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Thirty Sixth Month

  • Congratulations!  Your child celebrates his/her third birthday this month. As you look back at three very eventful and memorable years, you will probably feel a mix of emotions. You will be overjoyed at celebrating his/her third birthday but could be feeling a tinge of sadness that your little baby has ‘grown up’. You will actually miss the mispronunciations as his/her speech becomes clearer.

    He/she will enjoy a host of outdoor activities with his/her father or friends, like throwing a ball around or riding a tricycle. He/she will be more comfortable jumping and climbing up and down stairs. He/she may even surprise you by dressing him/herself up even though he/she may not wear the correct combinations.

    As we have stressed earlier, if you have any questions about your child’s health and development never hesitate to discuss them with your pediatrician.

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