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What causes sore throat post oral sex? Suggest treatment for sore spot near a hair follicle in the genital area Suggest ways to wean off Trazadone Suggest treatment for severe right-sided lower back pain Suggest ayurvedic treatment for thyroid What causes severe knee pain? Suggest treatment for chronic hyper acidity Can Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution and Visine eye drops be used together? Can Pause-MF be taken during heavy menstruation? Can Lidoderm patches be used for back pain? When can pregnancy be tested following IUI? How long does Morphine Sulphate remain in the system? What causes sore throat with soreness on tongue? Suggest treatment for severe arthritis and epilepsy during menopause What causes protruding swelling after a recent medical procedure? How to remove sun tan from face and neck? Does I-pill cause depressed feeling, fever and breathlessness? What does this ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for warts on elbow Is HIV transmission possible through oral kissing? What does this elastography report indicate? Suggest remedy for oral thrush What does this ultrasound report of liver indicate? Does excessive masturbation affect sex life or sperm production? How does rice consumption affect blood sugar? Is masturbation on a daily basis harmful? What causes mild poikilocytosis and polychromasia? Suggest treatment for chest pain Can DNS cause sinus infection? What causes scarring in the shaft of penis while suffering from peyronie's disease? What do these HCG and progesterone test results indicate? What does this endoscopy report indicate? Suggest treatment for unexplained infertility What causes digestive issues after taking Advil? Suggest treatment for lesion on the palm of hand What does this EKG report indicate? What causes internal tremors in body upon waking? What causes small white spots on penis? What causes bruising with red spots on penis? Suggest treatment for painful rash on body What causes ballooning of the foreskin of penis while urinating? What causes neck lagging and pinched nerve sensation in the shoulder? What causes lower left abdominal pain and golden yellow stool? Can Prodep be taken along with Sulpitac? What causes neck and head pain while suffering from Hashimoto's disease and fibromyalgia? What causes reduced bowel movement while on Percocet? What causes excessive squeezing of the eyelids in a child? Are antibiotics necessary after an HSG test? Is A1C level of 5.6 percent a cause for concern? What are the side effects of Duloxetine? Suggest treatment for viral ulceration of the uvula Suggest alternative medication for schizophrenia What causes white bumps on penis? What causes dizzy spells while treating thyroid? What causes left-sided dull headache, worsening vision, fatigue and sore joints? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest medication that helps to eliminate dullness and blackheads on face What causes pins and needles in chest while coughing? Suggest treatment for neurogenic bladder What causes development delay in a child? What causes right-sided yellow patches of skin below chest? What causes fuzzy feeling in brain and prominent veins? What causes heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, tiredness and light-headed feeling? Can OCD lead to schizophrenia? What do these MRI findings of the cervical spine indicate? Suggest treatment for dry, red, cracked rashes around neck What causes right-sided pain under ribs and constant belching while on Prevacid? Can Zopiclone and Sertraline be taken together? What causes hand cramps in a child? What causes eye and forehead numbness with severe headache post cataract surgery? What causes pain and weakness in upper arm and wrist post injury? Suggest treatment for painful rashes causing swelling in body Suggest treatment for discomfort under left rib cage and constipation Is passive smoking harmful during pregnancy? What causes one-sided body pain, gas feeling near ribs and painful cough? Suggest treatment for infection in big toes and muscle pain in calves Suggest treatment for severe muscle pain Does excessive masturbation have an effect on sperm count? What causes irregular bleeding post abortion? Suggest treatment for constant pain in left thigh What causes white spots inside the cheeks after using dipping tobacco? Suggest treatment for pin shaped bumps on penis shaft What causes severe swelling in ankle upon walking and sitting? What are the risks for getting mouth cancer after chewing tobacco once? What are the possibilities of pregnancy after vasectomy? What causes small flesh coloured bump on lip line? After how long should drinking be discontinued to avoid risks of liver damage? Can Azathioprine cause leukocytosis? What causes skin rashes? Suggest treatment for fever and chest cold in child What causes post tooth extraction swelling? What does the following blood test report suggest? What causes rashes on upper arms and legs with fever and canker sore? Suggest treatment for chest tightness, heart palpitations and white spots in vision Are palpitations and increased heart rate symptoms of panic attack? Suggest treatment for white spots on inner right cheek What causes lump with bruising below the crease of elbow? Suggest medication to manage pain when diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome What causes headache after the inhalation of chlorine gas? What causes crusty scab inside nostril, heavy breathing and bleeding after cocaine usage? Is surgery advisable after reducing weight and suffering from irregular bowel movements? What causes pain in milk teeth of child? What are the side effects of taking Ativan? What causes hot flashes and rushing of blood to the head? What causes white spots on right inner cheek? How effective is Prednisone in managing inflammation? Suggest treatment for rashes on feet and behind legs Suggest treatment for urticaria What causes dizziness while lying down and turning the head towards right side? Does shortening of length of penis depends on the severity of peyronie's disease? Suggest treatment for nasal congestion, cough and disturbed sleep in a child Suggest treatment for mixed connective tissue disease Suggest treatment for fungal infection on hands, legs and face in a child Suggest treatment for HFMD in a child What causes lymph node swelling post sexual intercourse? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes sore throat, fever with body pain? What causes low blood pressure and rapid heart rate after dialysis? What are the side effects of Alivher? What causes severe hives after taking Macrodantin? Suggest alternative tape for hypertopic scars on finger joints What causes pulmonary tuberculosis? Suggest treatment for hip labral tear What causes white spot on the left side of mouth? Suggest treatment for delusional disorder Can Gabapentin be taken with pain killers for chronic leg muscle pain? Suggest treatment for pain on the back side of knee What causes fast twitching and bounding pulsations in arms? What do these X-ray and HRCT chest reports indicate? Can Bonnisan drops be given for a 20-day-old infant? What causes frequent urination and mild pain in bladder? What does this semen analysis report indicate? What causes constipation and urinary retention after having wine with Latuda? Suggest treatment for itchy rashes on buttocks, around anus and vaginal area Is klebsiella pneumoniae urinary tract infection contagious? What does a red lump below the corona of glans penis indicate? What causes heavy head sensation upon waking? Can a combination of Xanax and Hydrocodone be taken for back pain? Suggest treatment for ADHD symptoms Are fordyce spots on genitals related to HPV? Suggest treatment for cough and viral fever during pregnancy What does my lab test report indicate? What causes nocturia and excessive thirst in adults? Suggest treatment for severe side effects from taking Venlafaxine What causes terrible breast pain in adults? Suggest ways to manage weakness and muscle pain while weaning off Prednisone What causes heaviness in the head while standing while treating sinusitis? What causes left-sided lump on neck after a history of bilateral breast cancer? Suggest treatment for ulcerated sore inside nose What are the chances of pregnancy despite taking Depo-Provera shot? What causes bruise on the penis head post non-penetrative sex? Is a large lump at incision site after surgery normal? Suggest treatment for abnormal vaginal bleeding and conception difficulties in women What does my lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for hyponatremia symptoms while treating hypothyroidism What does my lab test report indicate after treating mononucleosis? Suggest treatment for persistent cough What causes persistent cough and cold when diagnosed with adenoiditis? What causes slight bleeding during urination? Suggest treatment for sore throat and post nasal drip Is fever an early symptom of dengue? Does the use of oral contraceptive pill have an impact on future fertility? Suggest treatment for lump in throat, excessive salivation while treating hypothyroidism What causes tenderness and redness at hernia surgery site? Can HPV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for knee joint pain What causes reappearance of redness after using Neosporin ointment? Suggest treatment for Takayasu's arteritis, fatigue and drowsiness Can Serax be taken along with Seroquel? Suggest treatment for fever and ulcers on the labia of a teenager What do my lab test reports indicate? Is loss of balance a sign of nerve damage? What is the treatment for seafood allergy? What causes breathlessness while climbing stairs? What causes different BP readings in both arms? What causes pain and burning sensation in the vagina during menopause? What are the key ingredients present in Oleanz, Symbal and Szetalo? Why are Oleanz Plus, Szetalo and Symbal prescribed? Suggest treatment for mild spastic paraplegia when diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy Does masturbation lead to anxiety? Suggest ways to deal with fluid retention in legs and ankles How to wean off Xanax? What causes recurrent fever in a child despite taking medication? What does semen consist of? Suggest treatment for intense pain in the upper flank area What causes dizziness, lower back and pelvic pressure and urinary frequency? Suggest treatment for sore throat and blisters on tongue Suggest remedy for tenderness on right side of breast What is the expected life span of a person in coma? What causes round lesion with rough surface and mild crust on lower leg? Suggest treatment for light-headed feeling while climbing stairs What causes frequent bowel movements after taking Prozac? What causes irregular menstrual cycle? Suggest remedy for pain and fibrosis in neck while recovering form neck cancer What causes painful pus filled lump on inner thigh? What do these MRI findings of pelvic cavity indicate? What causes mild fever, difficulty in passing urine and tender testicles? What causes lack of energy and difficulty breathing? What causes painful urination with hematuria? Can anxiety, depression and high BP cause dizziness?
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