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Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis Can make up be applied during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for flatulence Suggest treatment for swollen hand after vaccination What do black spot apperaing on face indicate? What causes painful bowel movements and bleeding? What is the cause and treatment for vertigo? What causes urge to defecate and incomplete evacuation? What causes a tingling sensation in lower right shin? Suggest treatment for abdominal bloating and swollen legs What causes travelling pain from groin to the knee? Suggest treatment for cold sore What causes sudden swelling near neck on the back of head? What do blisters on penis indicate? Can my urine test show positive for marijuana? Suggest treatment for itchy scalp Suggest treatment for migraine and tension headaches What causes delayed periods What causes stomach pain and diarrhea after eating out? How to flush out CO2 narcosis from body? What are my chances of getting HIV infection? What causes numbness with pins and needles on foot whlie bending knees? What are the contraindications of an Ayurvedic abdominal massage? What causes white mucus in the stool ? What causes hairloss when suffering from PCOD? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder? What causes seborrheic keratosis lesions on back and scalp? What tests are should be done for a routine health check up? What causes mouth ulcers,joint pain and nerve pain after a C-section? What causes sudden weight gain? How can I concieve? What causes tightness of neck and inability to walk? What causes discomfort in upper abdomen below the ribcage? What causes tightness of neck and inability to walk? Should I continue Rexpra intake for depression? Suggest treatment for anxiety What does RVDD measurement of 3.5 indicate? What causes abdominal bloating with heaviness and pressure? Does adrenal insufficiency cause fatigue? What does a hard bump on finger indicate? Suggest treatment for ligament injury on knees What causes stomach bloating and how to prevent it? What causes loose stools with abdominal pain after eating out? Why is my penis curved? What causes appearance of hard vein from under arm to fore arm? How to get pregnant soon? What causes mild pelvic pain and left sided back pain? What does my blood test report suggest? Suggest treatment for pain due to degenerative disc disease What causes inflation in the pubic area? Is travelling safe during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for cluster headaches What is a complex ovarian cyst? Why am I having difficulty getting off of lorazepam? Will a ten day dose of Amoxycilin treat Chlamydia? Can Finasteride tablets and Tamsulosin be taken together? Suggest treatment for severe shoulder pain What causes leg and foot cramps at night? Does Nabilone show up in a broad spectrum urine drug? What causes bad headaches in children? What causes numbness in hands and arms? What does a brown spot on roof of the mouth indicate? What is atheromatous aorta and what is the treatment for it? Is Eption tablet safe for treatment of seizures? What causes hypokia and deterioration in health? is yoga advisable for low back pain? What causes feeling of cold extremities? How is HSV1 transmitted? What does my laboratory test report indicate? How much i-pill content is detected in blood? How to get flat stomach in one month? Suggest life style modification to keep cholesterol levels under control What doctor treats sinusitis issue? What causes burning sensation in the stomach? What causes heart palpitations? What causes behavioural changes during adolescence? Suggest treatment for allergy Suggest treatment for GERD in pregnancy What causes pain and lumpy varicose veins in leg? Suggest treatment for fibromyalgia What causes low hemoglobin level? Does Gleason of 9 and PSA of 96 indicate prostate cancer? What causes joint and muscle pain? What causes bulky spinal cord? What causes palpitations while on Requip? Can rectal prolapse lead to a liver abscess? Suggest treatment for inflammation in thighs and for sciatica What causes Bitter taste in oral cavity? What causes stomach bloating and gas? What causes premature ejaculation? What causes sudden weight gain and edema on legs? What precautions should be taken before getting a massage? Suggest treatment for itching all over body What causes increased pulse rate after having meals? Suggest treatment for feeling knot on upper umbilicus area What causes hiccups after an appendix surgery? What causes uncontrollable itching of my feet? Suggest treatment for skin amyloidosis How to reduce weight? Suggest treatment for severe headache What causes severe heaviness of chest, chest pain and sweating? What does my pathology tests report indicate? What causes shivering in hands and legs after taking Clamp kid forte? Does adrenal gland control desire or drive for things? What causes hypoglycemia? Suggest tests for oral cancer How does adrenal gland affect sex? What causes stomach upset after taking Methylprednisolone? What causes lower abdominal pain? Does I pill usage have effect on future pregnancy? Suggest treatment for MDR TB What causes allergic rashes on body? Should i continue PCOS treatment even not planning for pregnancy? How serious is low ejection fraction? How long do circumcision stitches take to get dissolved? How to control BP? What causes heart rate below 60? Suggest tests to confirm HIV What causes low heartrate? What causes ear pain? What does a white circle on scalp indicate? Suggest treatment for yellowish teeth,cavities and bad breath What causes dry throat and cough? How to keep my hair healthy? Why causes stool discharge form the belly button? What causes liquid discharge from belly button? What causes heart burn? What causes rash on arms? What causes liquid discharge from belly button? What causes groin pain? Suggest treatment for anxiety attack What causes tooth pain on a back molar? Suggest treatment for minimally invasive follicular carcinoma Suggest treatment for boil on buttock What causes sounds from neck while moving it? Will alcohol consumption effect serum serotonin and dopamine blood test? What causes bald patchs on scalp? How Mifiprin kit tablet is used? What causes bumps in the vagina and on buttocks? How Valsartan for headache is used? Does Finastride cause testicular ache? What causes redness of knee after an injury? What causes cheek pain after an injury? What causes leg pain involving buttocks and calf muscles with fecal incontinence? What causes skin rash on abdomen? Can chicken pox reoccur? What causes fever and cough? What causes weakness and incordination in arm with blurred vison? What causes chills and body ache? Is relocation of ectopic pregnancy possible? Suggest treatment for shaking, nausea, groggy and headache What causes double vision problem? What causes lip swelling after taking Duloxetine? Is MRSA infection transmissible to child from mother? Can i get pregnant even with tubal ligation? What does a lump in breast indicate? Is the liver able to fight off cancer leisions during chemotherapy? What causes severe pain in shoulder and upper arm? What is the BMI of these weight and height? What causes body shaking and rapid heart beat after hot bath? Suggest treatment for public speaking anxiety What causes Nose block, constant running nose and sneezing? Suggest treatment for hair loss What is benadryl dosage for allergies? What causes drowsiness,confusion and appetite loss when suffering from kidney disease? What causes bloating of abdomen? What causes bowel movements after feeding? What causes excess sweating? Suggest treatment for pustules Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder What causes tingling sensation in breast? What causes increased heart rate? What causes one testicle smaller than other? What causes knee pain while standing up? What causes short of breath and pain in my chest? How to lose weight? Can i get pregnant with no ejaculation? What causes bump on testicle after an unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for MRSA infection What causes high hemoglobin level? What causes frequent urination and dull pain in testicles? What are the chances of getting pregnant after a condom break? What causes suicidal thoughts when suffering from Trichotillomania Suggest treatment for PCOS and Obesity Suggest treatment for skin rash What causes swollen vulva after rough masturbation? What causes exessive stomach gas and burping? What causes pain in testicles and leg? What causes congenital hypothyroidism? Suggest treatment for herniated disc and epidural thickening Is sweating less, a health concern? What causes right side pain? What causes constant calf and leg muscle pain? What causes severe right sided abdominal pain after a miscarriage? Suggest treatment for hopper ant bite What causes left sided chest pain? Suggest treatment for anxiety What causes stomach pain, diarrhea and extreme tiredness? Is Paxidep a good alternative to Paraxotene? What causes pain in renal region?
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