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Suggest treatment for angioneurotic edema Suggest treatment for breathing difficulty post sinus infection Suggest treatment for bruised ankle Suggest treatment for scalp pimples What are the long term effects of Levipil and Tegretol on kidneys? Suggest treatment for painful bump on inner left buttock What does arteriosclerosis,osteophytes and spondylitis are c-3,4,5,&6 mean? What causes bump and circle on upper thigh? Suggest treatment for chronic rhino-sinusitis with OSA What causes severe pain near waist line? Is Clonazepam available without a doctor prescription? What causes big swollen knuckle on finger? What does a rash under breast indicate? What causes severe pain after EMG/NVC testing? What causes shortness of breath and sore ribcage? What does a small bump is under eyelid indicate? Is over dose of Naltrexone dangerous? What causes pain in buttocks with tingling sensation on feet and toes? What causes ringing in ear? What causes pain in the back radiating anteriorly around the loin? How long after death can organs be transplanted? Suggest treatment for tiredness and depression Is Propoxyphen-Apap available as a substitute for Darvocet N? What causes abdominal pain and nausea? Suggest treatment for numbness in head Suggest remedy for pain in scrotum What causes blood filled pimple on labia? Suggest OTC medicine for mouth ulcers Is Piriton advisable for a 6 month old baby? Suggest treatment for UTI in 18 month old child What does this quadruple mark test result indicate? Suggest contraceptive pills for a 30 year old What does my EKG report suggest? Could hashimoto's disease display a normal TSH level? Are there any problems on intake of 15 fiber gummies? What is the chance of seizure while on Levipil and Oxotol? Suggest treatment for bruising and itchy thighs Suggest treatment for sore throat Suggest treatment for blood presence in semen What are the effect of using Permethrin? How accurate is the HIV 1 RNA test done at 11 days? Does Duvadilan have any side effects? Is foot drop the same as leg contracture? What are the side effects of overdose of Klonopin and Requip? Suggest treatment for small bite mark on thighs Suggest treatment for dark spots on back of penis Is it normal to have pain after tooth extraction? Suggest treatment for pain due to gall stones Does Folvite cause irregular periods? Suggest treatment for irregular period for past 3 months What causes black blood flow when on implant? Is it normal to have jelly like substance in urine when pregnant? Is a HIV test at 7 months conclusive? What does LMP and early ultrasound matching correctly suggest? Suggest treatment for consistent pain in lower leg during night What causes persistent cough? What does my LFT test result suggest? What are the effects of marijuana smoke on a 2 year old? Suggest treatment for nausea, stomach pain and loss of appetite Is Enzoflam safe during breast feeding? Suggest treatment for rash on penis tip Why does my hand curl up in pain while sleeping? Suggest the dosage of vitamin B supplement What is the effect of Adderall on baby during pregnancy? What does my ECG report suggest? What is the risk of HIV in non penetrative intercourse? Is it ok to take Escitalopram drugs without consulting medical practitioner? Is it safe to take Amoxicillin and Cialis together? What causes painful cramping on hands at night? What causes vaginal bleeding after taking Mifepristone tablet? Does elevated Prolactin levels cause missed periods? What are the effects of Hydrocodone asp? Suggest medicine to reduce weight and manage stress Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and nausea Suggest medication for high BP Suggest treatment for delayed periods and fibroids What causes hard lump on the outside of rectal opening? What causes high WBC count and negative HIV result? Can I take Triphala churna during lactation? What do red spots on the penis foreskin indicate? What causes tinnitus and dizziness with sinus problems? Suggest treatment for depression What causes severe pain in large scoliosis in the mid-back? What causes missed periods in a obese person? What are the side effects of Doxycycline? Is exercising safe when trying to get pregnant? Is Herbalife supplement safe to take for weight loss? How to calculate days of ovulation using menstrual cycle? What causes dark scaly patches on ankles? What causes swelling of the meatus post protected sex? What causes muscle twitching and tingling sensation in body? What are the chances of HIV through used shaving objects? What causes difficulty in concentration? What causes throat pain and irritation after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for leg cramps What causes soreness around teeth and gums? Should i avoid travelling during 12 weeks of pregnancy? Is prolonged intake of Hydrocrtisone Acetate ,safe? What causes boils on face after shaving? What causes heart burn at night? What is Ovalife medicine used for and what are its side effects? What are the chances of miscarriage despite post endo cervicitis treatment? Can curd be taken when suffering from diarrhea? What do red and itchy patches on legs indicate? Suggest treatment for fungal skin infection What causes brownish semen discharge and abdominal pain? What causes blood in urine? What is a thick wall around heart? What are the side effects of Ferralet iron supplement? What is the normal testesterone range for men? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in pregnancy? Can i try testosterone supplements to control weight? What causes fatigue with nausea? Suggest treatment for sleeplessness How peritoneal dialysis done? What causes severe back pain and abdominal pain? Does low dose of Amisulpride cause phobia? What are the symptoms of HIV? When does the jaw mandible stop growing in males? Suggest treatment for guinea worm disease Suggest treatment for PCOD Suggest the type of vaccines for flu What causes sharp stabbing pain while breathing? What causes burning while passing urine? What causes blotchy red patches on chest inspite of being on antibiotics for fever? What causes toddlers to eat dirt and paint? What causes right sided abdominal pain? What causes nausea, diarrhea and tiredness after a flight journey? What causes ache and heaviness in head? Suggest treatment for fever, shortness of breath and black stools What causes sharp pain under rib cage? Suggest treatment for ear ache and dizziness What causes feeling of foul taste coming from stomach when i burp? What causes chest pain with difficulty breathing? What causes headache , nausea and photosensitivity after a VP shunt procedure? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for dandruff and red spot on scalp What causes delayed periods? Suggest diet plan for muscle building Can Chlorpromazine and Sodium Valproate Sandoz be taken in pregnancy? Suggest treatment for irregular periods What does spotting with painful hemorrhagic cyst on left ovary indicate? Do surgeries for hernia or knee replacement affect liver and kidney? Is it safe to switch from Effexor to Lexapro? Is Hydrazine sulfate effective for cancer patients suffering from cachexia? What causes pain and bleeding post rectocele repair surgery? Can Cymbalta and Paxil be taken together? What causes swollen foot and ankle with normal X ray? Suggest treatment for burning sensation all over body during periods What does my lower back x-ray report indicate? Suggest treatment for painful intercourse after total hysterectomy Suggest treatment for fatty liver What causes blister ,itching and redness on penis? Do i need rabies vaccine post pet dog bite inspite of having it previously? Suggest treatment for gastritis Suggest treatment for correction of gap between teeth What cases erectile dysfunction after surgery to remove penile papules? Suggest treatment for tinnitus What causes pain in right ear, lower jaw and throat? What causes feeling of strings in mouth with normal X ray result? What causes chest pain while sleeping? Suggest treatment for internal hemorrhoids What causes difficulty in moving around and balance issues? What causes hot flushes and intense perspiration? Suggest diet chart for weight loss What causes rash on body after high fever? What causes diarrhea after using lidocaine in dental procedure? Suggest treatment for difficulty in expressing myself Suggest treatment for boils on face What causes cramps in hands, legs, and feet? Suggest treatment for cough and cold in an infant What causes severe pain in the left side around the hip area? How long should Phentyal be taken after a head injury? What should the first ultrasound be done after getting pregnant? Can i use a sauna belt to reduce accumulated chest fat? What causes high heart rate? What causes dizziness? How to increase breast milk supply? Is it safe to undergo arthroscopy with two stunts in heart? Suggest treatment for infected pimple on face Is Clarithromycin the right medication for vertigo? What does oxalate and red blood cell mean in a urine test report? What causes lumps on vagina? Suggest treatment for severe body ache Suggest treatment for irregular periods What causes pain in throat radiating to ear and head? Suggest treatment for nerve damage What are the chances of STDs through masturbation? Suggest treatment for pain in lower abdomen and back What causes sudden swelling, tingling and bruised foot? What is the right Carbimazole dosage for hyperthyroidism? What does my post vasectomy semen analysis reports suggest? Can HIV be contracted from used shaving objects? What are the chances of syphilis through unprotected oral sex? What causes discomfort feeling around the ribs post rib injury? What causes white patches on penis and testicle? What causes spleen enlargement? What causes continous head bobbing of a 8 month old? What are the outcomes of breast reconstruction surgery? What causes clear water discharge from left outer ear?
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