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What causes fluid retention in ankles and feet? Is it normal to have pain while recovering from fibula fracture? Suggest treatment for stress and pain in foot Suggest remedies for chronic back pain Suggest treatment for recurrent bladder and yeast infection Suggest treatment for itching associated with eyebrow dandruff Suggest treatment for constant back and neck pain Is sex advisable after blood donation? Suggest treatment for hip pain while having trochanteric bursitis Suggest treatment for headaches and dizziness What causes watery left eye, blurry vision and swelling in left eye? What causes severe left-sided calf pain after an l4 fusion surgery? How long does Paracetamol take to show effect? Are electrical shock sensations above left eye signs of stroke? Suggest remedies for spreading rashes on fingers and feet Suggest treatment for high blood pressure, foot edema, blurred vision and tinnitus Suggest treatment for headaches and giddiness Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in ear Suggest treatment for persistent mouth sores Suggest remedies for rashes on tongue and difficulty in swallowing What does this CT scan report indicate? Does intake of Duphaston help in delaying menstruation? Is it safe to wash a newborn baby's clothes in normal detergent? Suggest treatment for flatulence and constipation Suggest treatment for rectal pain while having hemorrhoid What causes delay in menstruation post intake of Unwanted 72? Suggest ways to remove dark circles below the eyes? What causes pain in the chest area and burning sensation during night? What do these following lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for fluctuating blood glucose levels while on Glador M2 Forte How to confirm if abortion is complete? Suggest treatment for side effects of Skinlite cream Suggest treatment when diagnosed with kidney stones Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes behind ear Suggest remedies for allergic rashes in a toddler What causes swollen feet and ankle when diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica? What causes lack of ejaculation during intercourse? Can an antihistamine cause delay in menstrual cycle? What causes numbness in hands upon waking up? What causes difficulty in standing up and pain in buttocks while sitting? Suggest ways to manage the side effects of Colyte What causes purple discoloration on penis after injury? Does intake of Humira help in treating seronegative spondyloarthritis? What does presence of blood in stool indicate? Does intake of Ala-Hist PE cause drowsiness? Suggest treatment for fever and cold with chills Can HIV be contracted by using a used syringe for blood test? Suggest remedies for runny nose and sneezing What does the following ultrasound report indicate? What causes cold sweats after eating meals while treating depression and anxiety? Suggest treatment for black spots on the right ankle Suggest home remedies for bee stings on the body Suggest treatment for social anxiety, depression and low self confidence How to determine the paternity of a child? What causes lumbar bone straightening? What does this MRI report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through a scratch on the testicles? What causes diarrhea after drinking vanilla flavored coffee? Suggest treatment for soreness and irritation on the labia Does weight lifting affect height growth? What causes a feeling of lump at the bottom of right testicle? Suggest treatment for laryngo-pharyngeal reflux Suggest remedies for erectile dysfunction Can HIV be contracted through oral sex? Suggest treatment for HPV infection on groin Is there a precise time frame for urination after sex to avoid UTI? What causes weight gain while Frisium and Tegrital? Can HIV be contracted after touching trash with a wounded thumb? Suggest treatment for a dry itchy rash on the body Suggest treatment for vitiligo Suggest treatment for blood in stool How long does complete recovery from pneumonia take? What is the life expectancy of patient with end stage cirrhosis? Suggest treatment for itchy scalp when diagnosed with psoriasis Is BP of 136/90 and a pulse rate of 141 normal? Is a colonoscopy the best way to manage and treat an intestinal obstruction? What does platelet count of 369 indicate? Suggest treatment for pain on elbow and shoulders Suggest treatment for lump on the left hand Suggest remedies for punctured vein on wrist after a blood test What causes weight gain while on Seroquel? Suggest ways for weight loss Suggest treatment for nausea, fatigue and dizziness What causes loss of taste and smell? Does intake of Trapic-MF help in treating menorrhagia? Suggest treatment for constant cough Suggest treatment for cough with white foamy mucus What does my ECG test report indicate? Suggest treatment for accidental cut on leg while having severe edema Suggest ways to give up masturbation Suggest a good formula powder supplement for weight gain in infant Suggest treatment for abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever Suggest remedies for prominent skin rashes on fingers What causes swollen knee and coldness in left foot of an elderly person? What causes numbness throughout the body while on Thermo Blitz? What causes low blood pressure? What does my ultrasound scan test report indicate? What causes equivocal results for tuberculosis test for a pneumonia patient? What causes jittering and numbness after consuming caffeine? Suggest ways to wean off Venlafaxine What causes fluctuations in ejection fraction values? Suggest treatment for swollen tongue with constant phlegm in throat Suggest treatment for constipation, abdominal pain, bloating and dry mouth What does this blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for side effects of 5 Fluorouracil Suggest treatment for swollen arm What causes severe cuff problem in shoulder post a cerebral hemorrhage surgery? What do these cholesterol and HDL values indicate? What causes swelling in breast after breast augmentation therapy? Suggest treatment for constipation What causes right-sided abdominal pain and blood in stool? What causes swollen gland of left foot and hip pain? Does intake of Acidophilus supplement help in treating yeast infection? What causes nausea and depression after abdominal surgery? What do my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for thick phlegm in throat while having cold Can hepatitis be contracted through oral sex on anus? Suggest remedies for a bruise on face post an injury Suggest treatment for vaginal itching Suggest treatment for vaginal itching What causes swelling and cramps in leg, feet and painful tingling on back? Can STD be contracted through oral sex? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for back pain Suggest remedies for rectal discharge in an elderly person What causes heart palpitations with chest pain when diagnosed with leaky heart valve? What do my lab test results indicate? Is ASO titre value of 864 a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for auditory hallucinations What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest ways to handle emotional health What causes anorexia, weight loss, depression and frequent mood swings? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest home remedies to avoid pregnancy Suggest treatment for shivering, difficulty in passing urine and memory loss What are the side effects of long term intake of Divalproex and Phenytoin? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure Are elevated ALT and AST levels a cause for concern? What causes delayed menstruation and painful cramps in a PCOS patient? Suggest treatment for dandruff and hair loss Suggest treatment for pain in right upper back Suggest treatment for dandruff and hair loss What does this ultrasound report indicate? What causes 4 purple raised spots on the labia of the vagina? What does this blood report indicate? What does my blood test result indicate? Suggest treatment for sudden weight loss with abdominal pain What causes blood in urine? How long does Effexor take to show effect? What causes fatigue, balancing issues and breathlessness while treating depression? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptive? Suggest food supplements containing creatine and protein Suggest treatment for forgetfulness and inability to identify issues Suggest ways to lose weight Suggest treatment for acne on face Suggest treatment for redness on foreskin of penis What causes stiffness in penis during intercourse? What causes tightness around the abdomen after eating? What does this blood report indicate? Suggest ways to reduce iron level in body What do my lab test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for chigger bite Suggest treatment for side effects of Quetiapine What causes pain in eyes after a retina detachment laser surgery? What do my lab test reports indicate? What are the side effects of Zolpidem? What causes an urge to urinate and soreness in lower abdomen after sex? Suggest treatment for drug-induced lung fibrosis What causes vibrating sensation in torso region after parathyroidectomy? What causes syncope, profuse sweating, leg twitching and low blood pressure? Is a uric acid level of 9.60 mg/dl a cause for concern? What causes tingling sensation in the groin area after prostate cancer surgery? Suggest treatment for left-sided abdominal pain Does intake of Tranexamic acid help in decreasing the blood flow during menstruation? Suggest treatment for elevated calcium levels in blood What causes intestinal gut infection with rectal bleeding? Does intake of birth control pills help in suppressing menstruation? What does this ultrasound guided biopsy report indicate? Is a 24 hour monitor test for blood pressure safe? What causes sharp pain in lower left abdomen and frequent urination? Suggest treatment for pressure behind eyes Are early menstruation and lower back pain signs of yeast infection? Can MRSA be contracted by coughing and sneezing? Is sodium level of 122 a cause for concern? What causes blood in semen? Is irregular menstruation common during perimenopausal stage? What causes sharp pain in legs, hip and knees while bending? What causes swelling in left ankle everyday in a bulging disc patient? What causes blood in semen? What causes left-sided back pain and abdomen pain after a colonoscopy? What causes pain around the left scapular region? What causes swelling and pain in upper part of the lower arm? Suggest treatment for stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting Does intake of Banocide cause low eosinophil count in blood? Is a red patch on upper arm a symptom of bug bite? Suggest remedies for bruise on the foot Suggest treatment for chronic cough Suggest treatment for puerperal psychosis What causes pain and rectal bleeding after a colonoscopy? What causes lower leg pain while running?
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