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What are the chances of STD transmission through protected sex? Are Cipralex and Paxidep the right medicines for agoraphobia? Suggest treatment for constant pain in lower back post injury What causes bleeding from superficial veins? Suggest treatment for frequent urination and pain in hips Suggest treatment for itchy hemorrhoids Suggest treatment for chronic ischemic gliosis Suggest treatment for ping pong size lump on arm pit? Suggest treatment for severe pain across mid back Suggest treatment for prickly, warm sensations on stomach skin What causes severe pains in lower abdomen? Suggest treatment for chronic sinusitis What causes numbness in little finger? What causes darkening of face post HIV medication usage? Suggest treatment for pain in right hand post injury What do low chloride and sodium levels mean? What is the dosage of Carvedilol? Can i use Dermadew cream on burns? What does my endoscopy result suggest? Suggest treatment for chicken pox scars on face What causes painful hard bump behind left ear? What does a red rash around groin area indicate? What does "mild pelvicalycial system is dilated in both kidney" mean? Suggest remedy for shortness of breadth Suggest remedy for severe itching on legs Suggest treatment for severe pain on knee sides Suggest remedy for rashes due to deodorant Does Duromine cause lightheadedness and dizziness? Suggest treatment for infection of uterus Does thyroid medicine cause fiber like discharge in urine? What causes urinary incontinence? Suggest treatment for food allergies What does my liver function test mean? Suggest treatment for feeling of lump in anus Suggest treatment for arthritis Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Does Trazodone have a delayed effect? What are the chances of wart being malignant? Suggest diet supplements to be taken after work out Suggest remedy for tingling sensation on penis tip Suggest treatment plan for poly-cystic kidney disease What are the side effects of Effexor? Suggest treatment for persistent bleeding after removing copper T Suggest treatment for presence of blood in urine Suggest treatment for low testosterone and problem in erection Suggest treatment for gastric problems Suggest treatment to loose weight How can bad breath be treated How do drugs affect the kidneys and creatinine levels? What causes dizziness followed by hearing problem and distorted vision? Can the reduction in Celexa dosage cause depression? Suggest treatment for drowsiness and frequent cough and cold What are the side effects for prolonged use of Indocap? Suggest treatment for gas formation and stomach upset What causes pain while taking deep breath? What is the effect of cystic fibrosis? Suggest medication changes for person suffering from heart disease Suggest medicine for psoriasis on penis head Suggest treatment for sore throat, sneezing and loss of appetite What causes less bleeding during periods? What is the life expectancy when suffering from cirrhosis and hepatitis B & C? Suggest treatment for circular rash on penis How to get rid of sweat bumps on penis? Suggest treatment for blood in urine Is a PAP smear necessary to examine bumps in vagina? Does Prozac cause dry facial skin? How often can one masturbate? What causes strong metal taste and smell in mouth? Is a 4cm cystic lesion on liver a matter of concern? What do small lesions in pubic region indicate? Is impregnation possible with low sperm count? Suggest treatment to cure black spot on face Are people sensitive to wheat protein also sensitive to oat, rye, and barley? What causes acidity and frequent urination while on Thyronorm? How to remove Adderall from fetus during pregnancy? What is the cause and treatment for mood disorder? Suggest treatment for fever Suggest treatment for alcoholism How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What causes left sided lower abdominal pain? Does Microgynon cause night sweats? What causes pain in back of neck radiating to arms? How to withdraw from Ultracet? Can clarified butter be given to an infant? Suggest treatment for forehead swelling caused by an injury What cause pain in bones after switching from Crestor Calcium to Pravastatin Sodium? What causes severe pain in wrist? Does Zyrtec or Ranitidine cause false negative result for Vicodin in urine test? What do painful clusters bumps on penis indicate? Does Xanax cause pericarditis? What causes fluttering feeling in pubic area? What does positive HSV1 mean? What causes tenderness in lower left abdomen? How should Nitro and Lidocaine be applied for treatment of anal fissure? What is the life expectancy of a heart patient with artificial heart valve? What causes irregular bowel moments with pale brownish yellow stool? What causes palpitations? Suggest treatment for acute hair fall What causes hot hands and feet? Does clostridium difficle infection reoccur? What causes headaches with numbness in lips and arms? How to build strong immunity? What causes delayed periods? Does small penis size cause difficulty in impregnation? What causes numbness on face after taking Prozac? What causes tingling sensation on face? For what purpose is Regestrone prescribed during pregnancy? Suggest an alternative of sugar to keep diabetes under control Suggest treatment for sphenoidal sinus polyp What causes severe torso itching? What causes burning on soles of feet? What causes slow heart beat and low BP? What causes late periods with negative UPT? What causes pain in inner thigh radiating to right foot? What is the treatment for radiculopathy? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Is D&C the right solution for no fetal heart beat during early pregnancy? What causes pain in upper abdomen radiating to left side? What does this thyroid report result indicate? Can i take Metformin, folic acid and Duphaston together? What causes pain in left eye despite having squamous cell cancer on forehead? Is Taxim OZ the right medicine for Typhoid? What does this AFI value during 38 weeks of pregnancy indicate? What causes pain while urination? What causes joint pains after having Collagen powder? What is the right dosage of Vigamox eye drops for conjunctivitis? What causes sneezing after nasal flu spray shot? What does this urine culture test result indicate? What causes abdominal discomfort with normal CT scan? What causes urge to urinate and pain during urination? What are the chances of HIV transmission through shaving blades? Suggest treatment for myopic macular degeneration What causes swollen lymph nodes in right side of neck? What does this health checkup report post C-section indicate? Can i take Trazodone, Prozac and Klonopin together? Can i have IUI procedure post follicle dispersion? Suggest treatment for sensitive teeth and stained teeth How to terminate 13 weeks of pregnancy? Can i take Trazodone, Prozac and Klonopin together? Suggest treatment for plica fimbriata under tongue Suggest treatment for ankle pain post injury What causes cloudy urine and pain during urination? Suggest treatment for swollen arms in a Meth user What causes sensitive feet, joint pains and rash on chest? What causes lesions in breast with family history of breast cancer? Is there a special diet which would help arthritis symptoms? Can probiotic be taken while hydrating? What does the presence of blood in stool indicate? What does my following MRI scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for bruise on inner elbow Suggest treatment for pain due to spleen injury What causes bruising on legs? What causes chest tightness after taking botox injections? Suggest treatment for mothers milk jaundice in an infant Suggest treatment for bumps under the penis Suggest treatment for high fever What causes lower stomach pain and lower back pain? What causes pain on right side while drinking? Does carrot juice induce orange colored stool? What causes nausea, swelling in legs and fatigue in someone with high BP? What causes bumps under penis and around base of penis? Suggest treatment for high blood calcium levels What causes muscle pains in upper left arm? What causes diarrhea, cold sensation and sweating? How to remove metal fillings from body? Suggest treatment for maniac behavior Suggest treatment for scab on back What causes late periods,constipation and morning sickness? How long can i take Xanax for anxiety? What causes tremors in hand and tingling sensation in arms? Suggest treatment for painful hernia in lower groin area Suggest treatment for hair stuck inside rectum How to terminate pregnancy using Mifegest kit? Suggest treatment for injury on upper thigh Suggest treatment for swollen vagina with yellow discharge How long does Marijuana stay in body? What causes high white blood cell count and anemia? What causes stomach discomfort and nausea? What causes frequent nausea and stomach discomfort? Suggest treatment for mark on penis head Could shoulder pain mean a torn labrum? Suggest treatment for depression Could a torn labrum be detected in an MRI scan? How long does Viagra stay in the system? What causes acute pain in ankles and other parts of the leg? Suggest treatment for pain in gums without physical injury What causes urinary incontinence and constipation? Suggest treatment for high sugar, BP and numbness in left hand What causes left testicle and abdomen pain and constant urge to urinate? What causes sore throat, jaw and stomach pain, and sneezing? What are the side effects of Feliz's plus? What are the effects of long term use of Levipil in women? Is quaker masala oats healthy enough to be eaten everyday? Suggest treatment for myasthenia What causes increased heart rate in a lactating mother? Suggest treatment for athlete's foot Suggest treatment for bleeding from left forearm Can doing meth cause severe pain in testicles? Suggest treatment for pain after MTP What causes pain and swelling in neck?
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