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Suggest treatment for sore dent on head and constant headaches Suggest treatment for BPD Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst that might be malignant Suggest treatment for painless hard bump on vagina What causes blood in stool after colon surgery? What causes random shortness of breath Does having costochondritis cause phelgm? What causes low blood platelet count? Suggest treatment for semen infection Suggest treatment for smelly underarm in child Is a STD and HIV test at 4 weeks reliable? Is Potassium citrate a prescription medicine or OTC medicine? Suggest treatment for pain in lower back Suggest treatment for pain in lower back Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Can a 4 month old baby be given ghee? Does skipping breakfast lead to acidity or other health issues? Does hot bath effect the sperm count? Suggest remedy for allergy to fish oil and cod liver oil Suggest treatment for bump with yellowish fluid on labia Is the Betaserc 8 safe to take for sea sickness Suggest treatment for rash in genital area Is Misoprostol safe to use? What causes spreading of petechiae? Can Sevista be used in place of Primosa? Suggest treatment for white spots and itchiness on head Suggest treatment for scalp hematoma What causes headaches and late period with negative pregnancy test? Suggest treatment for severe pain due to gall stones What does glucose 100,creatinine serum 1.12 and EGFR 58 indicate? What causes black blood pockets in eyes after a head injury? What causes low cortisol level? What causes erectile dysfunction? What causes pain and swelling on foot after an injury? What does evelated ALT level indicate? Can small intestinal bacteria cause ethanal poisoning? What are the symptoms of Tegretol? What causes pain and swelling on foot? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction due to ruptured penis Suggest treatment for vasomotor rhinitis with sinusitis and migraine Suggest treatment for painful osteoarthritis What do brown spots on lower abdomen indicate? Is pregnancy possible while on contraceptive pills? What causes hot flashes with cervical spondylitis? What causes prolonged vaginal bleeding after delivery? Suggest treatment for cat scratch What does leukocytes trace in urine test indicate? What causes diarrhea and flatulence? Are Citicoline and Brahmi good brain supplements? What causes cut on opening of penis with tingling feeling? What is the cause and treatment for subclinical hyperthyroidism? What does a small lesion on penis shaft indicate? Suggest treatment for acne with pigmentation on back Is Zyprexa a good replacement of Geodon? Does scarlet fever as a child cause heart problems as an adult? Suggest treatment for infertility What does my lipid profile test indicate? Suggest treatment for genital warts What causes leg cramps in the morning? What causes fluctuating BP in an elderly? Are Pneumovacc and influenza vaccine safe to use as prevention of pneumonia? Suggest treatment for insect bite rash At what age can joint supplements be started? What does pulse rate of 104 indicate? Suggest treatment for short cervical length during pregnancy What does inactive endometrium indicate? What causes drooping of eyelids after a head injury in a toddler? Does Arcoxia intake while trying to conceive cause any complications? What causes forgetfulness? What does my lipid profile results indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach discomfort What causes numbness in tongue,face and arm? What does decrease of HCG level in pregnancy indicate? What does chest pain radiating to back of shoulder indicate? Does PCOS lead to infertility? What causes severe vertigo? Is Duexis intake safe for arthritis pain when suffering from gastritis? Suggest treatment plan to conceive with history of PCOD What causes acidic feeling in throat after taking Amoxicillin? What does my urinalysis report indicate? How to wean off Clonaphen? Can Metaxalone be split and taken? What causes swollen urethra and stomach pain in a child? Suggest an alternative to Exforge What causes swollen urethra and stomach pain in a child? Suggest treatment for high HCG count What causes vaginal spotting during menopause? Suggest treatment for Formaldehyde allergy Suggest treatment for recluse spider bite What causes upper body shaking, nausea and fever after having a meal? What are the side effects of drinking alcohol and Alprazolam? What causes elevated SGOT and ALT levels What causes body stiffness in the mornings? Suggest remedy for speech problem in child Suggest treatment for tender foot and swelling on ankles Suggest remedy for pain in cheek bone Suggest remedy for chest pain and high heart rate Suggest medicine for infected tooth Does taking vitamin B6 and Glutamine powder help with neuropathy? Suggest treatment for bleeding while pregnant and having uterus didelphys Suggest remedy for pain and swelling after filling cavities in tooth Suggest antibiotics for tooth and jaw infection Suggest remedy for numbness in tongue, cheek, and arms What causes pimple on the roof of mouth? What causes vaginal burning? Suggest treatment for dots on penis Suggest treatment for loosening of vagina What causes throat pain and drooling post chemotherapy? Suggest remedy for abdominal pain and varying HCG levels after surgical abortion What causes lump under the skin on the middle of penis? Suggest treatment for skin infection on neck What causes pimples over scrotum and penis? Can i continue Meftal for recurrent fever? What are the small blood filled blisters on penis head Suggest treatment for high BP Does the follicule size increase till the 17th day? Is the black spots on face like melasma curable? What are the side effects of anti rabies vaccine? What causes uncomfortable feeling on right side of ribs? Suggest treatment for ear pain while swallowing What causes facial swelling and pain post parotidectomy? How is Mifepristone and Misoprostol used to terminate pregnancy? Suggest remedy for tiredness and dizzyness with body pain What causes nausea and dizziness post SILS cholecystectomy? Suggest treatment for enlarged lymph node near the abdominal area How does cigarette smoking affect our breathing? Suggest treatment for neck pain What causes bright red spot in the corner of eye? Suggest treatment for snoring How soon after abortion can the pregnancy be possible? Does ruptured hymen cause complications in future married life? What causes epilepsy post craniotomy for Arteriovenous malformation removal? Suggest remedy for pain on pectoral muscles What does this ultra sound of the pelvis indicate? Suggest treatment for high fever and joint pain Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and joint pain What causes leg cramps, tremors and dry mouth Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair What does negative HIV DNA PCR test post unprotected sex indicate? Is unwanted 72 necessary to take post unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for small boil like bump near the eyes What causes mark on inside of lip? What causes dry mouth, leg cramps and lighheadedness? What is the risk of STD after unprotected oral sex ? Suggest treatment for constipation Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and diarrhea Suggest remedy for presence of mucus after bowel movement Is there a test for adrenal fatigue? Suggest treatment for productive cough Suggest treatment for opioid addiction What does this urinalysis indicate? What are the chances of STDs through oral sex? What causes numbness in abdomen post hysterectomy? What causes lump on the upper part of labia minora? What causes painful swollen feet? What does this urinalysis indicate? What causes dark green stools after a course of Clindamycin? Suggest treatment for brain tumor Suggest treatment for autoimmune thyroid disorder Suggest treatment for frequent bowel movement What causes hard knot in right breast? What causes blood in stools? How long a homeopathic medicine takes to show action? What causes low levels of ferritin ? What does this semen analysis indicate? Can i avoid pregnancy 4 days after an unprotected sex? What are the side effects of Diacerin? Suggest treatment for contusions in skin What causes discomfort feeling and diarrhea post immunization? What causes high pulse rate during fever? What causes blue color of skin and high fever? Suggest medicines for cold and cough for an infant What causes missed periods even after Progynova treatment? What does this PET scan of kidney indicate? What causes tiredness, sleeplessness and dark circles? What causes numbness in penis? Suggest remedy for back and neck pain after taking Eliquis What causes prolonged spotting? Suggest treatment for blood blisters on penis What does this high TSH level indicate? Suggest treatment for pulsing headache with nausea What causes dark green colored stools and gas? Suggest treatment for hematoma in arm Does Bactrim cure STD? Suggest treatment for clogged ears and buzzing sounds in ear Suggest treatment for painless red spots on penis shaft What causes raised bump on tip of penis? What are the possible side effects of increasing Lexapro dose? What does incomplete penetrance of long QTc mean? Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder What causes lump at bottom of ear after an injury? What are the chances of pregnancy after protected sex? Suggest homeopathic treatment for diarrhea What causes blood in throat and bumps in armpit after sex? Suggest treatment for high cholesterol and diabetes Can Hydrocodone/CPM Polistirex suspension cause night sweats? Can a mole change appearance during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for flutter sensation in back of leg when sitting What does CT scan of my sinuses mean? What is the cause and treatment for constipation?
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