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Is HIV infection possible after oral sex? How can a concussion be ruled out? What do red rashes on the cheeks of a child indicate? Suggest treatment for loose motions in a child What do red blotches on the penis head indicate? Suggest treatment for severe sore throat and fever What does absence of hair on the legs after colectomy indicate? Is accidental ingestion of magnesium fatal? What causes deep yellow colored urine? What does PSA result of 9.4 indicate? What causes lightheadedness and memory issues? Suggest treatment for persistent shoulder pain What causes headaches, lightheadedness and diarrhea? What does the following CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for a rash on the wrist What causes severe ear pain after a flight travel? What causes constipation along with blood in stool? Is pre-ejaculate during sexual arousal normal? What causes burning sensation in the left wrist? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes persistent diarrhea, abdominal discomfort and flatulence? What causes swelling in the shoulder along with severe back pain? Suggest remedies for whole body itching Can HIV be contracted through an open wound? Suggest remedies for red rashes on the lower legs What causes painful red rash under the breast? Can a lump in the right thigh be treated? Is Estratest H.S a controlled substance? What causes depression post a Cortisone shot? What does my MRI scan report indicate? What causes pain in the arms when diagnosed with rotator cuff tear? What causes coughing up of blood after food gets stuck in the trachea? How can a foreign object stuck in the anus be treated? Suggest treatment for cough and cold Suggest treatment for cracked feet Suggest treatment for swelling in the feet and ankles Suggest treatment for IBS and inflammation in the rectal area Suggest treatment for constipation and pain in the anal area What does my echocardiogram report indicate? What does high calcium level in blood indicate? What causes swelling in the foreskin? Does Metoprolol cause dizziness? Does Tizanidine cause blurred vision, pulled muscle and constipation? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Suggest treatment for chronic sinus infection What causes sleeplessness in a type 2 diabetic? What causes fatigue and dried eyes when diagnosed with depression? Is a heart rate of 31 bpm a cause for concern? What are the side effects of Kerablak? Suggest treatment for folliculitis with lymphadenopathy What causes dizziness post an accident? Suggest dosage for Adderall Does Lexapro cause weight gain? What causes breifline itching during summers? What could cause reduced sexual sensation and arousal along with premature ejaculation? How to rule out vasculitis when diagnosed with whole body itching? What causes lower back pain in an elderly person? What causes burning sensation and nerve pain at a wound site? What causes loss of taste post an accident? What causes pain and swelling in the anus? How can Testosterone levels be increased? Suggest treatment for tennis elbow and herniated disc on the neck Suggest treatment for anejaculation What causes fatigue and abdominal discomfort after suffering from hepatitis E infection? Can back pain be related to cervical cancer? Can intestinal colic result in abdominal pain and frequent stool? Does kidney stone cause left abdominal pain? What do purple veins in the mouth indicate? Suggest treatment for frequent bowel movements when diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis Does Option 72 interact with Meftal Spas? What causes abdominal bloating along with laboured breathing? Suggest treatment for mild sore throat, mild numbness in the lips and dizziness Suggest treatment for achilles tendonitis What causes difficulty in breathing while treating anxiety? What causes sharp pain in the lower left abdominal area? What causes abdominal bloating and nausea? Suggest treatment for back, chest and shoulder pain Is pregnancy possible while the man is on testosterone boosters? Suggest treatment for herpes What causes chest pain in a child post an accident? What causes chest pain while suffering from congestive heart failure? What are the repercussions of Paracetamol overdose? What causes severe fatigue? What does discharge of blood clot from the nose indicate? What causes swelling on the foot? Suggest treatment for rashes on the penis and swelling around the eyes Suggest treatment for upper left abdominal pain that radiates to the back What causes numbness in the legs and foot? What causes persistent back pain? Suggest treatment for stress and high BP What causes persistent vomiting and diarrhea? What causes black discoloration on the skin? What causes elevated CEA levels? What causes enlarged lymph nodes in a chest CT scan? What causes a painful and irritated bump in the anus? What causes itching and burning sensation near the anus? Suggest treatment for tension headaches Suggest treatment for pilonidal sinus What does pus filled bump on the scar indicate? Are frequent urination and flatulence in a child normal? Suggest treatment for freckles on the face Is it advisable to postpone colonoscopy when diagnosed with pleurisy? Is absence of defecation in an infant normal? Suggest treatment for white heads and black heads on the face Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and muscle weakness What do the following test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for lichen simplex chronicus Suggest treatment for tingling sensation and numbness in the limbs What causes persistent cough, rashes on the lower legs and burning sensation on the tongue? What causes sharp pain in the upper right abdominal area? Suggest treatment for under-active thyroid What does FSH level of 76 indicate? What causes popping sensation in the knee? What are the repercussions of leaving a tampon on for 3 weeks? What does my USG scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for persistent constipation Suggest ways to rule out colorectal carcinoma Suggest treatment for severe fever, tremors and persistent night sweats What causes severe itching in the ear? Suggest treatment for severe fever in a child Suggest treatment for a tick bite in a child What causes painful burning sensation radiating throughout the legs? What causes increased white blood cells in urine? Suggest treatment for genital herpes Can an epidermoid cyst on the penis be treated? What causes chest congestion after septoplasty? Suggest treatment for herpes Suggest diet plan for weight loss Suggest treatment for chest pain while on Oxycodone Does Zantac affect H. pylori breath test? What does bruising on the left instep indicate? Suggest treatment for spinal stenosis Suggest treatment for difficulty in breathing, cold and cough What does my haemogram test report indicate? Suggest treatment for penile fracture What causes persistent vertigo while on Meclizine? What do restless legs and neuropathy in the feet after kidney transplant indicate? What causes hands and legs tremors in a person with dementia? How can bumps in the armpit be treated? What causes tremors while on Haloperidol and Valproate? Suggest treatment for chewing gum stuck in the throat What causes vertigo, nausea, vomiting, hypertension, headache and dizziness? Suggest treatment for soreness in the testicles Suggest treatment for anxiety and high BP Suggest ways to wean off Sertraline Suggest treatment for calf and muscle pain What does my bronchoscopy report indicate? What do these lab reports indicate? Suggest treatment for myelodysplasia What are the repercussions of accidental double dosage of Celexa? Are recurrent canker sores a sign of HIV that could be contracted through protected intercourse 2 years ago? Suggest treatment for irritation and skin damage What causes right-sided pain in the chest with breathing difficulty? What causes ptosis and dry eyes when diagnosed with Crohn's disease? What causes shortness of breath while swallowing food? What causes chest pain while swallowing food? What causes an inability to ejaculate? What do these MRI findings indicate? Suggest treatment for nausea, chest pressure and muscle pain How can premature ejaculation be treated? Suggest home remedies for dyspepsia and gas problem Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for inability to perceive odor What causes loose stools after taking Gabapentin? Is Hydrochlorothiazide the same as Chlorthalidone? What causes headaches, dizziness and nausea? What does the following CT scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for breast cancer Suggest treatment for red and itchy skin after being stung by a bee Suggest treatment for red and swollen ankles Suggest treatment for persistent sinus infection How long does Aspirin stay in the body? Suggest ways to quit smoking What causes sharp pain in the right flank area? Suggest treatment for hematoma Are gym supplements advisable while on Amoxicillin for a sore throat? Does Amoxicillin interact with C4 Extreme? Suggest treatment for ear pain after swimming What causes excessive sweating and dehydration? What causes high CRP levels in blood? How can irregular menstruation be treated? What causes lesions on the tongue after intercourse? What causes calf muscle pain when diagnosed with herniated disc? Can Postinor-2 cause delayed menstruation? Suggest treatment for PCOS How can sores on the tongue be treated? What causes chest pain after strenuous exercise? Suggest treatment for acne on the neck What causes tingling sensations in the vagina? Suggest treatment for lower back pain How can dementia in an elderly person be treated? What causes itchy bumps around a wound? Are unilateral weakness in the limbs and ataxia symptoms of stroke? Suggest dosage for Armour Thyroid Suggest treatment for blisters on the leg What causes numbness and weakness in the legs? Does HCG diet interact with Plan B? What causes diarrhea shortly after eating? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of Lysol disinfectant spray? What causes electric shock like sensation in the upper leg?
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