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Suggest treatment for polyp inspite of surgery What are the benefits of consuming baking soda with water? Is magnetic accupressure rotator machine helpful? Am i suffering from colon cancer inspite of hemorrhoids and weight loss? Suggest treatment for cold when undergoing chemotherapy How should Vitamin D be taken to avoid side effects? Is valium or klonopin used either for anxiety or panic attacks? Suggest treatment for acute infectious enteritis Suggest treatment for swelling and fluid retention Suggest treatment for basal-cell carcinoma of the skin? Is olimelt a safe medicine for schizophrenia? How to lighten a dark scar on nose? What causes severe joint pain? Suggest treatment for clostridium difficile colitis What causes secretion of blood, mucus in the feces and diarrhea? Is there any device that helps wearing urine retention bags efficiently? Is distended stomach and gas normal after a stomach infection? What could be the reason for unusual odor when i urinate? Is it safe to take Hydrocodone tablets every 4 to 6 hours? What is g a in short for inspite of my skin infection? What causes recurrent infections after bladder sling surgery? Is it safe to take Valium and Ambien at a gap of 7 hours? What causes frequent headache and depression? Suggest treatment for pain due to gum infection Are there any specific tets that can be performed to check how healthy is my digestive system ? What causes increased heart rate when suffering from anxiety? Should i stay on venlafaxine medicine for side effects to wear off or get off of it What causes allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis? What causes pain in lower abdomen with bloating? What is the cause and treatment for atopic dermatitis? Should i give paracetamol and fricium for fits during fever? Can i opt for hydrocele surgery inspite of spinal stenosis? What causes high BP when on Atenolol? What causes abnormal heart rhythm after Zyrtec intake? How to test for HIV? Do you think I might have chronic inflammation on cervix? What could be the reason for swollen right eyelid? Suggest treatment for itchy blisters on hands and scrotum? Is Hepatitis B curable? What could be the reason for pain under the right breastbone inspite of my hiatal hernia? How to avoid transmission of herpes simplex type 1 virus? What does NHL in blood imply? What does low total iron binding capacity indicate? Suggest me which one of Al or Tamoxifen a good choice for Breast cancer therapy Are testosterone shots advisable for low testosterone treatment? Doe birth control pills cause reduced sexual drive? What is the cause and treatment for elevated prolactin level? What causes vomiting, tiredness and gastric problem after a long flight? What causes body pain? How do I get rid of PVCs inspite of normal tests? What causes scar tissues in the bladder? Should we start Sero flow for peribrochial cuffing in bipolar hilar region? What causes difficulty in standing and weakness in legs? Does prolonged Replesta intake affect the kidneys? Suggest treatment to remove skin on top of the glans penis How to reduce body weight? Should i take medicines regularly inspite of raised post Prandial sugar levels? Suggest treatment for pain and swelling in the ankles Is it necessary to have a septoplasty done again for my blocked nose? What causes recurrent cold when suffering from Congenital heart disease? What do black spots on the neck indicate? Suggest diet to be taken during pregnancy What does trivial mitral regurgitation and trivial tricuspid regurgitation mean? Can Dexilant HCL and Prilosec cause false positive results for cannabis? What causes yellow colored diarrhea and rash around cheeks to 7 month old baby? What is the survival rate when suffering from squamous cell carcinoma in mouth? How much is my survival rate for squamous cell carcinoma and how much radiation and chemo is needed for me? What causes delayed periods? How to confrim normal development in a child? What causes nausea inspite of my history for Acid reflux, gastritis, hiatus hernia and esophagus condition? What causes feeling of heartbeat behind the ears and neck? Does MCV, GGT, AST and ALT tests detect drugs like oxycodone or suboxone? What does "right side nasal polyp and bilateral maxillary sinusitis" mean? What does "ovary rt ovary:27x22x16,4.89 cc and lft ovary:38x29x23 vol, 13.5 cc " mean? What is the cause and treatment for scabies? What causes itching and rashes in the vagina? What causes pain in my legs, feet,hips, arms, hands and back? What is the drug interaction between Reglan and seroquel? How to dress a wound? Is fertility massage beneficial for embryo implantation following IVF procedure. What causes tiredness and depression when on Synthroid? Can going off of HRT cause dizziness? Suggest treatment for burns on either side of nose to 5 month old boy? What is the cause and treatment for difficulty in swallowing after a SAH? What causes weakness in legs when suffering from diabetes and high BP? What causes bruise and a lump on the heel ? How does Emergen-C work in curing PVCs? What causes frequent urination? What causes burning sensation while urinating inspite of my type 2 diabetes? What causes headache and pressure behind the eyes? What causes severe chest pain when i over eat after 8 pm? What causes severe chest pain after eating? Is Myelodysplasia the same as Myelodysplastic & how is it treated What causes left sided stomach pain? What does duodenitis in biopsy report indicate? Should i be concerned about my low level hgb? What causes heavy metals poisoning? What causes stomach pain with gurgling sound? Is Xray a normal protocol for children who swallow coins? What causes burning sensation inside the thighs with bruising around a vein? What causes itching and burning between the buttocks? Is it safe to give chayawanprash to a 18 moths old? Suggest treatment for chest pain after ipratropium nebulization inspite of Asthma Suggest treatment for congenital stenosis and the nerve root compression What causes vertigo,pain and pressure at the back of the head and neck? What causes acute onset of vertigo with nausea and vomiting? I experience a lot of nerve pain in my right leg inspite of my history for hematoma and neck injury Should i be concerned with my allergic reactions to shrimp? What would make the inside of your mouth peel? What causes hair loss, anxiety, fatigue, irregular periods and tingling in my arms inspite of using natural progesterone cream? What is the cause and treatment for recurrent rectal bleeding? What causes spontaneous bruising of the eyelids? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Cause and treatment for premature ejaculation How does Progynova, Gestofit and Clomiphene help to conceive a baby ? Suggest treatment for clonic seizure Should i be concerned about the strong odor from my penis after i masturbate? How to close fallopian tubes? Suggest treatment for arm pain and electrical shock in thumb Suggest treatment for multiple fibroids, irregular periods, variable FSH and LH levels? What causes sore throat followed by tingling in fingers and face and stiffness in jaw? What does "Loss of lumber lordosis" mean? Suggest me ways to find out whether am pregnant or not Are neck spasms something that could be caused by Pravastatin usuage? Will i get pregnant inspite of inhomogeneous pattern of the uterine myometrium in the posterior wall of the uterus? What causes nose bleeding? Is pregnancy possible despite having a birth control implant? Is pregnancy possible despite having a birth control implant? Is there any connection between cancer in nodes and cysts in kidneys? What are the symptoms of herpes blisters? What causes intense itching in scalp,arms and face? Tell me ways to find out whether am i pregnant or not? How to increase breast milk production? What causes pain during sex? Is it safe to use Reclast for necrosic hips and upper thigh bone? Is red rash on my cheeks a reaction to Clindamycin? Would an overdose of Xanax, Loratabs, along with excessive consumption of alcohol cause an aneurism? Suggest treatment for schizophrenia,drug induced parkinson and low BP? Treatment for ring worm infection What causes breathlessness at night? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome Is it necessary to take tablets for high LDL levels or i can reduce these high figures with exercise? What causes diarrhea and vomiting? What is the treatment for early-stage hepatitis C virus? What causes slight cough with shortness of breath? Does Hashimotos thyroiditis develops into lymphoma? What does a crease on the left earlobe indicate? Suggest me plan pregnancy inspite of irregular periods and PCOS Suggest treatment for indigestion with throat allergy Suggest treatment for tiredness, numbness and tingling in hands inspite of pinched nerve and degenerative cervical spine What causes neck pain with tingling and numbness in hand? Suggest treatment for piles What causes pain on left lower abdomen? What causes single episode of vomiting and burning sensation on the left side of the tongue? How to get VAP,Pattern A and B, and aLP-Plac tests done? What is the causes and treatment for sinus congestion? What could be the reason for right sided upper abdomen pain and bloating sensation in stomach? What causes palpitations? What would cause calcification in lungs, kidneys and pelvic artery? Is Budecort inhaler intake for 1 year,safe? What causes symptoms of fever with swollen, painful joint and recurrence of symptoms? Suggest treatment for hard and sore bump on the temple Is drinking water in the morning beneficial to health? Suggest treatment for brain fogginess, memory lapses, body aches, head wooshing and a fever inspite of sinus surgery What cuses calf pain with tenderness and swelling? Do blood pressure medication cause disturbed sleep? Suggest treatment for IBS with stress What causes white pimple like bumps on scrotum? What cause sudden rib pain under the left arm? Suggest treatment for rib pain under the left arm Which one of Ritalin or Adderall good for not losing weight? How can i treat severe hypochondria without medication? I have pores on my feet Suggest treatment for dandruff in my eyebrows What precautions should be taken when suffering from kidney stones? Are we too old to have babies at my thirties? Suggest the tests for complete health check up when suffering from adenoids What cause a feeling of mucus stuck at base of throat and breathing difficulty? What causes chest pain, weakness and tingling inspite of normal cardiac and blood tests? Is ballon sinuplasty a better choice for bilateral ostiomeatal block with pansinusitis Suggest treatment for half sided headache inspite of my Cervical Spondylosis How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? How to conceive? What is the cut off weight for a 3 months baby girl? Is there any drug interaction between levodopa for parkinson disease and Azilect and cymbalta for anxiety? Suggest treatment for male pattern hair loss What causes sore throat inspite of having a treated thyroid cancer? What causes clogged right ear with thumping drum while speaking? Suggest treatment for throat pain Should i be concerned about my new born TSH level? What does low troponin value indicate? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation What causes a feeling of obstruction in throat with history of acid reflux? Is it safe to take obimet sr since i am planning for a baby Do Xanax and Adderal intake cause behavioural changes? Is Acid reducer advisable to my son for his unhealthy diet? What causes burning sensation of perineum and buttock followed by blisters? What causes cold, heavy nasal congestion, sneezing and low grade fever? What does pain and a boil at bottom of the molar tooth indicate? What does "monocrytes level in % as 8.2 which is high by .2%" mean?
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