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What causes brown spots on areola of breast? Suggest treatment for depression, mood swings and weight gain Suggest treatment for clostridium and severe stomach pain after taking Cefuroxime Axetil What causes excessive vaginal bleeding at the age of 51? What are the symptoms of pregnancy? Suggest treatment for pityriasis rosea How long does Xanax stay in human system? What are the symptoms of appendicitis? What causes atrial fibrillation? What does the follicular study report indicate? Suggest treatment for enterobius vermicularis infection What causes weakness in legs and eye irritation? What causes a painful small nodule in throat? Suggest diet for managing hepatitis C infection Suggest treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure How does salt retention raise blood pressure? How does salt retention raise blood pressure? What causes Guillain-Barre syndrome? What are the side effects of Diphenhydramine? What causes red sore patch on glans of penis? What causes non verbal learning disorder? Suggest treatment for ear drum infection with peforation What causes myalgia? What causes constant aberrant smell in nose? What causes high calcium level and low sodium level in blood? What are the symptoms of osteoporosis? Suggest treatment for mild diffuse disc bulge What are the side effects of Buprenorphine? What causes severe cramping after hemilaminectomy? What are the symptoms of lung cancer? Suggest treatment for sarcoptes scabiei infection What causes dull pain in the right chest? Suggest treatment for nocturnal seizure and night tremors Suggest remedy for heavy bleeding, back and abdominal pain Suggest treatment for injury on the lower back and right shoulder What does clots in urine indicate? Suggest treatment for fungal infection on the foreskin Suggest treatment when suffering from enlarged spleen and liver Suggest ayurvedic treatment for enlarged prostate What does a thumping sensation after pacemaker implant indicate? Suggest treatment for chronic pain in the calves What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative sex? What are the side effects of Nervmax SR tablets? What are the chances of pregnancy after non penetrative sexual activity? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain in a child Suggest treatment for hives and soreness on legs Suggest treatment for pigmentation problem on nose and cheeks Is it normal to experience delayed periods after taking Postinor? Suggest treatment for bilateral polycystic ovaries . What does protrusion on the vaginal wall indicate? Suggest treatment for pimples on the forehead What does the ultrasound scan at 23 weeks of pregnancy suggest? Suggest treatment for watery lumps on the foreskin Suggest treatment for painful wound in the anus Does pain in abdomen after intercourse suggest pregnancy? What does burning sensation on the eye indicate? Is Eldopler advisable for gastritis and loose motion after taking Azithromycin? What does rectal bleeding and irregular heartbeats suggest? Suggest remedy for weakness and lack of appetite in a baby What does a warm feeling in the head suggest? Suggest ways to detox and wean off alcohol Suggest diet when having LDL level of 157 and HDL of 45 What does a large purple bruise on inner thigh indicate? How to treat swollen esophagus? Suggest treatment for indigestion and loose motion What causes sudden onset of dizziness? Suggest treatment for back pain and pain during bowel movement What are the side effects of Tegrital and Oxetol? What causes bloating of stomach after eating food? What does bleeding while on Trapic MF tablets suggest? What does memory loss and blackouts after open heart surgery indicate? Suggest medicines to postpone periods Can i give Mucolite syrup for cold in an infant? What causes shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea? What causes burning feet and sweating? What causes redness and swelling in left nipple? Suggest treatment for severe cramps, nausea, exhaustion, dizziness and lightheadedness What causes recurrent redness and swelling on eyelid? Suggest treatment for bumps on breasts What does my blood test report indicate? Suggest treatment for swelling in neck, sores in mouth and tongue How to get rid of bloating and water retention in abdomen? What causes elevated liver enzymes? What causes mild fever, slowed breathing and hair loss? Could long term Humira cause any neurological issues? What causes pressure during urination with normal abdominal X-ray? What causes inflamed blood vessels, bloating and stiff neck? Suggest treatment for mastoiditis Suggest treatment for minor defect in semicircular canals located in inner ear Suggest treatment for hypertension and breathlessness What causes red spots on abdomen and back area? Suggest treatment for skin allergy on palms, feet and legs during breast feeding Am i allergic to Tioconazole inspite of being allergic to Miconazole? Suggest treatment for corneal abrasion Suggest treatment for persistent cough and recurring tonsillitis Suggest treatment for mild injury to knuckles What causes terrible pain in pelvic region while suffering from bronchitis? What causes pain in front of the abdomen radiating to back? Suggest treatment for Hepatitis C Suggest treatment for sebaceous cyst What causes fasciculations throughout body and tingling feeling in feet? What does upper back pain and stressed muscles indicate? Suggest treatment for pain on the hand with swelling and discoloration What causes reddish pimples in groin area of a 2 year old? Suggest treatment for recurrent balanitis with tingling in penis What causes pain in eye socket while blinking eyes? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Oxycodone? What causes white seed like specks in stool? Can I take Naloxone for a bladder infection? Does delayed periods suggest pregnancy? What causes bump on right breast oozing whitish fluid? Suggest treatment for herpes simplex viral infection What does terminal dilatation of left fallopian tube? What causes irritated ear along with dark spots inside ear? Suggest treatment for frictional cuts on penis Suggest treatment for constipation, gas, bloating and general discomfort Suggest treatment for aching muscles and increasingly painful joints Suggest treatment for red and irritated skin on penis What is lichen sclerosis? Suggest treatment for constipation, gas and bloating What causes compulsive scraping of face and grinding of teeth? Suggest treatment for fungal infection on inner thighs near vagina What does pounding and skipping sensation near the heart when on Dilaudid indicate? What causes of acute urinary incontinence? What causes vaginal discharge with bad odor? Suggest treatment for pain and numbness in the fingers and wrists Suggest treatment for Lichen sclerosus Can i cut Nicoderm patches in half? Suggest remedy for bleeding and pain during urination What causes erection problem during vaginal intercourse? Suggest treatment for decay in the molars of a toddler Suggest the immunisation schedule for an infant What causes difficulty breathing and chest congestion in the mornings? Suggest treatment for rashes on pubic area What causes rusty colored urine? Suggest treatment for prolonged periods Suggest treatment for inflammation and peeling off of testicle skin Suggest treatment for stomach pain and loose motion What causes recurring stabbing pain in right ear? What causes sleep disturbance after taking Prestiq and Rexipra? Suggest treatment for abdominal pain and kidney stones Can I give Normet suspension to a 3 year old for greenish loose stools? What are the side effects of Flexeril? What causes itchy eyes after using Trimethoprim ophthalmic solution? Suggest treatment for pain and discomfort and constant itching in groin area Suggest treatment for cough and cold Can LDN for chronic fatigue syndrome worsen anxiety attacks? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction Suggest treatment for delay in periods What causes blackish irregular shaped stains on either side of jawline Suggest treatment for acute UTI Is pregnancy possible inspite of being on Krimson 35 for PCOD? What causes paraesthesia while suffering herpes? What causes redness and irritation in penis? Suggest treatment for tongue ulcer Suggest treatment for dissolved wax in right ear Is it safe to have Viagra inspite of being on Bisoprolol? Suggest treatment for itchy sore spot like pimples on the body What are the chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex before ovulating? Suggest treatment for slightly elevated lymphocyte count Suggest remedy for pain in eye and blurred vision after injury What causes delayed menstruation after taking Unwanted-72? Is it possible to have muscle weakness while suffering from neuropathy? Suggest treatment for mass near left ovary What causes leg cramps after walking for short distance? Suggest treatment for recurrent infection in the lungs What causes hard, painful pea size lump at the intersection of scrotum and penis shaft? What are the withdrawal symptoms of Cymbalta? Suggest treatment for hard painful bump at intersection of scrotum and penis What causes numerous mood swings alternating with periods of mild symptoms of depression? What causes constipation, stomach pain and holding back stool in child? What causes burning and itching sensation on inner thighs? Suggest treatment for acne, bloating, PCOS and weight management What causes swelling below breast, extreme fatigue and headaches? How effective in EEG in diagnosing seizure disorder? Suggest diet for a 6 month old child suffering from Laryngomalacia Suggest treatment for fungal infection on breast Suggest treatment for high BP What causes knee buckling in a person with vitamin B 12 deficiency indicate? Is it safe to have Lupi-HCG 5000 injections every week during pregnancy? What causes low TSH level in blood? What causes light colored diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain? Can Fluconazole pills be purchased over the counter? Is it safe to do physical activities after having heart stroke? Is it advisable to start solid food for an infant of 6 months? Suggest treatment for inner ear infection and vertigo What does a sore eye with redness and sticky discharge suggest? What causes chest pains when walking up hills or running? What causes pain in stomach after eating food? What does the following chest X ray report indicate? Is it necessary to have EKG inspite of having fast heart beat and family history of heart disease? Suggest treatment for advanced prostate cancer What are the side effects of Humira? Suggest ways to get rid of pimple holes on face Suggest treatment for ulcerative colitis Suggest treatment for tinnitus Suggest treatment for irregular heart beats What causes high SGPT level and fatty liver? Suggest treatment for decreased appetite and sleeplessness in children with autism What causes tingling sensation in left cheek and jaw area?
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