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Does excessive stress and anxiety lead to lung disease? What causes tension type of headache with muscular pain in armpits? What causes weakness, labored breathing and bad body aches? What causes bloating, vomiting and stomach pain while on Secnil? Can a hysterectomy help in curing fibroid tumors? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes dryness, itching and small acnes on skin? What causes recurrent skin abscess? What causes mild bleeding and spotting after intercourse? What causes redness, swelling and pain in left corner of eye? Can Vardenafil and Tadalafil be taken together? What causes cramps and weakness post intake of Clindamycin and Oxycodone? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What does my ECG test report indicate? What causes menorrhagia at emerging adulthood? What causes swelling in tongue and eyelid? What causes fatigue, muscle ache and shivering followed by stomach cramps? Does intake of Oxycodone and Tramadol help in pain management? What causes very heavy bleeding associated with passing big blood clots? Does intake of Benadryl help in curing breakouts caused by shrimps? What causes sore throat, cough and chest pain while breathing? What causes fever and increased respiratory rate while treating BP? Does usage of Epsom salt help in reducing muscle aches? What causes tongue numbness, pain in right temple and facial numbness? What causes pain in throat and numbness in lips while treating TMJ? What causes recurrent pain in lower left abdomen and groin area? What causes swollen and heavy leg post recovery from lump on lower leg? Are hot flashes, recurrent lower colon pain and diarrhea signs of menopause? What complications can arise during pregnancy at the age of 40? Is a 3rd generation HIV test done 4 months post exposure conclusive? What is the correct window period for HIV antibody test? What causes severe headache, neck ache and squishing sounds in head? What causes swelling at finger joint and weight loss in a teenager? What causes a pimple like growth on the cheeks of an infant? What causes small lesion, chafing and bumps on the head of penis? What causes intermittent pain in lower abdomen and frequent bowel movements? What causes small dry spots that turn black around thighs, stomach and back? What causes nausea that leads to vomiting post intake of Micordox-LBX? Suggest treatment for skin whitening What causes recurrent abdominal pain and frequent urge to urinate despite taking antibiotics? How effective is Hexilak Silicone gel in filling up crater like dents? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Mirapex? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Does usage of Premarin cream help in reducing vaginal pain and dryness? When is intercourse advisable for successful pregnancy during the menstrual cycle? Is Prolia shot safe for a heart patient suffering from intense fibromyalgia? Suggest treatment for exogenous ochronosis Suggest treatment for lateral stenosis Suggest ways to reduce weight When will bleeding resume after taking an I-pill? Are elevated iron and LDH levels signs of cancer? What is the window period for an HIV test? Do less signs of masculinity lead to male infertility? How to terminate pregnancy? What causes sudden decrease in kidney function while on chemotherapy? What causes white vaginal discharge and delayed menstruation post intake of an I-pill? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes severe pain and discoloration in left hand index finger? What causes tingling numbness in arms, blurred vision and leg pain? What causes a bunch of small purplish dots on upper thigh? Suggest alternative formula milk in place of Isomil What causes a painful lump on left side of perineum? Does usage of Mintop Forte solution help in body hair growth? Suggest treatment for side effects of Swich Cv Can Livoluk be safely taken for a long time by a toddler? What causes stomach pain, weakness and headache? Can HCG and Metoprolol be taken together? What is the window period for an STD test? What causes equivocal results with pregnancy test kits? Suggest treatment for oral thrush Suggest treatment for fungal nail infection What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes white tissue discharge in stool when not treating ulcerative colitis? What is the ideal dosage of Amlodipine while suffering from heart failure? What causes a sensation of breath being cut off and throat tightness? What causes a painful rash that turns into a blister on right arm? Is mild inflammation in stomach and a few polyps a cause for concern? How long do withdrawal symptoms of Prednisone last? What causes a noise in the ear that resembles the heart beat? Can Norvasc, Acebutolol and Hydrochlorothiazide be taken together? How to continue intake of Xarelto after missing a dosage? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes a painful pulse in neck? What causes thread like grey particles discharge in urine? What causes tingling sensation in upper arm that radiates to left leg? Suggest medical tests to rule out liver disease What does my liver function test report indicate? What causes severe pain on both side, nausea and vomiting? What causes persistent stomach pain, increased heart beat and breathlessness? Is delayed menstruation a sign of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for Hirayama disease What causes irregular spotting and sore breasts while having a Progesterone implant? Will diabetes and genital herpes cause any complication? What causes delay in tooth eruption in a 13 month old infant? What causes lack of sensation in some parts of the body? What causes a feeling of extreme heaviness in body and balancing issues? What does my lab test report indicate? Can a 40 year old mother breast feed a new born? What causes mood swings and irritable behaviour when diagnosed with Addison's disease? Is excessive foam in urine a symptom of prostate problem? Suggest ways to avoid pregnancy after intercourse What causes severe pain in lower left back, urethra and nausea? How effective is oral contraceptive pill in preventing pregnancy? What causes syncope and whooshing noise in head? What causes diarrhea, cold and cough in an infant? Is pregnancy possible despite taking oral contraceptives? What causes severe headache with vomiting in a 9 year old child? What causes pain in left arm and left side of chest? Is a small bump in cheek a cause for concern? What causes heavy headache and throbbing sensation in ear? What causes body pain, excessive sleeping and swollen neck lymph glands? What causes a headless pimple like cyst on the face of an infant? What causes gum sensitivity along with puffiness and sensitivity inside the cheek? What are the symptoms of male breast cancer? Does prolonged intake of Lamictal result in memory problems? What causes dizziness, weakness and blackish stool post an upper endoscopy test? What causes severe back pain, night sweats and anxiety? What causes chest pain, explosive jolt in chest and ringing in ears? What is the typical lifespan of a human egg after ovulation? What causes a small painless soft bump on ear concha? What causes a feeling of fluid buildup in the ear after swimming? What do my lab test reports indicate? Can Trazodone be taken instead of Seroquel without side effects? Suggest remedies for insect bite reaction What causes a small brown ring on penis? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving Suggest treatment for bronchiectasis when lung function is at 32% Does consumption of warm water with organic lemon help in improving metabolism? Can STD be contracted through inserting finger in someone's mouth? What causes left shoulder blade pain that radiates to back and upper arm? Suggest the ideal dosage for Ligaplex What causes pain, itching and burning sensation in breast post a compression? Can HIV be contracted through contact of cut finger with bodily fluids? How effective are Novamentine, Buscopan and Zoflam in curing UTI? What does my liver function test report indicate? Can an MRI scan show a negative TBI result post a head injury? What are the withdrawal symptoms of oral contraceptives? Suggest treatment for severe depression, anxiety and suicidal behaviour Suggest remedies for bad body odour Does usage of Prilox gel help in minimizing pricking pain during dialysis? Does intake of Talo-S and Loricon help in curing dysthymia? What causes severe headache, fatigue and vomiting while on Secnil? What causes bad body odour post a gallbladder surgery? What causes facial and jaw pain, sore neck and swollen lymph nodes? Suggest ways to decrease prolactin levels Is sudden pain in neck and hand a symptom of heart attack? Suggest treatment for ear infection What causes abdominal pain and burning sensation during urination? What causes benign lichenoid keratosis? What causes burning itchy eyes, sneezing and slight headache when diagnosed with bronchitis? What causes persistent headache, positional vertigo and elevated blood pressure levels? Suggest treatment for appendicitis Suggest treatment for recurrent UTIs Is intercourse safe for a patient with Staphylococcus aureus infection? Does a curved spine lead to development of bump in breast bone? Is inflammation, swelling and fever while treating staph infection a cause for concern? What do my lab test reports indicate? What causes ankle pain, dizziness and balance issues? What causes sore throat post consumption of streptococcus bacteria in yoghurt? Is blood donation advisable when suffering from vitamin B12 and D deficiency? Does intake of Allegra help in curing swelling and itching in ear? Suggest treatment for persistent diarrhea What does my Ultrasound scan test report indicate? What does my MRI scan test report indicate? What causes sharp pain at the tip of penis during urination? Can Panadol and Somac be taken together? Suggest the ideal dosage for Sulbutiamine What causes itchy and swollen eyes and eyebrows while on Alphagan and Latanoprost? What causes severe back pain post a C-section? Suggest treatment for depression What causes right-sided lower abdominal pain and constipation? What causes stomach aches and diarrhea post consumption of lettuce and yogurt? What causes light bleeding in nose and stool post intake of Zyrtec? Does intake of Primazone help in curing Morgellons disease? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Is heart problem a risk factor when diagnosed with pneumonia? What causes constipation post a laser bladder stone surgery? What causes stabbing pain in chest and heart palpitations when diagnosed with emphysema? Suggest treatment for thyroid cancer Suggest treatment for chronic tonsils inflammation What causes lower abdominal pain, bloating and constipation while on Rabeprazole? What causes diarrhea for a patient suffering from diabetes? What causes throat tightness, swelling and difficulty in swallowing? Suggest remedies for muscle cramps in legs caused by MS Suggest a diet plan for a patient suffering from gall bladder problem Suggest remedies for PCOS Suggest treatment for severe diarrhea What causes difficulty in passing urine? How to change diapers for a multiple myeloma patient? What causes severe back and leg pain, spinal nerve inflammation and sleeplessness? Suggest treatment for severe migraine Suggest treatment for clincal depression What does my urine analysis test report indicate? What causes pain in upper stomach area that subsidises with sipping milk? Suggest treatment for breast calcifications Suggest treatment for hair loss for a patient suffering from hypotyroidism Does Cl-022 Soma tablet contain aspirin? What causes raised red bump around a bug bite post popping the lesion? Suggest treatment for hair loss Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving
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