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What causes pain and swelling under eye with pain on blinking? What are the food and medications to be avoided when child having G6PDD? Suggest treatment for benign positional vertigo Suggest remedy for stomach bloating and belching What causes stomach gas after having calcium supplements? Suggest treatment for deep scar and sensitive area around upper eye brow Is bleeding a common side effect of taking I pill? What causes stomach bloating, flatulence and diarrhea? Suggest treatment for itchy anus along with bloating and gas What causes delay in menstruation despite taking Regestrone? Are bloating and itchy anus a sign of worms in the body? Is it normal get respiratory infections in the first 4-5 Years of children? Suggest treatment for tinnitus and distortion in ear Suggest treatment for upset stomach, shortness of breath and weakness Is the following ultrasound report normal? What are the chances of pregnancy after taking I pill? What causes fluctuations in BP? Is clavicle brace the effective treatment for clavicle bone fracture? Can withdrawal from opiates induce an abortion? Suggest treatment for pain in knees and hip What does the thyroid profile of the baby indicate? What causes lumps in cheeks and pain in liver area? Suggest treatment for high blood sugar levels Suggest treatment for sharp pain in back that radiates to the leg What causes dark circles under eyes of a child? Can marijuana be detected in hair follicle test? Is intermittent consumption of i-pill harmful to the health? What causes soreness in biceps and shoulder? What are the side effects of Dicorate when diagnosed with anxiety disorder? Suggest treatment for bacterial vaginosis What causes burning sensation on the eye? Is Adderall a safe drug too use in ADHD? What does my urine analysis report indicate? Suggest remedy for problem with fingers after medication for bronchitis What are the repercussions of the accidental ingestion of Nasivion? Suggest treatment for laryngitis and dry persistent cough What causes wart like skin tag on penis? Suggest treatment for soreness and redness of tongue Is left ventricular hypertrophy curable through medication? What causes stomach ache and frequent urination? What causes numbness in little finger? How long will it take for Vermox to take effect? What causes tingly feeling in hands and feet? For how long does nicotine stay in the body? Suggest treatment for cuts on tip of penis and phimosis Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism and pain on body Suggest treatment for cough, sore throat, salty taste and white tongue What causes dry itchy swollen red lips along with burning feeling? Suggest treatment for GERD and snoring while sleeping What causes regular extension of hip and knee joints in baby? Suggest diet to avoid cold while breastfeeding Suggest treatment for diarrhea and stomach flu What are the chances of HIV infection after a sexual encounter? Suggest treatment for chronic diarrhea What causes dark red discoloration of scrotum? What causes a tingling sensation on penis head? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in skin and penis, fever and body pain What causes vaginal bleeding after menstruation? What causes severe left-sided back pain? Can genital herpes be asymptomatic and go unnoticed? What causes swelling of eyes and pimples on upper cheek? What causes tightness in chest in an asthma patient? What causes low body temperature, severe sinus and bronchial infection? What causes episodes of melena after marathons? Suggest treatment for a genital wart What causes severe vaginal pain during iintercourse? What causes left flank pain during urination? Are BP level at 121/77 and heart rate of 117 normal? What is the hard lump on the foreskin? Does Ledapro have a effect on the prolactin levels? Suggest treatment for severe chest pain, dizziness and shortness of breath Suggest treatment for lump around anus and cyst Suggest remedy for weak erection and decreased libido Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes in neck Suggest treatment for swollen sumandibular gland Suggest treatment for severe back pain Is an HIV antibody test done after 4 months conclusive? Suggest treatment for swollen testis and penis tip Suggest treatment for severe knee pain Suggest treatment for OCD What causes rise in BP during emotional and depressed situations? What are the symptoms of enterobacter cystitis and Klebsiella infection? Can prolonged use of Salbutamol lead to psychosis? What are the chances of HIV transmission through body fluids? Is Systemic sclerosis heritable? What causes weight gain post gall bladder removal? What causes severe pain in center of neck radiating to head? What causes running nose with thick yellow mucus? Suggest treatment for gas, belching and diarrhea Is thumb sucking in infants a serious cause for concern inspite of having lesions on face? Can Vardenafil be taken when taking Lantus Solostar? Suggest treatment for recurrent prostate cancer Is it safe to give Imosec-M for diarrhea? What causes soreness in gums after brushing teeth? Suggest treatment for rapid heart rate and low BP Suggest pain relief medication when on Clindamycin for an infected tooth? Suggest treatment for weight loss and frequent urination Will Disulfiram show up in a blood test? What causes scaly dry skin and itchy spots? What causes rapid heartbeat and nausea after a heavy meal? Is it safe to have ayurvedic medicine along with homeopathy for pilonidal cyst? Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis Suggest treatment for upper respiratory infection What causes hard skin around ankles, open sores on legs and arms? What does this serum creatinine value of 2.2 indicate? Suggest treatment for stomach gas along with panic attacks How to control gastric problem? What causes weird tingling sensation in upper chest while breathing? What causes recurrent swollen eyes along with droopy eyelids? Should a psychiatrist be consulted for treatment of neuropathy? What are the foods that trigger acne? What causes fever every night, flu like symptoms, headache and back pain? What causes horse voice and heart palpitations after having Lotrel? Suggest treatment for severe depression and insomnia Suggest treatment for excessive salivation that is causing difficulty with speech What does this semen analysis indicate? Is it safe to have unprotected sex post HPV infection treatment? What causes headaches and fluctuating body temperature? What causes sore bumps on tip of tongue? What causes itchy bumps all over body? Suggest treatment for pimples and dark pigmentation on eyelids What causes large bruising on knee with pale spots in the middle? Suggest treatment for hypertoxicity and sun burns What causes redness on penis after having intercourse? What are the side effects of Progyluton? How can one tell the difference between sinus infection and tooth infection? What causes tingling feeling on penis head? What causes sudden onset of nose bleeds and red patch inside nose? What causes severe pain in entire pelvic area with history of cyst removal in vertebrae? What causes hearing of clicking sounds while swallowing? What does this CBC result indicate? Is it safe to have extra strength Advil liquid gels for sore throat? What causes cracking sounds when i bend down knees? Is it normal to pass stools nearly 6 to 7 times a day? What causes constant headache radiating from back of neck to left eye? Suggest treatment for redness on nose with history of dental implantation What causes uncontrollable movements all over body when i am sitting? Suggest treatment for coughing up blood and cold What causes reddish circle on tip of nose? What causes fatigue, pressure in ears and across eyes with hearing loss? What causes discomfort and pain in testicular area? Is it normal to have type 3 biliary acid malabsorbtion inspite of suffering from IBS? What causes numbness in ankles along with trouble sleeping? Suggest treatment for type 3 biliary acid malabsorption in an IBS patient What is folded aorta in a chest Xray report? Suggest treatment for acute gastritis Can Roles and Glucoryl M1 both be taken at same time before meal? Suggest treatment for abrasions on penis What causes pinkish jelly like bowel discharge? What causes pain in groin area after lifting heavy weights? What causes uncontrolled BP levels despite having Prolomet and Betaloc? Suggest treatment for flaky red spots on chest Suggest treatment for mild diverticulitis and lower right abdominal pain How long does Tonalin CLA for reducing body fat last in the body? How to increase body muscle inspite of having lean body? How to increase the fat cells in my body? What causes delayed menstruation, spotting and tenderness of breasts? What are the side effects of overdose of Ibuprofen? What does this urinalysis indicate? What causes right-sided breast pain and pain along spine through back? What causes delayed period after having Sysron tablets? Suggest treatment for severe stomach infection What causes hearing loss after cleaning ears? What could cause frenulum tear with blood discharge? How effective is Irinotecan alone in colon cancer? Suggest treatment for prolonged periods and heavy menstrual bleeding What do my cholesterol levels indicate? What does this hormonal profile inspite of trying to conceive indicate? What does this ultrasound report during 32 weeks of pregnancy indicate? What is the normal range of seminal fluid per ejaculate? Suggest medication for head and ear congestion while on Prozac Suggest homeopathic medication for knee ortho arthrites What causes the feeling of something stuck in the throat? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction after treating a stroke Suggest treatment for vertigo and cervical spondylosis Suggest treatment for blocked nose and upper respiratory infection Is a white discharge after unprotected sex indicative of pregnancy? How long does Vermox take to be effective? What does the semen analysis report indicate? What causes blood discharge and sore genitals? Can chocolate be given to a 7 month old child? What does the semen analysis report indicate? Suggest treatment for injury and swelling on foot Does hymen break cause burning sensation during urination? What does the semen analysis report indicate? Can Lyrica be taken for a long period of time? Suggest treatment for anxiety, depression and weight loss What does my semen analysis report indicate? Can HIV be contracted through sexual intercourse? What causes eustachian tube dysfunction, post nasal drip and recurrent otitis externa? Suggest treatment for hiccups and flatulance Are fever, body aches and burning pain in penis indicative of STD? Suggest treatment for irregular menstruation when trying to conceive What does my blood test report indicate? What causes a pressure feeling on arms and hands? Can Tinidazole be taken instead of Dependal-M? Suggest treatment to regenerate the femoral nerve damaged by a haemorrage Suggest treatment for functional constipation Suggest ways to wean off Restyl Suggest treatment for atrial flutter
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