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Can my mother be provided with parenteral nutrition at home? What is the treatment for severe acne problem? What causes recuuring severe abdominal pain despite removal of gall bladder stones? What causes burning sensation in the ribcage area with painful spasm when suffering from diabetes? What is the cause and treatment for Raynaud's phenomenon when suffering from parasitic infection in intestine? What is the cause and treatment for itchy,loose and white penis skin? Are there any side effects of taking Instaflex? How to understand the response of a person having delusional thoughts? What causes rectal bleeding with bloody mucous during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for stomach pain and cramps with gas when under stress? How can I know if I am pregnant when periods are delayed and on PCOD medication? Can frequent soft diarrhea and upper stomach pain be indications Crohn's disease? Taking hydroxyzine for itching all over body, why is my teeth hurting with itchiness all over body? What is the treatment for blisters on groin area due to fungal infection? Is Amlodopine better than Metoprolol for treatment of high BP? What could be the cause for increase in blood sugar level with enlarged heart? What are the chances of being infected with gonorrhea after having sex? Is Vertifree advisable for treatment of vertigo caused by Meniere's Disease? What causes red rash on pubic area spreading to penis and up to stomach after unprotected sex? What can cause rashes on pubic area after unprotected sex? What is the cause for pain under rib cage and why am I having radiating pain in front while coughing? What causes increase in fasting blood sugar level? Is there a health risk if there is chest tightness and dry cough after spraying fungicide spray? What is the treatment for tooth infection, indigestion and stomach cramps while taking cortisone for transverse myelitis? How much discomfort will I have post surgery for swollen prostate? What is the treatment for milky taste sensation in mouth after consuming organic milk? What lifestyle changes should I make to keep diabetes and BP in control? Is heaviness in head a sign of brain tumor? What is the cause and treatment for a painful lump behind my ear? No improvement with betahistine and physiotherapy for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, What is the permanent cure? Suggest ear drops or non-antibiotic treatment for ear ache What can cause swollen foot and why am I having numbness while walking? What diet to be followed when under medication with acitrom and levetiracetam? Can 'Pepto bismal' taken while nursing,lead to ryes syndrome in the baby? What causes delayed periods? Why am I having swollen upper lip with headache in left temple? Is it important to take hypertension medication lifelong and what happens if the medication is discontinued? What are the health drinks that can be taken while appearing for board exams? What is the cure for prolonged dry cough with restricted breathing while taking steroid treatment for respiratory problem? What is the cause and treatment for chronic pain in neck,shoulders,lower back and legs with cramps? Should I stop using tjis cream for hyper pigmentation on my nose? What should be done when on anticoagulant acenocoumarin for mitral valve replacement and INR keeps fluctuating? What should be done when Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium taken for coughing up pus, fails? Is it safe to give Montair Granules for my infant suffering from cough and cold? Is HIV transmission possible after using public bathroom taps? What could be the cause for increased belching, nausea after eating and lower back pain and joint pain? What causes dragging pain in the area of genitals whith relief when lying down? With reference to the sleep test report should I take respiratory support? What cause rash break out on neck after severe pain in the area? Should I be concerned about pulsating dizzy feeling in head during pregnancy? What can cause minimal spotting during pregnancy? Can I take Beneflex while taking Lisinopril?. Does waking up with severe mouth bleeding need immediate medical attention ? What causes shaky hands,wrinkled fingers,low BP,muscle weakness, irritability and appetite loss? Will navidoxine help in curing nausea during pregnancy? How can I get a heart ablation done? What causes swollen bumps on top of penis when suffering from STI? Is there any side effects of Levipil500 if taken during pregnancy? How to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse? Is it a heath risk to observe blood in stool whensuffering from MSRA? Why is my child having burning and redness near vaginal opening? What is the treatment for sore swollen ear post syringing? What causes sudden skipped heart beat with tingling in left arm? What could be the cause for twinge like pain between armpit and waist? What are the findings from the pelvic ultrasound report? Does thickness of semen affect fertility? What is the treatment for occasional bleeding from a lump on my butt? What causes distended veins over the head during a migraine attack? Does medicine prescribed for controlling blood pressure cause night coughing? Why do I feel sensation in lower abdomen while lowering my chin? What is the cure for painful bowel movements while taking Preparation H and Hydrocortisone for itching in anus? What should I do for UTI that requires catheterisation? What is the cause for elevated white blood cell count and low platelet count? What care should be given after removal of ingrown toe nail? What is the cause and treatment for Allergic fungal sinusitis? What should be done for burning and inflammation in brain after radiation treatment? What is the treatment for small bump in right ear? Can I get an infection with intermittent pain and tightness in between metacarpals after smashing my toe? What can cause pimples on my scalp with thin frontal hairline? What leads to twitching in left bicep after rough physical activity? Is it safe to take 'Primolut Nor' during pregnancy? What are the underlying causes for scratchy throat? What causes occasional lump in throat that leads to mucous cough in the morning? Can redness and cyst in cervix be symptoms of cervical cancer? What is the cause for numbness and discomfort in balls of my foot? What can cause cause abdominal pain with frequent vomiting? What does spotting after sex indicate and can I continue having sex and trying for a baby? What is the permanent solution for constant pain in right testis? What could be the reason for spotting while trying to conceive? Is morning sickness continued after first trimester a serious concern? What is the treatment for non-stop diarrhea? What is the treatment for localized headache? How can I quit tobbaco addiction? Should I consult a gynecologist while trying to conceive? How to manage my work and relationships while taking buspin and nicotex for anxiety problems? What causes red spots as well as atrophic skin at the shin area? Are there heart failure risk associated with Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)? Does adult briefs for urinary incontinence from overactive bladder cause urinary tract infection? What is the treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejacualtion? What does a dent with slight bruising at the top of the forehead,indicate? Is my penis length within normal range? What is the treatment for erectile dysfunction and can vacuum pump help in penile erection? What causes periodic flare ups in arthritis pain? Is darkening in middle portion of forehead due to direct sun exposure related to stress? What is the treatment for sharp pain in breast and why is it hurting to touch my breast plate after a fall? Can oyster food poisoning affect a growing embryo? Are home drug test effective in finding the drug level in blood? How to control obesity and knee pain with diabetes? Is the mass in my lower abdominal wall cancerous and what are the findings from the ultrasound? What causes rash above th eyelid with redness,itchiness,pelling and burning? What is the treatment for diarrhea and sore bumps? Could severe heartburn, bloating and indigestion when on Levothyroxine and Excedrin be peptic ulcer symptoms? What can cause internal burning sensation all over my body while taking levothyroxine, hydrochlorothiazide and ativan for anxiety? Should medical help seeked for abdominal distension and high fever after sinus drainage? Should I be worried about the lump near my pubic bone with hernia above the crease of my leg? Should immediate medical help seeked for abdominal distension and high fever after sinus drainage? What does free T4 of .84 and a TSH of 1.2 mean,when diagnosed with PCOS? How to get rid of snoring? What is the treatment for fungal infection of the groin region? What causes pain under shoulders,back and thighs with general weakness and severe depression? Does high AMH levels affect my plans for pregnancy and what causes cramp like feeling in my lower abdomen? What causes pimple around the base of penis? Why do I feel pain intesticles and could it be due to tangled spermatic cords? Will I be infected after touching contaminated clothes and bag? What are the post health care tips after spleen removal surgery? What is the suggested medication for acute stomach ache and body ache? What is the treatment for persistant high fever and cold despite taking paracetamol? What is the treatment fro acne and post Acne marks? What is the treatment for severe sore throat after sinusitis? What are the most common symptoms of throat cancer while suffering from HIV and bipolar disorder post nasal drip? Can I take melatonin with betaserc? What causes shortness of breath,light headed and high pulse rate when when walking fast? What is the treatment for burning sensation in stomach despite taking omeprazole? What are the main causes for spitting up bright red blood frequently? Is it normal to see red veins at the back of my mouth? How to detect hepatitis and is it advisable to take panel test? Will my son get neck pain after sleeping on high pillow? How can I make sure that colon diverticuliis has been treated after taking antibiotics? What is the specific treatment for loose motions and why is my mother unable to bear cold with rheumatoid arthritis? Is advisable to travel by tempo travelers when 4 months pregnant and what exercises are advisable? How does herpes look like and what is the possibility of getting HSV from a person with no active cold sores? Should I remove fentanyl patch exposed to heat while suffering from nausea? What causes vaginal bleeding and back pain after fallopian tubes have been cut? What causes fatigue,itchiness,groin pain,appetite loss and difficulty swallowing with lump behind ear? What is the cause for occasional pain in my abdomen and severe pain around my rectal area? What should be done for high BP,high cholesterol and fatigue after biopsy of lymph nodes? Does botox injection given to eyelids cause any eye problems? Should Soliten be continued for treatment of urinary incontinence? Pregnant even after taking unwanted 72. Can this harm my baby? What factors affect sugar and cholesterol levels? What causes dip in HB level leading to exterme fatigue and breathlessness? What could be the cause for painful itchy pink spots around my pubic area? Is deviated sinus with bright red blood cough,a serious health concern? Does lowering of thyroxine lead to cramps in legs at nights? Why am I having sudden increase in sense of smell with feverish symptoms? Can fibromyalgia cause you to become bedridden and lead to paralysis? Should I discontinue oxycontin and percocet for chronic pain and how to manage my work without medication? What is the cause and treatment for vaginal itching? What are the findings from the ACTH stimulation test? What causes delayed and scanty periods when suffering from PCOD? What is the solution for severe leg pain and constipation when on MS Contin and suffering from cancer? What is the cure for paraphimosis apart from surgery? What is the treatment for dry cough and chest pain? IS it normal to get urinary symptoms after sexual intercourse post prostrate surgery? What cause and treatment for blood clots from nose and bumps in different parts of the body? What are the symptoms of frontal lobe dementia and should I consult a neurologist? Is positive stool occult blood test a sign of internal bleeding or cancer in children? What causes sudden tingling all over with loss of memory? Is it safe to take a flu shot while suffering from genital herpes as well as chronic Epstein Barr? What causes sore joints and what is the treatment? What causes stiffness and pain on the lower back? What is the reason for headache with dizziness and neck pain? What can cause numbness in mouth with high ESR levels while suffering from fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis? What is the reason and treatment for headache with dizziness and neck pain? What causes excessive mucus built up in throat with tingling feelings in arms and chest? What is the treatment for chest congestion and runny nose in toddlers? What is the treatment for low sexual drive caused due to anxiety? What is the cause for constant pain in lower back and severe pain in groin area? What is the treatment for penile cancer and is it completely curable? What are these bulges on both sides above my collarbones? What causes numbness and pain in feet at night during sleep ? Should I be worried about stinging pain in knee during basketball practice? Is vyvanse or adderal better for mood swings treatment? What is the treatment for small pink bumps on the side of tongue? Is sever lower back pain related to kidney stones? Is usage of Protopic ointment and Elidel cream during pregnancy,safe? Can floaters in eye, drainage from back of throat and seborrhea dermatitis be indications of HIV? Is there any risk if a baby is fed formula milk prepared two hours earlier? What causes semen to burn penis foreskin along with itchiness and burning while urination? What is the cause for heart palpitations and low temperature while on Amitriptyline and iron supplement? What causes recurrent lesions on penis shaft? How to deal with nausea while taking methatrexate, naproxene and prednisone for seronegative inflammatory arthritis? What is the cause and treatment for persistence of pain in the molar tooth after dental work? How to get rid of molar pain with fillings in teeth? What is the treatment for depression and anger due to resistance? Is dark color discharge from urethra a sign of STD? Will enema suppository help in improving bowel movements in children? Can long term use of colon helper laxative lead to health risk? What can I do for upper shoulder pain caused due to pinched nerve? What are the best supplements for a diabetic weightlifter? Will testosterone cypionate show up in a standard job employment drug test?
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