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Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What causes pins and needle sensation in upper legs? Is it safe to have Phenergan for cold and cough? What is the dosage of Lamitol for depression? Do Argiprime and Alamin help in gaining height? Suggest treatment for sinusitis What causes choroiditis? How many Mankind tablets be taken in a day? Can i have Nurokind LC in the mornings? Can i stop having Duphaston inspite of having nausea and vomiting? What does the following urine test report indicate? What causes vaginal spotting after a hysteroscopy? What causes constant abdominal pain? What causes pain in left side of abdomen? What causes excessive bleeding after a hysterocopy? What causes stomach cramps and diarrhea? What causes redness on face? What causes small tender area on shaft of penis? What causes elevated bilirubin level? What causes body itching? Are there any natural ways to abort pregnancy in third month? What causes delayed periods after taking emergency contraceptive pill? What causes pain in upper left quadrant of the body? What causes brown spots on legs? How to continue taking birth control pills after missed doses? What causes painful swollen clitoris post child delivery? What is the cause and treatment for pseudomonas putida? What causes dizziness, nausea and sweating? What causes excessive sleep during the day? Is dialysis the right treatment for kidney failure caused due to hypotension? What is the dosage of Rovamycin for toxoplasmosis? What does this MRI report of brain indicate? Suggest treatment to lighten skin tone What causes swelling in eye and watery discharge from eye? What are the harmful effects of a cracked cellphone screen? Suggest treatment for orgasmic dysfunction What causes discharge from the both nipples upon pressing? What causes nipple discharge? Suggest treatment for stomach pain and lethargy What causes to hyperacusis? Suggest home remedies for oral thush Suggest treatment for peptic ulcer What causes tonsils to be swollen after tonsillitis treatment? What casues difficulty in opening mouth? Suggest treatment for continuous cough Suggest treatment for discomfort due to scar tissue in urethra Suggest treatment for lethargy and problems in sleeping Suggest treatment for problem in ejaculation What causes strong metallic taste and smell with stomach discomfort? Suggest treatment for intralesional triamcinolone What does my lipid profile results indicate? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain with sore breasts and bloating What causes blood in semen? Is nausea, vomiting sensation, constipation signs of stomach cancer? What causes leg pain and low BP? Suggest treatment for swollen ankles and multiple bruises swelling on legs What is the risk of cancer when having cold solid thyroid nodule? Is it normal to have pain 3 months post injury? Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia? Is it possible to have trapped CO2 pain post laparoscopic surgery? Suggest treatment for citrobacter diversus Can cervical and lumbar scolosis cause limb jerking and tremors? How long after taking abortion tablets will menstruation begin ? Suggest treatment for kidney problems Suggest ways to stop getting menstruation bleeding Is calamine lotion the best way to treat foliculitis on legs? What is the risk of hepatitis after unprotected oral sex? Suggest treatment for headaches, dry mouth and insominia Suggest remedy for fatigue when on hypoglycemic diet for insulin resistance Suggest treatment to pain while walking on calfs and hamstrings Suggest treatment to reduce tummy after delivery Suggest treatment for external hemorrhoids and constipation Suggest treatment for shoulder pain What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment for shooting pain on head and eyes How effective is Pin X on pinworms? Suggest treatment for red and swollen lower eye lid Suggest treatment for furuncle Is it normal for a 4 year old boy to act as a girl? Suggest remedy for sneezing and pain in chest Suggest treatment for discoloration at front of hairline What does my lab test results indicate? Suggest treatment for severe ear pain Suggest treatment for high BP and upset stomach Does Metformin cause loose stool? Suggest treatment for injury on nipples Suggest treatment for cysts under skin on my face Suggest treatment for tingling in feet and lower legs Suggest treatment for hypertension induces erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for swollen and numb arms Suggest treatment for pain and breast trenderness after taking Metpath Suggest remedy for cold and swollen face Suggest treatment for redness and itchiness in eyes Suggest treatment for pain on back, thighs and buttocks Suggest treatment for high ESR and lympocytes levels Does Xanax use cause low blood pressure? Suggest treatment for painful and infected broken teeth Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism How to taper down Xanax dosage? What are the symptoms of HIV? Does extensive peeling of chili peppers induce an abortion? What is cervical spondylitis? Suggest treatment for severe migraine What does a lump in breast indicate? How to pacify pitta in body? How does liver eliminate toxins? Suggest treatment for yeast infection on skin How does liver eliminate toxins? What causes lump in throat when suffering from GERD? Is warm compress or is cold compress effective in treatment of sore neck? What causes blood in stool? What does "chronic microvascular ischemic change" mean? What causes dark spots on chest and arms after sun exposure? What causes high HBA1C levels? What does "Heterogeneous focus noted in lower endometrium" mean? What causes pressure in head? Suggest treatment for chest congestion in a child What do raised bumps on penis indicate? Is doctor consultation necessary for abdominal hematoma caused by an injury? Is gym workout safe after a knee ligament re-construction surgery? What causes pain during bowel movement? What does "scattered vascular calcification" mean? What causes flashes of light and blue halo effect in vision? What causes dizziness and white waves in vision? What causes dizziness? What causes dryness and blisters on lips? What causes sharp pain in buttocks and groin area? Is electro convulsive therapy a safe and effective treatment for bipolar disorder? Can Pankeroflat be taken with Bromazipam , Atacand and Bisoprplo? What do bumps on penis indicate? Can HIV be transmitted through sputum? What is the cause and treatment for coccyxdynia? What causes burning sensation during urination? Is it safe to have a sexual intercourse when suffering from UTI? What causes difficulty in breathing? What causes nausea and diarrhea after a Nissen fundoplication? Can Duramine, Keppra, Epilim and Prestiq be taken together? How to enhance breast size? What are the symptoms of ear infection in an infant? Suggest treatment for difficulty in passing stool Suggest treatment for loss in sense of smell Suggest treatment for inguinal hernia What causes pain near belly button? Suggest treatment for chest pain when suffering from acute esophagitis What is the cause and treatment for reduced bone density? Suggest treatment for weakness and dizziness when suffering from mononucleosis What are the chances of HIV transmission after unprotected sex? What does this MRI report of brain indicate? What causes rectal pain and bleeding from rectum? What are the precautions to be taken care for gastroenteritis? What causes excessive sweating and heart palpitations after walking for a while? What causes cysts in uterus? What causes fluctuations in BP readings? Suggest treatment for sore throat after smoking cigar What causes difficulty in walking? Could BioTrust IC-5 and coconut oil tablets cause headache and depressed feeling? What causes lower back pain, difficulty urination and pain in pelvic area? Suggest treatment for accidental splashing of antifreeze into eyes Suggest the sleep aids that i can use with Carvedilol? What causes elevated liver enzymes? How are Misoprostol and Mifepristone used to abort pregnancy? Suggest treatment for heaviness, headache and depressed feeling What causes irregular periods? What precautions should be taken during first 4 months of precautions? Suggest medication for asthma What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes yellow stringy stool? What does non reactive VDRL test mean? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes vomiting after having Nasivion S? Do people with hemochromatosis have a higher risk of contracting HSV2? What causes yellow stringy content in stool? Can low potassium levels cause spinning in head? Does the CT scan of my abdomen indicate cancer? What causes blisters on back of throat? Suggest treatment for body pain, fatigue and anxiety Can i have SMZ/TMP with alcohol? What causes back pain? What does few hilar nodules in chest x ray indicate? What causes red spots on penis foreskin? What are the preventive measures to be taken for infections during cold weather? Are All 9 and Fertomid tablets the right medicines for PCOD? Could chest and shoulder pain, and breathing issues be pleurisy? What causes nausea and bloating along with kidney stones? What causes pain in calf area and tiredness? Does ingesting Amoxycillin affect RPR test? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What causes muscle spasms and rash on neck? What causes hard lump in the area of parotid near ear? What causes hot feeling in the neck? What causes bloating in pelvic area and nausea? What does grade 1 parenchymal changes mean? Suggest treatment for anxiety and obsessive thoughts What causes foul smell from nose and ear lobes? What causes sore throat, dry cough and lump like sensation in throat? Can Venlafaxine and Bupropion be taken together without any reaction? What causes frequent urination? What does this CT scan report indicate? What does this MRI report of spine indicate?
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