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Hi there For a male, I had many UTI in Can you please interpret my ekg. I went to ER My ears feel like there is pressure in them like Is dominant follicle with traces of free fluid a normal CT scan finding while having right-sided lower abdominal pain while expecting menstruation? Hello I am a 51 year old women going thru Suggest treatment for sore throat and head ache for more than one member of the family Hi, I have tinnitus, blockage feeling and occasionally congestion in What can cause this red spot on my nose without any pain or itching? I am taking antibiotics ( Amoxicillin ) and Phenazopyridine prescribed Would QVAR work without stimulating heart palpitations? I am 41 years old male. married and having one What causes red spots on the nose that have lasted for three days? How can PCR test result show positive for ureaplasma parvum after intercourse with a body massage therapist? I have had indigestion since sometime now. so I recently What could elevated WBC levels be indicative of? What can I do about right leg toenail growing into the soft flesh causing pain while walking? How should bedwetting in a child be treated? facing a hair fall problem Hi, doctor. Just a follow up on a question posed Hi, doctor. For a while now, I have had what Hi I have black patch on my arms for more How can one manage colitis while still maintaining a healthy sex life that involves anal play? I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation since What shall I do about low immunity and premature ejaculation? Swelling on my neck and my family doctor suggested me Hello 51 years old here just question last night I What should I do about blood at the back of a tooth and a hole? Are testosterone boosters safe and can they be taken by a fit and healthy person? Should we be worried about EIF on left ventricle and the size of EIF being little larger than normal size at 16 weeks of pregnancy? Hello I hope someone can help me out I seem Hello Dr. XXXXXXX I had a myomectomy in Dec 2022 Would resuming Antabuse for anxiety help when I take small amounts of THC due to chronic pain from avascular necrosis? Found stones in Gallbladder during routine checkup.No stomach main, vomit What is the Hb1ac value for a pre diabetes status? lift side check pain yesterday How can erectile dysfunction along with quick ejaculation in a diabetic be treated? I have toothache. Suggest treatment for itching in the throat, feverish feeling and tonsil stone I have Ulcerative Colitis . I have a question about Does after 5 years HIV exposure can cause issue? What is the alert message in the CBC signify? Is it something to worry ? Bleeding/spotting except for the little in recent period Suggest me some treatment please mainly I need to rid off irritation? Suggest treatment for headache from many days and intermittent nausea What causes excessive pimples around my chin and jaw line area? Should all chronic liver fasciola be treated with ERCP? Can I continue to use a CPAP machine if I develop a flu or other viral infection? How long does delayed period should pregnancy test ? Can I contract HIV through genital contact with a dirty towel? How should hair fall be managed and treated? White patches on 2 years old baby Taken medicines for gas and stomach pain but pain subsides for a while but then comes back. How get rid of excess sweating ? When can I give water to drink to a infant? Are there over the counter supplements that provide some of the calming benefits of. Lorazepam? What causes inexplicable body fatigue and weakness? What causes head pain that radiates from the back to the front everyday? What should I do about burning sensation in the throat? Should a 2D ECO TMT test be done annually to understand one's health status? Is general weakness something to be concerned about? Can colon cancer at the age of 91 be cured? Does saliva is transferred HIV? Does parenchymal volume loss cause memory problems? Does amitriptyline and a low dose of Klonopin help in Globus Pharyngeus What could lead to hair fall problem and how can it be cured? What causes vomiting in a child after eating chicken nuggets on two different occasions? What should I do about muscle pain throughout the body despite iron injection administration for thalassemia trait? Does shortage of Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B12 cause body pain? Deos melatonin and Xarelto react each other? What test is to get if Homogeneous or Heterogeneous? How to get rid of warts infection on Genitals? Corner of my right eye feeling irritation and slight pain sometime while opening and closing and moving eye lid but itching is more Should I start using Minoxidil when I am having hair loss and hair thinning apart from a receding hair line? Can I give multivitamin supplements to children to boost their immunity and avoid frequent coughs and colds? Suggest treatment for stomach ache and loose motion Could you please look into my health report? Does masturbating reduce sperm volume ? Why do I get a stomach ache after I eat food? What should I do about persistent morning sneezing and chronic runny nose for two years despite trying various remedies and alternative medicine? What medication can I take to reduce abdominal pain after missing a dose of Pentozed? What medicine can I take to get rid of hives? How to control hair loss? Why does an infant after the first year not yet walk, stand up on their own or talk? 7 year old kid cough sounds like barking dog Can drinking carbonated drinks help in the process of digestion when consumed after food? Is it normal to have severe leg pain three days after a laminectomy for L1-S1 vertebra? I am suffering from ED & PE What could be freckles on the head of my penis and some discoloration of my skin? Suggest medication for high fever in a toddler How long will it take to recovery time after surgery under general anesthesia (GA) ? Is there any medication to manage muscle pain and a feeling of getting a muscle catch? I have a problem of Premature ejaculation For a patient with Crohn’s disease and iron deficiency anemia red bowel is it normal I have bumps on my forearm Can we use ayurvedic oil for 5 years old for hair growth ? What do low CMIA HIV test results indicate when tested after longer intervals? Can Amlong be taken for a long duration to regulate BP? My daughter is 8 years old having issues of appetite Please suggest medicine for premature ejaculation Why is there burning sensation while urinating only when the urine is yellow in color? A pimple in forehead bleeds when pressed Suggest good medicine and diet for black head How to gain weight? What do I do when hair loss and dandruff affects my forehead and causes pimples? How can cough for a few days followed by heavy breathing in a child be treated? I am a homosexual rubbed my body against a guy, whose STD/hiv status is unknown what is risk of HIV I am feeling back pain when I get up in the morning. After 30 minutes rest I could walk or move How often head bath should be taken using hard water? Is pain in lower right side sturnum is related to heart issue? I am having right hand stiffness when I wake up morning How to reduce white patch between my buttocks ? What should I do about pimples related problems? What do I do about a cold? Neurontin or Lyrica would be of any help for neurogenic overactive bladder Why have I been experiencing pain at the back of the head when I experience stress or tension? Is it safe to take Metformin when I have trace of ketones in my urine? Are internal hernias rare? Suggest treatment for pain near the anus from a small lump at the anus Can a food allergy cause itching but no hives or welts? Is a white patch in tip of my finger due to a wart? Does Amlodopine has any side effects? Can nitrofurantoin never cause these side effects with single dose? Suggest treatment for severe pain near the kidney area Should I be concerned about adding the Beta Blocker to reduce Bp? How can very itchy skin on the neck leading to black discoloration be treated? Should I go to emergency services increase in blood pressure (154/89) ? What does ECG says minor inferior repolarization disturbance consider ischemia mean? Suggest treatment for a little lump formed on the wrist that hurts while lifting weights Suggest treatment for excess hair loss and what I can eat to stop hair fall Can I take Beplex Forte at night after taking Neurobion Forte after breakfast? Suggest treatment for loose motion, stomach ache and body ache My left lower feet is paining due to strain during walking Does the moment in early pregnancy is normal ? What are the treatments for supraventricular tachycardia when you also have bradycardia and pauses? Could you please review the attached report and advise? What can I do to strengthen my left shoulder? What test do you recommend for abdomen pain? Why have I been having sunburn since 15 days? What grade is a 11mm anterolisthesis? What could be thin walled cystic foci measuring 2.3x1.9 cm with thin internal septation? Could you please help to diagnose circular spots on her legs? What are treatment options for supraventricular tachycardia when you also have bradycardia and heartbeat pauses? Is it safe for me to consume Digemax tablet to improve digestion while trying to build muscle with a high protein diet? Suggest ways to manage early ejaculation, lack of sexual desire and penis hardness problem Is it possible to detect pregnancy while testing for UTI? Is contraceptive safe? What do I do about gum pain that has persisted for three days? Will stress cause serious headaches in back of head? What do I do about a sexual disorder where I get ejaculation discharge early? What prognosis is advisable according to my Holter report that shows atrial fibrillation? Why is there constant heel pain in the left leg? Suggest lotions or sunscreens for swimming and to prevent tanning How can dark circles be treated and cured? How can pain at the urethra and pain during erection? What do I do about symptoms of a cold? How can severe, debilitating fatigue and foggy thinking for several months be treated? Can it be pregnancy positive if period is delayed for five days? What can I do about a cold and dry cough? I have been experiencing severe POTS symptoms Shall I continue with Atorva 10mg tablet to lower cholesterol ? What is risk of getting HIV without intercourse ? Why is one of my pupils is much much larger in size than the other within the last hour? Severe sore throat after eating bag of candy ? What causes some white itching spot on my penis under the skin? What should I do when lipoma are detected in a breast ultrasound and how can their malignancy be determined? Suggest medical treatment for back pain above the side of the hip how many days can does it take phenergan before you get addicted to it? i am having both sides shoulder ,underarm , upper arm My wife has heavy blood during pregnancy after child birth Analyze Xray report of left arm What is the prognosis for a fracture found in the nose? Can Neomycin be used to stop water in ears? How to loose weight ? What could cause clusters of goosebumps on my right forearm twice? Kindly prescribe medicine for anus pain ? Suggest treatment for back pain despite getting an ultrasound scan without any comments from my doctor Why do I have severe pain in the right ear? Do values of a CAT scan show where to place stents in the heart vessels? Could you recommend any home remedies for frequent urination ? Can you review my attached report has globulin level is 4.6 and A:H ratio is 1? Is propranolol good to take with Valium? How can I interpret my urine test results? How can I work towards the removal of multiple lipoma? How to flex my right bicep muscle ? FOB tests shows 1 out of 6 positive is it early cancer? FOB tests shows 1 out of 6 positive is it early cancer? Can mild bow legs since birth can be rectified ? How to reduce creatine level ? How can I work towards reducing my weight? Are these symptoms of depression ? Distal femur shows heterogeneous signal suggesting red marrow conversion Can LED flashlight shined in my right eye for about 2 seconds cause damage? Why swelling in gums and mouth ulcers happen quite frequently? Can LED flashlight shined in my right eye for about 2 seconds cause damage? Will my CAC score be lower of taking praulent ? Why could I be having intermittent recurrent difficulty in breathing? Suggest treatment for feverish feeling, joints pain and sore throat that has persisted for a month My father has small cortical simple cyst in Lower pole of left kidney I find myself fit but i have my blood pressure around 132 and 135 why I have swallow problem or sore throat unable to eat
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