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Can emergency contraceptive pill be taken for 2 consecutive days? What causes weakness and painful heels after normal child delivery? What causes lower stomach pain with blood in stool? What causes erectile dysfunction? Suggest treatment to cure ovarian cyst What causes pain in left rib cage and back? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation What causes sciatica along with low backache? What does green colored stool indicate? What causes right sided hip pain with painful bloating? How many times should epley maneuver be performed? Is performing Amniocentesis test during pregnancy safe? What does "Tiny nonspecific T2/FLAIR hyperintense foci are seen" mean? What causes weakness and short of breath? What causes bruise around needle insertion site after a blood test? How is HIV transmitted? What causes obstruction in the passage of urine? How to stop taking pain pills? What causes eye twitching after a head injury? Can a drug test detect Hydros after 4 days of its intake? Suggest cure for stiffness in shoulder and arm caused after taking Geodon Does Hydros show up in a drug test? What should be pulse rate after a newely installed pace maker? What causes palpitations after taking multi vitamin? Does Multivitamin and Monistat cream cause Tachycardia and palpitation? Can herpes trurn it to meningitis? Suggest treatment for dark circles and lack of glow What causes late periods inspite of having unprotected intercourse? What causes drooling? What causes loss of muscle mass through out body? + What causes bloating and abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for prolonged severe diarrhea How to remove pe tube from ears? Can donezepil for Alzheimer's disease cause hypertension? How long left wrist fracture takes to heal? What causes nocturnal itching on the soles of feet and on palms? What causes pain in left arm down to the elbow during an asthma attack? What causes pain in neck,shoulder,elbow and forearm? Should i consult a urologist or sexologist for phimosis problem? Why is my right testicle always harder and larger than my left? Suggest treatment for Gonorrhea What causes yellowish brown stool? What causes swelling of legs even after having lasix? What causes feeling weird solar plexus inspite of having PVCs? How long does Marcaine effect last? What does my treadmill stress test indicate about my heart condition? What causes appetite loss and slight regurgitation after chest infection? What causes lower left sided pain? What causes numbness and pain in feet and stiff sore toe? Does pain management for chronic neck and back pain vary from state to state? What causes low back pain,bloating and sweats after taking Modafinil? What causes sleeplessness hindering my work efficiency? Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety What causes burning sensation while urinating? What causes painful cut on lower outer labia majora towards backside? Does long term usage of acitrom have any effect on future pregnancy? What causes constant pain in shoulder blade? Suggest treatment for feeling suicidal What causes loss of energy and depression? Can i get HIV inspite of having unprotected sex? Should i change antidepressants inspite of having heart surgery? What does a large lump on left side of stomach indicate? Suggest supplements for proper functioning of brain What causes itching between fingers of leg? Suggest treatment for discordant twins How to reduce belly fat? Does niftran for UTI have any effect on future pregnancy? What causes difficulty in eating and severe chest infection? Suggest treatment for constipation What causes constipation? How do Harmoni F tablets help in getting pregnant? Can ulcerative colitis lead to tinnitus? Suggest tests to diagnose pituitary gland malfunction What do painful lumps on scalp indicate? What causes itching and irritation on butt area? What are the side effects of Vasograin? Is Vicks Vaporizer safe to use in presence of G6PD deficiency infant? Suggest treatment for overdose of Dolopar What causes yellowish color of semen? Can a breathalyzer test fail while using chlorhexidine gluconate? What do two masses and an enlarged lymph node in a breast MRI indicate? What causes swollen throat and difficult swallowing? What causes stomach pain inspite of being diabetic? What causes swelling and pain in foot and ankle? Suggest treatment for bulging of discs at two levels in lower back Suggest the best alternative to Xanax What causes cracked and chapped lips? What causes low serum progesterone values even after progesterone supplement? What does "Anteverted, inhomogeneous uterus" in an ultrasound mean? Suggest paternity tests to determine father of the baby What causes stomach pain with loose motions? What causes clear white vaginal discharge inspite of having intercourse? Can perio work lead to mitral valve regurgitation? What causes numbness in head? What causes burning and itching of penis? What causes burning sensation in lower abdomen and while passing stool? Is multiple myeloma hereditary? Can tracheotomy intubation cause difficulty in swallowing? What causes blood in urine inspite of normal cystoscopy? What causes pain in rib cage during bowel movement? Does treated anal warts spread to partner during intercourse? What causes panic attacks and sleeplessness inspite of having synthroid for hypothyroidism? What causes pains in the testicle and groin buttocks area? How to reduce cholesterol level? What dosage of Syntroid is recommended for high TSH levels? What causes twitching of left eye inspite of having environmental allergies? How to increase chance of getting pregnant? Can pheochromocytoma cause jerking movements in body? What causes bronchitis, high fever and chest congestion? What causes yellow feces? What causes abdominal pain followed by mild bleed and then periods? What causes dizziness in the elderly? What causes painful itching on buttocks? Suggest diet for post dilation and curettage recovery Suggest diet to overcome weakness after child birth How is HIV transmitted? What causes urticaria? Can chronic pain be related to bacterial infection? How to find the cause of acquired nystagmus? Are there natural remedies for pediatric migraines? What causes low ferritin level? What causes giddiness when turning over in sleep? Suggest diet to keep diabetes under control What causes low grade fever and dizziness after a surgery? What causes excessive sweating,vomiting and weakness after passing stool? What is the cause and treatment for IBS? What causes pain and swelling on finger after an injury? What causes low body temperature? How to deal with a rude and unloving spouse? Suggest treatment for anemia due to chronic blood loss Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation What causes blocked nose and sneezing at night? What causes decrease in blood flow during periods? Can HIV be transmitted by a pin prick? What does a rash across the body and causing water bags under the eye indicate? What causes pain in rectum and urinary tract? Can typhoid vaccination be given after vaccination for chicken pos? Is tapering off Oxycontin safe? Is HSV2 IGM negative test after 12 days of proposed infection conclusive ? Does oral sex lead to HIV? Does oral sex lead to HIV? What causes painful urination and constipation? Is ingestion of melted plastic harmful? Does oral sex lead to HIV? What causes difficulty in swallowing? What are the risks and benefits of taking vitamin supplements? Is Vitex intake advisable for abnormal periods? Suggest treatment for vaginal infection Can two doses of Novolog be taken in the evening? What causes abdominal pain and back pain? What causes persistent vaginal infection despite taking medication? Suggest treatment for indigestion What causes cough and wheezing with pale yellow mucus? When can plate fixation from arm be removed after a surgery ? Suggest syphilis treatment in its first stage What causes imbalances in blood? What does white color seed in stool indicate? How should a health assessment done? Does Mintop,Finax and Keraglo help in increasing hair density? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Suggest treatment for fungal infections in belly folds Is there permanent cure for psoriasis? Is seroquel safe to have for depression and anxiety? How to get rid of dark circles? What causes muscle spasms after a knee replacement surgery? Suggest treatment for delusional parasitosis Is walking pneuomia contagious? What causes pain under the left rib cage radiating to back? What causes stomach pain and burns like ulcer? What problems are faced by partners of bi sexuals? Suggest treatment for severe depression How serious is MRSA infection in the colon? What causes pain in abdomen,under the breast and on back? What causes UTI symptoms after having intercourse? What causes tingling of hand and fingers with history of rotator cuff surgery? What causes bump on the tip of urethra? Suggest Revital tablet for vegetarians What causes continuous menstrual bleeding? What causes late periods inspite of having unprotected intercourse? Suggest treatment for anxiety Is increased Vesigard dosage required for urinary incontinence? Can proponolol and viagra be taken together at the same time? What does "XXY Klinefilters" in blood test indicate? What causes difficult urination and pinching sensation between scrotum and anus? Can Viagra be taken with Depakote and Zyprexa? Suggest an alternative of viagra for erectile dysfunction What causes gas,constipation and increased appetite after a stomach flu? Can ulcerative colitis cause tinnitus? Suggest treatment for black discoloration on lips What causes mole on left foot? What causes buzzing sensation in my head? What is memory processing disorder? What causes diaphoresis when suffering from sleep apnea and arrhythmias? Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and panic attacks What causes high uric acid levels and burning sensation of feet and palms? What causes respiratory distress after climbing stairs? What causes recurring chronic pancreatitis inspite of stent placements? How long cocaine takes to get out of system? What causes recurrent depressive disorder? What does increased CRP and fever indicate?
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