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What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? Suggest treatment for cold, cough and nasal congestion in a child What causes vaginal itching and burning with greenish discharge after intercourse? Does masturbation cause pain and cramps in abdomen? Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain in a child Suggest treatment for frequent blocked nose and cough Suggest medication for abdominal pain and diarrhea What causes dizziness every morning while waking up? Can Bhang cause impaired perception, attention and judgement? How long will i bleed after having medical abortion? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat and fever Suggest treatment for loose motion, vomiting and mild fever in a child Suggest treatment for severe sore throat What causes dizziness during neck movement? Will mild dry cough affect the growth and development of fetus? What causes visible veins on abdomen? What causes testicular failure after mumps infection? What causes pain and stiffness in the right calf muscle? What causes increased fluid intake and frequent urination? What causes lymph node swelling in neck? What causes persistent sinus pressure, ear pressure and headache despite taking medication? Suggest treatment for muscle pain, excessive sweating and headaches Suggest remedy for severe pain in foot What causes diarrhoea after taking Magnesium citrate? What causes pain in leg while standing or sitting? Is platelet count of 590 a cause for concern? What causes delayed menstruation after taking I-pill? What causes significant difference in systolic and diastolic pressures? Are nausea, increased appetite, abdominal bloating and swollen breasts symptoms of pregnancy? Can the use of Amitriptyline cause manic episodes in a bipolar patient? What causes migraine with aura after taking Dianette? Suggest treatment for sharp pain and sensitivity over the C-section scar Suggest treatment for depression Do Fol XT, Thyronorm and Cabgolin help in getting pregnant? How accurate are the results of a CT scan test? Is it safe to take Prednisolone for persistent cough? What does this ECG report indicate? How much folic acid should be a part of one's daily diet? Is migraine a symptom of a neurological problem? Are there any interactions between Wellbutrin, Lamictal and Synthroid? What causes tremors in hands and legs? Suggest treatment for double vision due to weakness of extraocular muscles What causes burning sensation in skin, numbness in face and limbs? What does this pathology report for TB indicate? What causes swelling in foot around the cracked heels? Is negative HIV DUO test after 62 days of exposure conclusive? Should the entire painful cyst in breast be aspirated? What causes unsteady gait? What causes seeing of small black circles in vision of right eye? What does my blood test report indicate? Does Wartrin help in treating genital warts? Can HIV be transmitted through open wound? Is pregnancy possible through unprotected sex before ovulation? What causes itchy rash on upper back, thighs and buttocks? Suggest treatment for small red rash on left foot What causes itchy eye after having Advil? What are the pre-pregnancy tests to be taken while trying to conceive? What does this MRI report indicate? Can Lorazepam be taken after drinking alcohol? What causes pain in lower left abdomen? Are there any negative interactions between Paracetamol, Avil and Ibuprofen? What does this serum progesterone value of 30.1 indicate? What causes flat itchy grey marks on skin? Is laparotomy the right treatment for small bowel intestinal obstruction? What causes calf muscle cramps post tibia fibula fracture surgery? What does this x-ray report for pain in chest area indicate? Is medication or exercise advisable to lower LDL levels? What causes yellowing of the white part of eye? What causes irregular menstrual cycle? What do RBCs in urine despite antibiotic treatment indicate? What causes tiredness and right sided chest pain after taking Bystolic? Are pain and cracking sounds in hand suggestive of broken bone? Is it possible to remove a mole on neck without scarring? What causes swollen bruise on lower left leg and severe urinary infection? What causes itchy palms? Suggest treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Suggest treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura What causes sudden onset of dizziness? What causes redness around skin lesions despite medication? What causes blood in semen post prostate biopsy? Suggest treatment for hypertension when diagnosed with renal kidney disease What does my lab test report indicate? What causes discharge from nipples and tenderness in breasts? What causes vitamin B12 deficiency? What causes severe itching and swelling from bee stings? What causes swelling in legs, calves and feet? Is it safe to walk while having a bruise on leg? Can cold sores be transmitted through kissing? What causes frequent urination after eating spicy foods or consuming alcohol? How long should Pantoprazole and Melox be continued? What causes body pain and frequent bowel movements after taking high-protein diet? Suggest treatment for minimal change nephrotic syndome What causes constant pain in legs? What causes conjunctivitis after having Cialis? What causes frequent urination in a 3 year old? What causes fluctuating BP, weakness, acidity, dizziness and gas? Can Amitriptyline cause chemical imbalance in the brain? Is it necessary to extract angular wisdom tooth? Is it necessary to have 5th dose of rabies vaccination? What causes painful and hard lump in scrotal area? Suggest treatment for low appetite and runny nose in an infant? What causes body chills followed by nausea and vomiting while sleeping? Suggest treatment for nasal septum perforation What causes painful urination and penile erection? Suggest treatment for persistent vomiting, weight loss, low appetite and fever in children Suggest remedy for spoiled nails due to vitamin deficiency What causes frequent bowel movements? What causes elevated ESR and CRP levels in blood? What causes profuse sweating, sensitiveness to heat and tender lumps behind ears? Suggest treatment for recurring symptoms of GERD What causes itchy rashes on fingers ad palms? Can Lexapro and Nexium be taken together? Suggest treatment for profuse sweating, fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain Is nuclear medicine parathyroid scan or ultrasound better? What causes constipation and orange urine? What causes re-accumulation of fluid in middle ear post evacuation? Suggest treatment for intermittent depression and health anxiety OCD What causes wart like growth on leg? Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? What do these HIV test results indicate? What causes swelling on skin graft site on foot? Suggest treatment for back pain Can Wysolone be taken during pregnancy? Is an additional fifth dose necessary for complete protection against rabies? What are the chances of pregnancy inspite of having two mature follicles? Is pregnancy possible despite vomiting after 8 hours of contraceptive consumption? How to improve skin complexion? Do post-menopausal women need calcium supplements? Suggest treatment for faecal incontinence What does this ultrasound report during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for nauseous feeling in throat and post nasal drip Would a natural insect repellent be alright to prevent mosquito borne diseases? What causes severe sweating in scalp and occasional severe rashes on stomach? Suggest treatment for pimple like bumps in anus causing painful defecation Should i consult doctor for tender bruise on head and headache post injury? What causes withdrawal bleeding and sickness after taking birth control pills? What causes a 2 year old to stick his tongue out? Suggest dosage for Dapoxetine while treating premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for penile burning sensation and irritation What causes elevated HDL and LDL levels in blood? What causes cough with yellowish sticky sputum? What does my EKG test report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for bald spot on head and lack of hair growth What causes dull pain on left side in lung area and anxiety? Suggest treatment for dandruff, dry itchy scalp and hair loss What causes indigestion and frequent bowel movement? What do these CT scan and transvaginal ultrasound indicate? What causes painful muscles in thighs and buttocks? Suggest treatment for persistent dry cough What do my lab test reports indicate? Is it necessary to have antibiotics for C.fifficile infection? What causes purplish bruise on eyelid? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of high doses of BP medication by a child What causes redness and swelling above waistline? Is it safe to have sex when diagnosed with hematuria? What causes persistent loose stool in a child? What does this BP reading of 93/47 indicate? Is HIV RNA test done two months post exposure reliable? Suggest treatment for intense heart burn, stomach cramps and loose stool What causes muscle spasm and tension in neck and shoulder? What are the adverse effects of taking 5900 mg of Acetaminophen? Suggest treatment for high fever in children Suggest treatment for cervical stenosis and cough What causes red particles in stool? Suggest treatment for tinea cruris under foreskin What causes feeling of something stuck in chest? Is switching from Cymbalta to Celexa safe? What causes narrowing of the urethral meatus? What causes intermittent red patches on trunk and back? What causes abnormal vaginal bleeding after Mirena insertion? Suggest treatment for kidney infection, fever and back pain What causes small wart like growth behind left ear lobe? What causes inflammation and pain behind the ear lobe? What causes painful lump on the inside of the foot after injury? What causes random bruise on left hip? What causes bruising and swelling of the foot after injury? What causes blood-tinged sputum after dental scaling? What causes red rashes on back? Suggest screening tests for depression in adults What causes persistent stomach pain? How accurate is the HIV RNA test 45 days post exposure? What causes raised red rashes on left leg when diagnosed with contact dermatitis? Suggest treatment for high fever and pus cells in urine Suggest treatment for attention deficit disorder What are the initial signs of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for ADHD Is pregnancy possible through intercourse during menstruation? Can Nizral shampoo be used for severe dandruff problem? Suggest treatment for bumpy and scaly rash on lower buttocks Suggest treatment for left sided colonic pain Does masturbation cause liver damage or HIV? What causes pain below the kneecap? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes burning feeling in eyes? Suggest treatment for phobia for flying and increasing pulse rate What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for cough and slight pneumonia Can dosage of Duphaston be reduced after confirming pregnancy?
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