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Suggest treatment for heart palpitations with shortness of breath Can Normaxin and Librium be taken together along with alcohol on empty stomach? Which among Febutaz and Zyloric is better to control uric acid? What do the following test results indicate? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph node near the collarbone What causes warmness on left side of the face? Are there any side effects of abstaining from masturbation? Suggest treatment for unilateral pain in temporal region and dry mouth Suggest treatment for heaviness in ears while taking Pantoprazole What causes persistent yellow discoloration in eye? What does minimal perihilar infiltrated mean in a chest MRI? Can HIV be contracted through unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating, burps and discomfort in chest Can Mahacef and Azithral be taken simultaneously by a year old child? Is regular menstruation with heavy bleeding in a 56 year old woman normal? Suggest ways to loose weight Suggest treatment for a lump on the ankle region Does masturbation affect sexual stamina? What causes sudden change in menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for frequent headache Suggest treatment for OCD Is Norvasc an orally disintegrating tablet? Is infection a risk factor post a dental surgery? Suggest treatment for severe stomach pain and diarrhea What causes black discolouration in teeth and constipation while on iron syrup? Is accidental splashing of Crest Pro Health mouthwash in eye harmful? Will surgery be delayed post getting steroid injection for severe hip pain? Suggest remedies for vertigo after starting BP medications What are the repercussions of abruptly stopping Hydrea? Does consumption of coffee while on Deplin neutralise it's effectiveness? Suggest remedies for pain despite taking Morphine Suggest treatment for pain and recurrent UTI Can the use of Nuvaring cause weight gain? What causes lower abdominal pain during pregnancy? Are silicone implants safe for a patient with a history of hodgkin's lymphoma? What do small bumps on the scrotum suggest? Suggest treatment for a boil on the upper chest Suggest treatment for lower abdominal pain and constipation Suggest the ideal dosage for Duloxetine How long should Epilex Chrono be taken for seizures? Can Risperidone cause nasopharyngitis? What causes anaphylactic shock episodes after eating beef? Does Cyclobenzaprine interact with Alprazolam? What do the following lab test results indicate? Are left-sided shoulder blade pain and dizziness signs of heart attack? Suggest treatment for flatulence and abdominal discomfort Suggest oral iron supplements to treat iron deficiency Suggest treatment for IBS and abdominal bloating along with dizziness How long does Nicotine remain in the system? What causes an unknown mass on the liver? What causes tingling sensation above the left lip? Suggest treatment for painful pimples in the clitoris Suggest treatment for severe cough and runny nose in an infant What does this MRI report indicate? Suggest tests to identify abnormalities in kidney What does this typhoid test report indicate? What causes slight bleeding at the surgical site after cyst removal? Suggest treatment for stabbing pain in calf, thigh, shin, chest and upper back Can HIV be contracted through protected sex? What causes extreme fatigue, nausea and blurred vision when diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency? Suggest treatment for hip pain Suggest health supplements to boost hemoglobin levels What causes constant pulsating and pressure feeling behind nasal area? Suggest treatment for a soft lump above waistline Is alcohol consumption safe while on Inositol, Ginkgo Biloba and Vinpocetine? Suggest treatment for severe knee pain Suggest treatment for diarrhea Can working out before a blood test affect the results? What causes constant lower back pain? What causes back pain and nausea when diagnosed with gall bladder? Suggest treatment for conjunctivitis Suggest treatment for fluid retention in leg What do my lab test results indicate? Does intake of Mobizox help in treating back pain? Is thick white discharge from the bottom of mouth symptom of gum disease? Suggest remedies for fever, shivering and body pain What causes passing wind through penis after urinating? What causes vomiting and fever in a child post consumption of shrimp? What causes nausea and blurred vision after taking statins? What causes itching in penis while on Methamphetamine? What causes blood in stool? Suggest remedies for delayed menstruation Is mosquito-borne disease prevalent in the USA? Suggest treatment for rashes on breasts and upper abdomen Suggest treatment for pain in lower left abdominal area Is blood pressure value of 108/55 a cause for concern? Is smoking Marijuana after iridotomy procedure safe? Suggest treatment for pain in lower back radiating to leg Suggest treatment for severe knee pain Suggest treatment for neck pain Suggest treatment for a painful lump in the buttock Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for white bumps on tongue What causes severe pain in between the elbow and armpit? Suggest treatment for red swollen cheek Suggest treatment for headache Suggest treatment for delayed menstruation Is hiking advisable for an asthma patient? How much will a surgery for removing screws in the ankle cost? Does PCOD affect pregnancy? What causes productive cough with green sputum, headache, sore throat and fever? Suggest treatment for diarrhea and mild upper back pain Suggest treatment for redness and irritation in eyes Suggest remedies for fibromyalgia Is Tranxene a narcotic drug? Suggest remedies for acid reflux Suggest treatment for grade 2 fatty liver disease What causes persistent vomiting in a 28 week pregnant woman? Suggest treatment for rashes on buttocks What causes abdominal and back pain after ostomy? Which fruits and vegetables are vital during pregnancy? Does usage of Minoxidil help in treating alopecia in males? What causes chest tightness, numbness in arms and shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for cough and fever in a child Suggest treatment for fungal infection in tongue Is abdominal tuberculosis contagious? What does my ECG test report indicate? What causes scalp pain while on Lyrica? Is bleeding in 5th week of pregnancy a symptom of miscarriage? What causes stomach pain after bowel movement while on Dicyclomine? Suggest treatment for a painful rash on the lower right abdomen What causes sudden syncope and vomiting? Is alcohol consumption safe after candida balanitis treatment? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and diarrhea What do my CBC lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for neck lump Are hCG and USG shots safe during pregnancy? Can drug addiction cause depression? Suggest treatment for burning mouth syndrome Suggest treatment for lower back pain while having sacroiliitis How safe is MolecuSlim weight loss pill? What causes cracking noise in left knee while sitting, climbing stairs and exercising? Suggest treatment for premature graying of hair Suggest treatment for hernia Suggest dosage of Cialis for sexual stimulation Can Faceclin be used for acne? What does this ultrasound report indicate? Suggest treatment for enlarged lymph node in neck Can Hydrea be stopped cold turkey? Can HIV be contracted through non-penetrative sexual activity? What causes painful contractions in lower right rib cage area? What are the risks of getting HCV infection after needle stick exposure? Is brown cervical mucus in a 33 year woman a symptom of infertility? What are the repercussions of eating an expired fish? How does the brain repair itself after a stroke? What causes sore nipples and blood in urine post intercourse? Is shortness of breath with a history of aortic stenosis a concern? Suggest treatment for constant shortness of breath while having aortic stenosis What causes fits while sleeping and spasms when awake in an infant? Suggest remedies for bruise and pain in lower rib cage post an injury Can Estrace be taken instead of Ovidrel safely? Is a low density area on the pancreas a symptom of cancer? Suggest treatment for symptoms of PVC Suggest treatment for severe shoulder blade pain Suggest treatment for a red rash between breasts Suggest treatment for severe abdominal pain and vomiting Suggest treatment for bruises and blue veins around the rib cage What causes itchy red spots on legs, thighs, shoulders and back? Suggest treatment for side effects of Allegra What causes persistent sore throat on right side and back pain? What causes insomnia, anxiety, lack of appetite and chills? Does usage of Oregano oil help in treating toe nail fungus? What causes morning sickness during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for an open sore on the toe Suggest treatment for severe cough during pregnancy What causes ear ache after sneezing? Suggest treatment for dull pain in forearm and finger Can anesthesia cause seizures? What are the possible repercussions of hitting head to a cloth stand? Suggest treatment for severe itching in groin area What causes burning pain and tender spot on penis after hernia surgery? What does this blood report indicate? Does caffeine increase acid secretion in stomach? Is persistent sweet smell in urine and bowel movements a concern? What causes anxiety, aggression, violence, suspiciousness, irregular sleep with a history of seizures? Can anesthesia cause seizures? What causes diarrhea after taking Cephalexin? Is there interaction between Morphine and Ativan? What causes heart palpitations and shortness of breath? Suggest treatment for swollen toes Suggest treatment for headache, body pain, sinus pressure and nausea Suggest treatment for pulsatile tinnitus What causes itching and irritation in vagina? Suggest treatment for bumps on buttocks and thigh Suggest treatment for infertility What causes rumbling sound in stomach with loose stool? What causes burning pain in solar plexus and burping after eating? Suggest treatment for severe fungal infection in toe nail Is pregnancy possible despite taking I-pill? Suggest treatment for irritability while having depression Suggest treatment for persistent pain at the corner of eye Suggest treatment for canker sores Suggest treatment for excessive sweating and dry mouth Suggest treatment for dizziness and pain in shoulders Can HRIG and vaccination shots be taken together same day? Are disposable diapers safe for infants? Is there interaction between Augmentin and Doxy? Suggest treatment for increased heart rate while having anxiety Suggest ways to postpone menstruation Is pregnancy possible despite taking contraceptive pills?
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