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What does my retrograde urethrogram report indicate? Can chlamydia infection be contracted through unprotected sex? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Suggest medication for PCOS Suggest remedies for chronic hip pain post an injury Suggest treatment for swelling and bruise on the thigh after an accident What causes sexual arousal and discharge while talking to girlfriend? Suggest treatment for frequent diarrhea What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes tingling in hands and cough post intake of Flagyl? Suggest alternative treatment for GAD How to terminate pregnancy? What causes progressive hair loss despite using Minoxidil? How safe are Dexcon and Practin for health? What causes constipation postpartum? What causes small dots on the upper arms while on Symbicort? Suggest treatment for nasal bleeding Suggest treatment for gynecomastia What causes withdrawal bleeding after taking Primolut-N? What causes nausea and panic attack post intake of Lexapro? What causes severe pain in left-sided abdomen post a C-section? What causes chemical pregnancy after a miscarriage? What do my lab test results indicate? Is blood in stool of an infant a cause for concern? What causes white vaginal discharge before the withdrawal bleeding? Can DVT in right axilla bunch lead to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? What causes persistent muscle cramps in chest, neck and shoulders? What causes blood in urine? Can Meftal-P be given for fever in a child? What causes depersonalization? What type of exercises are advisable for a fibroid scarring in lungs patient? Can HIV be contracted through kissing? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest remedies for severe hair loss post delivery What causes severe hair loss in a 35 year old woman post delivery? Do lungs have pain receptors? What causes severe pain in ear and head while treating strep throat? Suggest treatment for pain in the ear Can Adderall cause low testosterone levels? 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Suggest treatment for symptoms of bipolar disorder What causes sudden drop of oxygen saturation in blood when diagnosed with sleep apnea? What causes abdomen pain, fatigue, fever and rectum pain after an appendix operation? What causes lack of milk during lactation in 32 year old mother? Suggest treatment for ear pain What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for insect bite allergy with eczema on the body What does this blood report indicate? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for plasma cell neoplasms What causes sudden swelling in the right temple? What causes tendinitis in wrist and elbow? What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest remedies for conception while on birth control pills Suggest an alternate medicine for Pioglitazone taken for hypertension What causes headache and muscle cramps when exposed to strobe light? Suggest remedies for heavy menstrual flow Suggest ways to wean off Cardizem LA Why is Timolol prescribed for a person with anxiety and head tremors? What causes severe left elbow pain and indigestion? Does Mysoline help treat familial tremor? Suggest treatment for painful urination caused by vaginal candidiasis Suggest remedies for a cut on the penis tip Is air travel safe for a person with acute appendicitis? Is an ASO count of 919 a symptom of rheumatic fever? Suggest treatment for severe nausea and diarrhea What causes stomach pain and disturbed sleep in a COPD patient? Suggest treatment for persistent chest pain Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What are the major Clonazepam withdrawal symptoms? How long does Lorazepam take to show effect? What causes vaginal spotting after taking an I-pill? What causes chronic ticklish productive cough, running nose and watery eyes? Suggest an ideal diet chart for a hepatitis B patient What causes redness and itching in the eyes? What causes a painless white blister on the frenulum under the tongue? What causes pale yellow spot on the right breast? What does this lab test report indicate? Suggest treatment for arthritis in the lumbar region Are vaginal discharge and nausea post intake of I-pill signs of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for ligament injury post an accident What causes lightheadedness followed by large red spots on the arms? What causes burning sensation in the tongue in a diabetic with acid reflux? Suggest treatment for hypertrichosis Suggest treatment for swelling in the chest caused by gynecomastia Is absence of fetal heartbeat at the 9th week a symptom of miscarriage? Suggest diet plan to reduce weight Suggest treatment for pressure in the chest and breathing difficulty Is pregnancy possible through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What causes black discolouration in stool? Suggest treatment for severe weakness in the leg when diagnosed with Parkinson's disease What causes frequent urination and shrinkage in penis? Suggest treatment for swelling and weakness in the ankles while on Warfarin Does Prednisone interact with Moxifloxacin? What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe back pain What causes discolouration in the lower lips in a cigarette smoker? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes insomnia despite taking Ambien while treating depression? Suggest medication for fibromyalgia Suggest remedies for withdrawal symptoms of Oxycodone Suggest treatment for splinter haemorrhages under the nails Suggest treatment for dizziness in a person with Bell's palsy Suggest medication for palmar hyperhidrosis What are the side effects of Linzess? What are the signs and symptoms of pancreatitis? Is sodium hypochlorite used in dental procedures? Does Acyclovir cause false positive in a herpes diagnosis test? What causes sudden weight loss while on Thyronorm? Suggest treatment for severe back pain with brown substances in the vaginal discharge Suggest treatment for uterine prolapse in an elderly person What does my semen analysis test report indicate? Suggest treatment for severe neuropathic pain caused by neurofibromatosis Is a TSH level of 3 and elevated T4 values a concern? Do bicep tears require surgery? What causes running nose, sneezing, throat discomfort and headache? Suggest treatment for severe body pain while on Bromazepam What causes bacterial vaginosis in a 33 year old woman? What causes a sensation of burning with brown coating on the tongue? What causes persistent hacking cough? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the gum caused by an infection Suggest treatment for a rash on the body with swollen eyes What are the major diagnostic criteria for EDS? Suggest treatment for weakness in the legs with difficulty in climbing stairs Suggest treatment for rashes around the mouth while on Nystatin Suggest treatment for sore bumps on the vagina Suggest treatment for red lesions on the neck What are the signs and symptoms of atrial tachycardia? What causes non-itchy rashes on upper arms, inner thighs and buttock cheeks? Suggest treatment for symptoms of viral gastroenteritis What causes nausea and dizziness while on Tramadol post a salpingectomy? Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Can Microgestin be purchased without a prescription? What causes mild pain behind the left eye with a history of stroke? Can one get birth control pills without a prescription? What causes lower leg pain, tingling in foot and burning sensation in leg? Suggest treatment for severe heart palpitations, dizziness and hand tremors Suggest treatment for night sweats and hot flashes in an elderly person What causes fast heart beats when bending down in a high BP patient? Is chemotherapy an effective treatment for pancreatic cancer? How long does pneumonia take to appear on a chest x-ray? Suggest remedies for cough, cold and throat pain Suggest treatment for mild cough and breathlessness What causes cough, cold and throat pain? Suggest dosage for Duphaston post a miscarriage Suggest treatment for vision impairment in an elderly person Suggest treatment for cold, cough and chest congestion in an infant What causes swelling with itchy bumps on the arm? What causes radiating pain in the colon in an elderly person What causes a swollen itchy red lump on the right arm? Suggest treatment fro tick bite on leg Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the knee What causes blood in stool? Suggest treatment for nerve pain in the hand Suggest treatment for fever and throat infection What causes a sore white patch on the throat? What causes persistent burning sensation in the penis? What causes gagging cough followed by vomiting post recovery from bronchitis? Suggest treatment for swollen finger after injury Can Coenzyme Q10 be taken instead of Lipitor safely? What causes pain under the right shoulder blade upon waking up? What does this FNAC report indicate? What causes profound weakness in the body while recovering from viral fever? Suggest ways to wean off Oxycodone Suggest treatment for symptoms of UTI How long can MS Contin be stored? What causes severe pain behind the knee? What causes a potassium depletion in the body? What causes tightness in the chest and nausea? Is there interaction between Klonopin, Zoloft and alcohol? What causes loose and saggy skin throughout the body? What causes fever, cough, cold and loose stool in an infant? Suggest remedies for maintaining lung clarity in a COPD patient Suggest remedies for red irritated acne scars on face Suggest remedies for brittle nails in toes What causes anosmia, nasal congestion with thick mucus and popping sound in ear? Is black stool a symptom of pancreatic cancer? What do my lab test results indicate? Is a persistent small red patch on the upper right leg a concern? How to determine the paternity of the fetus? Suggest an alternate medicine for Leflunomide taken for rheumatoid arthritis
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