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Common Queries

  • Common queries or doubts about what infants need are addressed here. If you need any additional information you can chat with our doctor.

Weaning and Nutritional needs:
  • As you have most probably started your baby on solid foods by now [experts suggest that you start from the age of six months], there are a few important things to remember.

    1. You should not add salt to your baby's food.
    2. An infant's [less than 12 months old] kidneys might get damaged by excessive salt.
    3. The normal daily requirement of salt for an infant in the age of 7-12 months is about 1gram per day. This is why it is very important not add salt to your baby's food .
    4. It is recommended that you do not give your child salted foods like chips.
    5. Your baby needs a balanced diet with cereals, fruits and veggies.
    6. You can give you child non vegetarian food without added salt.
    7. Stick to home cooked foods as far as possible. Avoid processed foods especially those that contain preservatives.

    Growth evaluation:
  • Growth evaluation of an infant is not just restricted to weight gain alone, but includes other measures. Your pediatrician evaluates a child's growth based on these parameters. There is no definite single figure for each of these parameters but only a range. Each parameter is considered alone and your child's growth is assigned a 'percentile'. Your pediatrician will measure these every month ,plot your baby's growth chart and let you know if this is in the normal range.

    1. The three parameters are height, weight and head circumference.
    2. Each baby will have different growth rates of growth. So don't worry if your baby is smaller as long as your pediatrician says she is growing normally.
    3. It is important to have your baby's growth monitored regularly as you can then pick up any growth problems at the earliest.

    Baby Walkers:
  • There is a growing trend in India of using baby walkers for children in the age of 9-12 months who have learnt to stand, in the mistaken notion that this is safe and will help the baby learn to walk quicker. This is true and experts caution against the indiscriminate use of baby walkers.
  1. A baby first learns to roll, crawl, stand up, then walk with support and finally by himself.
  2. These activities are very important as it helps develop and build his muscles so that he can start walking when he is ready. This is the natural process and it is best that you try to let it happen this way.
  3. Baby's who are put in baby walkers right away end up having accidents quite often as they end up moving much faster than they normally can. Their muscles have not yet developed well enough to control their bodies at that speed.
  4. Contrary to popular belief a baby needs more supervision when he is a walker than when he is outside it.
  5. A baby walker enhances a baby's mobility to such a degree that the level of danger a baby is exposed to also increases. A baby can reach farther and is exposed to dangers like hot liquids [coffee/tea], or reaches stairs faster than you expect.

    Pets around the house:
  • A lot of people are confused when it comes to keeping pets around their kids. It is even more confusing for people who love their pets a lot and have had them for years before they had children. There are a few things to keep in mind when the issue is pets and your baby.
  1. Always make sure your pet and baby do not share their toys/food. If your pet's food is lying around your baby is likely to put it in her mouth.
  2. Ensure your pet is vaccinated to date and de-wormed adequately. Always double check with your veterinarian.
  3. Always make sure someone supervises your pet and baby. Do not leave your baby unattended.
  4. If you are planning to get a dog after you had your baby, it is better to wait till your child is a little older.
  5. Ensure your pet's medicines or supplements/food is kept safely out of your baby's reach.

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