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What causes presence of gluformin pieces in the stool? What is the Chondroitin sulphate dosage? What causes chest discomfort and mild pain in arm? What causes hemorrhoids, diarrhea and itching during bowel movement? What causes dark circles due to masturbating? Can Ibuprfen and Tylenol be taken together? What causes severe headache while on Eptoin for epilepsy? What are side effects of predasone? What causes discomfort in prostate area for a couple of weeks? What causes seedy appearance in stool? What are chances of HIV through sharing of tissues for cleaning genitals? What does "subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left sylain fissure" mean? What causes Ehlers–Danlos syndrome? Can i do regular exercises inspite of having heart valve leakage? Suggest treatment for hair loss and dandruff What causes musical ear syndrome? What causes musical ear syndrome? Suggest treatment for bloating and gas problem What causes frequent vomiting in a child? What causes pain in lower legs and burning sensation of soles? Why should I stop Glyburide intake? How I can come off lithium? Suggest treatment for brittle bones What causes swelling of lower legs with history of stomach surgery? What causes swelling of fingers,wrists and toes? What causes rashes and swelling of fingers, wrists and toes? How is Herpes 2 transmitted? Suggest medicines for erectile dysfunction It is possible for a male to urinate inside vagina after TURPS surgery? What causes upper respiratory tract infections when suffering from GERD? What causes L5S1 prolapsed disc with severe pain? Suggest treatment for seizures inspite of using xanax and oxazepam What causes black patch on below of lips? What causes phlegm accumulation on one side of nasal cavity in a diabetic patient? What causes bone pain and slightly increased serum creatinine? What causes tachycardia and altering BP inspite of using bystolic? What causes sharp pain on right lower abdomen after blood transfusion? How to reduce weight when suffering from thyroid problem? Suggest treatment for dehydration What causes exhaustion and lethargy inspite of using rivotril for anxiety? What causes shivering and fever after using deriphyllin for asthma? Suggest treatment for recurrent neuroma inspite of having foot infection and peroneal nerve damage What causes tiredness and exhaustion inspite of having PCOS and hypothyroidism? What causes vaginal bleeding in pregnancy? Is googova safe to take inspite of trying to conceive? How to avoid unwanted pregnancy after having sex? Would being in a tanning booth affect my birth control implant? Can Ritalin be taken with Ibuprofen and Delsym? Is it safe to take nexito inspite of breast feeding my child? What causes pain lower left abdomen and side area? What causes pain in clitoris after an intercourse? What causes red marks in pubic area resembling scabies? Are swollen glands with tightness in ears a side effect from Lamictal? What does my semen analysis test results indicate? Can focal encephalomalacia cause traumatic epilepsy? Do I need a mammogram for microcalcifications in breast? What casues shivering in body? What causes floaters in eyes after a retinal repair surgery? What does intrauterine gestation sac without formation of embryo sac indicate? Suggest treatment for constipation What causes constistent symptoms with rheumatoid arthritis? Can metastatic leiomyosarcoma cause duodenal ulcers? What are the side effects of drinking disinfectant liqud cleaner? What causes isoniazid induced hair loss? What causes pain in lower back and buttock going down the leg? What causes otitis media in both ears? What causes vomiting and diarrhea inspite of cleaning glans whitish secretions? What does a white bubble between the spinal cord indicate? What causes constipation and anal bleeding? What causes night time welts? How to eliminate vocal cord pain caused by prolonged use of ventilator? Suggest treatment for sore throat after a damaged vocal cord What causes drainage from the nose,nasal obstruction and difficulty breathing? What causes neck pain inspite of having negative HIV test? What is the cause and treatment for hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for chronic appendicitis Can smoking marijuana cause black stool? Can non penetrative sex lead to pregnancy? Can non Hodgkin's lymphoma spread to the brain and turn into CNS lymphoma? What causes myoclonic jerks? Suggest treatment for pulmonary hypertension Suggest treatment for sharp back pain caused by an injury Suggest medicines to stop bleeding during periods Is Glutathione intake safe and effective for gilbert's syndrome? What causes fatigue after taking rozavel for dyslipidemia? What causes goose bumps on hand with dizziness? Suggest treatment for foot infection in a diabetic patient What causes prolonged menstrual cycle? How to withdraw lexapro slowly without any side effects? What causes rashes with burning sensation on the neck and back? Can swallowing foreign bodies cause gastrointestinal pains for over a year? What causes gurgling sound during palpation of testicle? Can prolonged coughing episodes dislodge the stents for blocked coronary arteries? What causes constant blocked nose and snoring? Suggest treatment for depression and suicidal thoughts What causes right sided pain between appendix and rib cage? What does negative ELISA and VDRL test after unprotected oral sex indicate? Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for repeated upper and lower respiratory tract infection and ear infection What causes flashes in vision at the corner of eye? What causes heavy long menstrual periods? What tests and food supplements should be taken in pregnancy? What causes frequent bowel movements? What causes redness around belly button piercing? What does high creatinine level with history of kidney transplant indicate? What causes severe abdominal pain after intake of food? Can thyroid abnormality cause anxiety and panic disorder? What causes chronic cough and stuffy head? What causes awful odor from nose, headaches and earache? What does "density abnormalities" mean in a mammogram? What does a red spot on leg indicate? Why is endoscopy done for hepatitis C? What causes fast heart beat and pressure in chest? What causes cold feeling running through the chest? How to make sure remnants are expelled after a medical abortion? Suggest treatment for schizophrenia Suggest treatment for diverticulitis What diet should be followed in pregnancy to avoid miscarriage? What does high SGPT during pregnancy indicate? What causes chronic stomach pain? What causes persistent knee pain after total knee replacement? What causes death with blood from mouth? What causes normal blood pressure but low pulse? What are the foods that can increase body fat? What causes abdominal and chest pain? What causes frizzy hair,hair fall and itchy scalp after using hair color? What causes soreness of testis inspite of having mumps? What causes fatigue,hot flashes,itching on face and scalp? What causes acute hepatitis? What causes HPV infection? Suggest treatment for thalassemia with abnormal RBC What causes headache,blocked nose and blood in nasal discharge? What causes leg pain after C section delivery? Does missing birth control pills intake reduce its effectiveness and cause pregnancy? Can pain medicines cause false positive for tramadole? Suggest treatment for liver cirrhosis and bleeding from stomach What causes vision problems after a cataract surgery? What causes Pulmonary thrombosis? Suggest tests to diagnose black mold poisoning What causes pain in abdomen above the pelvic area? What does "fungus in sputum" indicate? What causes fever, joint pain and headaches? What is the treatment for nerve compression along the spine? What causes depression even after using antidepressants? What causes rapid heart rate after a meal? What is vegas nerve and vegas nerve stimulation? What causes swelling on feet and ankles? Does Ketamine show up in drug test after its application? How to check for Viagra side effects? What causes vaginal discomfort and swelling? What causes breathing difficulty after taking Tramadol? Can MRI scan be done without contrast for kidney stones? Suggest treatment for intestinal cramps inspite of having IBS What causes acute onset of severe headache? What causes chronic lung pathology and chronic gastritis? What causes electric shock sensations and dizziness? What causes small cluster of white blisters on buttock? Suggest alternative of levemir for diabetes inspite of having novalog What causes swollen lymph nodes in the groin following cold? What causes low TSH inspite of loosing weight? What causes severe pain on left side of lower jaws? What are the side effects of chantix? Suggest treatment for severe constipation and stomach bloating What causes developing of multiple moles over body? What causes stiffness in body? What causes yellow coloration of nose? Is Fenfuro effective in treatment of border line diabetes Suggest treatment for polymyalgia pain relief Suggest treatment for anan fissure Can anxiety interfere with my physiological swallowing? What does a pimple like scar on breast indicate? Suggest schedule of Rotavirus and HiB vaccines What causes weak eye sight? What cause severe pain in knee? What does extra renal pelvis with minor fullness of collecting system indicate? Suggest treatment for slip disc problem Is zertalin or Z pack used to treat the bad cold? Can height be increased after the age of 45? Is cartigen safe to take inspite of being a steriod? Is positive ECG changes for ischaemia a matter of concern? What causes blood in urine and burning sensation while urinating? What does IgM positivity and IgG negativity indicate? What causes reccurence of balanitis infection? Is sulfasalazine suggestible for sacroiliitis? What does slightly higher blood sugar value even after metformin usage indicate? What is hyperlipidemia NOS? What causes hard painful swelling near ears? How to prevent malaria? What causes high creatinine level while i was travelling? Does losartan potassium work as a diuretic? Can 5HTP cause false positive for benzodiazepines? How to get rid of fibroids? What causes sharp pain in big toe with purple bruising? Can ciprofloxin for UTI cause increased blood sugar levels? What causes need for stent replacement after gall bladder removal? What causes sore muscles, sore throat and no appetite? What causes absence of periods? Does Tramadol cause poor memory and slurred speech? Suggest list of cervical surgeries that need to refrain from sex What causes blackouts and fainting attacks?
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