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What causes pain in leg and upper thighs? What causes lump on right shoulder oozing pus? What causes constant pain on elbow ? What causes drowsiness during day time? Suggest treatment for side effects of Crestor ? Suggest treatment for ventricular fibrillation What causes foul smell after tonsil removal ? Is trembling hand a side effect of increased dose of Sertraline? What causes body chills and severe headache? What causes chest tightness and sweating palms? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar Suggest treatment for congestion cough Suggest the positions to sleep during 25 weeks of pregnancy What causes small hard pimple on outer wall of inner labia? Suggest treatment for nerve pulling pain in finger What is mild white matter microvascular disease? Suggest treatment for sinusitis with congestion and cough What causes persistent flaky red rash on different parts of body? What causes uncontrollable jerky movements after having antidepressants? Suggest treatment for hypertension in a 26 year old What does my ECG report suggest? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Suggest treatment for frequent dizzyness What are the chances of conception post clomid intake? After what time period of drinking alcohol can Risperidone and Citalopram be taken? Suggest treatment for premature greying of hair What causes tiredness and neck pain with normal CT scan and MRI? What causes large size of testicles and shrinking penis? What causes vomiting and abdominal pain? What causes white discoloration of foreskin? What causes dark stools and itchy anus? Suggest treatment for diarrhea Suggest treatment for acne on scalp What causes fatigue post flu treatment? What causes swelling in legs and thighs? What causes abdominal gas formation after masturbation? Suggest treatment for ankylosing spondylitis What could cause spotting/light bleeding while 8 weeks pregnant? Suggest treatment for painful lesion on top of pubic bone What causes numbness of feet after standing for a while? Suggest an alternative to Diprovat ES and Malalite creams Suggest treatment for blood in cough and sinus infection Suggest treatment for diarrhea and dizzyness Is it safe to use derma roller on scars while pregnant? What does my hepatitis B result suggest? What does the cholesterol test result suggest? Suggest medication for itchy stretch marks Suggest treatment for mood swings and anxiety Suggest treatment for Otosclerosis What causes abdominal pain? What causes painful lump on left shin and itchy ankle? What causes chest pain after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for gastritis What causes low free beta HCG value during pregnancy? What causes abdominal pain just under ribs? Suggest treatment for itching and discomfort on vagina What causes irritation inside lower lip inspite of wearing a mouth guard at night? Suggest treatment for fingernail fungus What causes numbness and tingling of face after laughing for a while? What causes numbness and tingling on face while laughing? What does the blood result of Hemoglobin E trait suggest? What causes dizzy spells upon standing? Suggest treatment for severe dehydration Suggest treatment for pain and blood in urine when suffering from prostate brachytherapy What causes ear discomfort, vibrations in ear and dizziness? Suggest treatment for watery stools What causes blisters on legs? Suggest remedy to control anger and depression What are the side effects of masturbation? Suggest treatment for pain in right arm What is the dosage of Vitamin D for Vit D deficiency? Is an online prescription of Tenuate available? Suggest remedy for palpitation and nausea while taking Paroxetine What causes vaginal spotting, abdominal pain and painful urination? What causes pain and swelling in knee and calf with history of arthroscopic knee surgery? Suggest treatment for persistent vaginal yellow discharge What causes elevated CA levels? Suggest ways to remove an old accident scar on face What causes fatigue and tremors in wrists? What is the risk of pregnancy with pre-ejaculatory fluid? What causes redness, swelling and burning sensation at surgical site? Is it possible to increase height with growth hormone treatment? Why does one need to take Diavit plus ? Suggest treatment for dark circles What causes peeling of the skin from the hands? Is a mole ulcerating a sign of malignancy? What does this MRI report regarding feeling knives in back indicate? What causes elevated liver enzymes? Suggest remedy for sharp pain in the middle of chest What causes hard circular lump on left buttock? Is BC 21 useful for teething of babies? What are the possible reasons of extreme fatigue ? What causes large pupils and allergy to many drugs? What causes sudden blurring in both eyes with extreme sweating and shaking? Suggest treatment for swollen painful toe Can Encoraye Chrono be taken during pregnancy? What causes pressure and numbness in head? Suggest treatment for carotid artery blockage Is Neopro patch safe to take for parkinson's disease? What are the chances of pregnancy in non penetrative intercourse? Suggest treatment for blockage in carotid artery Suggest remedy to loose belly fat and stretch marks What causes difficulty in climbing stairs and leg weakness? Suggest OTC medicine for gonorrhea Suggest treatment for frequent diarrhea when suffering from IBS and diverticulosis Suggest remedy for itching on ankles, buttocks, thighs and elbows Suggest treatment for welts and pimples What causes rashes on face? Suggest treatment for bumps on tongue What are chances of slipping back to coma after recovery? Suggest remedy for dry cough and cold Suggest treatment for itchy skin and environmental allergy What causes dizziness, nausea and mild headache? What causes splitting of nails? Suggest treatment for anxiety and chest pain Suggest treatment for chronic constipation inspite of being on pain medications What causes swollen kidney? What causes decrease in hemoglobin after every cycle of chemotherapy? Suggest treatment for gall bladder stones What causes acid reflux post normal upper endoscopy? What causes non itchy eruption on penis? What causes dizziness and gagging sensation? Can an endoscopy transmit HIV or hepatitis? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism Suggest treatment for sjogrens syndrome Suggest treatment for lower back pain What does a vertical scar on forehead of a child indicate? What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Does Dilaudid and Hydrocodone show up in urine dung screen test? How to reduce weight? How to withdraw from Suboxone slowly without any side effects? What causes early morning shaking spells? What are the symptoms of cellulitis? Suggest treatment for relapse of anxiety and depression What are the symptoms of cellulitis? Suggest treatment for epileptic seizures Suggest treatment for pain due to ovarian cysts Is abdominal fat in the inguinal canal a cause for concern? What causes recurring dark red spots appearing on forearms? Suggest treatment for D12 and L1 compression What causes skin growth on buttocks oozing pus? What causes pain in back radiating to groin area post injury? What causes painful lump near vagina? Suggest treatment for pain in left groin area How is Glycomet GP2 used for diabetes? What is the recovery time for hysterectomy? Suggest treatment for REM sleep behavior disorder What causes muscle cramps and weakness in legs? What causes soreness and redness of tongue? Suggest treatment for gall bladder stones Suggest medicines for cough during pregnancy Suggest treatment for acne and pimple marks on face Suggest treatment for persistent post nasal drip Suggest treatment for hyper pigmentation on face What is the recovery time for partial knee replacement surgery? What does bulky uterus with thickened endometrium indicate? Suggest treatment for gas, stomach cramps and greasy stools Suggest treatment for dry cough, sneezing and shortness of breath What causes discomfort in lower outer corner of eye? What causes blood in sputum with reflux and allergic rhinitis? What are the chances of STD transmission through unprotected oral sex? What causes diminution of vision in left eye? Is it safe to have anesthesia during 37 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for scratch conrea Suggest treatment for spot on leg and major anxiety Can i travel with swollen ankle post injury? What causes sore vagina with history of various yeast infections? Suggest treatment for persistent chest pain Suggest treatment for mood swings and depression Suggest treatment for skipped heart beats Suggest treatment for bipolar disorder Suggest treatment for depression, nausea and tiredness Suggest treatment for painful knee Suggest treatment for low sperm count Does occasional marijuana smoking impair brain function? Suggest treatment for hair fall post delivery What causes feeling of urge to urinate? Suggest treatment for weakness due to low RBC count What causes throbbing pain in right side of abdomen? What causes dizziness, anxiety and fatigue? What causes high heart rate, blue coloration of hands and mild chest pain? What would be the effect of undiagnosed childhood voluntary chronic urinary retention? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and fatigue What are the side effects of Montair LC for cold? What causes severe back pain post periods? What causes black patches on penis post sex? What causes bad taste in mouth post dental crown procedure? What causes pulsations of the eyelid? What causes painful right foot post injury? Is it safe to have Mensil despite breast feeding a baby? Suggest treatment for groin hernia and recurrent kidney infections post child delivery What causes bruising in the socket next to the nose? Can low oxygen saturation levels cause pain in back and shoulder? What causes soreness of shoulder at a single point with history of shoulder surgeries? What causes throbbing pain in left side of neck? What causes pain in back of neck? Can i take Multaq along with Benadryl? What causes abdominal fullness, difficulty breathing and chest congestion? What causes bumps at the site of dog bite? Suggest treatment for painful swollen glands behind ears and sores all over head
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