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Chest pain, discomfort in shoulder blade and arm due to heart problems? Pain medicine more effective than Norco for back and hip stiffness? Suggestions to be a better listener? Is sinus arrhythmia T wave change a serious condition? Medicine to get rid of blocked ears, running nose, and sneezing? Treatment for eye twitching and irritation? Treatment for long-term depression, lack of confidence, and inferiority complex? Cause of painful bumps on neck, behind ear, and on scalp? Suggest treatment for heel pain Suggest treatment for irritation in throat Can protected oral sex lead to a STD? What causes discolouration of toe nails? What does " hypospermatogenesis and no sperms" in testicular biopsy test mean? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids How to get prescription medication for depression and anxiety online? What causes small round ball like bowel movement? What does " FSH was 4.2" indicate? What causes lumps under the armpit? What causes appearance of dilated blood vessels on hands? What does blockage in bile duct and a fatty liver indicate> Suggest treatment for prostate cancer gleason grade eight What does painless lump on the shin indicate? What is the cause and treatment for severe knee pain and stiffness? What causes itching in the groin area? Is a myeloproliferative disorder patient classified as immunocompromised? What does pain and swelling on hand joints indicate? What causes light bleeding during periods? Suggest treatment for shortness of breath due to anxiety Suggest treatment for chest Pain and bloating caused by TB medication What causes breathing difficulty? What does a bump filled with pus over the vagina indicate? What causes onesided pain on scalp? Will Prohemia increase feritin levels? Suggest treatment for difficult in eating due to anxiety What causes foreskin tear after an intercourse? What is the cause and treatment for acid reflux? What causes pressure behind the eyes and temples? What causes depression? Does Stress fracture lead to swollen legs, cold, blue feet and numb toes? How to diagnose hiatal hernia? What causes pain during intercourse in pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe heartburn What causes pain with cracking noise emanating from the sternum? Does Trapic MF cause nausea? What causes colourless sticky gel discharge from penis? Is Atrial Fib and Arrythmia different? Suggest treatment for anxiety with acute panic attacks Is Immunoglobulin mandatory after a dog bite? Suggest treatment for sciatica pain Can a knee injury cause Osteoarthritis and medial synovial plica? What causes tenderness at the pelvic bone? What does a scar with bump on top of the eye indicate? Wht is pathophysiology,symptoms,complications and treatment of TURP? How to reduce BMI? What do white patch on the face indicate? What causes muscle and joint aches? Suggest treatment for cellulitis on leg What do red blister-like bumps on the spine indicate? Is Augmentin intake safe during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for kidney infection symptoms Suggest treatment for respiratory tract infection What causes tooth ache? Does Vitamin B12 deficiency lead to mobility issues? Suggest treatment for stomach infection Is Lasix advisable for an elderly person? What causes extreme dryness of skin and brittleness of nails? What would be the cause of excessive dry skin all over body and distorted fingernails? What causes left hand pain? What is this pill that is white,football shape with 215 imprinted on one side? What causes trembling when on Advair,Combivent,Atrovent,Xopenex and Metrprolol? Is travelling advisable with a hematoma on one breast? Suggest treatment for BiPolar Disorder type2 what does increasing cough with sharp chest pain indicate? What causes shoulder pain with tingling feeling in fingers? Can croup disease continue into adulthood? Struggling with chemotherapy induced severe constipation Does insulin causes weight loss? What are the side effects of long term usage of diuretic? What causes skin rash? What causes full body skin rash? Can irritation in throat be a side effect of taking simvastatin and felodopine for dry cough? What causes ice pick headaches? What causes stomach ache in childeren? Is lactic acid cream advisable for post inflammatory pigmentation? What causes severe pain at back and legs? What causes nausea with headaches and lightheadedness? What causes unexplained thirst and appetite loss? What is the causes and treatment for eustachian tube dysfunction? How long do i need to take wellbutrin and citaloptan for depression? What causes Fibroadenomas? Suggest diet to be taken during pregnancy What causes pailful large lump on the bottom of the testicle? How to treat low sperm count? What is the best recommendation for a combo skin? What causes weight loss and appetite loss when suffering from Ehlers–Danlos syndrome? What causes swelling in hands and feet when suffering with heart disease? Suggest me whether to take i pill without an intercourse Suggest me treatment for my improper digestion What causes delayed periods after takeing unwanted 72? How to treat my sex life suffering with diabetics, hypertension and depression? What causes frequent bloody bowel movements? What does these urinalysis results indicate How serious is fatty liver grade II and mild bulky uterus? Suggest pain relief medication for chronic pain syndrome What causes lower back pain which radiates down to legs? Does tramadol withdrawal cause swelling of lower limbs and congestion? What causes chest pain with belching when BP goes high? What causes secretion of pinkish mucus coming out of esophagus while coughing after eating buscuits? What is the treatment for incomplete evacuation of feces ? Is there any chance of having A positive child to O blood group parents? What does EOS range of 8.1 and 9.3 indicate? What is the cause and treatment of degenerative disc disease? What causes vomiting after each feed in a baby? Suggest treatment for muscle strain with red spots Suggest treatment for sleeplessness without effecting my pregnancy What causes drowsiness at noon? Suggest treatment for hair fall and hair damage What causes fordyce spots on penis? Suggest me treatment for mouth ulcers inside my inner cheeks What causes breathing difficulty? What does " two hemangiomas in the right lobe of the liver" mean? What is the reason for dark skin in areas such as back and sides of neck? Does vitamin consumption help in regainging memory? What causes sever nasal congestion? What causes severre back ache? Is flying advisable with haematoma in lower leg? How to increase stamina? How to prevent Stinky Feet during winter? What does a dark red patch on the sides of nose indicate? Is it safe to use normaxin daily for my sensitive colon without doctor's prescription? What is the treatment for breast cancer metastasis? Suggest treatment for bronchitis with COPD Should i be concerned with these blood test values? Treatment for gastritis What is the cause and treatment for leg pain? Suggest treatment for severe hip pain for non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma patient Can I take the supplement Marine d3 while I am pregnant? What causes irregular periods? Suggest treatment for idiopathic peripheral neuropathy Does Carnitine help in weight loss? Suggest treatment for loose motion What does abnormal cells in a Pap test indicate? Suggest treatment for pain due to compressed nerve What is the treatment for people allergic to dust,changing temperature and sunlight? Does Seroquel used for insomnia also help depression? What are the benefits of taking hormone replacements? Suggest me home remedies for thick cough Suggest treatment for itchiness caused due to ticks Should i be concerned about my husband's edema in the lower legs, ankles and feet? How should durian fruit be consumed for infertility issues? Should i be concerned about swallowing a shrimp shell accidently? Suggest treatment for lower back pain What is the reason for dizziness,pain and tingling sensation in my left hand fingers? What causes pain under the rib with lightheadedness? What drugs causes confusion? Should i be concerned over a very large and pale yellow stool? Is it safe to take Creatine with L-Ariginine? Can spleen injury cause abdominal and neck pain? What should be done after accidental intake of expired paracetamol syrup? What does ALP of 158 indicate? Is stomach ache, nausea and sweating a side effect of using vivotif? Does liptor usuage lead to severe lower back pain and difficulty to walk? What causes urinary incontinence during the day> What does "progestin levels at 2,000" during pregnancy indicate? What is the treatment for continuous diarrhea and vomiting? Can Aclasta infussions cause choronic coughing? Suggest treatment for gluteal decubitus caused after prolonged sitting What is the appropriate Amoxicillin dosage for ear infection? What is the reason for stuffy nose, nausea and heartburn during the day? Suggest treatment for symptoms of concussion What is the treatment for papules and nodules on my arms and legs? Does Synthroid cause dry mouth syndrome What could be the reason for peeling off of outer labia's skin? Does DS Bactrim cause occasional burning while voiding? Suggest treatment for hypermetropia with astigmatism What causes lower abdominal pain when sneezing during pregnancy? What causes shortness of breath ,muscle pain , fatigue, some depression, anxiety,some dizziness? How fast do thyroid nodules grow? What does CRP of .55 ng/ml indicate? What causes high BP? What does a small lump on foreskin indicate? What causes erectile dysfunction? Should i be concerned about the clicking sound from the knee in the absence of ache? What are the causes for loss of concentration, not listening to others and unable to complete tasks ? Is it safe to take bactrim, valtrex and erythricin all in a day? What causes vaginal pressure during menstrual cycle? Suggest treatment for diverticulitis flare-up with infection Is presence of blood in the stool is the result of over dose code liver oil? What causes blood in stool? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism Does a cystocele get worse with pregnancy and childbirth? Suggest me a substitute for TUS Q-DX syrup for sore throat and cough Could usuage of Gabapentin lead to lack of weightloss inspite of low calorie diet? How can i stop using Panderm plus for fairer skin without any side effects? How do to get rid of red face and neck? What do you think of taking cymbalta for anxiety depression for long terms but still no results? Does Galvust met causes abdominal pain? What causes elevated Hba1c levels? What is the treatment for fibromyalgia? Is Gramogyl safe for diarrhoea treatment?
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