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Suggest treatment for stress and trauma due to dental infection Is Wellbutrin,Zoloft and Amitriptylene safe to be used together? Suggest treatment for dog bite Suggest treatment for rashes and dark patches on skin due to Skinlite cream usage Suggest remedy for pain in chest muscles after a fall What does this lipid profile test indicate? Suggest treatment for anxiety, insomnia and headaches Are there ways to decrease one's height? Can rope skipping during early pregnancy lead to miscarriage? What causes red dots followed by peeling skin on hands and legs? What are the chances of Hep B infection transmission through non penetrative sex? Suggest treatment for painful and hard cyst Suggest treatment for blocked nose and mild fever in infant Suggest treatment for bladder infection What causes cervical erosion with normal pap smear test? Suggest treatment for sore and itchy buttocks What causes soreness and itchiness in between buttocks? What causes tiny bumps around the outer area of anus? What causes extreme pain during an MRI? What causes elevated GGT levels? What do my test results indicate? What causes elevated GGT levels? Which are the most fertile days during menstrual cycle What causes pain in lower back area and testicle? Suggest treatment for migraine headaches with history of cervical spine fusion surgery Suggest treatment for pain in mid back and left shoulder What causes diarrhea after having antibiotics for vomiting? Are spasms of long muscles a side effect of ketamine infusion therapy? Suggest treatment for oral submucus fibrosis Suggest treatment for discomfort on penis tip Suggest treatment for ocular migraines What causes dark substance in stool after eating mushrooms? What are the withdrawal symptoms on stopping Adderall usage? Is corona virus infection in cats transmissable to humans? What are the side effects of Levolin and Budecort? What causes extreme bloating, tender abdomen and yellow urine? Suggest treatment for red scaly looking mark on penis What causes late periods despite having Restrogen? What causes fatigue after having bowel movements? Suggest treatment for intense pain in kidney area and below rib cage What causes pain after urination? Is spilling of few drops of T mimic syrup into nose a serious cause for concern? Suggest treatment for pain in penis What does my thyroid ultrasound result indicate? Suggest treatment for itchy and sore penis with dry skin What causes unexplained swelling of arms and hands? What cause fatigue after passing stool? Suggest treatment to lower the stress levels and BP What causes pain at base of skull and fever after lymph gland removal? What causes constant movement in stomach with loud noises and pain? Suggest treatment for back pain after gall bladder surgery What causes red dry skin on face and itchy redness on neck? Suggest treatment for red spots and rashes on stomach Suggest treatment for laryngopharyngeal reflux What causes intermittent brown discharge and stomach cramps? Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy a suitable treatment for schizophrenia? Suggest ways to cure bladder infection without antiiotics Suggest remedy for absence of periods after wrongly taking birth control pills How long does cocaine remain in the system? What causes bleeding and pain in lower abdomen pain after partial hysterectomy Does sciatica cause anxiety? What causes mild spotting and lower abdomen pain? Does thyroid blood test detect problems in the adrenalin gland? Suggest treatment for pediatric reactive airway disease Suggest treatment for itchy and swollen testicles Suggest treatment for cluster headaches and thumping sound in ears Suggest treatment for itching and swelling bumps when suffering from scabies Suggest treatment for viral diarrhea Can magnesium intake effect the results of smart pill test? Suggest remedy for dizziness while excercising Suggest treatment for post surgical skin infections ? What causes heart palpitations after c-section? Suggest treatment for painful swelling and burning sensation Suggest treatment for burning sensation on scrotum and penis Suggest treatment for itchy hands and diarrhea after flu shot Suggest treatment for rashes and bumps on scrotum What causes brownish vaginal discharge and bleeding in the urine passage area? Should Dexilant necessarily be taken 30 mins before food? What is meant by dilated common bile duct and obstruction? What causes burning scratches all over body? What is the reason for pelvic pain during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pain behind knee after playing badminton Suggest treatment for blocked nose and hoarse voice Can Eritl-ch 80 be substituted with Telmicartan? What causes knot on swollen painful labia? Suggest remedy for bad cough Is it safe to give Liv 52 for low appetite in a 2.8 year old? Is skin grafting a permanent solution for corneal ulcer and corneal perforation? Suggest treatment for toxic epidermal necrolysis What causes recurrent diarrhea with normal sonography? What does a painful lump near the anus indicate? What causes body clills along with weakness in hands and feet? Suggest treatment for blocked throat and nose due to smoking What causes rashes after getting a Mantoux test done? Does Primulut-N taken during pregnancy cause any defect in the child? Does "multiple posterior disc osteophyte" indicate requirement of a surgery? Is unprotected sex with non HIV partner advisable? Suggest treatment for skin wounds caused after an accident Suggest treatment for severe cold in an infant Are Bestova, Dexona and Progynova safe medicines for infertility treatment? What does a lump in throat indicate? Can Norethisterone be taken for delayed periods? What does a lymph node showing up on a PET scan indicate? What does drop in CEA level from 9.8 to 8 mean? What causes burning sensation from behind scrotum and painful urination? Suggest treatment for cholesteatoma Suggest treatment for vertigo caused from taking Rohypnol Suggest treatment for knee pain due to osteoarthritis What causes elevated liver enzymes? What does "unconjugated billirubin" mean? Suggest treatment for premature ejaculation Does overdose of Foradil Aerolizer in a child call for immediate medical attention? What causes stomachache in a child after having pomegranate? Suggest treatment to cure stye on eyelids What causes chest pains? What causes buring sensation around the incision site after a C section? Does preeclampsia re occur in a subsequent pregnancy? What does a hard dark lump in armpit indicate? Is looking to the corner of eyes while laughing a matter of concern in an infant? What causes dizziness, fatigue, numbness and tingling in feet? What are the symptoms of autism? Is looking to the corner of eye when laughing a sign of autism in children? What causes infection and swelling in belly button? What does "metastases in a aortocaval node" mean? Is pregnancy possible without sexual intercourse? What are the symptoms of stage 5 kidney failure? Is Gabapentin an effective medicine for treatment of fibromyalgia? Suggest treatment for UTI in an elderly Is a painless ulcer on penis symptom of syphilis? Suggest an effective stress management therapy What causes tissue like particles in urine during menopause? Suggest treatment for pain from osteoarthritis What causes numbness in eyelid? What causes swollen lymph node in a child? How to remove insulin pen needle stuck in throat? How to remove insulin pen needle stuck in throat? What causes dizziness when suffering from flu? When do periods start after taking Deviry? What does a single line on a clearblue fertility monitor indicate? What does non-reactive result of HIV RNA PCR test indicate? Suggest treatment for body integrity identity disorder Does ribcage indentation due to an injury cause damage to internal organs? Suggest treatment for panic disorder What causes abdominal pain? How effective is BBL fat injection? Is train travel safe during pregnancy? What causes pain on shoulder where it connects the chest? Suggest remedy for smelly discharge from clitoris What causes high WBC count? What causes right ear pain in a child? Suggest treatment for orthostatic hypotension Suggest remedy for tingling and burning sensation on hips and back Suggest treatment for cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure What causes sharp pain in chest that shoots to the arm? Suggest remedy for cold and cough Suggest treatment for anorexia nervosa How to terminate pregnancy? How to terminate pregnancy? What causes lousiness after having Benicar? Suggest treatment for atrial fibrillation attack With SVT Suggest treatment for a fused bladder and uterus Is HIV rapid blood test done at 86 days post exposure conclusive? Suggest treatment for dyspepsia What causes difficulty in breathing when pressure is put on chest? Can diabetes medication be stopped if blood sugar is 103? How to terminate pregnancy? What does this MRI report of spine indicate? What does my blood report indicate? Suggest treatment for raised amylase level What causes protruding lower rib in an infant? Suggest treatment for UTI and sharp pain at tip of penis What is the recovery period after hip replacement? Suggest treatment for heart palpitations, coughing fit and difficulty breathing Suggest treatment for dengue and untimely menstrual period Suggest remedy for dry and swollen eyes when suffering from glaucoma Suggest treatment for recurrent scalp folliculitis What causes delay in menstruation? What causes bleeding after taking emergency contraceptive pill? Suggest treatment for kidney stones Suggest ayurvedic medication for weight loss What causes burning sensation when eating very hot food? Are food aversions, bloating, nausea and fatigue sure signs of pregnancy? What are the chances of transmitting HPV through semen? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism Suggest genetic medicine for non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy What does my test report indicate? Suggest alternative cream for Trigentax Suggest treatment for blocked nose and mild headache What causes pain in shoulder, back and neck with normal MRI and CT scan? What causes swollen eye and eyelid post head injury? Suggest treatment for peptic ulcer disease Suggest diet to control blood sugar level What does my semen analysis result indicate? Suggest treatment for keloids on chest What causes itching all over body, stomachache, orange urine and yellow stool? Are fatty streaks in the liver dangerous? What causes itching sensation around anal area after using Vasodilator cream? How long the wound on penis post masturbation take to heal? What causes burning sensation on vaginal area and urge to urinate even after Cipro intake? What causes swelling and wrinkles on white part of eye?
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