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Suggest treatment for fine lines on side of eye Suggest treatment for crusty sore on face Suggest treatment for acid reflux and gastric problem How to discontinue taking birth control pack? Suggest treatment for anal fissure Suggest treatment for cold and cough What does my urine test report indicate? Suggest treatment for fever in child Suggest remedy for sleepless in an infant Suggest treatment for oral sub mucous fibrosis Suggest diet plan for infant? What causes blood blister on penis? Suggest ways to manage dry skin Suggest ways to permanently remove facial hair Suggest remedy for difficulty in breathing Suggest treatment for prostate cancer Suggest treatment for severe endometriosis with frozen pelvis Suggest treatment for minor red spot and pus area near clitoris Suggest treatment for itchy red clitoris How to treat your child's fever? What are the chances of pregnancy without intercourse? Suggest treatment for painful lesion on head What does my stool examination report indicate? What causes blood in urine? Suggest medicine to help increase weight What are the side effects of using Lupin drops? Suggest treatment for a bruise on the throat What are the risks of a heart attack when resting ECG is normal? Suggest treatment for low BP and racing heart beat Suggest vaccination for H1N1 Suggest ways to manage headache and ear pain due to sinus pressure Suggest treatment for rashes on body of 10 month old child What does the urine test report indicate? What causes red pustules under eyes of infant? Suggest treatment for lumps on side of leg Can long term use of Reglan cause elevated ALT levels? Suggest treatment for fever in toddler Suggest treatment for fever, headache and symptoms of febrile convulsions What causes sharp pain in left hand? What causes intermittent nausea, dizziness and leg weakness? Does chemotherapy cause hair loss? What causes scaly, red circular itchy rashes on elbow? What does the following test report indicate? What causes skin discoloration around lower jaw and lips? Suggest treatment for blocked nose, mild cough, breathing problem and snoring Is a vitamin B12 level of 176 a cause of concern? What does my blood test report indicate? What causes a uncontrolled movement in feet, ankles and legs? What causes right-sided pain on back under ribs, fever and vomiting? Suggest treatment for cramps and pain in groin area after botox injection Is traveling by flight advisable when treating an ear infection? Suggest treatment for symptoms of soft tissue injury after arthoscopic surgery Suggest treatment for severe pain after a failed hernia repair surgery What causes positive pregnancy test result after an abortion? Suggest treatment for peri oral dermatitis Is a fasting blood sugar level of 231 considered high? What are the chances of STD after a back massage? Suggest treatment for urethral polyps Suggest medicine to deal with loose and sagging skin Suggest treatment for anxiety attacks, heart palpitations and severe dizziness Suggest treatment for excessive sweating Suggest a short term acting agent to recover fast Suggest diet to relieve pain after colon removal surgery Suggest treatment for bleeding gums and bad breath Suggest treatment for flu symptoms when on Adalimumab Suggest treatment for tinnitus Suggest treatment for persistent neck pain and headaches Suggest treatment for chronic hepatitis c infection Are there cross reactions between hepatitis-C and HIV? How accurate is a HIV early detection test at 1week post exposure? How to confirm date of conception? Are ultrasound conception dates accurate? How to determine the date of conception? Does HIV RNA PCR diagnostic test give accurate results? What are the risk of HIV infection through lipstick? Is it safe to start antibiotics before the labour starts? Does Prednisone cause the enlargement of the thyroid? Suggest treatment for inflammation of nail fold and ingrown toenail Suggest treatment for pneumonia and shortness of breath while lying down What causes terrible stomach pain, headache, muscle weakness and weight loss? What causes pain in whole body and upper chest? What causes severe indigestion while taking Fluoxetine capsules? What causes severe indigestion while taking Fluoxetine capsules? What are the side effects of Diflucan? How long after having unprotected sex can HIV show up in a test? What causes server of pain behind the ear and down the neck? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids and lump near anus What does my ultrasound scan report indicate? How to reduce dosage of Zomorph? Suggest treatment for muscle pain on back after lifting heavy object Suggest Alternative medication in place of Melitracen Suggest treatment for yeast infection on penis and near urethra What causes recurring heart burn with history of hiatal hernia surgery? What causes curvature of penis on erection despite being addicted to masturbation? How to flush Methamphetamine from the body? Suggest treatment for hemorrhoids and tight bowel movement Suggest treatment for delirium and acute confusional state What are the indicators of abnormal cardiac activity? Does I pill effect the menstrual bleeding? What does my semen analysis test report indicate? What causes severe pain in lower back radiating to leg and knee? Does Botox injection cause ALS? Suggest treatment for ear infection due to swimming What causes high DHEA and ferritin levels? Suggest treatment for bronchitis, flu and dizziness Suggest treatment for numbness, tingling feeling in toes and vitamin-B12 deficiency Suggest treatment for dizziness, eyesight issues and depth perception What causes muscle spasms throughout body, right ear pain and involuntary movements? What causes swollen foot and ankle? What causes sharp pain under right rib, nausea and dizziness? Suggest treatment to reverse my Hepatitis C active condition What causes fluctuations in BP? Which vaccinations do I need for a monkey bite? Suggest treatment for erection problems due to stress Suggest treatment for soreness and one-sided sensitive skin on face? Suggest treatment for inflammation of lining of womb Suggest treatment for swelling in forearm after surgery of broken elbow Suggest alternative to Noxicare for neuropathic pain Suggest dosage of Hydrocodone and Acetamin after shoulder surgery Suggest treatment for thick saliva causing difficulty swallowing Suggest treatment for fluctuating BP readings Does smell of tyres cause migraines? Suggest treatment for writer's cramp, anxiety and sleeplessness What causes feeling of something protruding from anus? Suggest treatment for swollen glands, sore throat, blistered gums, fever and chills What causes delay in periods despite having negative UPT? What does my blood work report indicate? Suggest homeopathic treatment for liposarcoma Suggest treatment for excessive vomiting in child Suggest treatment for difficulty getting erection How long does Morphine remain in the body? Suggest treatment for recurring fever, cold and stomach pain What is good for a cough, congestion, and sore throat for adults? Suggest treatment for diarrhea, borborygmi and intermittent cramping What are the withdrawal symptoms of Xanax ER? What causes extreme thirst in a person with high BP? Suggest treatment for tiredness, dizziness, chest pain and headaches What causes cyst on my tonsil? What causes shivering, vomiting and fever? What causes pain radiating down the leg to knee in retrolisthesis? What causes high pulse rate and dizziness when on Galvus and Glimistar? What causes itchy red bumps on hands? What causes rashes on my inner thighs? Suggest treatment for severe hair loss What causes severe cough despite having normal chest X-ray and blood tests? What are the side effects of Uniroid-HC Suppositories? Why does even 10 minutes of sun cause headache? Suggest treatment for lower back pain Suggest treatment for recurring bronchogenic cyst What causes itchy raised bumps on skin and dry skin? What does atypical cells found in nipple discharge indicate? Suggest treatmemt for bad throat and congestion in my lungs Suggest diet plan for 2 month old infant Suggest treatment for migraine and tension headaches Does Addyzoa capsules help to improve erectile dysfunction? How to confirm if abortion is complete? What causes itching sensation on pubic area and buttocks? What causes recurring skin rashes all over body and bruising on palms? What causes visible blood clots after cystoscopy and cauterization? How to calculate BMI using weight and height? What causes soft yellowish stool, mild fever and nausea? What are the causes of menstrual like cramps in the pregnancy? Can Marijuana cause sore tongue or burning mouth syndrome? Suggest treatment for severe hair fall and dandruff problem What does my ultrasound scan report post menopausal bleeding indicate? Suggest treatment for intermittent tinnitus and extreme tiredness Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunctionm What are the side effects of Gleevec? What causes disorientation, exhaustion and headache? Can i have Nutrigain to increase my weight? Suggest treatment for low BP, dizziness and low oxygen rate What causes diarrhea in children despite giving first full course of antibiotics? Suggest treatment for bruising and minimal swelling in foot after an injury What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment for ADHD What causes persistent low BP and low blood sugar levels? Are there any problems if A positive male marries a female with A negative blood group? Suggest remedy for dizziness and blurry vision Suggest treatment for stomach cramps and pinching feeling in right nipple Can Hydroxyzine be used as a substitute for Zanax? What causes blood in urine and pain during urination? What causes smell of exhaust fumes? Suggest treatment for tightness in stomach and gastrophoresis What causes severe cough and sore throat after taking Mucinex? Is male genital dysaesthesia contagious? What does this baseline systolic BP of 120-130 indicate? What causes unexplained loss of weight in old age? Suggest the type of specialist to consult for chronic kidney disease Is it safe to have Augmentin for toothache? How often can Unwanted-72 be taken? What causes low progesterone levels during 6.5 weeks of pregnancy? What causes asymmetrical mole on pubic area? Suggest treatment for persistent abdominal bloating, chronic fatigue and increased hair loss What causes severe headaches along with vertigo in children? Is soreness in nipples a symptom of pregnancy? What causes sore breasts during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for severe itchy rashes on body with headache and stiff neck What causes upper abdominal pain along with vomiting and headache? Suggest treatment for pilonidal abscess on tailbone What causes heel pain when put pressure on my left foot?
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