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Developmetal Milestones Chart for babies after One year of age:

  • Age of Child Most Attain Some Attain Few Attain Few Attain
    1 -1.5 years
    1. Stands by self
    2. Walks by self
    1. Builds 3-4 cube tower
    2. Turns pages in books
    1. Understands simple commands and questions
    2. Listens to simple stories and songs
    3. Points to pictures in book when named
    1. Produces new words each month
    2. Puts 2 words together
    1.5 - 2 years
    1. Carries object while walking
    2. Kicks large ball
    3. Walks backwards
    4. Squats
    1. Imitates circular scribble
    2. Imitates crayon strokes
    3. Drinks from cup
    1. Understands most language
    1. Uses 2-3 word phrases
    2. Majority of speech is understood by familiar listeners
    3. Refers to objects by name
    2 - 2.5 years
    1. Runs
    2. Jumps with both feet
    3. Walks down stairs by self
    1. Removes pull down pants with elastic waist
    2. Assists with putting on socks
    1. Understands most language
    1. Uses 2-3 word phrases
    2. Majority of speech is understood by familiar listeners
    3. Refers to objects by name
    2 - 3 years
    1. Throws ball over - and underhand
    2. Catch balls of various sizes
    1. Does 3-4 piece puzzles
    2. Copies a circle
    3. Unbuttons large buttons
    1. Understands most language
    1. Uses 2-3 word phrases
    2. Majority of speech is understood by familiar listeners
    3. Refers to objects by name
    3 - 4 years
    1. Rides tricycles
    2. Walks up and down stairs
    3. Jumps forward and up
    4. Does consecutive jumping
    1. Builds an 8 cube tower
    2. Strings beads
    3. Puts on socks, shoes, underwear
    4. Feeds self with spoon and fork
    1. Understands simple "who", "what", "where", "why" questions
    1. Talks about activities outside of home
    2. Speech is clear
    3. Uses many 4+ word sentences
    4 - 5 years
    1. Advanced running & coordination
    2. Skips
    3. Walks balance beams
    4. Somersaults
    1. Traces a line
    2. Copies a square
    3. Can lace & zip clothes
    4. Shows hand preference
    1. Answers simple questions about short stories
    2. Understands most language at home and school
    1. Uses detailed sentences
    2. Sticks to subject when telling story
    3. Says most sounds correctly
    4. Uses grammar properly
    5 years
    1. Walks up & down stairs holding object
    2. Rides bike with training wheels
    1. Prints first name
    2. Cuts out shapes
    3. Buttons 1, buttons
    4. Cuts with knife & fork
    5. Colors within lines
    1. Answers simple questions about short stories
    2. Understands most language at home and school
    1. Uses detailed sentences
    2. Sticks to subject when telling story
    3. Says most sounds correctly
    4. Uses grammar properly

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