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What causes red rashes on my child's cheek and arms after flumist vaccine? Can "uterus cyst endometrial hyperplasia" be treated with medicines? Can low BP and low oxygen level after knee replacement pose serious health risks? What causes swollen glands in my neck and aching joints? How do you treat Essential tremor? Is pain pump a good option for rare form of lupus? What causes hard lump above the incision area after hernia surgery? What causes swelling in my knuckles and pink fingers in right hand? What is "conversion disorder"? What precautions should be taken for ESBL? Is tamsulosin hcl an anticholinergic? What is the treatment for cold and chest congestion? What causes blood in stool when suffering from piles problem? What causes sore nipples and absence of periods when suffering from mirena? What is the permanent cure for Panniculitis? Can a simple head injury lead to headaches after a year? What causes metallic taste in the back of my throat and shortness of breath while taking Omeprozole? For how long does Xanex traces remain in system after its intake? What are the underlying causes for strong pulses in my chest? What are the chances of twin conception when having have follicles in left ovary? What is the treatment for dermatomyositis? Can white fluid discharge and late periods be signs of pregnancy? What causes burning and pressure pain in the chest? What is the cause and treatment for limp shoulder after a shoulder dislocation? Suggest excercises that can be done during pregnancy What are the tests to be taken for irregular periods? What causes pain in the left side of my jaw? What are the chances of pregnancy when bilateral having fimbrial blockage and PID? What causes muscle tightness, excessive hair growth and unbalanced periods when suffering from PCOS? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation with erectile dysfunction? Is painful urination a sign of pregnancy? What causes Angular cheilitis? What is the treatment for red splotches on my child's stomach and back? What is the cause and treatment for macular degeration? Is it normal to feel air bubble in vagina while pregnant? Does Xanax and Cipralex have any interaction with nandrolone? What are the common causes for rectal bleeding when suffering from abdominal pain? What causes abdominal twitching and weakness in my legs and arms? What is the treatment for persistent numbness due to a ild nerve damage? What causes dryness in throat? Can sperm travel without fluid through the vaginal canal? Suggest laxative to pass motion early morning What is the treatment for marble sized lump on my stomach area? What causes traces of blood after passing stool? What causes esophageal tear? What can I use for quick hair growth? What is the treatment for plantar wart on the ball of my foot? Is toe drop curable? Suggest treatment to cure high fever What causes mood swings and irrational behaviour? What causes air and gas after urination post total hip replacement? What should be done for vomiting caused by long exposure to hot weather? Had four miscarriages, will Ecosprin and Clexane help during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for iodine deficiency What causes pain around my adam's apple after completely recovering from GERD and Esophagitis? What does feeling of bone movement after a head injury indicate? What causes painful dry skin patch under the arm? What causes white lines and spots on the back of my throat? Suggest treatment for discomfort in forehead and eyes with dizziness What is the treatment for swelling of legs and fever with poly arthritis? Can Fordyce spots cause problems in sexual life? Suggest treatment for water from eyes,blocked ears and persistent headches? Suggest treatment for high blood pressure How to build up tolerance to viagra and cialis? What practice I should do for keeping my brain healthy? What causes breathlesness,bloating in belly,legs and ankles? What is multicystic pineal lesion? Is purple leg caused due to bad circulation? What is the treatment for burning bumps on my scalp and neck? What should be ideal levothyroxine limit when TSH is 5.12? Can I stop Cipralex and take Duloxetine for chronic neck pain? What could be the cause for red urine and metallic taste in mouth? What causes heaviness in lungs with pain in lungs and ribs? What are the findings from the complete blood count report? What causes loss in taste? What causes diarrhea,vomiting with abdominal pain? What can cause dark rusty color urine? Suggest the treatment for aching bones What are the adverse effects caused due to overdose of panadol? What causes popping sensation in my diaphragm and severe ectopic heartbeats after eating? Is it normal to have chest and shoulder pain when suffering from tuberculous pericarditis? What causes burning in the tip of my penis and frequent urination? What does "Broncho vascular markings are prominent" mean in an Xray report? Suggest treatment for severe cold with heavy post nasal drip? What causes burning tounge? Is it safe to take zitotec during pregnancy? Is it safe to take passion flower capsules along with fish oil tablets and hawthorn drops? What causes tingling and numbness in feet and hands? Is hollenhorst plaque in retina indicative of a heart disease? Is it safe to take Dulcolax when having a Nexplanon implant? Is bumps on my vagina a sign of STD? What causes delay in periods after missing two pills of AVA 30 ED after unprotected sex? What is the cure for candida infection causing balanitis? Is there any relation between food stuck in throat and hydroquinone cream? Is Vivian-Plus safe for fever treatment? Need information regarding lumbar spine surgery What are the findings from the hormone report? Suggest treatment for elevated PSA levels? What is the permanent cure for EBV infection? Suggest pain relief for osteoarthritis knee What causes pain in my intestine followed by sweating and chills? What is the remedy for polymyalgia? Is it necessary to take Zitotec 200 inside the vagina? Suggest treatment for constipation What kind of specialist should I consult for small dark spot under my left foot? What is trigabantin used for? Why am I seeing yellow color every morning? Suggest treatment for vaginal itching What does a lump on right lower abdomen indicate? Should biopsy be done to check for cervical lymphadenopathy when suffering from TB? Is there any alternative for spinal fusion surgery? Will high TSH level affect my baby's IQ level? Is hard pimple on my penis a sign of syphilis? What causes delay in my periods? Is travelling in 12th week of pregnancy advisable? What can I do to improve the quality of my blood? What can be done for full eradication of cancer? What causes soreness in lower stomach? What are the further consequences that can be expected after discontinuing olimelt medication for schizophrenia? How can Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever be diagnosed? Does occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery cause small bowel ischemia? Suggest remedy for appetite loss after food poisoning What causes pressure in my ears and pulling sensation around my eyes when suffering from labyrinthitis and vertigo? Can TSH of 2.76 lead to fetus brain development complications during pregnancy? Suggest remedy for belly fat reduction What causes Cough,cold,fever,tiredness,malaise with body aches? What is the treatment for vaginal itching? What does an abnormal spike in electrophoresis scan indicate? Suggest treatment for dry,itchy and scaly skin on neck when suffering from kidney disease What could be the cause for soreness when bending? Can steroids cause red, flushed and warm face? What causes intense pain after gallbladder removal? What is the treatment for rashes on thighs near pelvic area? Can LPR acid reflux cause shortness of breath when doing mild activity? What causes buzzing blood flow throughout my body? Is it normal to have discomfort and bleeding with PEG tube insertion? Can a kidney transplant patient use Ramipril medication? Why should Plavix be stopped before a heart valve replacement? What causes pain under left breast? What could be the cause for bleeding after a bowel movement in children? Does Axona or Exelon Patch have glucose in them?. What causes fingers and toes to turn white? When will a mole become cancerous? What causes fluid in middle ear? How to recognize Diazepam pill? What causes sore throat which prohibits swallowing? What is the best treatment for large hiatal hernia with erosions? What causes blood pressure difference in right and left arm? What causes delayed periods? What could be the cause for Pectus Excavatum? What precautions should be taken to avoid common cold? Is Nan Pro 1 formula safe for a 45 days old baby? Is it normal to have painful stiff shoulders post sub cromial decompression operation? Suggest treatment for Uncontrollable bowel movements at night? Why am I suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia while taking high dose of steroids for sarcoidosis? Suggest treatment to cure the opioid dependence What causes episodic drop in potassium levels? What is the treatment for swollen gums and bad breath? Suggest treatment to control hairfall and reduce dandruff What causes swollen gums that bleeds and leads to bad breath? What causes over senstitive nipples in men? What are the findings from the skull CT scan? Is it safe to take Phenergan And Zofran together? What could be the cause for high urine potassium levels while taking florinef for low BP? Is thickness in uterine lining a good sign for frozen embryo transfer? Suggest treatment for cervical inflammation and fatty liver What is the treatment for discoloration in penis and right testicle? Wat should be done for small skin growth underneath the eyebrows? Is nipple and breast tenderness symptoms of Mirena? What could be the cause for swollen salivary glands on both sides of the frenulum? What does a painful lump in around the anus indicate? What is the permanent cure for hearing loss in my right ear? What is the treatment for high fever and swelling on face? What causes tightness in throat and tingling in fingers and toes when suffering from sore throat? Suggest treatment for tooth and gum pain? What could be the cause for dizziness and headache? What could be the cause for headache and racing heart beat? What does bumps in the vagina indicate? What causes skin rash with abdominal pain? Suggest cheaper treatment for circumcision What is the recommended dosage of Codeine for pain relief? Does Oxazepam and Melatonin have any interaction with Propofal? Suggest treatment for vomiting and stomach upset Can side effects of Nicotine patch cause rashes on the skin? Suggest treatment for Phimosis How to improve blood flow in penis area? What causes bleeding from under surface of foreskin during intercourse? Suggest treatment for diarrhea when on Zoloft What are the findings from the CT scan report? What causes tenderness and pain below my rib cage? What do little bumps around the anus indicate? What causes tingling and needle sensation in hand and fingers? What is the cure for carpel tunnel syndrome? What could be the cause for swollen arms and shooting pain in my forearm? What causes ncreased sensitivity of the penis head with an early ejaculation? What cacuses post-nasal drip? Taking deviry for irregular periods, what are the findings from the test report? What causes darkened skin with low BP and severe itching? Suggest treatment for anxitey leading to palpitaions? What causes an itchy rasied scar after an injury?
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