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Suggest treatment for water retention in body Can Allopurinol be taken for treatment of gout? What causes sore throat with cough? Can expired Codeine be taken for flu? Can subscapularis tear that is not repired lead to complications? Does alcohol consumption have any beneficial effect? How to regulate blood pressure and cholestrol without medicines? Suggest treatment for fungal infection of in groin area Suggest treatment for headache and neck pain when suffering from BP Suggest treatment for mood swings and short temper What should be done after overdose of Warfarin? What causes dizziness after swimming? What causes narrowing of throat and feeling of suffocation? Suggest treatment for tonsilitis Suggest treatment for pain due to bulging disc What causes anxiety and blurred vision when on Valdoxan? What causes maculopapular rashes on body? What causes noises from stomach? What causes small white granule inside mouth in a smoker? What causes weight gain after taking Famaotidine? Can i travel with a massive stroke due to vasculitis in Sjogren's syndrome? What casues bowels obstruction? What causes severe pain in left chest? Is Metropolol(mz) safe for high blood pressure? What causes nausea and dizziness in the morning? What causes difficulty in swallowing? What causes heart palpitations and high blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics? Suggest medicine for maintainence of remission of brain tumor Can hepatitis or mono be trasmitted after contact with toilet water? What causes stomach pain, watery stool and burping? What causes headaches,ear infection and gum pain? Is melanoma cancer spreading to lymph nodes a cause for concern? What causes tiredness, hair loss and minor skin infections? How does the lymphatic system work? Suggest treatment for gallstones Can i take macrobid and multaq together? Will intake of methamphetamine eliminate naltrexone out of system? What causes falling of teeth after cancer treatment? What causes shortness of breath after walking for few minutes? Suggest treatment for chicken pox Suggest treatment for involuntary contractions of muscles of the upper eyelid What causes excessive foul smelling vaginal discharge? What causes split on the buttock that is cracking? What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment to remove skin tags What causes white bumpy spots on skin after waxing? What causes pain in lower jaw moving to ears and neck? What are the causes of not clearing bacteria in urine? What causes swelling under right ear? What causes dry mouth? What does a swollen bump behind the ear indicate? What causes post menopausal bleeding? What causes pain in chest? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes feeling low energy and drowsiness? What does this CT scan of brain after an injury indicate? Does hiatus hernia cause indigestion and acidity? Can Librax and Bentyl be taken with Dexilant for gastritis? What does this MRI report of brain of a one year old indicate? Suggest treatmemt for depression What does a small lump in center upper part of breast indicate? What does this nuclear stress test after having pressure in chest indicate? What casues lump between inner leg and scrotum? Suggest treatment for kidney failure with extreme dehydration What causes red and dry earlobes and inner ear? What do black spots on penis shaft indicate? What causes tingling/burning senstaion in stomach? Suggest tests to diagnose small fiber neuropathy Does genital herpes during pregnancy pass the infection to the baby? What causes protrusion of sternum and ribs? What does high systole and low diastole indicate? Suggest treatment for allergic cough Is 60 mg of cymbalta the same as 5 mg or 10 mg of zoloft? What causes burning sensation while urinating and foul smell of urine? Can i have children inspite of having genital herpes infection treatment? What causes redness with peeling of skin? What causes fever, chills, no appetite and numbness in feet? What causes soreness and bump on glans penis? Does black molds in house during pregnancy cause any complication? What causes muscle spasms in limbs and feet after treatment for stomach migraines? What does increased platelet count in blood report regarding complex cyst indicate? What causes soreness and redness in breast after a mastectomy? Suggest medicines to abort pregnancy Suggest treatment for warts on palms and bumps on tongue Suggest homeopathic medicines to control prolactin levels Is thyrozol safe to take during pregnancy? What causes tingling in fingers when suffering from tennis elbow? Is high RA level symptom of rheumatoid arthritis? Is almox necessary to take for sore throat and cough? What causes nipple itching and pain? What causes burning sensation in lower arms? Can i eat before going to dialysis inspite of being diabetic? What causes jittery body movements in an infant after waking up? What causes pain in upper right lung region? Can Hifenac P be taken for gout pain? What causes swelling in ankles after sitting for a period of time? How to increase HDL and reduce triglycerides and VLDL? What does positive ANA indicate? What causes excessive sweating while walking and painful legs? What does a growth on testicle indicate? Is stomach cramp and abnormal periods symptom of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes vaginal bleeding after taking Diane ? What does heavy vaginal bleeding after cytotec intake indicate? Suggest treatment for higher order abberation in eyes What does this pelvic ultrasound inspite of planning to conceive indicate? Suggest treatment for bursitis in knee What causes diarrhea inspite of having normal stool tests? Is Cefixome and Zithromax effective in treatment of gonorrea? What causes sweating and itching of scrotum at night? Suggest treatment for impetigo What causes recurrence of throat irritation and breathlessness after dust allergy? What does the TSH level indicate in my thyroid report? Suggest treatment for bowel problems after kidney removal Is pills safe to take after esophageal varices banding? Can Cyber Knife be used to reduce Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumor? Suggest treatment for impetigo Suggest treatment for lower back pain What does positive UPT with partial hysterectomy indicate? What are symptoms of a stroke? What causes feeling of weakness soon after masturbation? What does the cholesterol level indicate in my blood test report? What causes inflammation in arms after a flu shot? What are the chances of transmitting genital warts with no direct sexual contact? What does a yellow spot with purple bumps on thigh indicate? What causes high blood pressure when I am anxious? What causes subarachnoidal hemorrhage? What causes tingling and numbness in lip and headaches? What causes constipation and small nodules under the skin between hips and ribs? Can a person develop PTSD because of the memories in a mental breakdown? Does over dose of calcium cause intolerance to milk and/or foods rich in vitamin C? Is consitently low vitamin D levels a reason to be concerned? Suggest treatment for ezcema Is Nupenta 40 effective for loose motions? Does abdominal TB re-occur after its treatment? Is doing a polygraph test a safe when suffering from high BP? What causes nerve twitches in lower lip? Can Zofran be taken with Lexapro and Klonopin? What causes recurring UTI in men? What does " p/pr 110/168; QT/QTc 410/479ms; P/QRS/T" indicate in an EKG report? What causes numbness in chin and odd feeling on back of the leg? How is STD transmitted? Does sacral nerve damage cause pain in leg? What causes blood in urine and burning during urination? What causes burning sensation in eyes when suffering from hashimotos thyrodistis? What causes pain in the head above the right eye when suffering from hypothyroidism? Is walking effective for post operative leg pain? What causes pressure in forehead and left cheek? What causes prolonged lightheadedness and dizziness when suffering from anxiety? What causes chest pains,shortness of breath,nausea and weakness? What causes pain in the solar plexus area? What caauses abnormal uterine bleeding after taking Clomid? What causes elarged lymph node and fainting? What causes sharp pain under the left shoulder blade? What does a lump on right side neck indicate? What causes prolonged diarrhea? What causes red rashes on face after using Aldara cream? Does baby asprin help in conceiving? Is surgery for meniscus injury safe? Is transmission of STD possible after protected sex? Suggest treatment for fungal infection on skin What causes diarrhea after having medicines post dental extraction? What causes delayed period even after having I pill? Suggest treatment for borderline personality disorder Suggest dosage of ecobion sachets for loose motions What causes dark colored urine inspite of having flu? Is tiredness and fever symptoms of pregnancy? What causes high fever in a child? Can Black Cohosh dosage be doubled for post-menopausal symptoms? What causes lump in crease between thigh and pelvis? Is breathig difficulty,abdominal distention,cough and fever symptoms of poisoning? Suggest treatment for panic attacks What causes purple dots on roof of mouth and finger tips? What is the chemical formula for selenious acid? What causes fatigue,low immunity and constipation? Can calcium oxalate in chocolate cause blood in urine and high potassium in blood? What causes vitiligo patch on the armpit and legs? What causes red and swelling sore on right arm? Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety What causes weakness of both legs? What are the side effects of evion forte? Suggest treatment for recurrent deviated nasal septum Suggest treatment for dysesthesia caused after a cosmetic surgery What does high LDL and cholesterol levels indicate? What are the normal liver enzymes level? Suggest dosage of mifepristone and zitotec to abort pregnancy What causes high BP inspite of using thyroid medicines? What are chances of bladder cancer inspite of having bladder infection? Is it normal to loose sensation in fingers and knee? Suggest treatment to cure swollen tongue Suggest treatment for small blister filled with pus on anal region What causes high blood sugar levels and weight gain after having seroquel? Can i take garcinia cambogia while on tamoxifen? What does "RBCs sparsely distributed showing mild degree of microcytosis" mean? Can i take olmesartan for high BP? What causes eustachian tube blockage even after having valsalva exercises? What causes excessive stomach gas in pregnancy? What causes vigorous hair fall? Suggest treatment for dermatitis herpetiformis What causes canker sore on tongue?
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