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Is severe headache a caffeine withdrawal symptom? Suggest treatment for pain in sternum and difficulty in breathing Suggest treatment for dull flank pain Are methyltetrahydrofolate and magnesium oxide in supplements safe while taken during pregnancy? What causes sharp pain in upper head, light headedness and heaviness in arms? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Prozac? What causes severe fatigue, body ache and eyes burning post treating lyme disease? What causes occasional burning and stinging pain in right forearm? How effective is Fisher Wallace Stimulator in treating anxiety and depression? What causes severe leg pain, vomiting and fever in a child? What causes a rash on neck, upper chest spreading between breasts and face? What does bilateral small ovarian follicles with minimal free fluid mean? Suggest the ideal dosage of Amlodipine taken for blood pressure Suggest treatment for tinnitus Is pregnancy possible through unprotected sex while on an expired implant? What causes a black tiny spot on nipple? Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What complications can arise post a wrong cardiac ablation? What causes elevated D-dimer levels and dysnpea post an acupunctuer treatment? What causes pain, numbness and tingling sensation in hand post an insect bite? What causes swelling in feet while treating groin injury? What causes elevated B12 levels while on B12 shots? What does my ultrasound scan test reports indicate? Is it safe to extend the course of contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy? What causes diabetes? What causes continuous acting up and temper tantrum in a child? What causes swelling in left knee, ring and pinky finger of right hand? Suggest alternative medication for Eklira Genuair taken for COPD Suggest treatment for severe depression, anxiety and OCD What causes severe fatigue while treating pneumonia? Does intake of Risperdal help in curing Tourette syndrome? Suggest treatment for severe knee pain while on Percocet What causes lower front teeth pain and bleeding gums while on Storvas? What causes shortness of breath and dizziness while walking? What causes severe sleep apnea, snoring and disturbed dreams while on Effexor? What causes foul smelling urine and frequent incomplete urination post intercourse? Suggest ways to wean off Vicodin What causes hip pain while walking? What causes a small pea sized swelling in prostate gland surface on DRE? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Perphenazine? Does Probiotics interact with vitamin supplements? Does overdosing on Zopiclone result in weakness and fatigue? What causes weakness and fatigue post increased intake of Zopiclone? What causes high WBC count in blood? What causes intense pain in left kidney area post a stent removal surgery? What causes elevated liver enzymes while on Acetaminophen? Suggest treatment for severe joint and muscle pain What causes swollen and hard leg post intake of Keflex for a rash? What does my lab test report indicate? What does my lab test reports indicate? Is local anesthesia administered to patients before an angiography? What causes red rashes on legs and groin area? What causes vaginal spotting after taking Levora? What causes tingling sensation in and around thumb? Suggest medication for throat coarseness after treating cough What does my urine test result indicate? What does my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for depression while on Zoloft and Zyprexa Suggest alternative medication for Zoloft taken for depression Suggest treatment for severe headache caused by anxiety What are the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol? Is Podowart lotion advisable for a breast feeding mother? Suggest treatment for melasma What causes a recurring itchy rash on chest and neck? Suggest ways to decrease height What causes stabbing pain under left breast? What causes severe anxiety while on vitamin D3 supplements? What causes heavy bleeding post intercourse? What causes recurring pain while urinating? Is pregnancy possible for a patient with perforation in uterus? Can STD be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? What causes severe pain in arms, fingers and lower legs? What causes pain and soreness in ribs, cough and burping post an injury? What causes severe pain in legs, wrist, shoulders and calves? Are persistent hiccups, bloating and diarrhea signs of GERD? What causes breathing problems post a subsegmental collapse in lungs? Is a TSH level of 3.69 a cause for concern? What causes communication skills deterioration and short temper while on reduced Citalopram? What are the chances of pregnancy while on Novelon? What do my liver function test reports indicate? What causes burning sensation in tongue after taking Menthol? Suggest treatment for infection in navel Suggest treatment for itchy growth on toe What causes frequent occasional one-sided headache? What causes lack of energy while on high dose of Synthroid? Suggest treatment for irritation and redness in eyes Suggest treatment for high fever while on Quadrovax Suggest treatment for diarrhea and sore throat What causes frequent fainting? What causes indigestion in an elderly person after taking Metronidazole, Omeprazole and Clarithromycin? Does intake of Tylenol help in controlling migraine headache? Suggest remedies for severe anxiety and chest pain in a diabetic What does my blood test report indicate? What causes sudden dizziness, breathlessness and swelling in feet? What does my doppler ultrasound scan test report indicate? What causes peeling skin on head of penis post a steroid shot? Are severe fatigue and chest pain signs of heart problem? What does my lab test reports indicate? What causes pus filled lumps on upper labia region? What does my blood sugar test reports indicate? Suggest remedies for anxiety and depression Is frequent urination during night time normal? What causes intermittent tingling sensation on left side of face and head? Does diarrhea cause pain in colon while treating diverticulitis? Does intake of Oxetol and Levera help in curing seizure disorder? Is a pus filled rash on the buttocks a symptom of herpes? What causes persistent diarrhea and stomach cramps post a colectomy? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Does intake of probiotics help in preventing digestion problems? What causes itching and white discharge from vagina along with pelvic pain? What causes black spots below the glans of penis? What causes persistent concentration issues? Suggest ways to wean off Percocet What causes insomnia, heaviness and constant pain in chest and throat? Suggest treatment for side effects of Clarithromycin What causes persistent cold, clear mucus and swelling in lymph nodes? Does intake of Methylprednisolone and Cyclobenzaprine help in curing muscle pain in neck? What causes measles in a 19 month old infant? How long does it take for Androcur to show effect? Suggest the ideal dosage for Ibuprofen for knee pain What are the repercussions of taking Trazodone and Ziplocone mixed with alcohol? What causes headache while treating hypothyroidism in a child? Can a blighted ovum re-occur while trying to conceive? What causes average amount of bleeding after menstruation post intake of Provera? What causes eosinophilia, dry cough and blocked nose? Are attraction towards male but inclination for girls signs of homosexuality? How effective is Unwanted 72 emergency contraceptive in preventing pregnancy? What causes severe bleeding from pores on nose? What causes delayed menstruation? Can Hepatitis B virus be spread through kissing with an open sore in mouth? What causes recurrent swelling and pain in ankles and shins? What is the ideal dosage of Liv 52 for fatty liver? What causes fainting, vomiting and urgency for a bowel movement? What causes chronic post nasal drip post a sinus surgery? How long does Valium remain in the system for a UA test? Is Femilon safe for contraception? What does my blood test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for a open wound on left buttock post a surgery What causes persistent soreness and weakness in forearm tendon and elbow area? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes rheumatoid arthritis and lesions on liver in a young adult? What is a bursted sac bag found in stomach during surgery? Suggest remedies for nasal and chest congestion What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What causes a swollen neck gland on left side? What causes past nasal drip and ear ache with history of herniated discs? Can Clonazepam be taken instead of Alprazolam without any side effects? Suggest treatment for side effects of Fosamax What causes severe fatigue in a 54 year old man? What causes rushing sound in synchronisation with heart beat in right ear? Does Botox help in loosening calf muscles post a femur surgery? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? Does usage of Bioxin help in preventing hair loss? What causes a false positive results for Amphetamines and Methamphetamine? Suggest ways to wean off Xanax Is a Lupron shot post radiation therapy for prostate cancer safe? What causes swollen ankles and calfs? Does Meperidine cause pupil dilation? Suggest treatment for blood blister on vagina What causes a lump with brown spot in arm pit? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations and panic attacks Suggest treatment for persistent severe pain in knee and ankle Suggest treatment for severe anxiety and depression How to recognise implantation bleeding? What are the risks of developing HIV post a non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for severe fatigue and depression in a hypertensive person What causes severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea and chills after taking Misoprostol? What do my blood test reports indicate? What causes difficulty in sleeping and night mares while on Mirtazapine and Olimelt? What causes abdominal bloating and loss of eyelashes while on Synthroid? What causes severe picking and scratching of scalp along with anxiety? Suggest treatment for genital warts Suggest treatment for osteolysis in joint What causes little blurry vision with a criss cross pattern and difficulty in reading? What causes blood in stool? What causes persistent productive cough, cold and blocked nose? Suggest treatment for severe joint pain and muscle spasms post an accident Suggest alternative medication in place of Paracetamol taken for high fever during pregnancy Suggest treatment for red dots on buttocks, stomach and torso Suggest treatment for frequent urination after drinking wine Is a red itchy rash on skin after waxing a sign of STD? Suggest medical tests to rule out mastocytosis What causes diarrhea with black and stringy stool along with stomach pain? Can a sinus infection cause inflammation and irritation down the trachea? What causes severe tooth pain post a root canal? What causes severe pain, burning sensation and swelling in right testicle? What causes sudden bleeding in nose? Suggest alternative medication for Femilon taken for delaying menstruation Suggest a diet plan for a patient having stents in coronary arteries What causes insomnia post intake of Lovastatin? What is a spinal stroke? What causes persistent loss of eye lashes? Suggest remedies for grey hair on face, beard and mustache What causes elevated WBC levels in blood post recovery from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? Suggest treatment for right testicle pain What causes fat and hard stomach post a hernia surgery? What are the withdrawal symptoms of contraceptive pills? What are the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome? What are the repercussions of drinking All out?
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