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What causes vomiting in children while travelling? Does Novolog interact with Symlin? How can a sore on the cheek be treated? Suggest treatment for restricted movement and pain in the shoulder post injury Suggest treatment for severe muscle spasms in the neck Is Tylenol an effective alternative to Norco for chronic pain? Can beta-glucans be taken while on Cozaar and Plavix? What causes elevated iron levels in the brain? Suggest pain management treatment for osteoarthritis What causes depression in an alcoholic? How soon a gastrostomy tube be reinserted after inadvertent removal of a G-tube? Is basal cell carcinoma curable? What causes tingling sensation in the limbs? Suggest treatment for redness in the eye Is smoking Marijuana during pregnancy advisable? Suggest treatment for chronic migraine and complex partial seizures Suggest treatment for right side body pain despite taking Pregabalin Can Medroxy Progesterone terminate pregnancy? What causes severe pain in the breast and under the arm? Suggest treatment for pancreatitis How can red bumps all over the face be treated? Can Lamotrigine be taken for bipolar disorder? Suggest treatment for grade 2 changes in the placenta during pregnancy What causes diarrhea, severe cramps and bloating? Suggest treatment for tightness at the elbow that radiates to the shoulders Can Adair be taken while suffering from asthma? Can Aspirin and Advil be taken together? Suggest treatment for radiating pain from the hip to the foot Suggest treatment for stye on the eyelids What do lightheadedness and BP of 207/102 indicate? What causes red discoloration of skin on the hands? What causes pain in the knee and lower back after running? What causes wheezing along with fatigue and headache? Suggest treatment for peeling skin on the penis after applying Dettol Suggest treatment for Cocaine addiction Suggest treatment for low sodium levels Suggest remedies for loose watery stool in an infant Suggest treatment for swollen lips after taking Ibuprofen What does an episode of hot flashes, sweating and weakness indicate? What causes lower left abdominal pain? What causes weak nail folds when diagnosed with Down syndrome? What do these lab reports for HSV infection indicate? What causes erectile dysfunction during intercourse? How can a dark spot on the nose be treated? Suggest treatment for recurrent canker sores What doest this abdominal ultrasound report indicate? Can HIV infection be contracted through a transvaginal ultrasound device? Can HSV-1 be contracted through sharing an object? What causes tiredness and weakness while on Plavix and Aspirin? Can paralysis be treated? Is alcohol consumption advisable while on Xanax? Suggest ways to manage the side effects of Thyronorm tablets What do these SGPT and SGOT levels indicate? What does the following audiology test report indicate? Is a negative test result for syphilis conclusive? Suggest medication for sinus infection What causes urinary retention after coronary angiography? What causes redness on the urethra and swelling in the testicle? What causes pain and tenderness in the abdomen? What causes peeling skin on the face while on thiazide? What causes delayed tooth eruption in a child? Suggest treatment for lower back pain while standing What causes uncoordinated movement in the legs? Suggest treatment for pain, swelling and soreness of the muscles Is the composition of Fluticasone and Flonase same? Suggest treatment for swelling of the throat and lips Suggest remedies for pins and needles sensation in the foot What causes red dots on the palate? Could benzyl alcohol cause respiratory issues? What does the following T scan result indicate? How can a sore on the penis be treated? Is genital herpes infection transmission possible through unprotected oral sex? What causes purulent umbilical discharge? Is Becosules syrup advisable for a 3 year old child? What causes left sided chest pain? Can Oxycontin cause tingling and numbness sensations in the leg? Can Oxycontin cause tingling sensation in the legs? What does this echocardiogram report indicate? What does vomiting up of clear liquid with brown particles indicate? How often should thyroid function test be done to diagnose thyroid disorders? Can thoracic spine issues cause pectoral muscle spasms and tightness? Does intake of Duphaston affect pregnancy? How to confirm if the hymen is intact or not? Suggest treatment for persistent bump on the forehead post injury Suggest treatment for anal fissures Suggest treatment for recurrent UTI and enlarged prostate Suggest treatment for severe itching on the abdomen during pregnancy What causes sharp pain in the forehead with dizziness? Can rubella contracted during early pregnancy cause congenital defects? What causes poor concentration while treating anxiety? Suggest an alternative medicine for restless legs Suggest treatment for nausea, gastritis and bilateral leg pain Suggest treatment for dry mouth and headaches Suggest treatment for depression What causes a sense of foul smell in the nostrils? Suggest treatment for swollen lymph nodes, headaches and insomnia Suggest treatment for liver cirrhosis Suggest treatment for enterobacter infection in the nasal cavity after surgery Suggest treatment for rashes on the wrists Suggest treatment for scar tissues after an episiotomy and painful intercourse Can Escitalopram and Hydroxyzine be taken together? Suggest treatment for blisters and swelling on the foot when diagnosed with bunion Suggest remedies to control severe itching when diagnosed with skin allergy What causes persistent depressive symptoms despite taking medication? Can the level of IGF1 in the body be increased? Suggest treatment for profuse underarm sweating along with itchy rashes Suggest treatment for sleeping issues, diarrhea and tingling sensation in legs Suggest treatment for severe sore throat and productive cough Suggest treatment for persistent dizziness and nausea What causes deep venous thrombosis while having atrial fibrillation? Suggest treatment for severe pain in the head What do the following test reports when trying for pregnancy indicate? Suggest treatment for high BP and dizziness Can the ingredients of energy drink cause fruity breath odor? What do the following test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic urticaria Suggest treatment for cold urticaria How risky is radiation from electrical appliances? What causes a red spot on the uvula? Is exposure to Butoxyethanol, phthalates and parabens harmful while having Parkinson's disease? Suggest treatment for cold and runny nose while suffering from pneumonia Suggest treatment for symptoms of C. perfringens infection Is smoking Marijuana advisable while having schizoaffective disorder? Is RBC count of 3.66 a cause for concern? What causes heaviness in the lower left abdomen and groin area? Suggest diet for weight loss What causes facial asymmetry with numbness and radiating pain in the neck? What causes rapid heart beats while suffering from diarrhea? Can Miconazole be used while suffering from jock itch? What causes lymph node swelling behind the ear? Is Glutathione an effective medication for chronic fatigue? What causes thick sticky mucus in the nasal cavity and breathing difficulty? Suggest treatment for delayed menstruation Suggest treatment for post nasal drip Suggest treatment for back pain after injury What do these following PET-CT reports indicate? Can coconut oil be used for dementia? What causes low blood platelet count? What causes fluttering sensation in the lip, legs and abdomen while having ALS? Suggest treatment for persistent migraine How soon after a miscarriage can one try to conceive again? Suggest treatment for hamstring strain after a fall What causes folliculitis on the legs? Suggest treatment for stomach pain, diarrhea and cough What causes a small lump on the labia minora? What causes a bump on the labia? How long Enterogermina can be taken? Is alternative intake of Ciprofloxacin and Amoxicillin for 12 months advisable? Does anxiety cause tingling sensation throughout the body? What causes tingling sensation in the foot while having Raynaud's disease? Can Enterogermina be taken while treating tuberculous lymphadenitis? Is HbA1c of 7.3% a cause for concern? Is uterine fibroid removal possible through a c-section surgery? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and dehydration Can Tryptophan and Phenylalanine be taken together? Is progesterone level of 38 a cause for concern? Can Gabapentin be taken along with Aptiom post Levetiracetam discontinuation? What does this MRI report indicate? What does the following blood test report indicate? What do excessive sweating and cough in a person with Parkinson's indicate? What causes blood in urine and stinging pain in the penis? Suggest treatment for fungal infection under the fingernails Can Cerelac be given to 9 month old infant? What causes tenderness in the testicle? What causes a bump at the back of the head after a fall? What causes blood in urine? What causes popping sensation in the ball of the foot? What causes headache while on Cephalexin? Suggest remedies for redness in the eye What causes pain in the testicle and lower back? Suggest remedies for non-itchy rashes on the legs, stomach and back What causes stomach cramps and pelvic pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle? What does a bicuspid pulmonary valve indicate? What causes upper abdominal pain during pregnancy? What causes chills, hot flashes and depression in a 77 year old? What causes chronic multisymptom illness? What causes chills and frequent urination? What is dysphagia? Suggest treatment for constipation Can elevated glucose levels be reduced by healthy diet? What causes frequent bowel movements in a developmentally disabled person? What causes delayed menstruation after desynchronosis? What causes difficulty in urinating and lower abdominal pain? Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of high doses of Amlodipine Suggest treatment for accidental ingestion of high doses of Amlodipine Suggest treatment for a swollen and bruised finger What does this urine report indicate? Is missing a single dose of Synthroid a cause for concern? What causes pain in the back radiating to the head? What causes hives when diagnosed with a positive urine test report? What causes tiredness and dizziness? Is Amlodipine an effective alternative to Lisinopril? Suggest treatment for headache while on Eliquis What causes abnormal and foul odored vaginal discharge? What does this chest x-ray report indicate? What causes a soft lump on the bridge of the nose? What causes a lump on the thigh after vaccination? Suggest treatment for excessive hair loss while on Nexium What causes a change in the voice? What causes mood swings while on Nardil?
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