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What causes high blood pressure when at doctor's office? What causes fatigue, lower abdominal swelling and back pain after an intercourse? Suggest treatment for swelling on face and eyes What causes fatigue, lower abdominal swelling and back pain after an intercourse? What causes black diarrhea? Is white vaginal discharge sign of pregnancy? What casues eustachian tube dysfunction? What causes shortness of breath and fast heart beat? What causes bad odor from body sweat and feet? Is there fluid restriction in patients with congestive heart failure? What does smaller than expected thyroid mean? What causes uncontrollable body shivering? What causes blood in urnie when on treatment for urinary incontinence? What does a popping sound from hip indicate? What causes increased endometrial thickness? Suggest treatment for swelling in elbow What causes hard lump on lower rib? What causes pain in pelvic area? What does a cyst on the penis shaft indicate? Does detox drinks help in eliminating meth out of system? What causes depletion of minerals from the body? What causes recurrent fever? What causes delayed periods,sore breasts,metallic tase in mount and headaches? Does dimpling on breast indicate breast cancer? Suggest treatment for cough and cold with vomiting in a toddler What causes nasal bleeding? What causes large hard bumps on hands and ankle inspite of having GOUT? What causes pain in the upper side underneath shoulders? What causes fluctuating heart pulse rate? What causes throat pain after holding back a sneeze? Suggest treatment for mouth ulcers and sore throat What causes spreading bruise on foot? What does a small black dot on the molar tooth indicate? What causes headache and sleeplessness post cataract surgery? Can Metrogyl be given for diarrhoea in a child? Suggest treatment for misaligned teeth What causes tingling in arms and legs after taking Prednisolone? What causes painful urination with blood when on Cumedin? What causes pain in the area of gall bladder and bloating? What causes numbness and tingling sensation in body? Should i take mensovit plus to avoid pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe body itching Suggest treatment for dyspepsia with an irritable bowel Is Regestrone and Mirena advisable for vaginal spotting and bleeding? What causes back bain and burning sensation in abdomen below the right rib ? What is the causes and treatment for irritable bowle syndrome? What does spina bifida defect mean? What causes tightness of scalp? What causes pain in labial frenulum? Can reducing Celexa dose cause a problem with judgement? Is HIV test result a year after exposure,conclusive? What causes pain and burning sensation in chest? What causes lung pain and joint pains after a fever? What causes weakness and sleepiness after taking Amlodipine and Bisoprolol? Suggest treatment for PCOD What causes pain in neck and hands? What causes constant diahrrea,lower stomach ache and low fever? What does my liver profile test indicate? What causes dizziness when on BP medication? What causes pain in lower abdomen during pregnancy? What are the consequences of skipping breakfast? What causes hair loss when on various medication? What does the LDL level in my blood test result indicate? What causes muscle tremors after taking Vitamin B12? What does a lump on lower back indicate? How to remove ear bud stuck in penis? What does a bump on forehead after an inury indicate? What does an inflamed cyst below the neck indicate? Is doing weight training exercises safe after a hernia surgery? Suggest treatment for hiatal hernia with IBS and anxiety What causes lower left abdominal pain? What causes sudden weight gain in the stomach area? Suggest treatment for weakness due to deficiency of Vitamin D and B12 What causes constant pain in right hip? What causes sharp pain over the back under the ribs? What causes intense pain causing trouble in walking? Suggest precautions to be taken post tubectomy What causes abdominal pain after treatment for sinusitis? Suggest treatment for recurrent headaches What causes fatigue and depression? Suggest treatment for abnormal hair growth,obesity and menstrual disturbances What is low grade viral pneumonia? What causes frequent headaches? What causes chest pain and difficulty in swallowing? What causes severe pain in left temporal area? What causes a white lump on gum after tooth extraction? What causes diarrhea with blood in it? What causes post menopausal bleeding? Am I healty as per my weight? What can I do to clean my colon? What causes re-occurring pain in the back of the head? Is overdose of Nexito life threating? What causes anemia? Does my urine test result indicate UTI? Can Lansoprazole,Cephalexin and Clarithromyc be taken together? What causes redness,itching and swelling on back? Suggest treatment for tooth ache and swelling on face Why does the holter machine beep when I get palpitations? Is Fetzima water soluble? What causes severe heartburn type chest pains? What causes fatigue and irritation when suffering from colitis? What causes redness on scrotum and bumps on bottom penis shaft? What causes blockage of femoral artery at groin? Suggest treatment for pins and needles sensation in arms and legs What causes small rashes on my breast? Is Levothyoxine dose affected by eating soy or almonds? What causes swelling in tonsil? What causes panic attack and hot tingling sensation across chest? Suggest treatment for seronegative arthiritis What does elevated globulin and loss of memory at perimenopausal stage indicate? What causes body jerks while sleeping? What causes fever, body pain and headache? What tests should be done to find the source of hair loss? What causes pain in nipple,headaches and back aches? Does a stroke cause behavioural and personality changes? What causes smelly mucous and blood from anus? Can I get a heartattack from exercising too hard? Is dark colored urine a symptom of kidney cancer? What causes headache, sore throat, ear pain and lump at back of throat? Can severe cough cause miscarriage? What is the cause and treatment for reynaud's syndrome? What causes pins and needles sensation in hands while sleeping? Can Levofloacin be stopped abrubptly? What causes stomach pain after eating? What causes shortness of breath, chest discomfort and fatigue? What causes stomach cramps, loose stools and nausea? What causes pain in upper leg and difficulty in walking inspite of having rectal cancer? What causes nausesa and breast tenderness after stopping biirth control pills? How to quit smoking? Is rasalect suggestible for Parkinson's disease? What is osteophytic ridging and1 anterolisthesis with disc bulge? Suggest treatment for infertility problem with history of miscarriage What causes nasal congestion,throat congestion and post nasal drip? What does low CI in an ultrasound during pregnancy indicate? When should growth hormone supplementation be taken? What causes severe pica? Does klacid usage have any effects on fertility? Can pre cancerous cells develop into cancer if not treated? Suggest treatment for lumps on my palate What causes sebaceous cyst on the scrotum? What causes vertigo feeling and pain in left shoulder and arm? Suggest treatment for bloating and gas post lunch What causes pain in right upper abdomen? What should be Finasteride dosage for male pattern baldness? What causes irritation of feet and toes and swollen lips? Does rantac for acidity have any effect on fetus? Suggest treatment for cough and chest infection What causes numbness and pulling sensation on leg? What does increased TSH in a two year old indicate? What does thick uterine lining in a biopsy report indicate? What causes abdominal distension when suffering from sjogrens syndrome? What causes dizziness, balance issues and swollen cubital node? What causes nausea after eating? What causes sleeplessness and shivering ? When should HIV test be done after exposure? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfuction caused by diabetes Suggest treatment for chest infection causing coughing fits during pregnancy What causes bloating and joint inflammation? Suggest treatment for blockage in right and left carotid artery Does the urine routine test indicate UTI? How to calculate fertilization date using ultrasound and menstrual cycle? What does blood in vomit indicate? What causes severe joint pain when on Hydralazine? Can i take hydroxycut products for weight loss inspite of having anxiety and GERD? What causes high blood pressure,arthritis and red dots under the skin? How long doe Marijuana take to clear off the system? What causes blood in vomit? Suggest treatment for boils on lower body inspite of having two courses of antibiotics What causes swelling near the anal area? Which one of minivelle and vivelle is good for hot flashes? What causes small pupils after a head injury? What causes severe pain,difficulty in walking and bruise on leg? What causes clunking of shoulder with severe pain radiating down to arm? What does Ventriculomegaly in scanning during pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for low sprem count What does my TSH level indicate as per the thyroid test result? What is "nrv cndj test 13/ studies"? How can we make our kid to mingle/speak with other kids? What causes painless lump on the right side of abdomen? How to determine the date of conception? Suggest treatment for inflamed skin due to eczema Suggest treatment for pain due to umbilical hernia Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression in the elderly How to reduce the weight and have normal menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for chronic pain after a back injury What causes tailbone pain with a persistent lump? Suggest treatment for steven johnson syndrome What causes blood in vomit after food poisoning? What causes spike in heart rate followed by dizziness? Is Lipitor intake safe for treatment of high blood pressure? What causes headache after a head injury? What causes hematuria? Can a sarcoma in sinuses reocur after its removal? What causes abdominal distention when suffering from diverticulosis? What cause pink itchy patches on body? What causes seed like particles in stool? What causes leftsided stomach pain? What is the cause of low blood pressure? How important is sex in a romantic relationsip? Suggest treatment for low pottasium level in body
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