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What causes allergic rash after a lot of sex? What causes severe headaches, increase in eye power and imbalanced gait? What are the repercussions of accidental early ingestion of Augmentin? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What causes mucus defecation and constant urge to defecate while treating IBS? What causes mucus defecation and constant urge to defecate while treating IBS? Suggest dosage for Klonopin What does my thyroid profile test report indicate? Suggest treatment to completely cure sinusitis Suggest ways to manage Zolfresh withdrawal symptoms Is it safe to take Zerofat during pregnancy? Should gall bladder be removed when having stone? What causes pain on touching above the right eye? Is Endura Mass safe and does it have any side effects? Suggest treatment for swelling on legs and sleepiness while on Insulin Suggest treatment for loose stool What causes chocolate cyst? What are the repercussions of ingestion of 5 Eltroxin tablets by child? What does spotting instead of menstrual bleeding indicate? What are the chances of HIV infection after male fisting? What causes pins and needles in hands and feet? What are the chances of conceiving twins when on Ova shield? What causes ovulation spotting? What does the MRU Scan report indicate? Suggest treatment for impaired renal function Can Edegra be taken when suffering from erectile dysfunction? What causes occipital lobe damage? Is recovery possible when having cortical blindness? What causes pain in right abdomen? Is minimally invasive surgery for fibula fracture advisable? What causes weakness in left leg while walking? Suggest ways to deal with anxiety after a heart attack Suggest treatment for kidney stones and pain in side of abdomen Suggest remedy for white dot on the tonsils What does the following blood test report indicate? Is Vistetal better than Cymbalta for anxiety? Can oral steroid therapy for lymphoma cause knee pain? What is the success rate of Cytotec as an abortion pill? What does the mammogram result indicate? What are the side effects of Xanax and beer? What are the side effects of taking Sizopin, Pacitane and Sulprit? Suggest remedy for recurrent hepatitis C infection after liver transplant surgery What do my lab test reports indicate? What does my pulmonary function test report indicate? Suggest treatment for side effects of medication for depression and anxiety Can Clomid give a false positive after 8 weeks of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for difficulty in conceiving Suggest treatment for inner ear infection and severe lock jaw Suggest treatment for symptoms of hair follicle mite infestation What is the difference between virtual colonoscopy and regular colonoscopy? What cause severe stomach pain, vomiting and loose motions? What does a pottassium level of 5.5 indicate? Suggest treatment for bumping the back of head Suggest treatment for partial posterior horn lateral meniscus root tear Suggest treatment for chronic cough Suggest remedy for numbness in sole of feet that spreads to ankles What causes false positive for alcohol? What causes severe right-sided upper abdominal pain and bloating? Suggest ideal diet for a diabetic person with creatinine level of 1.7 Suggest ayurvedic treatment for gallstones, PCOD and irregular menstruation What does a heart rate of 90-110 when on Atenolol indicate? What causes fever, redness on face, ears and chest Does a skull fracture show symptoms immediately or over a period of time? What are the risks of a donor ligament for knee cap? Suggest alternative BP medication which have minimal side effects Does allergy to medicine fade away with age? Suggest remedy for belching and gas when suffering from diverticulitis Are acnes a side effect of Cerazette ? Is redness around healing second degree burns normal? Does prolonged use of birth control pill cause infertility? What causes swollen painful throat? What causes pressure on right side of head and pain while speaking? What causes small raised lump in groin area? Is it safe to have laser hair removal treatment for irritating facial hair? What are the chances of oral herpes transmission through shared bottles? Suggest treatment for urgent bowel movements while undergoing radiation for prostate cancer What causes tingling feeling and redness on skin without sun exposure? Suggest treatment for blisters on feet What causes right-sided numbness in body? What causes discomfort in feet and pain in heel? What causes vibration type sensations in groin area? Suggest treatment for nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea Suggest treatment for mouth ulcers Is anomaly scan taken at 20th week of pregnancy? Suggest medication for Penicillin allergy while getting teeth cleaned What causes vomiting after meals and abdominal distention? 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Suggest treatment for irregular bowel movements in a person with atrial fibrillation Suggest treatment for swelling and bruising on leg What causes feeling of something stuck in throat? Suggest treatment for hypothyroidism What are the health risks involved in ingestion on urine? What causes dizziness post chemotherapy for uterine cancer? Is having blood sugars in the 400's dangerous? What are the side effects of Implanon? What causes abnormal serum creatinine levels in a diabetic patient? Is it safe to have Azithromax along with Motrin and Zyrtec? How to confirm the presence of ovarian cyst? Suggest treatment for ADHD What causes delay in period with negative UPT? What causes discomfort on right side of abdomen after having bowel movement? Suggest treatment for painful ulcers Suggest treatment for mild graft dysfunction Suggest treatment for bleeding nose and mucus inside throat Suggest remedy for red spots in the penile skin Suggest treatment for anxiety and panic attacks along with OCD symptoms What does irregular periods indicate? Suggest treatment for loss of hearing along with clogged ears Suggest treatment for recurrent kidney stone formation Suggest treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease Suggest treatment for anxiety and depression What causes loss of appetite post stent placement in gastroduodenal artery? What causes swelling and pain in leg after bypass surgery? Does Paracetamol interfere with effectiveness of Unwanted 72 pill? What are the side effects of Pregabalin? What causes chronic dizziness, anxiety, depression, tight chest muscles and acid reflux? Is long term use of Nicip plus advisable for rheumatism? How effective is Bromelain pills for abortion? Suggest remedy for inflamed anus and henorrhoids What causes painful weak and inflamed joints with negative rheumatoid factor test? Suggest treatment for severe insomnia What does a Lymphocytes count of 0-1 hpf in semen indicate? What does tightness and bloating on stomach along with uneasiness indicate? What causes cyst in left ovary? Suggest treatment for urinary retention and UTI Suggest treatment for irregular periods Will the use of marijuana 5 months prior to hair follicle test show up? Is missing 28th day rabies vaccination a cause for concern? Suggest treatment for viral gastroenteritis Suggest treatment for ovarian cysts Suggest treatment for depression and mood swings along with pain in head and back Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection Suggest treatment for severe calcification of aorta What is the dosage of Lorazepam for muscle spasms? Is it better to have sex at peak of ovulation while trying to conceive? Suggest remedy for pain in lower abdomen Is Heptral advisable when having high SGPT and SGOT level? Can a penile pump be used along with with Priapus shot? What causes intermittent humming sound from child? What does frequent urination urge after hysterectomy and anterior repair indicate? What causes feeling of something stuck in inner ear? What causes cold hands and numb lower legs? What does spotting after use of I pill indicate? Suggest treatment for back pain when diagnosed with neurogenic bladder Suggest treatment for dry irritating cough Suggest treatment for nasal congestion, left ear pain and major dizziness Suggest treatment for genital warts What are the chances of recurrence of symptoms of lyme disease? What causes creamy cervical mucus post ovulation? Is vomiting after consumption of Clorox bleach a cause for concern? What causes restricted movement in arm with history of tendonitis in shoulder? Does a pelvic exam reveal a pregnancy? How effective is Contrive in loosing weight? What causes severe headaches when BP is 141/93? What are the effects of high dose of Tylenol for a 3 year old? Suggest treatment for burning feeling and irritation in vaginal area What does abscess in lower right abdominal area indicate? Suggest treatment for severely wounded knee and reduced physical activity after injury Suggest remedy for lump on the collar bone What causes recurrent blood in stool and clot in leg? Suggest treatment for vaginal yeast infection and watery discharge Suggest treatment for degenerative spine disease and constant dizziness Suggest ways to detox Vicodin, Percocet and Methamphetamine from system Suggest treatment for GAD and insomnia Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder and insomnia due to stress Suggest treatment for excessive belching, GERD and increased PVCs Is it legal to purchase Klonopin online? Is vaginal USG dangerous when put inside the uterus? What causes persistent mid-calf shin pain? Suggest remedy for nausea, sore throat and cough Is there interaction between Clarithromycin 500 mg and Sulfacetamide Sodium Ophthalmic Solution 10%? What causes exhaustion immediately after eating anything? Suggest treatment for severe leg pain and muscle spasms What does spasmodic pain in the pelvic area indicate? What does grinding of teeth and feet during sleep indicate? Suggest remedy for cramps and constipation along with irregular periods What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative intercourse? Suggest treatment for raised and slightly itchy skin around the legs What causes high liver enzymes levels? What causes pain in upper thigh of right leg? Suggest treatment for anal fissure Suggest treatment for pinworm infection Suggest treatment for abdominal pain Suggest treatment for herpes simplex infection Suggest treatment for diarrhoea along with vomiting
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