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Does parotidectomy have any effect on vocal cord? Suggest treatment for reddish and painful splotches on arms Suggest treatment for elevated BP despite doing exercise regularly What causes nausea, dizziness and vomiting along with headache? What causes red splotches with bumps on skin of an infant? Is brain stroke with bleeding reversible? Is Vyvanse safe to take for persistent tiredness and fatigue? What causes lower back pain, fever and diarrhea? What causes itching sensation at the back of scalp? What are the side effects of pelvic sling? Suggest treatment for itchy bumps on feet despite taking steroids What does this x-ray report indicate? Suggest remedy for genital warts What causes belching and feeling of emptiness in stomach? Is it possible to grow taller at the age of 19? What is the success rate of surgery for spinal stenosis? What causes delayed gastric emptying? Suggest remedies for bruised foreskin What causes positive HPV test report? What causes mild pain in chest and sweating? Suggest remedy for accidental ingestion of double dosage of Lisinopril Suggest remedies for getting thick eyebrows What causes itchy scalp? What causes sudden onset of high pulse rate and BP? Does intake of Quetiapine help in treating schizophrenia? What causes stomach discomfort and gas after drinking milk? What causes burning sensation in vagina after urination in an elderly woman? Suggest medication for OCD Can Ornidazole be taken life long for IBS? Suggest remedy for flank pain on left side and blood detected in urinalysis Suggest remedy for itching sensation on testicles and inner thighs Is application of cold or hot compresses the right treatment for tooth pain? How to strengthen pelvic muscles for premature ejaculation? What causes heart burn and chest pain post intake of Amlong? Suggest treatment for psoriasis What causes sudden pain under right breast in a abdominal hernia patient? What causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps and chills? What are the chances of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea transmission through oral sex? Suggest treatment for menorrhagia What is the life expectancy of patient with metastatic breast cancer? What causes burning sensation in vagina? Suggest treatment for liver hemangioma What do these MRI, biopsy report and pap smear report indicate? Suggest remedies for elevated PSA levels What causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction? What do my MRI test results indicate? What causes numbness throughout the body during sleep, fatigue and migraine headache? Are there any medication to increase penis size? Suggest remedy for insomnia in a 60 year old Suggest treatment for paranoid schizophrenia How to treat incomplete abortion? How long one has to try naturally for pregnancy with poor semen quality? What is the dosage of Tagamet for digestive issues? What causes spinach indigestion? What causes white bump on edge of eyeball? What do my liver function test results indicate? What do these HIV rapid test and ECLIA test reports indicate? Suggest treatment for varicose vein at the base of scrotum What is the window period for an HIV test? What causes shoulder discomfort and numbness in inner forearm? Suggest remedies for recurring spots below the eyes What causes persistent coldness in hands, feet and nerve pain in upper legs? Is HbA1c reading of 7.2 a cause for concern? What are the repercussions of accidental ingestion of All-out-liquid? Can exposure to laminated floor cause urinary tract cancer? What causes urinary retention? What causes sharp pain while passing gas? What causes severe pain in ribs and left-sided pelvis, left arm and left leg? Suggest remedy for semen leakage Suggest treatment for major depression What causes redness and burning sensation on face and dizziness? What causes burning sensation on top of the head? Suggest remedy for constipation, stomach discomfort and loss of appetite What causes pain in lower left side back, nausea, fever and vomiting? What causes red ring around belly button? What causes severe pain in upper right abdomen and shoulder? What causes redness in tongue with trouble tasting and dry mouth? What causes panic attacks and heart palpitations while on Novacip? Suggest remedies for radiating pain in posterior right shoulder, biceps and arms Suggest medication for panic attacks despite taking Gabapentin What causes one to be in a trance state followed by migraine headache? Do Flu shots give protection towards all the viral infections? What are the chances of STD transmission through oral sex? Suggest remedy for fever while suffering from Strep throat Suggest remedy for fever while suffering from Strep throat What causes pain at the back of the neck and waist? What causes pain on right side of lower rib? What causes stomach upset while dieting? Suggest remedy for red marks on legs What causes swelling in legs and altered taste while on Losartan? Is Lidocaine safe to take while on Tramadol? What causes night sweats after menopause? How long does cannabis remain in the system for a hair test? Suggest remedy for low sodium levels What causes pain below sternum along with vomiting? What causes swelling and redness around small abrasion on skin? Are elevated monocytes suggestive of Lyme's disease? What causes swollen vein in wrist? What causes severe headache while on Clarithromycin? What causes high blood sugar levels, increased thirst and frequent urination? Is Dytor and Dytor plus the same? Does intake of Tylenol help in treating severe headache? Is it common to have an early period while taking antibiotics? Suggest remedy for sleeplessness How long does Xanax remain in the system? Suggest BP medication that do not react with Allopurinol Is combo test done post 8 weeks of exposure conclusive? Is eyebrow waxing safe while on treatment for acne? Suggest remedy for erectile dysfunction Suggest remedies for tailbone pain What causes small bump on penis post oral sex? What are the adverse effects of Melatonin overdose? Suggest the ideal dosage for Thyroxine taken for thyroid What does this semen analysis report indicate? What do my X-ray test reports indicate? Suggest remedy for vomiting and diarrhea Are fever and body pain common after MMR and Typhoid vaccine? Is a SGPT reading of 46 a cause for concern? What causes red ulcers with white pus on tonsils and fever? What causes hearing of loud squishing noises from chest area? What causes pain and itching in ears after using Clotrin ear drop? What causes watery stool and vomiting of milk in an infant? What causes reddish spot on penis head? Suggest remedy for split and peeling finger nails Does intake of probiotics help in treating fatigue and bloating? What does this liver function test result indicate? What causes unilateral atypical tremors? What are the chances of pregnancy through pre-ejaculatory fluid? What causes numbness in legs, difficulty walking and vibrations in muscles? What causes recurrent pimple on nose tip? What causes pain and discomfort in the genitals? Will smoking Marijuana prior to kidney transplant surgery have any effect on procedure? Suggest remedy for tooth ache Suggest treatment for scabies What do these WBC and neutrophil count indicate? What causes difficulty breathing while showering? How long does Propranolol take to be out of the system? Is Zertec safe to take while suffering from kidney disease? Suggest remedies for severe panic attacks and insomnia What causes uncontrollable urge to close eyes despite having proper sleep? Suggest home remedies for Meth burns on face Suggest treatment for colon cancer What do my lab test reports indicate? What are the chances of STD transmission through oral sex? What causes pain in thighs and groin area? How safe is Pre Nan formula milk for a new born? How to manage diabetes while suffering from Crohn's disease? What causes numbness in both feet while treating colon cancer? Is HPV a sexually transmitted disease? Suggest treatment for ovarian cyst What are the symptoms of UTI and kidney stones? Suggest remedy for phimosis What are the side effects of Montemac A? What is non-diabetic neuropathy? Suggest remedies for severe headache in temple region Does intake of Clavam Forte syrup help in treating chest congestion and fever? Suggest remedy for itchy and irritating throat What causes pain in bottom of the feet while on Metformin for diabetes? What do my echo test results indicate? What causes fever and lightheadedness post recovery from typhoid? Is delayed menstruation post intake of i-pill a symptom of pregnancy? Are painless pus filled spots on the penis signs of genital herpes? What causes a painful red rash on the penis? What causes waves of euphoria and twitching during intercourse post a surgery? What causes a itchy red rash on the scrotum, dry flaking skin and soreness? Suggest ways to have safe sex in a herpes patient How long does rabies virus survive in the atmosphere? What causes tremors, heart palpitations and gastric? Is a blood pressure reading of 97/47 a cause for concern? What causes bed wetting in adults? Are Calcimax and Vitanova safe to be given to an infant? What causes evening chills, pain in muscle, joints and headache? Suggest treatment for bone spurs What causes body pain, chills and low grade fever? Suggest remedies for withdrawal symptoms of Vilazodone What causes sudden onset of memory problem, hallucinations and fainting? What causes a soft bump after several years of wisdom tooth extraction? Suggest remedy for intussusception in children What causes a rash with raised bumps at the base of the penis? What causes nausea, cold sweats, dizziness and stomach discomfort? What causes burning sensation stomach, nausea, dizziness and cold sweats? What causes sudden sensitivity to light, depersonalization and rapid heart beat? What causes pain in shoulder, elbow and bicep? What causes light menstrual bleeding post Paragard withdrawal? What causes sore throat, dryness and burning sensation inside mouth? Are indentations on thigh, hematomas and hip pain common post major accident? Is Ciprofloxacin safe to take? Is frequent urination at night a symptom of diabetes? What causes redness and burning sensation in toes? What causes intermittent headache while on Xalatan? Suggest remedy for dizziness and headache post head injury Suggest remedy for pulled muscle in upper back Suggest remedy for pain in elbow What causes sore throat, cough and headache? What causes pounding heart beat in a person with stents in coronary arteries? What causes small circular open wound on buttocks fold? What causes lack of erection during intercourse? How does a genital wart look like? Which specialist treats episacral lipoma? Which specialist to consult for hemorrhoids?
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