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What causes brown blood clot like vaginal dischrge after indulging in sex? How does ruptured hymen restored again? Is it possible to have either bleeding or tight vagina after being sexually active for 5 years? What does blood in stool indicate? What causes starbursts in vision? What causes difficulty in passing urine? Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression Is it necessary to remove a non malignant lipoma? What causes persistent bad pain in my right side ? Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort due to internal anal wart Is pregnancy possible despite taking ipill within 72 hours after sex? What are the chances of miscarriage in the first trimester? Suggest treatment for Epilepsy inspite of taking treatment for Tuberculoma What causes knee pain while standing up? What are the ways to gain weight? What causes appearence of facial hair when on hypothyroid medication? Suggest treatment for my unhappiness and loss of focus? How to improve thickness of hair and reduce thinning? What causes heart palpitations inspite of taking medicines for hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for severe pain due to pancreatitis What does " adnexa" in an ultrasound mean? Is Tridot the accurate test for HIV? What are the symptoms of low potassium? What causes pain on taking a deep breath? Suggest treatment for persistent fever and sore muscle Suggest treatment for fever with body-ache What causes svere cramps and bleeding when suffering from endometreosis and PCOS? What causes pain in spine which radiates down into shoulder and arm.? Suggest treatment for lower back pain due to nerve impingement Can i get infected with Hep C by a clinical examination involving fingering inside anus? What causes high blood sugar reading? What causes left sided headache with pressure? I have a large growth on my left testicle which is swollen and painful What causes abnormal period and erratic spotting? What test will show a torn ligament? Is swelling over elbow and rash on cheek due to flare-up of psoriatric arthritis? What happens if i missed to take a Vitamin dose on time? What does "Polymorphs 68,Plates Count(APC)2.34 and Urin RE WBC 1-2/HPF" mean? Suggest treatment for infertility inspite of having regular ovulation What causes prolapse of the uterus? Suggest treatment to remove unwanted hair on face Suggest treatment for tiredness and vomiting sensation Suggest alternative medicines of Cudo forte and UTI OF Is Lasik surgery safe for myopia treatment? Is it safe to take Montemac-Fx and Deriphyllin for a long period? How to reduce large painful pimple type abscesses filled with pus on lower belly, armpit and genital area? Suggest treatment to remove post chickenpox scars What causes missed menstrual period? What does "left testis..13mmx16mm and shows irregular hypoechoic area" mean? What is the treatment for recurrent, active and dormant Candidiasis in the inner thigh and groin area? Can gout appear on liver similar to liver fat? Are red swollen meatus and armpit rash symptoms of STD? How soon should kidney transplant be done? What causes delayed periods after stopping Gynaset? Suggest treatment for intense pain and tenderness in spine after an injury What does elevated serum beta HCG levels indicate during pregnancy? Does urine from bladder contain any squamous cells? What is the cause and treatment for Afib? Should i be concerned about poor sperm shooting capacity during orgasm What is the cause and treatment for epigastric pain? What is the expected lifespan after a stroke? What does these ECG result mean and can I do anything to reduce risks of further problems? Does Parkinson's cause severe joint pain that radiates into the muscle? What causes low grade fever with stomach upsets and nausea when suffering from UTI? Can you really be allergic to penicillin? Suggest treatment for frequent small red dots on penis glans What causes sudden bruising on body? What causes itching urethra inspite of having intercourse with a professional? What causes vaginal discharge during childhood? Suggest treatment for severe adrenal fatigue Are there tests to determine whether you have herpes 1 or 2? Does fluconazole usage cause problems for people with heart issues? Suggest treatment for severe cough at middle of sleep and food swallowed coming out from mouth Is it safe to take two medications Lisinopril and Metoprolol for BP management? Suggest treatment for throat pain after a fever Is pregnancy possible while having periods? Is cerelac or is home food better in supplying nutritional requirement? What causes raised bumps around the corona of my penis glans? What causes dizziness? What causes frequent dizziness inspite of normal blood pressure and cholestoral level? Is there any incidence among caregivers infected with shingles in the course of their work? Suggest treatment for Sjogren's syndrome Can I take Abilify,Trihexyphenidyl and Klonopin with a brain supplement? I have severe pain in my upper chest area and right arm How long should heart medication be taken after an angioplasty? Is it okay to give 6 year old droxyl for swollen gums? What causes mobility problem in one leg? Suggest treatment for degenerative disc disease of cervical spine What causes intermittent pain in left leg between thigh and knee? What causes red rash on both arms and hands inspite of taking meth? Does Keppra cause high pressure in eyes? What doctor handles pain issues? Is there a documentation which validates that Adderall does not show up as meth on hair? I have a small pea size lump under the skin of my mon pubis Suggest treatment for rapidly increasing scar from coccidiomycosis Do Ovitrop and Ovigyn help in PCOS treatment? Can I take protein and amplified creatine for supplements to workout with? Suggest life style modification for cholesterol control Is radioactive iodine treatment advisable for hyperthroidism? Suggest treatment for elevated cortisol levels, constipation, high bp and tachycardia What causes burning sensation and abdominal pain with muscle weakness after h-pylori infection? Is CKD stage 4 and kidney cyst heritable? What causes burning sensation in throat with fever? What causes panic attacks,anxiety with extreme fear? Could taking Nuvigil for several years on a daily basis affect urinary system or liver? Suggest treatment for sexual anxiety Can consumption of small quantity of mosquito repellent cause any harm? What does ALP level of 121 and eosinophilia of 70 indicate? How to gain weight? Can the tablets that set for Invitro fertilisation cause any effect on pregnancy? What causes muscle cramps? Suggest treatment for swollen salivary glands inspite of using antibiotics How to deal with anxiety related to penis problem? What causes nausea and vomiting after a hysterectomy? Can Plan B get detected in bood test for hormonal imbalance? Is it harmful to deworm my 19 month old who plays with his cat? What does blotchy darkened skin on the backs of legs indicate? Suggest treatment for epilepsy due to worm in brain What causes nausea and headache when on Zoloft? What causes feeling exhausting,lack of concentration and cold hands with tingling? What causes occassional pain on tip of penis when I start to pass urine? What is Ischaemic Neuropathy? Is surgery the solution for inability to pull the skin of penis back fully? What causes tenderness between shoulders at c6 and c7 area? What is the cause and treatment for heart palpitations? Suggest an alternative of operation for L5 and L4 Is there any treatment for snoring? Suggest treatment for acute sinus infection Suggest treatment for raw and peeling penis How common is thyriod cancer? what causes odor from belly button? What causes delayed periods after taking I-pill? What does HDL Cholesterol of 97 mean? What is the treatment for high urea content and swollen knee? What are the ways to tell whether the pregnancy is a miscarriage or normal one? Is it safe to use Cefoprax or Azithral for cough and throat infection accompanied with fever to my 3 year old son? Suggest treatment for terrible headache because of hyper acidity What is the treatment for discomfort pimple like spots on my penis after having unprotected sex? Is there any treatment for kidney stones in Ayurveda? I have a bruise under my 2nd toenail on my right foot What are ganglion cysts and how to get rid of them? Suggest balanced nutritious meal for a baby Suggest treatment for pain in left achilles I have blood blisters on my hands and feet What causes symptoms of rushing noise in the head with dizziness, light headedness and near fainting? Suggest treatment for morning sickness What causes diarrhea followed by severe muscle cramps? Can lisinopril usage could lead to pain, burning sensation and tingling in both arms? What causes blood in urine after accidental overdose of Miron? Suggest treatment for spreading spots on stomach, back, clavicle and arms What are the tests to be done for Herpes diagnosis? How do I know if I am safe to start an exercise program? Suggest treatment for seizures caused by withdrawing previous medications Can Berberine and insulin be taken together? What causes pimple above the uvula and coughing? What causes constant cough with pimple in the back of throat? Is it safe to take digicaine syrup during pregnancy? Does diabetes cause soreness below ribs on the right side? What causes high heart rate and skipping beat when i am sick? What are the benefits of keeping my ovaries? Suggest treatment for persistent cough Can ureaplasma urealyticum and gardnerella vaginalis be transmitted through kissing? What causes hives all over my body inspite of not being allergic to anything? What causes sharp nerve pain in my forehead? What are the chances of hole in heart getting close spotaneously? Suggest ways to cope up with anxiety and depression Suggest treatment for proper erection of penis Can Laboratory variation cause a change in the hemoglobin level? Should i be concerned about swellings in the sub mandibular area? What causes urinary retention after surgery for rectal cancer? Can sore throat be a symptom of HIV inspite of having protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex? Is it possible that stomach or colon would cause pain on the left deep under the rib? How often can a patient with MS get a shot of Solumedrol? What is the dosage of Ceftum,Doxt and Metrogyl tablets for PID treatment? Is it safe to breast feed my baby on the day of putting keratin and formalin to my hair? What do bumps on the penis along with itching indicate? Is there any treatment available to cure vitiligo completely? What causes finger numbness with inability to straighten it? What causes severe abdominal pain inspite of having a history of draining the ascitic fluid every 3 weeks? What causes severe constipation with stomach distension? What do lumps on bilateral forearm indicate? Should i be concerned about my increased urge for physiological masturbation? Is it safe to take Xanax and drive? What does ""cardiac silhouette appears to be without calcifications" mean? Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking Amiodar? Is it normal to have knee pain in a peri menopausal woman? Can Valcyclovir dose be decreased for genital herpes treatment? Is Lamisil the best over the counter medication for ring worm? Should i continue my medicines inspite of normal HDL levels? Do i need medical help for burning sensation while I urinate inpite of being type 2 Diabetic? Suggest treatment for dandruff,gray hair and hair fall What is the cause and treatment for hair fall and dandruff? How intake of two cups of coffee every day effect the body? What does a painful blackish patch tongue indicate? What causes sore and inflamed wrist? Suggest treatment for recurrent itchy red skin rashes Is Fenbendatsol safe for humans? Can a person get herpes from a long lap dance? Will temporal lobe epilepsy and 'Tegretol' interfere with varicose veins removal surgery? Can you suggest an identity to a bed insect that cannot be seen, but is a night biter?
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