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Does diabetic medications cause false positive test results? What causes severe cough, tickling at the back of throat and nausea? Suggest treatment for tinnitus and dizziness What causes dry and itchy skin on stopping flutivate and melaglow cream? What causes excessive sweating, itching and burning feeling of soles of feet? Suggest treatment for stomach pain when recovering from UTI What causes swelling at base of scrotum? Is it safe to consume non vegetarian food while having rabies shots? What are secondary preventative methods of diabetes? What causes black pieces in urine? What causes anemia? Suggest treatment for premature ventricular contractions What does this ECG report indicate? What causes hallucinations when on Morphine for pain? How long does it take the pregnancy hormones to become normal after miscarriage? Does Advair cause leg cramps? What causes elevated SGPT and SGOT levels? What causes mouth spots and pit in forehead? Suggest treatment for GERD What causes soapy taste and foamy saliva? What causes swelling and tenderness of breasts and lump near nipple? What is the front artery of heart called? Suggest treatment for periodontal abscess What is the normal range for protein dipstick test in urine? Suggest ways to wean off metoprolol succinate What is meant by ulcerated friable lesion at the level of ileocecal valve? Suggest remedy for open sores Suggest remedy to deal with anger management issues Suggest remedy for sore on buttocks Suggest treatment for small bump on labia majora What are the side effects of gracial? Suggest treatment spotting at 6 th week of pregnancy Suggest treatment for low Vitamin D level What does my urine test result mean? suggest treatment for depression and anxiety Suggest treatment for chest and back pain Suggest treatment for mild liver steatosis Suggest remedy for pain in pelvic and vaginal region on sitting What chemicals affect CDC count? Suggest treatment for pimple growing inside nose Does stiff neck, dizziness and chest pain indicate ARS? Suggest treatment for limpoma in right ankle What are the chances of successful pregnancy after embryo transfer? What causes chest pain, back pain and SOB? Suggest remedy for sore gums and teeth with headaches Suggest treatment for dizziness, post nasal dip Suggest treatment for gum infection What causes pain on right side of stomach? Is iron supplements recommended when suffering from "dead legs" syndrome? What are the chances of pregnancy when suffering from PCOS? Is pregnancy possible with low estrogen level? Can Subutex be taken along with Domperidone? Suggest treatment for sore neck and swollen glands Suggest the recommended dosage of abortion pills Can Solone cause bleeding in the brain? What are the side effects of emergency contraceptive pills? Does cold without fever affect implantation chance after IVF? What could cause pain in the mid abdominal area? What causes bloody mucous stools ? Does sweaty hands indicate low sodium? Does smoking little pot affect health? What causes heart palpitations and cough? What causes severe swelling of legs and restlessness? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in hand Is biotin shampoo okay when applying minoxidil to scalp? What does the test report indicate? What causes neck and shoulder pain? Suggest treatment for recurring UTI What causes neck and shoulder pain? What causes tingling feeling in shoulder? What causes neck and shoulder pain? What chemicals affect the CDC count? Can oxygen therapy be used to calm anxiety? What causes diarrhea, spasms and contractions? Suggest remedy for frequent motions in a baby What causes pain after inguinal hernia repair? What causes heart rate of 176? What causes sharp pain while sneezing or coughing What causes persistent dizziness? Are visible veins on chest and ribs symptoms of liver disease? What does the following kidney function test report indicate? How to improve kidney health through diet? What causes blood in stool and diarrhea in an infant? What causes severe lower back pain? What causes delayed periods after taking morning after pill? What do abnormal tissues on neck and shoulder after total thyroid removal indicate? What do small lumps on base of penis indicate? How can sperm count and quality be improved? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection in an infant What does 40ng/ml of Oxycodone in blood mean? What causes elevated creatinine level? What causes loose stools? Suggest an alternative to surgery for treatment of nasal blockage Suggest treatment to cure invasive cystic tapeworms Is HIV transmission possible despite having protected sex? After how long is sexual intercourse safe after fistula surgery? What causes severe pain in testicles? Suggest treatment for panic attacks and anxiety Suggest treatment for panic attack What causes ear bleeding after an eye injury? Suggest treatment for sexual dysfuntion Suggest treatment for sclerosing lymphangtis How to check for hymen breakage? Suggest treatment for recurring acne Does masturbation cause loss of fat from face? Suggest treatment for OCD What causes mouth ulcers? How to diagnose invasive cystic tapeworms? What causes fullness and pressure in pelvic region? Does medication added to a urine sample show up in urine test? What causes vomiting and coughing up of blood? What does a dark spot on penis head indicate? What does an indention on forehead indicate? What is the cause and treatment for premature ejaculation? What is the cause and treatment for premature ejaculation? What causes uneasiness in heart? What causes dry cough and low body temprature when suffering from chest infection? What causes puss around the naval of an infant? Can Duphaston and Ecosprin be taken during pregnancy? What causes burning urination in a child? Suggest treatment for skin burn on nose Suggest treatment for chronic constipation What is the cause and treatment for hair loss? What casues hot body temprature? What causes blood shot eyes? What does a low absolute basophils level indicate? What are the symptoms of enterovirus? What causes throat pain after sneezing? What causes yellow discharge from ears? Suggest treatment for infertility Suggest treatment for PCOS Does masturbation cause complications in married life? Is Bravelle injection effective in treatment of endometrial thickness? What causes penis to shrink in size? What does adhesion between frenulum and glans penis indicate? Suggest treatment for knee pain and numbness in legs Suggest treatment for GERD with throat infection What causes missed periods? Suggest remedies for pimples on face What causes excessive sleeping in a teenager? What causes pain in kidney area while sneezing? What are the symptoms of anxiety? What causes pain on tongue after taking medical marijuana? What does the following blood test report indicate? Suggest remedy for sharp pain in back and shoulder Suggest treatment for vaginal infection Suggest treatment for low libido and weight gain What causes redness around the area of knee post knee replacement surgery? Suggest treatment for anejaculation Suggest treatment for recurrent cuts on glans of penis during intercourse Suggest treatment for pimples and blackheads on cheeks and forehead What does this haematology report indicate? What does ejection fraction of 66% indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic sore throat What is the dosage of Citrizine for running nose? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and bloating How long does it take for follicle to rupture post HCG injection? Suggest treatment for pain on the lower left side of neck Suggest treatment for premature ventricular contractions What causes delay in periods after stopping Rigevidon contraceptive pills? Suggest treatment for elevated AST levels What causes unbearable headache and pain behind both eyes? What causes small swelling of a vein in left hand? Suggest treatment for nausea and kidney stone What does INR level of 1.11 indicate? What are the further risks associated with unprotected sex between HPV positive partners? What causes movable lump just above right knee? Suggest treatment to deal with pain due to pleurisy What is meant by weak positive in a home pregnancy test? What causes blockage of limb arteries and abdominal aneurysm? Suggest treatment for difficulty walking Suggest treatment for severe acne scar Suggest treatment for white tongue and fungus on chin Suggest remedy for cloudy vision after crystalens surgery What does this MRI report of brain indicate? What causes cough and painful breathing along with rash on arms and back? What is the right time to start vaccination during pregnancy? Is CT scan with contrast the right step to diagnose abdominal pain? What causes constant headache, blood shot eye and fatigue? What causes fussy behavior of an infant while passing urine? What does my MRI and CT scan reports indicate? What are the chances of reactivation of TB strain post completed course of treatment? Suggest treatment for pink spot near mouth What causes cyst behind ear and itchy ear canal? Suggest treatment for OCD What causes erectile dysfunction? What causes heavy vaginal bleeding while coughing? What is the effect of Cheton cold on pregnancy? Is there any home relief for pulsatile tinnitus and ear fluttering? Suggest treatment for bat bite Suggest treatment for burning in esophagus Suggest treatment for lower abdomen pain and constipation Suggest treatment for small boil on scalp How long does it take to get over a general anesthesia? hi doctor, i have a small boil on my scalp Suggest treatment for numbness on toes after running What causes lesions on face and chest in a 3 weeks old? Suggest treatment for patches of hair loss of beard What causes lesions on face and chest in a 3 weeks old? Is it safe to take iron supplements regularly for weak legs?
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