapine and PMS-Quetiapine? What are the side effects of Carbamazepine? What causes itching and burning on upper arms? Suggest treatment for swelling in the shoulder blade What causes fear of elevators, infidelity and fear of speaking in public? What causes sensitivity in clitoris post UTI? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for pus-filled tissue at the back of the mouth What causes BP fluctuations, dizziness with fever and elevated pulse rate? Suggest treatment for high BP, tingling sensation in feet, hands and face Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment when positive for hepatitis-B What causes periorbital edema and skin rashes-macules while treating rheumatoid arthritis? What does this blood test report indicate? Suggest medical methods to detox Ambien from system What causes indigestion after medical tests? What causes swollen knees in children? What causes chronic pulsating sensation in head? What does my CT scan test report indicate? Suggest treatment for inflamed lump What causes abdominal pain followed by bowel movement? What causes foul smelling watery discharge from anus? Suggest treatment for severe wrist pain Suggest ways to lose weight Suggest treatment for acne What causes pricking pain in fingers and feet?
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